i'm not queen || the original...

By GEMOfTheNight

348K 11.2K 4.7K

⚜️I'm Not Queen || The Originals⚜️ "the evil hybrid, or the psychotic maniac?" "the moral, or the alpha?" "th... More

•i'm not queen || the originals•
•i'm not pregnant•
•i'm not marcellus' mother•
•i'm not having a baby girl•
•i'm not happy that elijah's back•
•i'm not happy to see marcellus again•
•i'm not broken-hearted•
•i'm not a labonair•
•i'm not making new friends•
•i'm not sticking with the girls•
•i'm not devastated•
•i'm not on lockdown•
•i'm not a witch•
•i'm not betrayed by the truth•
•i'm not caught in between•
•i'm not the leader of the werewolf faction•
•i'm not representing the werewolves•
•i'm not livid•
•i'm not writing a love letter•
•i'm not the powerful immortal being•
•i'm not attracted to a witch•
•i'm not tricked into a date•
•i'm not tempted•
•i'm not his anchor•
•i'm not meeting the important ones•
•i'm not shock•
•i'm not a love that lasts•
•i'm not with my love and my hope•
•i'm not a mikaelson witch•
•i'm not personifying love and hope•
•i'm not willing to risk•
•i'm not having an army•
•i'm not keeping a promise•
•i'm not the alpha•

•i'm not saying goodbye•

8.1K 285 172
By GEMOfTheNight


10th Century
Mystic Falls

Heavy rain was pouring nonstop with the wind brewing strongly and thunder cackled loudly. A cottage nearby the Mikaelsons, a young Imogen Avery has hidden, terrified of the storm. She huddled in a corner, her eyes were tightly shut as tears ran down her face and her arms clamped on her ears, trying to mute the loud and terrifying noises outside the Avery cottage.

The young noirette was unaware of light footsteps entering the room she was in and a small shadow walking towards her.

"Imogen, I am here."

The young Imogen gasped in surprise and quickly looked up. Standing before her with a comforting smile on his face was the young Kol Mikaelson.


Young Imogen stood up from the ground and quickly jumped into the young boy's arms.

Kol smiled softly and tightly embraced the noirette. "I am here, Imogen! Do not worry. I will protect you from this storm." he said, bravely. "Do not be afraid."

"I cannot help but be afraid, Kol, but I am more afraid for Bekah. She is terrified of the storm." Imogen said, quietly.

Kol shakes his head. "Do not worry about her. She's fine. Nik's with her." he assured.

Imogen smiled softly before a loud boom of thunder was heard outside. The terrified noirette flinched and started crying again as Kol wrapped his arms even more tightly around her.

"I am here. I am here." Kol soothed.

Imogen continued to sob but felt safe in Kol's small arms and relieved that he was with her. The young Kol continued to tightly embrace the scared girl in his arms.

Before the storm hit, he was worried for the young noirette and looked everywhere for her but she was nowhere to be found but then thought of a place that she would go if she wanted to hide and so, he went to her family's abandoned cottage and did found her huddled in a corner crying.

"I do not like seeing you cry, Imogen. I hate it." Kol muttered. "If I can fight with this storm, I will! Because it made you cry!"

Imogen continued sobbing in the young Mikaelson's arms. Kol frowned and thought what he could do to distract the noirette and make her smile again. His eyes widen when an idea popped in his head and smiled widely.

Imogen felt something very light and soft fell on her head. She stopped crying and looked confused. She looked up, her eyes widen in shock as a happy smile slowly appeared on her tear stained face.

The dark surrounding of the two children lights up as white soft feathers magically appeared and fell from the wooden ceiling of the cottage down on the children's heads.

The young Imogen Avery stood up and lifted her hands to the air, reaching out to for the falling feathers. The young Kol Mikaelson smiled happily at what he has done, using his magic to make the noirette smile.

Kol smiled as he looked at the smiling Imogen. "Do you like it?" he asked.

Imogen nodded. "Yes, yes! But," she turned to Kol. "Why would you use your magic?" she asked.

Kol grinned at her. "I swore in the name of our family that I'll use my magic to make you smile and protect you. Always and Forever." he said innocently.

Imogen eyes widen."Always and forever?" she asked in surprise.

Kol nodded happily and held the noirette's small hands tightly with his. "This is my always and forever. You."


"Stop this nonsense! We're supposed to be a family!"

Imogen Farien Avery narrowed her eyes and unconsciously released a powerful force as Klaus's hybrid face and both Elijah and Rebekah's vampire faces were forced to return to normal.

The Mikaelson siblings eyes widen in shock at what happened as they turned to look at the powerful Immortal.

"Imogen." Rebekah mumbled her best friend's name in relief.

Elijah sighed quietly as he closed his eyes in frustration. Not only he has to protect his little sister from his younger brother's rage but also the pregnant noirette. He doubts that his younger brother wouldn't hurt his lover because his too occupied trying to get revenge on their sister.

Klaus loosened his hold on the white oak stake as he stared at his beautiful lover. "Have you come to cover up for Rebekah, my love? Again?" he asked in a slight mocking way. "You're always protecting her, don't you?"

"I've been protecting all of you, Nik!" Imogen told him with a determined look on her face. "And I'm here to stop this nonsense!"

