
By bts34443

18.5K 885 214

Nineteen years ago the popular boy band BTS goes missing. No suspects, no evidence and no leads were ever fou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Final pt 1
Final pt 2

Part 12

716 49 8
By bts34443

I walked into the class room and saw Minhun sitting in his desk. I sat down in my desk next to him and started to take out my things. Minhun looked to his side seeing me and smiled widely. He tapped his pencil on my desk getting my attention and I looked up at him.

"How are you?" He asked curiously.

"Fine. A little tired" I said, yawning a little. I barely had gotten any sleep since I was taking care of Yoongi and doing my homework until late at night. On top of than I had to drive the rest of BTS a long ways away to keep looking, so I had to get up early today. I yawned again and rested my head on my desk. "But I'm fine." I said sleepily. Minhun smiled slightly and patted my head.

"I'll cover you if you fall asleep in class." He said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I won't fall asleep in class. The teacher said we have a test coming up next week." I said. I raised my head as I heard the bell and took out my pencil, getting ready to take notes. The teacher walked in and Minhun and I both stopped talking.

"Okay class. Pay attention, I know you're not going to like it, but we're having the math test this Monday. So you'll have to study over the weekend if you don't get the material." He said, and I groaned internally.

You've got to be kidding me.... I thought. I looked at Minhun and he looked at me rolling his eyes. It seemed that we both weren't happy with the news. We knew we were having a test next week, but he didn't tell us until today, which was Friday. So basically we had two days to study. I sighed and looked back to the front, trying to write down the new notes the teacher was beginning to write. After class Minhun and I packed up our stuff and headed to our next class.

"I'm going to have to study tomorrow and Sunday since I'm still having trouble with the material" Minhun said, intertwining his hand into mine.

"Same though. We can study at the library tomorrow if you want." I said, giving him a encouraging smile.

"We always go to the library.....Why don't we go to your house. You live the closest." Minhun suggested, smiling. Though, I'm not against Minhun coming over, as far as he knows I live alone with my grandparents. If he found out that I actually had seven guys who aren't related to me living with me, he would get suspicious, and right now I can't have that. In addition, Yoongi is sick and I won't know how to explain to Minhun why there's a guy sleeping in my house.

"My grandparents don't let me have people over. They're really strict." I said, lying. I heard Minhun sigh loudly and release my hand. "Okay, then the library it is since my house is too loud....I have to go. I'll see you at lunch." He said, saying the last part quickly. I nodded and he leaned forward, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked off in the opposite direction. I watched him go and sighed to myself, knowing that he was upset that he couldn't come over. But, it was just to risky at this moment in time.

After school Minhun and walked me to my car and I went to pick the guys in the town 45 minutes away. Once I picked them up we went home, and I immediately went to check up on Yoongi.

I quietly pushed open the door to my grandparents room and saw that Yoongi was still sleeping. I tip toed over to the bed and waved a hand over him. Did he sleep all day? I thought curiously. Did he even eat anything?

"Yoongi..." I whispered softly, trying to see if he was awake. I waved my hand over him again, and to my surprise he suddenly grabbed it. His eyes were still closed, but I could tell he wasn't asleep anymore.

"What?" He asked harshly, not letting go of my hand. His hand felt warm on top of mine and I was reminded of this morning. I tried to get him to release my hand but for someone that just woke up he was strong. I sighed and pretended to give in to see if he would loosen his grip.

"Did even eat today?" I asked, sitting down on the chair.

"Ya, once" he said, keeping his eyes closed.

"Only once?" I asked, suddenly trying again to get my hand out of his. This is why Minhun can't come over... Yoongi been acting so weird lately I thought glaring at him.

"Ya, wasn't hungry." He said simply, letting go finally. My hand felt the rush of the air conditioning in the room as I retracted my hand swiftly and stuck it in my pocket.

"You need to eat. I'll have Jin make you something." I said. "Then I'll take you're temperature." Yoongi didn't say anything so I took it as a 'sure go ahead' and I got up and went downstairs.

"Can you make something for Yoongi to eat Jin? He hasn't eaten all day." I said, going into the storage cabinet and taking out a thermometer.

"Sure, is he okay?" Jin asked concerned, getting up from the couch he was sitting on.

