Lauren and Cooper's Daddy


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(English/Unbetaed) KimBas Fanfiction. This is for the people who believed and supported me. πŸ’• Disclaimer: Al... More



957 92 35

After Wayo's figure had disappeared out of Mingkwan's sight, the latter head straight to check his two children who are sleeping safe and sound in their own respective cribs.

He carefully begin removing his childrens clothes and cleaned them using wet tissues. He has to clear his mind and to stop himself from worrying too much or it will affect his children too.

'It's too late to bath them now, they might catch a cold.' Mingkwan reminds himself not to make the same mistake the first time he drove his ex wife out of their lives. He also change their diapers after cleaning them.

As he use the things that Wayo chose for his children
one by one, his feelings worsened. He remembered how the boy only wanted nothing but for this family to be comfortable yet Mingkwan didn't even let him know how he appreciated everything he has done for them. Instead, he only knew how to get on the little guys nerves or how to blow his fuse.

He sat still as he stared at his children blankly. Lauren was fast asleep but Cooper woke up in the middle when Mingkwan started to change his clothes.

His little boy just stared back at him with an irritable expession whilst nibbling his own little thumb. The youngest wanders his eyes around the room as if looking for something or rather someone. Suprisingly, the little bud didn't threw a fit.

He smiled at his baby boy weakly. Lauren can babble some words but Cooper is still stuck with the words 'Dada' and 'Mama'. The CEO immediately gave his youngest his milk after looking at the time to check if it is still not spoilt.

Cooper grogily babbled "Mama?" and that broke Mingkwan's heart because even if he's here with them physically he knows that his children needs another presence in their life. He doesn't want them to experience what he had experienced when he was a child but he doesn't have a choice now.

The CEO is still coping up with the fact that he needs to understand more of his children's feelings to be a good father to the them. He wants the two to feel that his presence is enough, that they won't have the reason to need their mother to feel complete.

Mingkwan know's that it will be hard. And now, along with the sudden appearance of Wayo, it made the situation even harder since his children have found the thing that he lacks in him. The inquisitive boy really had messed their life in a good way.

He securely tucked Cooper who dozed immediately after finishing his milk. The youngest must be too tired to get mad not getting to see his Mama after his short nap. The youngest is a sleepyhead after all. He has gotten some of Mingkwan's not so good genes.

He kissed both of their foreheads after turning on the baby monitor installed in the room. He decided to move to his own room after making sure that his kids are already in their own dreamland. He needs to take a long bath to calm his nerves because having his precious jewels around him is not enough to calm him completely.

His feet has taken him to his bathroom. His mind is still blank and his chest is getting heavier. He begin having a hard time breathing as he let all of suppressed anger flow out. He's angry again. Angry to himself that he reacted like that in front of the younger guy for a reason himself doesn't even know. Mingkwan thinks that he just can't take having someone else being with his children without him but his guts is telling him that it was more than that.

He can't believe that he has lose his cool just because he heard the younger guy talking to somebody else in that kind of manner. He just suddenly saw red and he's not liking what he is feeling.

His mind is full of madness that he is staring to doubt his own rationality. His own emotions are betraying him again.

Moreover, he's used in not minding other people being hurt because of him, not that he enjoys their misery but because they were the one who put theirself in that position. It has nothing to do with him and his conscience but when he saw the woe that Wayo's eyes emitted for a moment he felt like he would do anything to take it all away. He knows it was his fault and being angry out of the blue is too outragous and nonsense. He made and said irrational things to the clueless boy.

For a moment, he just unconsiously accused Wayo as someone who likes being with many persons at once.

He had associated the younger guy to her again. He was surprised himself to even comprehend what really happened to them.

To his remorse, his fear started resurfacing again and he was not able to control it.

Mingkwan removed all of his clothes and stood under the warm running water. He let the liquid flow on his face as it slowly suffocates him together with feeling the heavy weigh of the guilt which was supposed to be a sentiment that had been burried deep inside him for years even before meeting his ex wife.

Living as a part of Daechapanya Family after his mother's death had stripped almost all of those kind of emotions off the young Mingkwan's system.

He doesn't have a choice but to abandon everything in connection to good feelings because he needs to, to protect himself before and now to fend his children from the worlds cruelness and specially from the scars their own mother had left.

When he met Moowan he thought that he had finally found the salvation his soul has been yearning for years but his life turns even worse when she finally showed who she really was.

A deceiving woman who's addicted to the scent of blood and to physical union of bodies, with different people. A sadist who's willing to pay fortune to anyone who can satisfy her cravings, willing or not.

Mingkwan became her favorite prey and being the powerful heir of a multi-billion company made her do more ludicrous work like making him fall in love with her.