Elijah vamp-speed towards her and placed a hand on her arm, pushing her back as he faced Klaus. "This is not wise, Farien." he told the noirette. "It's dangerous to be here with Niklaus, he's thirsty for revenge."

The Original hybrid glared at his older brother. "Get your hands off her!" he yelled angrily as his tightly held the indestructible white oak stake in his hand.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at him as he tightly held Papa Tunde's blade. "Jealousy does not suit you, Niklaus." he mocked and withdrew his hand from the noirette's arm. "I suggest you walk away."

"Don't move!" Klaus demanded as he glared at Rebekah.

Elijah glanced at the blonde. "Leave us now." he told her as he stood protectively in front of Imogen.

Rebekah looked visibly scared as she looked at Klaus. "I can't. I'm stuck here." she said noticed the white oak stake. "Elijah, Imogen, he has the white oak stake."

Klaus smirked as he points the stake in her direction. "I brought it for you, sister."

Elijah glanced at Rebekah. "Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now." he said and Rebekah vamp-speeds away as he turned to Klaus. "I'm asking you, brother to brother, we end this, as Farien said, this nonsense now."

"You would side with that traitor?" Klaus asked, there was hatred in his voice.

"I am not choosing sides, but I will not allow you to hurt our sister." Elijah said with a determined look on his face.

Klaus looked around. "We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her?" he asked and glanced at Imogen with a smirk on his face before vamp-speeding away.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at him and turned to Imogen. "Find Rebekah and stay with her." he said and went after Klaus.

Imogen stared blankly at nothing. "Did they just leave me here alone?" she asked in disbelief before frowning in annoyance. "Did they actually left a pregnant woman alone? I can't believe those two."

Imogen easily caught up with Elijah and Klaus and found them facing each other with the white oak stake and Papa Tunde's blade pointing at one another.

"As long as it takes, by whatever means necessary." Elijah answered his brother's question.

The noirette stood between the two. "You two actually left a pregnant woman alone in a cemetery? Have you two no shame?!" she asked the brothers.

Klaus and Elijah glanced awkwardly at each other before sighing with a guilty look on their faces as they put their weapons down.

"I apologize, Farien but--"

"My love, this isn't the time--"

Imogen lifts her hand with her palms open as the white oak stake and Papa Tunde's blade quickly went to her opened palms. "Well that was easy." she simply said as Klaus and Elijah stared at her in shock.

Klaus looked amused at what the noirette did. "Now, now, my love. You're not supposed to handle those dangerous weapons. Give the stake back. I still need it." he told her and held his hand out.

"Farien, please. You're gonna get yourself hurt." Elijah said with worry.

Imogen shakes her head. "I think I'm good. I'm capable of handling these weapons as much as you do. Don't worry, I'll hold on to them for safekeeping." she said smiling. "Now, that you two, along with Rebekah are stuck here, might as well get this over. The best way to end this little fight is by talking to each other. Like we always do as family."

Elijah smiled softly at her as he started to relax while Klaus frowned, knowing he can't go against the noirette's wishes.

Imogen smiled at the two, seeing they have no choice. "Now talk."

Hours past and the sun was already rising yet both Elijah and Klaus remained quiet as they pace around the tombs while Imogen watched them from the side with a small frown on her stressed face.

Elijah glanced at Imogen, who looked a little stress. He was worried for her health, she did stay up all night to let him and Klaus talk but they didn't. He sighed in defeat and turned to face his younger brother, who was also looking at the noirette with a concerned look on his face. He smiled softly at him.

"You've been at this for hours. To what end? Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded. You cannot get past me." he said.

"I could get past you. Although, it might have to be over your dead body but that will surely make Imogen upset and I don't want that, so unfortunately, I won't but you did stab me with that blade, forcing me to endure hours of unspeakable pain. Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you." Klaus said and glared angrily at his older brother.

"You should see yourself. The murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like father." Elijah told him.

Imogen's eyes widen at what Elijah said and looked at Klaus, who froze in his spot.

Klaus' dark blue eyes were filled with anger. "I'm not him. Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty." he said, upset. "None of you were. Not Kol, not Finn. None of you! I think you've forgotten what he was truly like."

"No. I have not forgotten." Elijah told him.

"There was only one person who stopped him from going too far." Klaus mumbled and looked down.

"You were only a child." Imogen mumbled.

Elijah and Klaus turned to the noirette, who looked away with deep sadness in her eyes.

"We were only children. The fear of Mikael hurting you was too much a child can handle. I cannot let him do as he pleased."

Young Elijah and Klaus were in the forest, hiding behind a tree. The older Mikaelson was helping his younger brother learn how to shoot a bow and arrow.

The young Klaus took his aim at a deer nearby.

"Be still. Deep breath. Hold. Now!"

Klaus shoots the arrow but missed the deer. He looked down with a sad look on his face.

"Your aim is improving." Elijah told him and smiled as he pats his little brother affectionately on the shoulder. "Next time."

"You encourage him, Elijah."

The brothers flinched, turning and saw their father, Mikael walking towards them.

"But he grows more pathetic every day."

Klaus looked hurt and embarrassed. "I'm not pathetic."