"I think so." I said, quickly walking back up the stairs and into the bedroom. "Get up, so I can check your temperature." I ordered and Yoongi complied. I checked the degree after and saw that it was still high. "It's still high." I said, sighing a little. I looked at Yoongi and saw that he still had his eyes closed.

"Makes sense." Yoongi said, laying back down.

"How did you even get sick?" I asked, scolding him. "You need to take better care of yourself." But Yoongi just rolled his eyes and turned over.

"I'll take that into consideration once we solve our problem and I don't have to worry about if I'm ever going to make music again." He said bitterly.

"Yoongi-" I start to say.

"It's fine. I know we're all trying our best and I appreciate you driving us to different towns each week. It's really helping." He said. I frowned and stayed quiet for a minute. Yoongi didn't seem like he wanted to talk anymore, and I wanted him to rest more so I decided to leave at that moment. I walked back down stairs and sat on the couch next to Jimin.

"Did you guys find anything?" I asked curiously, even though I already knew the answer.

"No." Jimin said sighing. "But we'll keep looking." I nodded and laid back into the cushions. "Is Yoongi sleeping?" Jimin asked curiously.

"He's just laying down at the moment." I said.

"Okay....I'm going to go talk to him." He said, smiling and getting up.

"Okay." I said, resting my eyes. Being tired all day really wears you out even more, if that's even possible. Since no one else was on the couch I took the opportunity to lay down, resting my head on the throw pillow. I didn't mean to sleep for more than thirty minutes, but when I did open my eyes I realized that the house was eerily quiet. I blinked few times confused and then started to sit up. However halfway through I realized that there was a blanket on me. I stopped and clutched the blanket, knowing that it wasn't there before.
Who put this blanket on me?....did one of the guys do it I thought, scrunching up my eyes confused as I threw it off me and stood up.

"Oh you're up." I heard Yoongi say surprisingly. I whipped around and saw him casually sitting at the small kitchen table.

"Yoongi? What, what are you doing up?" I asked, walking over. He should be in bed I thought.

"I didn't feel like laying in bed." He said, before coughing and I narrowed my eyes.

"You're still obviously sick." I said sternly. "Why didn't the rest of the members stop you? Where are they?" I asked, ready to scold each and every one of them, but then realized that it was pitch black out. I whipped my head back to Yoongi and widen my eyes."You, you didn't turn back?" I asked, looking at him, raising an eyebrow. That's the second time now... I thought worried. What the heck is going on?!?!

"Ya." He said simply, sighing and looking down. I realized that he was writing in his notebook again.

"You really shouldn't be down here. You should resting. You can write in there." I said. Yoongi didn't look up and wrote down some words I couldn't pick out.

"I felt inspired, and if I hadn't come down, then you wouldn't have gotten that blanket on you and would have been cold" he said monotoned, crossing a sentence out. I looked at him surprised.

"You put the blanket on me?" I asked shocked.

"Ya." He said. I looked at him for a moment and felt my heart moved. That was the first time Yoongi had ever done something for me. Maybe Jin was right. Maybe I just had to spend time with him to see his caring side. I smiled warmly at him, happy that he was finally letting me see his other side.

"Thank you" I said, giving him a smile. I saw him glance at me briefly before returning to his notebook.

"Ya, it's not a big deal." He said, but I could see that he was hiding a smile. I kept smiling and looked around, not seeing my grandparents.

"Where are my grandpa and grandma?" I asked curiously.

"They went out to one of the 24/7 shops to get me some cough drops." He said, smiling wider now. "They were surprised to see me again and asked how I was. I told them I was okay, but then I started coughing again, so you're grandma said they would go get me some cough drops. I tried to talk them out of it, but you're grandma....she's stubborn." Yoongi said. He closed his notebook then and got up. "I'm going to go lay down." He said suddenly, taking his notebook and starting to head to the stairs. I jumped a little at his sudden announcement but then  remembered that he had a hard time last time he walked and quickly went to his side to put an arm around him.

"I'll help you up the stairs." I said, and I felt Yoongi tense up for a second the moment my arm made contact with his body.

"I'm fine." He said, trying to wiggle out, but I pushed him closer.

"You almost fell last time. I'm not letting you go until you're in bed." I said sternly, helping him up the stairs.