Having Mingkwan's surname definitely gained her more advantage. She was a rookie model from a rich family but their resources was not enough so her parents, who own a rising electronic company, made sure that there will be a merger between their families.

They used his affection for her as an opportunity to gain more power in the business industry and of course to provide the growing needs of their precious daughter. They had used his weakness very well. The feeling of being loved.

The first years of their marriage was okay. She gave him his greatest treasures, Lauren and Cooper. They were living like how a perfect family should be until the day she had enough of her own lies, of everything they had been doing.

The perfect life he was trying hard to live normally was just all fabricated by her. She laughed and cursed Mingkwan saying how stupid he was for falling in love with her. She called him names and had hurt him physically. Although he was stronger, he didn't do anything because he genuinely loved her that time. He stayed silent because he thought his love is enough change her. He already saw the signs but he turned blind and choose not to open the paradox but she opened it herself.

When he can't take her inhumane fetishes anymore, after months of torture, he had tried leaving her for good but he failed because she made sure that he will understand that leaving her means he won't be able to take their children, not when she's still around.

He can't also take his revenge and harm her too because the respect was still present. He is starting to dispise her but he still respected her as someone who he had loved and as the mother of his children.

In the end, he may had stayed longer but he still resisted everything she wanted him to do. They got to the point where she had threatened that she will harm their children if he resisted further so he immediately raised his white flag and let her do anything she wanted. Moowan also forced him to look at her while she let her whole body be soaked in blood while enjoying his favorite liquor.

She enjoyed things related to blood and sex and just imagining the things that she made him do brings terror to his whole being. The sinister smile plastered in her innocent face is terrifying for the young Mingkwan.

She had hated him for not obeying her so it became her goal to ruin him and everything he loves. The hatred that brought her to do unimaginable things like plotting her own death.

She succeeded and every drop of love and respect Mingkwan had for her had dissipated instantly. It was burried completely together with her.

It drives Mingkwan mad knowing that he has been deceived for almost two years and he knew it but he refused to acknowledge it.

He was a fool. A fool who witnessed the creation of the modern blood countess.

She makes him sick. Thinking about her makes him sick.

Mingkwan's insides turned as he lost his stance and balance. He punches the wall of his bathroom hard repeatedly until his knuckles were broken and his blood splattered all over the floor.

Blood. The smell of iron clouded his senses.

After experiencing an agonizing 17 months of hell, he's finally alone. Not quite on his own and still not free from her completely because she's still lurking inside him. She still shows up in his nightmares. This is the reason why he never slept besides his angels. He doesn't want them to see how he suffers. He also choose not to open the case further. He made sure to hide everything in him... till death.

He can bring her down and disappoint everybody who hates him but he doesn't want to taint his children and let them be involved in that kind of scandal. He wants them to experience a quiet and simple life. He just hopes that one day all of the issues regarding his broken marriage will eventually die down before they can even understand it.

The CEO's broken fist begin to hurt so bad and it is numbing his whole arm. But somehow the pain kind of helped him alliviate the fear and agony he's feeling. It calmed him down a lot. He stood still staring at tiled wall which cracked because of his brute force. He had immediately wiped some of the blood left in the white tiles before continuing washing himself too.

After taking a long bath and cooling off completely, he wrapped a towel around his torso to look for his medicine and first aid kit. He clumsily cleaned his own wound.

He wore comfortable clothes and he checked the baby monitor to see his babies before going out to the living room. He eyed the scattered papers in the modern table together with his forgotten laptop tossed aside. He chuckled lightly when he remebered the commotion caused by the short guy earlier. He shook his head lightly.

Wayo may resemble Moowan's physical features but him being this close to Mingkwan doesn't triger his trauma.

Mingkwan's not believing it at first too. It is too unreal that someone who looks so much like the person he hated can lighten everything around the him.

The CEO pondered maybe because the shorter guy was a different person from the one who brings torment to his life.

Maybe because he is Wayo Panichayasawad and not a random person who just happen to have the same face with his ex wife.

It seems like life enjoys playing this kind of games with him.

Once the CEO spotted his private phone laying on the table, he grabs and looked for the certain number saved in it with some important contacts he had there, like the number of the Baby Center and the number of his personal lawyer.

When he finally saw the name that he was looking for, he froze for a moment. He opened the message application and typed a message quickly.

'I'm Sorry.'

He was about to erase it when he realized what he just did. He thought of just leaving everything that way but his thumb slipped and pushed the send button instead.

"Fuck!" He panicked and his eyes widened. His heart was beating eratically. His right hand trembles as he tries erasing the message but the message was already sent before he can even do it.

He threw his phone in the couch as he frustratedly rubs his face hard. He stared at his phone dumbly. Mingkwan stood up and grabbed it again to read what he just sent to the younger guy. He sighed deeply because he thought he sent something else other than apologizing.