"Do not talk back to me. You're not man enough to hold this weapon." Mikael said and took the bow from Klaus. "If you can't hunt, you're nothing but a burden."

"I'm sorry."

Mikael harshly grabbed Klaus' shirt. "It's a shame we can't feed on sad-eyed apologies. It's your one and only skill." he mocked and backhands Klaus across the face.

"Father, stop." Elijah said and tried to stop his father.

Mikael points at him. "Stay back, or you'll be next." he yelled and looked down at Klaus. "The boy needs to be made strong."

Mikael kicked Klaus in the back as Klaus yelled and groaned in pain.

"Do not hurt him!"

Mikael's eyes widen when he heard the small voice of the daughter of his dear friends. He moved away from Klaus as he turned around and saw the young Imogen running towards them.

"Stop it! You are hurting him!"

Elijah looked at the young noirette. "Farien!" he called out to her and tried to stop her but stopped when he noticed her shaking hands.

Imogen stood in front of Klaus with her small arms raised, trying to protect the hurt Mikaelson from his father and glared at him.

"He has done nothing but trying to be better! Can you not see that? Can you not appreciate that?"

Mikael looked away from the young noirette and glared at Klaus before leaving the three children in the forest.

Imogen sighed in relief and knelt beside Klaus. "Are you alright, Nik?" she asked worriedly.

Klaus slowly rolled over and forced out a small smile. "I'm fine. Thank you, Imogen." he mumbled softly.

Imogen smiled happily at him. "I did nothing!" she said.

Elijah smiled softly at the noirette as he knelt beside her and placed a gentle hand on her head. "That was dangerous but very brave of you, Farien." he complimented her. "Very admirable of you."

Imogen glanced at the older Mikaelson and smiled. "I will become more braver, Elijah! So, I could protect Nik!" she told him. "Not only him but you as well and Finn and Bekah and Kol! So I could protect all of you!"

Elijah looked at her amused. "I'm sure you will but it is okay to be afraid," he said softly and gently held the noirette's trembling hands. "Once in a while."

Imogen, Klaus and Elijah stared at each other. Klaus looked away and turned to leave to find Rebekah but the noirette already placed a boundary spell around them, along with Rebekah, who was hiding in a nearby tomb as she listened to them.

"Nik, we aren't done here." Imogen said sternly.

Klaus groaned in annoyance before turning to the noirette. "Come on, my love. This is getting ridiculous." he said.

Imogen gave him a scolding look. "Niklaus Mikaelson!"

The Original hybrid sighed in defeat. "Fine, fine." he muttered as he raised his hands in mock surrender before facing Elijah.

Elijah glanced at Imogen with a grateful look on his face before turning to his younger brother. "Niklaus, I understand your anger, but I implore you, be better than him. Do what he could not, demonstrate the grace of mercy, rather than this petty cruelty." he said.

"You ask me to show mercy to one who has wronged me. You really don't know me at all, do you, brother?" Klaus said with an angry look on his face.

Imogen turned around and found Rebekah standing beside her. "Rebekah." she mumbled.

Rebekah smiled at her before turning to her older brothers. "Enough." she said as Klaus and Elijah turned to her. "Whatever I have done wrong, my guilt is nothing compared to yours. You want revenge? Fine. But, before you have it, I will look you in the eye and tell you why it was your cruelty and your spite that led us to this."

Klaus glanced at Imogen before looking back at Rebekah. "Go on, then. Speak your piece, and when you are finished, I will grant you the punishment you deserve, even if I have to go through Elijah."

'His anger has blinded him from accepting the truth.' Imogen thought troubled as she closed her eyes, sighing before opening her eyes again and exchanging conflicted looks with Elijah.


Klaus smirked at the noirette before jumping on top of a tomb. "Let it begin. The trial of Rebekah Mikaelson." he said loudly, pretending to be a judge.

Rebekah walked over to Elijah to stand beside him while Imogen stayed where she was and sat on a nearby tomb as she stared the man she loves, who was currently thirsty for revenge on her dear best friend.

"What a relief. His ego is in check." Rebekah muttered.

"Just speak your truth. I'll make certain he behaves himself." Elijah told her.

"I'm here to listen. To make sure that this talk doesn't get out of control." Imogen said, glancing at the two. "And make sure that everyone stays sane."

Klaus looked at Rebekah. "You stand accused of betraying your own blood. How do you plead?" he asked.

"I plead you to shut up and listen." Rebekah spat sarcastically.

"You summoned our father. You brought him to our home." Klaus said angrily.

Imogen narrowed her eyes at him. "Nik!"

Klaus closed his eyes, calming himself. "What possible defense could you have?" he asked as he opened his eyes and looked at Rebekah.

"I knew he was the only thing that you feared, and I wanted you to run." Rebekah explained.

"Because you hated me." Klaus said.

"Because you were hateful. You denied me the freedom to love." Rebekah told him.

"Oh, so that's your defense? You called Mikael, the Destroyer, the Hunter of Vampires because I detained you from pursuing some dull suitors." Klaus said sarcastically.

"You were cruel, and controlling, and manipulative."

"I was trying to protect you!" Klaus argued. "From imbeciles, and leeches. Not to mention your own poor judgment."

"And what about the one that you loved enough to call friend? Why did you forbid me to love Marcel?" Rebekah asked.