"I'm really fine. Please just let me go." He said, pleading with me. I could feel his chest pounding under my support hand and felt his other hand, which had grabbed a hold of my shoulder, become sweaty. I glanced at him worried. Was he really alright? He suddenly became worse looking. His face was even red again. For some reason at that moment my grandma's words came rushing back into my head: 'are you sure that boy doesn't like you?' I widen my eyes and quickly looked away. There's no way he would! I thought sternly and......if he did I don't feel the same. I have a boyfriend that I'm happy with. I nodded confidently at my thoughtand helped Yoongi into my grandparents bed. "I'll bring you the cough drops when they come home." I said before leaving.

Yoongi's POV

I let myself sigh loudly once Sumi was gone and covered my face with my hands, coughing violently again for the millionth time. I paused for a second, half expecting Sumi to come in again asking if I was okay. She always comes in all worried, making me think there's something else there. I let out another sigh, messaging the sides of my heads with my finger tips. It's becoming harder and harder to not show my feelings I thought angrily burying my head in my hands. Was I too obvious with putting the blanket on her? I thought worriedly But, that was what Jimin said to do.....Damn it I shouldn't be doing this. Jimins always prying into my business. If he hadn't come into the room, smiling like a idiot and suggesting that I be more forward I wouldn't be worrying like this.

Earlier that day, when Jimin came into the room Yoongi POV

There was a knock on the door and I glanced up, expecting it too be Sumi with some food in her hands. My heart started to speed up at the very thought and I had to plead with myself to stop thinking about it.

"Are you awake?" I heard a voice curiously ask. Their voice was lower and at that moment I knew it was Jimin. I sighed to myself, grateful at the moment, and flopped my head back on the bed.

"What do you want?" I asked from the inside of the covers. I coughed again and held my chest. The cough was just getting worse and worse, irritating me even more.

"I just wanted to check up on you...." Jimin said, coming into the room. "And check on how the night went." He continued innocently. I removed the covers from over my head and glared at him.

"Shut up Jimin before I beat you." I said harshly, stating baggers at him.

"You don't mean that, or who else will help you with your love life." He said jumping in the bed. I was bounced up slightly by the sudden weight and I straighten up.

" Stay out of it." I said harshly. I was seriously starting to regret telling him about my secret about liking Sumi. I thought out of everyone Jimin could keep a secret, but I was horribly mistaken. He's been trying to hint and annoy me to make a move for a month now.

"I can't do that." Jimin said. I sighed loudly and put both my hands on my face.

"Why did you even come in here?" My muffled voice asked, cursing myself for not locking the door. I glanced at Jimin through my fingers and saw that he was smiling.

"Yoongi I think you should make a move." He said confidently, and I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they were going to roll back into my head.

"You know I can't do that. She has a boyfriend." I said simply and I saw Jimin roll his eyes. "You should at least try." He said.

"I was going to try, almost two months ago when she wanted to talk out our problems she thought we had." I said, remembering how we were so close. I could feel her tiny hands on my chest and I was at the breaking point, and just about to pull her in for a kiss, but she pushed me away and said she had a boyfriend. I felt my face go red and moved my hands up, pushing back my hair. "Just forget it Jimin and go back downstairs." I said, laying back into the pillow. "I had all the due to hold myself back last night. I had to literally close my eyes the whole time to keep from kissing her. I don't need to make things complicated for all of us." I said, closing my eyes.

"We're fine. I talked about it with everyone and we all agreed that you should go for it." Jimin said smiling like that was the complete opposite that I wanted. I dragged my hands down my face and then pinched my the bridge of my nose.

"I'm seriously plotting your death as we speak. I told you not to tell anyone!" I said ready to strangle my band mate. I sighed slowly and opened my eyes, glaring at him.

"If you can't do it all together than work gradually up. Show her that you're interested slowly by being the caring person we all know you are. You already started by putting your hand on hers when she was asleep." Jimin said and sighed again.

"Jimin-" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"I saw her lay in the couch before I came up. How about putting a blanket over her. You need to release your emotions in a way other than writing in your notebook. We all know the song you're writing is about Sumi. Just go for it!" He said smiling and I just looked at him, narrowing my eyes.

present time Yoongi's POV

This is literally killing me I thought, sighing violently again. I looked at the notebook that was at my side and did nothing but stare at it. Sumi had gotten it just for me all that time ago. She listened when I was talking about music just after we got into an argument and she didn't hesitant to look after me when I got sick. I smiled to myself, feeling my heart jump and skip. Cursing Jimin again, knowing that he was right, I picked up the notebook. Fine Jimin I'll give it a try I thought, opening to the next cleanest page.

