Warriors Submissive Beta

By hkayh123

608K 14.5K 4.2K

Book #2 in the 'Mine' series Leo is the new beta of the Red Forrest pack. He's sweet, caring, and over all a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

33.8K 861 187
By hkayh123


Leo's POV

"Nngh," I grumbled as I woke up for the second time that day. My entire body was engulfed in blankets, but I was alone. Moving to sit up, I looked at the clock to see that it was a little after four in the afternoon.

That's one more day wasted on Dom and me together. Not that I care; because I really love being with him.

"Dominick why are you making me get up." I grumbled to myself as I rolled out of bed to go find my dashing mate. I pulled a blanket from the mound that I was rolled in just moments ago and wrapped myself in it.

Now to begin the voyage of find my mate.

"Onwards!" I shouted before skipping out of our room and downstairs.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I stepped on the blanket that was keeping my body warm and tumbled down the stairs.

"Leo?!?" Oh that deep voice that said such sinful things to me. I groaned in response as my mate rushed over to me and hauled me up. "What the fuck were you doing? Are you okay? Do you need to see Alex? Does anything hurt?" Dom's eyes were wide as his hands frantically searched my body.

"Well my ass does after you-"

"Leo." I quickly snapped my mouth shut before smiling up at him innocently. He rolled his eyes before fully picking me up and walking out to the kitchen. "I was just finishing up on dinner and was about to go wake you up, but now I don't have to." It looked like he was making some pasta dish, and it smelt...just amazing.

"Well I'm happy you're finally deciding to cook for me." I teased while as Dom set me down on the counter. He playfully glared as me before placing a kiss on my nose and going back to the stove.

"How are you feeling?" My face heated up as I shrugged. Dom hummed and continued to make whatever he was making. I watched my hot as fuck mate cook, shirtless may I add, as I played with the strings on his sweatshirt that I was wearing.

"I like verbal answers. If I as you a question respond verbally unless I say otherwise. If I'm asking a question that has to do with how you are, after we do anything especially, I need you to tell the truth. If I find out you're lying there will be bigger issues. Understand?" Dom's voice has dropped and has taken on a dominant edge.

"Yes," my voice was higher and just seemed more submissive with the one word I spoke. My mate was pleased with my answer and shot me an approving smile.

"Good boy." He purred causing my stomach to do a bunch of stupid little flips. "I have a few more things to go over with you too, and I think right now would be the perfect time. Grab one plate down and get us each a glass of water." I hopped off the counter and followed his instructions.

"Why only one plate?" I questioned as I reached above where I had previously been sitting. The blanket that I had been wrapped in fell down to my feet.

"I already ate." Was his simple answer.

Dom plated the pasta dish, which I still had no idea as to what it was, and cut a piece of bread for me. He also put a bit of salad on my plate. I carried out our water, plus my blanket, and Dom brought my food out to the living room. We could eat at the island, but like...comfort. Plus, our dining table was full of papers and boxes we were still unpacking.

"I'll go over everything," Dom started as we sat down and I was given my plate. "And you just eat. Don't interrupt me, I'll stop every once in awhile to see if you have any questions or concerns. Good?"

"Peachy, side note though, you're now my personal chef. You have no way out of that." His cooking was to-die-for.

"Anytime princess. Now, for the fun part: rules. Like I said a few minutes ago, verbal responses. That means no nodding or shaking of your gorgeous head and no shrugging of your perfect shoulders. Especially when we're done having sex, you must be verbal with me. The only time you're not allowed to is if I say that I don't want you talking. It'll get easier with time because you have to break a habit, but I expect you to do so. If you mess up once in awhile it's fine, as long as you correct yourself. Do it enough without correcting yourself and I'll punish you. We'll get to that topic later.

"On the same topic as talking, don't back talk me. There's a fine line between your cheeky responses half the time and back talking. Don't cross it. I can promise you now, punishment will ensue for back talking. Questions?" Holding up a finger I finished chewing what was in my mouth.

"What if I make a 'cheeky response' and you take it as back talking? Like what if I'm not trying to back talk, but-"

"Leo, you'll know and so will I. Please don't be a smart-ass. Also, no interrupting; it's rude and disrespectful towards me. Final thing that has to do with talking, no swearing. I've mentioned this before but now it's an official rule; don't swear. Even if I'm not around you. I will know. Next onto more 'physical' rules. Do you have any questions before we move on?" As he took a sip of water I thought about it. It was honestly a lot to take in, but this was just the official side of it all.

"Nope." I answered before taking a bite out of the fluffy bread and smiling at him.

"God you're pretty." Dom muttered making me look down at my plate. "You're not allowed to masturbate. I don't really know why you'd need to with the amount we've been having sex," I giggled causing him to pause momentarily. "But if you really need to at some point you have to ask me first and get my permission. If I don't say yes you're not allowed to. I will definitely know if you so much as touch yourself. You won't want to break this one.

"Second, you must eat at least three meals a day with plenty of snacks in between. Your metabolism is fast and with training and anything else you have going on that is physical you need the nutrition. I'll try to be with you for all meals, but that won't always be the case. Also, I try to meal prep most of the time, and will always make enough for you. Questions?"

"Um, why no masturbating? Like, sometimes just jerking off fo your imagination is amazing." Dom gave me a bored look as I turned and put my bare plate on the coffee table.

"Two reasons: one, I'm in control of your pleasure and your release. So even if I say you're allowed to masturbate, which will most likely not be you jerking off, I will also tell you whether or not you're allowed to cum. Second, I want to be able to make your imagination reality. I'll get to that in a minute though." There was something comforting in how he wanted to simply control all aspects of my life. It took this weight off my shoulders I didn't know I was carrying.

"Okay, that's fine." I was slightly dazed in the best way possible.

"That's good mi amor. Only a few more rules. No lying, this ties in with the dynamic of our relationship. If you're lying to me, about anything, it will put a barrier between us. I can't take care of you properly if you lie to me. Honesty and openness are major parts of our relationship. Also, if you want something you can tell me. I'm not going to promise you that we're going to do everything you would like to, but we can probably do most of it and work up to new things.

"Finally, as we've already lightly discussed, in technical and lose terms I'm your dominant and you're my submissive. Which means that...for lack of a better description, I'm in control of you. It is all completely consensual so if you're against something, weather it be a rule I just covered, or a new thing that comes up, you must tell me immediately. If we're ever doing anything together and you're uncomfortable say yellow to slow down, red to stop or your safe word. If I ask for your color and you're okay with what's going on just say green. I'll also go over this before we ever do anything together. What's your safe word?"

"Can I change it?" I asked. My mind was reeling at the endless possibilities that could occur. I could feel my breathing picking up and my ears were practically on fire.

"If you want to, I guess. After you change it you're not allowed to change it again. I'm hoping you never have to use it, but I want it in place as a safety precaution. What do you want it to be?"

"Sparkles. Don't judge." It was a word that I wouldn't forget, so why not use it.

"I couldn't even if I wanted. You look a bit tired out. I think this has been enough information for now. But before we pause this conversation, I just wanted to say something. I love you, and a lot of this is for you. So trust me, if you can trust me fully everything else will fall into place." On the last word my mate, dominant, daddy, or whatever other name pulled me into his arms.

"I get it, and I am just exhausted. I love you too by the way." I yawned softly whilst curling up in his warm arms.

"Rest. We can continue the conversation later or tomorrow." He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"One last thing though. What was with you yelling 'onwards' earlier?"


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