Klaus quickly stood up. "Do not mention his name." he said angrily.

"What has happened to you? I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts, who loved art and music." Rebekah said as Imogen looked softly her. "I wanted to be just like you. How could you have fallen so far? It's surprising how Imogen still stayed with you after all this time. After all the horrible things you've done, you've done to this family!"

"No one has stood by your side for so long than Farien." Elijah said as the siblings looked at Imogen, who smiled softly at them. "You do not appreciate her more than Rebekah and I. Even Finn noticed how she tried to protect our family. Especially Kol."

Klaus glared at him. "So we're back to that topic again? About Imogen? This never ends, does it brother?" he asked sarcastically. "You don't know how much I appreciate her! Do not speak to me as if I haven't done everything for her. I built this city for her!"

"Yet you never showed you did!" Rebekah yelled back and Elijah placed a comforting hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "You're so full of yourself! Imogen never wanted a city! She wanted a family!"

Klaus points at Imogen as he glared at Rebekah. "She wanted a home and this is her home!"

"Enough!" Elijah shouted at his siblings. "I remember the day that Father caught you whittling little chess pieces with his hunting knife. He beat you so mercilessly and for so long, I actually feared for your life." he said.

Rebekah smirked mockingly at Klaus. "And who, Elijah, was the one who always stopped Mikael from doing worse to him?" she asked. "Even planned to stop Mikael's cruelty once and for all?"

"It was, is always have been Farien."

Klaus looked at Imogen, who sighed and looked away from his eyes, wanting her to look at him.

Mikael was brutally beating Klaus, who was curled in the fetal position on the floor, with a whip.

Elijah rushed into the room and tried to stop his father. "Father! Father, please!"

"Stay back!" Mikael said and pushed him away.

Rebekah ran into the room with her father's sword in her hands, aiming it at him.

"Stop it! Stop it! I will not let you hurt him anymore!"

Mikael turned to her. "You stand against me? For him?!" he asked angrily.

Imogen rushed inside the room towards Klaus' side and tightly wrapped her arms around him to protect him from his father. She glared at Mikael as a trembling Klaus placed his head on her chest, feeling safe in the noirette's arms.

"Enough! You have done enough! I am not letting you have your way with him anymore!"

Mikael looked livid as he grabbed the sword from Rebekah's hands and left the room. Imogen sighed in relief and looked softly Klaus in her arms as she caressed his head.

"You are safe now, Nik. You are safe." she soothed.

Elijah smiled softly but it quickly disappeared when he noticed the noirette's trembling hands.

"This isn't about me." Imogen said softly.

Klaus looked at Elijah. "So, you would paint Rebekah as a loyal sister, but she betrayed me out of lust for Marcel. Perhaps that was why you did it, for love. Perhaps I might temper my rage if she will admit she was a victim of her own idiocy. That her great love, Marcel, used her to oust this family and to take my city." he said.

"Marcel did not manipulate me." Rebekah told him.

Klaus smirked. "You defend him, and yet you can't help but wonder, what if I'm right?"

Tears were forming under Rebekah's eyes as she looked at his older brother. "We loved each other. Even Imogen knew that and saw that!" she said. "It was your refusal to respect that that led to your ruin."

"Then why didn't he chase after you when you fled New Orleans?" Klaus asked mockingly. "Oh, yes! That's right. He was here stealing what I built!"

"You want me to renounce Marcel, to beg for your forgiveness? I won't. Marcel is not at fault. I called Mikael." Rebekah said.

Imogen went to the blonde. "Rebekah---"

Rebekah ignored the noirett beside her. "I was the one who brought him to New Orleans because of your wickedness! I wanted love and happiness, and you denied me the freedom to have either." she spat angrily as Imogen and Elijah exchanged looks. "Yes, I hated and I was afraid of our father, but he was a lesser evil than you. My bastard brother who loomed over me, threatening me as you are now. I wanted rid of you, and given the choice, I'd do it again!"

It all happened so quickly. Imogen felt Klaus' anger and quickly turned to him. A furious Klaus glared at Rebekah and lunged at her. Elijah vamp-speed towards Klaus to stop him from attacking their sister. The noirette stood in front of Rebekah and waved her hand at the two brothers fighting.


Klaus and Elijah were thrown backwards towards a tombstone. The two groaned in pain as Imogen narrowed her eyes at them.

"I said we're here to talk! Not to fight!" Imogen yelled and turned to Rebekah with a smile. "Rebekah, go."

Rebekah shakes her head. "I'm not going---"

Imogen smiled sadly at her. "Please, Rebekah. You must leave me to handle this. Trust me." she told her. "Now, go, hide!"

Rebekah looked at her with a conflicted look on her face but did what she was told and vamp-speed away.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at Klaus. "You wouldn't listen to her. So, now, you must deal with me." he said.

Imogen stood beside Elijah with both the white oak stake and Papa Tunde's blade in her hands. "Your anger for what Rebekah has done blinded you from accepting the truth. It has prevented you from being a better man than Mikael." she said.

"You chose to side with that traitor?" Klaus asked her in disbelief.

"I'm not choosing sides, Nik. I'm doing this for our family." Imogen told him and gave the weapons to Elijah, who looked at her surprised. "I'm not giving up."