He cursed under his breathe. The message was already sent and who knows if it was already had been read too. Mingkwan just convinced his self that it was the right thing to do even if it's out of his character. He turned off his phone and he arranges the documents in front of him trying to regulate his heart beat.

He stood up after cleaning the table and head straight to his own room to sleep. His heart is beating irregularly. He tossed and turned on his bed, not really getting a proper rest. This time it's not because of the fear of having the same nightmare again but because of nervousness on how to face the young man tomorrow.

On the other side of the city, Wayo slept really good and he even woke up before his alarm can even interrupt his sweet sleep. His brother is still in deep sleep on his bed. Tucked inside his comforter like a cocoon.

Wayo decided to get up early to pack his things. He will be a live in nanny after all so he might as well ready his things in case his employer inform him later.

He smiled brightly at the thought of spending time with his little angels.

His phone blasted a loud music signalling that it was alreay seven in the morning. His brother groaned, Wayo chuckled knowing that both of them share a common trait. They're not a morning person and when someone wakes them up early just meant that the person is ready to face death. The only person who can wake them up without injuries is their precious Mama.

"P'! Wake up! You will be late. Dad will definitely be mad at you again!" Wayo shook his brother's leg but he just received a weak kick.

"P'! That hurts!" Wayo hissed which made Arthit wake up immediately to check his lovely N'Yo. Hair dishevelled and still half alive.

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly but the open suit cases and bags filled with clothes and shoes lying besides the bed caught his eyes.

"Why are you packing your things? Are you finally going back? That's good then so Dad and Ma will be able to convince you to drop that job you accepted without thinking." Arthit glared lightly at his stubborn brother.

Even if he already agreed to him last night it doesn't mean he fully approved him working under Mingkwan Daechapanya.

"I'm moving in Daechapanya Family's house." Wayo chirped ignoring his brother's words.

"WHAT?!" Arthit shouted angrily.

"No your not young man! I'll call Dad so stop this nonsense Wayo Panichayasawad! What are you thinking?! Tell me you're just joking bunny." Arthit demanded an explanation not happy with his brother's decision.

"I'm not joking P'. The position he offered to me is a live in babysitter. Don't worry I'll still keep this apartment. You can use it whenever you like." Wayo stood up and continued packing his things.

"Yah! You're going crazy Yo! This is not funny. I swear Dad will be mad at you. He let you do what you wanted. He never opposed you but this is just too much. Do you even know what your getting yourself into? That man killed his wife! He was cruel, heartless! He was just using his chil-"

"Stop! Yes I don't know him but you don't either. Your being a paranoid prick P'! I know you are worried but all I want you to do is to trust me. Please don't stoop low like those who judged Mr. Daechapanya base on the things they hear about him. Don't even dare speak ill of his children. I respect you P' so don't do something for me to question that. I'm sorry but my decision is final. I accepted this job so I'll work under his conditions." Wayo lost his temper which surprised his older brother.

Arthit was too angry but when he heard his baby brother's outburst he felt ashamed instantly.

Wayo was right he was judging Mingkwan unfairly. Out of his concern for his brother's safety he has been condeming someone whom he even knows personally. He knew the guy but it doesn't mean he knew everything about him.

Arthit stride in front of his trembling brother and hugged him tight.

"Sorry bunny. I know I'm wrong to judge him but I can't help it. I'm scared that you'll be hurt. I don't want to see you in danger. I don't want anyone to hurt you. You know how much I love you right? I'm sorry." Arthit apologized and burried his face on Wayo's shoulder. Holding him as if he will disappear any moment. Wayo's anger disappeared immediately and sigh in defeat. He can't never stay angry at his favorite P' after all.

"P' I'm not weak. I'm a big boy now. See? I even survived living on my own for half a year now. You're being dramatic. I'm not going there if I don't really trust him. He is a good man P'. Besides, my intuition with people's character is never wrong." Wayo boasted to make the atmosphere lighter.

"Idiot. You only survived because Ma is regularly visiting you!" Arthit teased his brother back he let go of him and patted his cheeks softly.

"Touche but at least I manage to earn and pay some of my expenses on my own." Wayo giggled.

"P' Take a bath already! You will be late. I have a class in the morning too. I'll just finish this and I'll cook some of your favorite dishes too and I have plenty stocks of your favorite strawberry milk." Wayo sat again after pushing Arthit towards his bathroom's direction.

"Bunny..." Arthit was hesitating and he looked worried at his brother.

"Yes P'?" Wayo looked at him curiously.

"Ah nothing. I mean... nothing." Arthit smiled at him awkwardly before entering the bathroom.

Wayo just shrugged and zipped every bag he prepared.

After having breakfast, Arthit dropped Wayo in front of his University. The older guy didn't forget to remind his younger brother again and Wayo just nodded to prevent another argument between them.

