1D preferences and imagines

By Imkindaobsessed

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1D preferences and imagines
Preference: Water
Preference: surprises on tour
Preference: relationships on tour
Imagine: You and Niall get drunk
Preference: One year anniversary
Imagine: you hurt yourself and Niall is your doctor
Imagine: Harry is your brother and doesn't want you dating Niall
Preference: He catches you singing/dancing to a Disney song
Preference: He catches you having a cute moment with you kid
Preference: Where you live
Harry imagine: You break up but you're pregnant
Harry imagine: you're going to marry someone else but you love Harry
Louis imagine: you break up but you're pregnant
Imagine: Harry wants to wear a weird outfit to your wedding
Niall imagine: He asks you out
Liam imagine: You meet him at Johanna's wedding
Song Preference: Budapest by George Ezra
Louis imagine: you have a miscarriage
Preference: how he sleeps
Niall Imagine: Snow Storm
Niall imagine: you're a model and the other boys don't like it
Niall imagine: You have a miscarriage
Louis imagine: He protects you

Preference/imagine: you have a fight before he goes onstage

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By Imkindaobsessed

Preference/imagine thing: you have a fight before he goes onstage

Quick note: just wanted to explain a little, it's an imagine because it's written how I would write an imagine, but not as in depth. But, it's a preference because there's one for all the boys (this is part 1) but it's not how I write preferences.... Ok done!

Louis: I slammed the door as I stomped out of Louis dressing room, getting quite a few weird looks.

"Y/N!" Louis said behind me.

"Don't wanna hear it, Tommo." I said before walking away from him. We had gotten into a fight, it was a stupid one, but it quickly escalated. The boys were supposed to be onstage in a few minutes, so i knew he wouldn't follow me. I just kept walking and walking, not knowing where I was going. The thing is, if you didn't already know, stadiums are huge, and there are a ton of hallways to get lost in... Which is exactly what I did. I could hear the boys onstage now, Louis sounded off pitch and not in tune with the other boys. I knew this was my fault. After some time, the singing stopped. They must be done. My phone buzzed and Louis' face lit up my screen. 'Where are you?' The text read. 'I don't know, I got lost :(' I replied. A few seconds later he called me.

"What do you mean you're lost?"

"I don't know where I am." I said in a very monotone voice, stating the obvious. He sighed.

"Ok, I'll try to find you, stay on the line." He said. "Oh, and by the way, they're probably going to turn off the lights soon because we were supposed to be out of here 10 minutes ago." He added.

"WHAT?!?" I said. I'm scared of the dark, he didn't know that so this was probably going to get interesting.

"Ya, I know don't worry I'll find you soon, can you tell me about where you are?" He asked. I described the path I took as best I could to him.

Suddenly, the light went off. I was left in complete darkness. Since I was underground, there weren't any windows or anything. I was alone, in the pitch black in a random hallway. I ears footsteps coming up form behind me and screamed. I turns around to see Louis with his phone flashlight on. I quickly hugged him and cried into his shoulder. We stood there for a minute, both apologizing and me explaining my fear of the dark. Then, we walked back to the busses with the fight completely behind us!

Harry: All I wanted to do was to watch the show from a crowds perspective. That's all. But Harry said it was too risky because I might get noticed. It made sense, he had a valid argument, I had been attacked by fans before and I know that some if them don't like me. But if I wore a disguise, I don't think they'd notice!

"No it's not happening, I don't care if I have to lock you in the dressing room, you're not doing it." He said in a stern voice, looking me straight in the eye. I huffed and walked out of his dressing room and sat on the couches with Lou whole Harry finished getting ready.

"Lou, please watch her and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid he said while walking towards the other boys."

"I don't need a f*cking babysitter!" I yelled at him, turning some heads. He looked back at me, with an expression that can best be summed up as surprised, sorry, mad, and sad.

I turned back around and watched the tv that would broadcast the show, but right now, it was just scanning the audience. I didn't look back at him, even when he called my name right before they went on. Lou warped her arm around my shoulder and we both watched as the door thing opened and the boys came out on stage. Harry looked close to tears and I immediately felt horrible. He also wasn't singing well. God I shouldn't have yelled at him.

When the show was halfway over and they came backstage for a quick break I got up and ran towards him. I hugged him and started apologizing like crazy. At first he left his arms by his side, but after I started apologizing like a mad lady, he quickly hugged me back and a very tight hug. We stayed like that both saying we were sorry thousands of times until he had to go back out. He looked much happier and finished the show with energy and and smiles on him face!