Klaus' eyes widen at what the noirette did, giving the weapons to Elijah. "Why?" he asked in shock.

Imogen sighed. "Elijah's reasonable enough. His not going to do what you think he'll do to you. I trust him." she said softly.

Klaus narrowed his eyes at Elijah. "And you don't trust me?" he asked mockingly at the noirette.

Imogen walked over to Klaus to stand in front of him and cupped his face with her hands. "I trust everyone in this family." she told him.

Elijah looked away dejected as he held the weapons tightly in his hands that the noirette trusted him with. Tears were forming under Klaus' eyes as he stared softly at the love of his life.

"But Nik, I know you. I grew up with you and stayed with you. Your anger has blinded you." Imogen added.

Klaus sighed and pushed her behind him to face Elijah. "So what's it gonna be? You hold both weapons. Imogen trusting you with them must made you happy, don't you? Tunde's blade would put me down, but the stake could finish me off for good." he said.

"Well, unlike you, brother, I have no taste for fratricide." Elijah said and looked at Imogen. "I only hold the weapons for Farien because she trusted me with them." he lifts the stake. "I'm keeping this away from you, we both know she will get upset if I ever used it on anyone, especially on you and I don't want that to happen." he lifts up Papa Tunde's blade. "However, this is just my insurance."

"Why must you defend her? Rebekah betrayed you, as well, when she brought Mikael here." Klaus said.

"Because she is our sister and because," Elijah said and glanced at the noirette. "I like to remember her the way that she was before we became what we became."

Imogen smiled softly as she fondly remembered the childhood memories she had with the Mikaelson children. The six of them, her, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah and Kol wrestled and laughed together in the woods, not thinking of anything but having fun and enjoying each other's presence.

"She was an innocent girl, quick to laugh, full of life." Elijah added.

"My memories serve to make her betrayal more painful." Klaus said.

"Can you not then accept some small part of the blame?" Elijah asked as Klaus smirked. "After all, Niklaus, it was your cruelty that led her to do what she did."

"Do you not see, Elijah? She didn't mean to chase me off. She wanted me dead." Klaus argued.

Elijah shakes his head. "You're wrong."

"She has always hated me. You know that's true." Klaus said and points at him.

Imogen stood beside Klaus and puts his hand down. "Nik, you have no idea, do you? You have no idea what she was prepared to do for you." she told him softly. "What we prepared to do for you."

Klaus looked at the noirette with a confused look on his face while Elijah smiled sadly.

"When our sister sees something that she perceives to be an injustice, she can be stubborn, impetuous, and, at times, downright dangerous. And never was this more apparent than the night she and Farien planned to kill our father." Elijah told his younger brother.

Klaus' eyes widen in shock as he stared at the quiet Imogen, who looked down and remembered how she and Rebekah cried for Klaus and planned to end Mikael with his own knife.

"What is this, some melodramatic fiction designed to garner my sympathy?" Klaus asked. "Imogen couldn't kill, wouldn't dare kill anyone."

"It is the truth, Nik. I'm the one telling you this." Imogen said. "I wanted Mikael dead. Rebekah told me she'll do it instead of me. She knew I couldn't possibly kill anyone."

Elijah nodded. "It's the truth. I was there. And Rebekah would have done it, all to protect you, had I not stopped her." he said and glanced at Imogen. "I often wished that I could revisit that moment, complete the task myself."

Klaus looked between Elijah and Imogen. "Why are you telling me this now?" he asked.

"Nik, sometimes Rebekah acts without thinking. She's short tempered and quick to fall in love, but she loves you." Imogen told him.

"But, your malicious treatment has broken her heart. So, yes, she responded by summoning our father. Yes, that was a mistake. I'm not entirely sure that I can blame her." Elijah added.

Klaus glared at him. "I can." he said and vamp-speed away.

"Nik!" Imogen yelled after him. She and Elijah exchanged looks before they went after Klaus.

Klaus vamp-speeds to a nearby tomb, where Rebekah was hiding, but Imogen and Elijah easily caught up to him as the older Mikaelson defensively held the two weapons in each hand.

"Niklaus, so help me---"

"Are you really going to stand against me?" Klaus cut him off.

"Nik!" Imogen yelled at him, warningly.

Klaus ignored the noirette and continued looking at Elijah. "And not with that pathetic blade. You'd just have to pull it out someday, and then I'd hate you as I do her, now. If you want to protect Rebekah, you'll need to use the white oak stake." he said and walked over to his older brother.

"I don't have to listen to this nonsense." Elijah told him as he walked towards his younger brother.

"Oh, I might have forgotten! You didn't want your Farien to be upset with because you're too in love with her!" Klaus yelled at him.

"Nik!" Imogen yelled angrily at him as he glanced at her. "That is enough!"

Klaus looked back at Elijah. "Oh, don't pretend you haven't thought about it. You look at me, and you see everything you abhor in yourself. You want something I have." he said, glancing at Imogen and stood in front of Elijah. "Sure, you dress it up with your fancy suits and your handkerchiefs. You, with your mask of civility and eloquence, you're every bit the abomination I am. Or worse. Go on, Elijah. Go on. Use the white oak stake and surely enough your Farien will hate you if you do."