Back to Sumi's POV

"Sumi! We're home." My grandma called from the door. I looked up from my small kitchen table and went to get the small bag she was carrying. "I'll carry it up to Yoongi for you." I said, smiling as I turned to go up the stairs. I knocked on the door and quickly went in seeing that Yoongi was writing in his notebook.

"See isn't it better writing in bed." I said smiling confidently. Yoongi glanced at me for a brief moment and then looked back down, closing the book and put it off to the side.

"Sure." He said, looking at me. I sat down on the chair and took out the cough drops bag. "They're cherry flavored so I hope you don't mind." I said, ripping the bag and taking out a piece.
"As long as they taste good. I don't care." He said simply.

"Here." I said handing it to him. Yoongi took the piece and undid the wrapper

"Remind me to thank your grandpa a second time after this whole mess is fixed." He said, before popping it into his mouth. Immediately he coughed violently, making a fist with his hand,  and brung it up to his mouth.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly, putting my hand on his back, and hitting it softly as he coughed. I looked at him worried that he had suddenly gotten worse. After a minute Yoongi eventually stopped and looked at me.

"That tasted absolutely terrible." He said, coughing slightly again. I looked at him for a second, not believing what he just said. He coughed that much because of the taste? I blinked twice and then burst out laughing. Yoongi peered up at me wearing a weirdly expression on his face, but I just kept laughing. I kept my hand on his back and tipped forward, laughing to myself. I didn't even feel Yoongi take the cough drop bag out of my hands.

"Was that funny to you?" He asked me seriously and I immediately shut up. His voice sounded so angry that I didn't know what to say. Crap, did he get upset? But I couldn't help it his face looked so funny.... I thought innocently and straightening up. However the moment I did Yoongi shoved a cough drop in my mouth. His fingers touching my lips as I tasted the cough drop. Yoongi retracted his hand and smiled, watching as I coughed from the taste of it.

"Oh my gosh that's terrible! That doesn't even taste like cherry!" I said, immediately taking the cough drop out of my mouth and putting it on the table. I glared at Yoongi and saw that he was laughing really hard. He thought that was funny? I thought curiously. Well...I guess it is funny since I laughed at it too.... I thought. I kept looked at him and sighed.

"You weren't even mad were you." I said, narrowing my eyes at him. He laughed one more time and shook his head.

"No." He said. I glared at him some more and looked at the cough drop bag. "They really should stop selling those. False marketing." I said, rubbing my mouth with the back of my hand. "It's almost as bad as Taehyung cooking." I said, causing Yoongi to laugh again. I looked at him and smiled. I had never heard Yoongi laugh and I realized I liked it when he did. I reached out my hand to take the bag.

"You don't have to eat those. I'll tell my grandma that you used all of them." I said. "I won't put you through that torture." Yoongi smiled and handed me the bag. I set the bag down and looked back at Yoongi, seeing that he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. I saw Yoongi's face go red a little before turning away.

"Nothing." He said and I shrugged it off. I looked at the clock then and realized it was getting late.

"Oh crap. I need to go to bed." I said, getting up quickly "You should too." I said, grabbing the bag and the cough drop I had spit out. Yoongi looked at the clock and rolled his eyes.

"It's not even that late." He said, then coughing a little.

"It's ten, and we all know the rest of the guys are going to wake us up at sunrise, since they can't be quiet to save their lives." I said. "You're the one that's sick, so if anyone needs to go to bed it's you." I said sternly, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes again.

"Uh huh." He said, grabbing his notebook. I was about to say something else when my phone buzzed. Yoongi looked up at me suspiciously as I took it out and read the goodnight text from Minhun. I smiled at my phone and quickly shut it.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked curiously. He peered at my phone and then at me. I looked at him and smiled slightly.

"It's nothing really interesting. Minhun always says goodnight to me, so that was just him." I said, waving it off. Yoongi frowned, scrunching his eyes together, like he was thinking.

"Oh okay" he said finally, and before I knew it he put down his notebook again. "I changed my mind. I'm going to go to bed. You should too." He said, like it was his idea the whole time. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk out the door.

"Okay." I said, opening the door.

"Oh, and Sumi" I heard Yoongi say quickly. I turned back to him and saw a smile spread across his lips. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said back smiling before walking out the door and into my room.

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