Wayo's day progressed peacefully until his bestfriend decided to visit him in his faculty.

"Yo! Where have you been last night!? I was waiting for you outside your apartment! Did you just blatantly ditched me for some man!? Don't even deny it you little shit! I heard him talk last night when I called you! Tell me Wayo are dating that bastard again!? When will you learn your lesson!? Aren't you tired of his shit? You know cheating is part of his life now! I'll kill that fucker once I see him. How dare he fool my angel again!" Forth shouted for the world to know.

"Shit P'Forth shut up or I'll shove this books down to your throat! Why are you even here?!" Wayo hissed as he try to quicken his phase to leave his embarassing friend.

"Yo. What happened to you last night?" Forth calmed down a bit, not really answering Wayo's question.

"I'm working." Wayo's mood immediately lift up which made the older one more curious.

"What's with you and your instant freaky bright expression? You're creeping me out bunny." His P'Forth halted and shuddered.

"Nothing P'~ nothing. I just woke up in the right side of the bed." Wayo singsonged as he head to his last subject.

"Wait Wayo! Don't go to our room. Our last subject is suspended." One of his blockmates interrupted them.

"Thank you for informing me Suthee." Wayo smiled at him which left the guy dumbfounded while staring at him. The latter's face flushed. He smiled awkwardly before scurring away fast.

Forth snorted at the scene. Wayo glared at him. Forth was one of the reason why Wayo rarely get a suitor. He always scares them away. Not that Wayo mind but sometimes it annoys the hell out of him. Forth gets to date anyone he likes but when it was him, his friend always intervenes before he can even get the name of the guy showing some interest on him.

Wayo smiled brightly anyway.

'At least he won't get to do it to Mr. Daechapanya... Oh shit wait... Did I just admit that I'm attracted to my boss?!' The shorter guy's face was painted with different hues of red because of his thoughts.

"Yah Wayo! Tell me are you seeing someone? Your expression now is the same when you first saw your good for nothing ex boyfriend or when your biggest crush... what's his name again? ah your awesome Doc. Pha of Medicine faculty is around." Forth was intrigued. He can't let it pass.

Wayo gasped scandalized with his best friend's statement.

"Of course not P'! Stop it! I don't even want to talk about P'Joss anymore and please he was just an intelectual crush. I'm attracted to his intelligence but that doesn't mean I want to date P'Phana." Wayo pointed sassily.

"Fine loverboy but I'm telling you bunny, once I hear that you're dating that shithead again, I'll fucking team up with P'Arthit and make sure you'll never see him again. By the way, do you want to eat first before going home? I still got some classes in the afternoon so I can't really accompany you later." Forth just gave up. He will never win if it's Wayo he's talking with.

"No need P'. I'll just eat in my apartment. I still have something to do there anyway." Wayo explained.

"Okay let me take you back then." Wayo just nodded.

He waited for his friend in front of the University. He frowned when he saw that his P' is riding his precious bike.

"Sorry bunny. My car was broken. It was in the repair shop now. I know you hate riding my bike but I still want to take you back in your apartment." Forth looks apologetic knowing his friend's fear in motorcycle vehicles.

"It's okay P'. You're the one driving so I'm fine with it." Wayo gulped but still sat behind his friend. He grabbed his shoulders hard but his P' grabbed both of his hands wrapped it around his torso. Forth patted his arms gently. Wayo relaxed because of that.

He was just glad that he have his P'Arthit and his P'Forth caring for him.

They had arrived in his apartment safely and Forth left him immediately after ruffling his hair and he playfully punched his friend's arm.

Wayo head inside after seeing his friend driving away.

Wayo cooked his own lunch and packed some food for his angels and also some for their grumpy father.

He had informed Mingkwan that his class already ended and the CEO replied instantly saying that he should wait for a while.

Wayo smiled in content.

Suddenly, his doorbell rang. Wayo was surprised on how fast Mingkwan's men arrived in his apartment. He immediately turned the stove off to greet them and to ask if they can wait a little longer for him to finish his washing the dishes.

He opened his door but he dropped the sponge he was holding when he saw the person standing in front of his apartment. Time stopped and he became distress.

"Hi Yo." A familiar voice brought Wayo back to his self. The is guy standing proud in front of him as if he didn't do anything wrong to the shorter guy. He give him a wide smile.

"P'Joss? What are you doing here?" Wayo was taken a back with his ex sudden appearance. He knows what's happening again and he's not liking it. not a bit of it.

(A/N: Hello lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed reading this update. Please bear with me for taking too much time before posting new chapters.🙏😘

Thank you for liking my works. I'm really surprised with the number of readers who are interested in my stories. Thank you very much.  💕💕💕

Good luck and have a nice day!

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