Elijah glanced at Imogen, who looked back at him, and sighed before throwing the white oak stake far away as he glared at Klaus, who stared at the direction his brother threw the white oak stake.

"I'm not so cowardly that I have to kill you, Niklaus, or use Farien but if I have to make you suffer to protect her and Rebekah, that is what I will do." Elijah said seriously. "You think Farien wanted our family to be like this? You think she's not heartbroken with our current predicament? Do you simply not care?"

Klaus smirked before glaring at Elijah. "You see? I knew you couldn't do it. You still cling to the hope that I can be redeemed by using Imogen, and if the bastard can be saved, then maybe there's hope for you." he said and vamp-speeds over to Elijah and grabbed Papa Tunde's blade from him, before stabbing him with it. "There. Now you know how it feels. And a little payback for using Imogen against me."

Imogen's eyes widen "Elijah!" she yelled in horror as Elijah gasped in agony before falling to the ground. "Elijah!"

The noirette knelt on the ground Elijah as Rebekah appeared behind Klaus.

"That was supposed to be my line." she told her older brother, who turned to her.

Rebekah held the white oak stake that she just picked up from where Elijah threw. "Now, I have this. So I decide who lives and who dies." she said and looked at Elijah. "I'm taking out that blade."

"You'll have to kill me first, and now you hold the means to do so. Why not finish what you started a century ago?" Klaus asked mockingly.

"I did not want you dead. I wanted you to run." Rebekah corrected him.

"Liar!" Klaus yelled at her. "You wanted revenge."

"You drove me to betray you, and now you want to twist it and make it worse so you can justify killing me instead of accepting your own fault? All I did was love your friend! You could've been happy for us, but instead, in your paranoia, you feared losing us both. And, because of that, you did. Even though you knew Imogen will still stay with you. There is no one else to blame, Nik. Only you." Rebekah told him.

"Where is Marcel now, hmm? I thought he loved you, and yet he left you trapped in here with me." Klaus said to mock his little sister. "You against me. It's hardly a fair fight, is it? I mean, perhaps, if Marcel were here, you'd stand a chance, but I expect he's already found another girl. No doubt younger and prettier."

"You take joy in other people's pain, and then you wonder why I hate you." Rebekah spat angrily at him.

"Yes, and that hatred led you to do what you did. Admit the truth. Admit you wanted me dead." Klaus said.

"I wanted you to run, that is all, despite your delusions." Rebekah argued.

"Elijah lies suffering, and I will allow you to help him. All you have to do is admit it." Klaus told her.

"You're insane."

"Yes! Yes! I am a vicious, heartless monster, and so you summoned Mikael to kill me. Admit it." Klaus said angrily.

"It's not true." Rebekah said as tears started forming under her eyes.

"You know what you did. Admit it."

"I didn't."

"You wanted me dead! Admit it."

Rebekah stayed quiet for a moment before looking down. "Maybe I did. Nik---"

Imogen looked up as she and Klaus looked shocked that Rebekah actually admitted it. The noirette stood up and face the two.


Klaus ignored the noirette and angrily stabbed Rebekah with the white oak stake in her hand. Imogen's eyes widen in horror with what her lover did to the blonde.


She quickly went to them and stopped when she noticed that Klaus missed Rebekah's heart.


Klaus slowly turned to the noirette as tears formed under his eyes. "My love." he mumbled.

Imogen looked sadly at him before tightly embracing him. "This is messed up isn't it?" she said sarcastically.

Klaus placed his head on Imogen's shoulder and remained quiet as the noirette caressed his hair comfortingly.

"We all had flaws, Nik. We all made mistakes, yet in the end? We chose to do what's best, we chose to forgive one another. Why can't you do it to Rebekah? I've done it countless of time for you, for the others."

"You trusted Elijah with the stake and Tunde's blade." Klaus said quietly but there was jealousy in his voice that his lover noticed. He was jealous that she trusted Elijah more than him.

Imogen chuckled, amused with his jealousy. "You're jealous and upset because of that? I love you, Nik. I love you enough to trust you with my life. To trust you enough with our daughter's life." she told him.

Klaus smiled secretly on Imogen's shoulder before looking lovingly at her as the noirette continued speaking. "You have to understand that my relationship with Elijah is based on faith and trust. My relationship with Rebekah is based on our friendship and my relationship with Kol is based on a promise." she smiled lovingly at him. "My relationship with you, however, is different with all of them. It's based on hope and love."

"I love you." Klaus said and captured Imogen's lips with his in a passionate and affectionate kiss.

All his emotions were placed on the kiss. His anger towards Rebekah and Marcel, his jealousy of Elijah and his love towards Imogen and their baby.

And Imogen felt it all. She chose Klaus and opened her heart to him and accepted him for who he was. She stayed with him despite his flaws and the danger that will come.

As she tried to fulfill her task to bring the family together, she secretly swore to help Elijah with his and if he chooses to give up, she won't.

Klaus slowly pulled away from Imogen and placed his forehead on hers. "I love you. I love you, Imogen Farien." he whispered.

Imogen smiled. "I love you Nik. You can tell me anything, remember that." she said. "Every good thing and all the bad. I'm here for you."