Niall: It was a misunderstanding. I had been texting my cousin, Jack. I set my phone down and went t the bathroom and when I came back, Niall was fuming.

"The the f*ck is Jack?" He asked in a very intimidating voice.

To stood there speechless for a moment before attempting to say something, but it came out as only parts of words.

"Are you cheating on me?" He said with tears staring to form in his eyes.

"No! Why would you think that? Niall he's my-" he cut mr off before I could finish.

"I miss you!" He says in a snotty voice, telling me what Jack had said. We hadn't seen each other in a year or two and we had always been close cousins.

"Niall! I'm not cheating on me I promise! He-" I say, before being interrupted again by him storming past me and slamming the door, leaving me alone. He had to be onstage so I didn't have time to run after him... So I texted him.

'He's my cousin.' I text him before exiting the dressing room. They were waiting backstage to go on and I saw him read the message, he instantly looked up at me. But I didn't want to see or hear it. He didn't give me anytime to explain so I'm not giving him any time to say sorry.

The tv's broadcasting the show backstage showed a very guilty looking Niall, good he deserves it! I'll of course forgive him because I understand that he thought I was cheating, he didn't know. But, I want his to feel guilty for a little while!

After the concert, he apologized so many times and actually started crying, which was enough to make me budge, wit the act, and forgive him!

Zayn: You stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind you so hard Zayn didn't even follow you. They were due onstage in about 30 seconds, but you two had been arguing that you hadn't even noticed the time. As you fast walked to the tour bus, you heard Paul behind you telling Zayn he was supposed to be onstage already. His door opened, but you didn't look back, you just kept walking to the bus. He was gonna have a rough show tonight!

You stormed onto the bus and ran to the bathroom where you closed the door, locked it, and sunk to the ground and cried your eyes out. Recently, you two had been fighting a lot. You were worried he was gonna end it soon. You couldn't imagine your life without him, he was your rock. When you grandparents died, he was there. When your dog died, he was there. He was there through thick and thin, through the happiest and saddest moments of your life and you weren't ready to say goodbye... But he might be.

After most of your tears had dried up you made your way to the couches and layed down and draped a blanket across yourself. A while later, you heard the boys come in, you were almost asleep, in that weird area where you were asleep but also awake. All the boys were talking about how awesome the show was, but you didn't hear a word out of Zayn. The couch sunk down next to you and you heard Liam say, "Hey Zayn, are you and Y/N ok?"

Zayn sighed. "I don't know, we've been fighting a lot recently and I'm worried she wants to end it." I guess they thought you were asleep. You sat up still with your eyes closed, grabbed onto Zayn's shirt and pulled him down on top of you.

"I'm not leaving anytime anytime soon. I love you so much." You whispered into his ear. He kissed your cheek he picked you up and carried you to his bed, where you two slept together somehow, even though the beds were the smallest beds in the world!

Liam: You had made fun of his hair. It started off jokingly and he didn't seem to mind, but you took it too far. As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted it.

"Liam, I'm sorry I didn't mean that!" You said as he ran out of the dressing room and disappeared, leaving you with your thoughts. You felt horrible. You actually didn't mind his hair too much, you were just having a little fun.

As the first song began to play, you went outside and watched the show from the tv's. Surprisingly, he seemed fine. But, Liam knew how to out in a face and act differently than he felt inside. You knew it was still bugging him when he asked the crowd what they thought of his hair. Of course, they screamed loud, like they do to every question. He smirked, knowing you saw that.

You texted him, 'I'm so sorry'. Luckily he had his phone on him, something they weren't supposed to do. He read the message and put his phone back, not responding. Then, you got an idea. You went over to Paul, who could talk into the boys earpieces and asked him to talk to Liam. At first he refused, but after a lot of begging, he let you when they were in between songs.

"I'm so sorry Liam. I wasn't thinking, I was just trying to joke around with you and I know I took it too far. You have every right to be mad and I'll sleep on the couch tonight if you want me to. I just wanted to say that I am really sorry." You said quickly, not even breathing. You looked back that the tv and saw him smiling. You knew you were forgiven!

A/N: ok, so I wrote this in two different parts, and I realized I wrote zayn and liam different from the rest of the boys... Whoops. Sorry if that bugs you!

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