Klaus sighed, gently placing his hands on the noirette's cheeks and caressed them. "I promised you a home. I promised you this town. I promised you that we won't run away anymore. I promised you everything." he said, his voice breaking. "But when Mikael found us? It fell to ruins. It was gone so fast I didn't, I couldn't save our home. Of course, I'm furious at Rebekah for what she did. I was angry that I couldn't keep my promises to you. You deserve everything, you deserve to have a home. You deserve a family. This broken family doesn't deserve you, my love. This family doesn't deserve everything you've done."

Imogen pressed her lips on his before smiling sadly at him. "Oh, Nik, don't say that."

Klaus smiled lovingly at her. "I'm going to rebuild this town and make it a home befitting for a queen such as yourself to live here and give birth to our daughter. This, I promise you." he said with seriousness in his voice.

Imogen smiled. "Oh, Nik." she mumbled before looking worriedly at him. "I can feel that something is troubling you."

Klaus smirked mockingly. "I cannot hide anything from you can't I, my love?" he mumbled and sighed. "I don't know what to do. I don't know anymore. I'm so lost."

"If you're lost then, I'll find the right path for you. Talk to Rebekah. You both need it. I want you to hold your anger when you talk to her. I want you to listen to what she has to say. She loves you, Nik and you love her." Imogen told Klaus, who looked thoughtful. "I'll be here to listen to you both and intervene when either of you lose your tempers."

Klaus smiled in amusement as Imogen smiled back, knowing he'll do what she said.

"If you can't forgive, you'll do one day. Punish her but don't kill her, don't dagger, don't threaten her, it won't do any good but makes things worse. We're a family, Nik and we need to act like one."

"A broken, damaged beyond repair family." Klaus mumbled bitterly.

Imogen smiled knowingly to herself. 'Nothing is permanently broken.' she thought and glanced at her growing stomach. 'My little hope, my little love. You're gonna help mommy bring this family together.'

Imogen and Klaus sat beside each other on a tombstone. Their heads resting against each other as they watched the peaceful yet darkening sky, waiting for Rebekah to awaken.

"You missed my heart."

Imogen looked up and saw Rebekah walking towards them. She smiled at her before looking at Klaus, who refused to look at his sister.

"Perhaps I did. Or, perhaps I never meant to kill you. Perhaps I just wanted you to feel a fraction the fear I felt when Father came for me." Klaus said.

"Do you yourself know the truth?" Rebekah asked as tears formed under her eyes.

"I know this. You accuse me of being evil, and yet you are the one who conspired to kill your own blood." Klaus told her..

Rebekah's tears fell down her face. "You made our lives a living hell. You tormented us." she said.

Imogen's heart broke seeing both Rebekah and Klaus' tears. She hated their family fighting each other, she hated seeing them upset, she hated seeing them hurt and worst of all, she hated seeing them shed tears.

"I love my family. You, Imogen, Elijah. I loved all of you." Klaus said and stood up to walk over to Rebekah and looked her in the eye. "I know I can be difficult, but I did not make myself this way. It was Mikael who ruined me."

"He ruined me, too. That's what you forget." Rebekah whispered quietly. "Centuries later, each of us is broken. You with your anger and paranoia, me with my fear of abandonment. And poor Elijah." she and Imogen glanced over at where Elijah was laying, Papa Tunde's blade still stuck in him. "He dedicates himself to everyone but himself. We are the strongest creatures in the world, and yet, we are damaged beyond repair. We live without hope, but we will never die." she glanced behind Klaus' back and looked at Imogen with sadness in her eyes. "And Imogen's barely keeping us together yet she couldn't do it alone. She's broken as we are. Her fear for Mikael surpassed everything she has done. We are the definition of cursed. Always and forever."

Imogen's own unshed tears fell and quickly wiped them away as she stared at Rebekah. She stood up and walked over to her and Klaus. "Let's take a walk." she said, taking the blonde's hand in hers and walked away, leaving Klaus to look at their retreating figures before glancing at Elijah and sighed as he walked over to him.

Imogen and Rebekah quietly walked around the cemetery as silenced enveloped them. The noirette looked around the dark cemetery, smiling at the peaceful evening while Rebekah glanced at her.

"Imogen." The blonde said, breaking the silence.

Imogen looked at the blonde and smiled at her. "Nik should have taken out Papa Tunde's blade from Elijah by now." she informed her.

Rebekah sighed sadly and stopped walking. "I know I betrayed you and you're angry at me and Marcel. I'm sorry, I really am." she apologized as tears started to fall down her face again. "I'm so sorry, Imogen."

Imogen stopped walking and turned to Rebekah with a comforting smile on her face. "What's done is done. I forgive you and Marcellus." she said softly. "I should be the one apologizing, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to make Nik let you and Marcel be."

Rebekah quickly embraced the noirette as she continued crying. "How could you say that? You should be angry, get mad at me for what I've done." she sobbed. "I'm a terrible best friend, a horrible sister."

Imogen smiled sadly as she caressed Rebekah's long blonde hair. "We make mistakes, Rebekah. You've know me your whole life. You know I'm not the one to hold a grudge. I forgive easily." she said.

Rebekah continued crying in the noirette's chest. "You're broken as we do." she sobbed. "How can you say that?"

"I still have hope, Rebekah. The love I have for you, for Nik, for this family can't be easily taken from me even how much broken our family is." Imogen told her. "Now, stop crying. I forgive you, Rebekah. No need to ruin your pretty face."

Rebekah chuckled weakly as she pulled away. "This family sucks without you. " she said.

Imogen chuckled as well. "You love me, the family loves me enough not to stick with me." she teased.

Rebekah wiped her tears as she laughed. "Of course, we love you, Imogen and I love you enough to be my sister-in-law." she teased back.

Imogen's shakes her head, laughing. "Oh, Rebekah, I'm glad you laughed." she said as they continued to walk.

"But which brother exactly?" Rebekah asked with an amused look on her face.

Imogen's eyes widen at her. "Rebekah!" she said in a scolding tone. "I love Nik, you know that."

Rebekah looked mischievously at her. "But that didn't stop Elijah from confessing to you." she said as Imogen looked at her surprised. "Of course, I know that. Elijah told me himself and he was pacing around when he did."

Imogen frowned slightly. "I didn't even know he feels that way towards me." she mumbled.

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Oh please, it's been going on since the day you were introduced to the family." she told her. "And only Kol had the guts to flirt with you."

"I'm with Nik, Rebekah." Imogen told her with a serious look on her face. "I love him."

Rebekah sighed and smiled sadly at her. "Why him? Why must you stay with him? Why must you continue to suffer by being with him? Why must you endanger yourself?" she asked in confusion. "I don't understand how you could love someone so much? How you could love this family so much when it's clearly too broken?"

Imogen smiled at her before looking up at the dark sky. "I know you wouldn't understand but I made a promise, a long time ago, before Henrik died, before Esther made us who we are today. After I became a part of the Mikaelson family when my parents died." she said and turned to Rebekah. "I simply promised to stay with this family, to be with them, through the ups and downs, through good and the bad, through the tears and smiles. Even how broken they will be. I'm prepared for it and helped them find their way, help them mend themselves and stay strong for them."

Imogen stopped walking and looked at the distance, seeing Klaus standing by the gate of the cemetery looking at them with a gentle look on his face as he stared at the love of his life, clearly hearing what she said. Rebekah turned and saw his older brother. The two women approached the Original hybrid and stood in front of him

"We're still trapped in here." Rebekah told her older brother. "Whatever you're going to do to me, do it now."

Klaus glanced at Imogen before looking at Rebekah. "You said our father ruined us. And I can't help but wonder, what if his father ruined him?" he asked.

A strong gust of wind blew the gate of the cemetery open, indicating the spell that Celeste cast on the cemetery has been broken.

"The boundary spell around the cemetery has been broken but mine hasn't." Imogen told the two. "Not until we finished what we started."

"I know you hate me, but what's done is done." Rebekah told his brother as she, Imogen and Klaus stared at the open gate.

"What's done is never done. It remains within us, a story we tell ourselves so we know who we are. Vicious father, a bastard son, the sister who betrayed him and the woman who stayed with the broken family. Perhaps it's time for a new story." Klaus said and stood in front of his little sister. "What is it you want, Rebekah?"

"Same things that I've wanted since I was a child. I want a home. I want a family. I want someone to love me, and I want to live." Rebekah answered.

Imogen tightly held Rebekah's hand as Klaus glanced at the noirette, already decided what he'll do with Rebekah.

"Then go." Klaus said and looked at Rebekah, who looked at him. "Go far away and never come back. We are far too damaged to remain together, less a family now than a volatile mix of ingredients. New Orleans will be mine and Imogen's. We will raise our child here in the city you took from me. No doubt, Elijah will choose to stay, but you? Sister, you are free."

Rebekah looked shock at what her brother said as Imogen withdrew her hand and stood beside Klaus with a sad look on her face.

"That much I could do." The noirette mumbled as tears formed under her eyes. "Go, it's what you want."

Rebekah refrained herself from crying as she stared at Imogen and her brother before walking away from the cemetery. Imogen's tears fell down on her face and a single tear fell from Klaus' eye as they watch Rebekah walk away.

"I'm sorry." Klaus mumbled, wrapping an arm around Imogen's shoulders and pulled her towards him as the noirette sobbed in his chest.

"When I brought Mikael, I never for a second meant to hurt you or Imogen. And Imogen has once again cleared up the mess I made, didn't she? Even in the end huh? She never gave up on Nik and the fruit of that, he's still the brother we knew. Help her find his way."

Klaus and Imogen returned home to find the vampires congregated in the courtyard. Klaus slowly pushed the noirette behind him and stood protectively in front of her.

"Stay close to me, my love." he whispered to her, who nodded, before looking at the vampires. "Is there a reason why you lot are loitering in our home?"

"I asked them to be here."

Imogen turned and saw Marcel walked over to Klaus.

"You and I need to settle this out in the open."

Klaus turned. "I thought you would've run off by now." he said.

"Yeah. Well, this is my town. You may want me to beg forgiveness, but I'm not sorry." Marcel said and looked at Imogen. "I'm only sorry that my mother was harmed because of my decisions and for betraying her." he looked back at Klaus. "I may not be able to beat you, but I came here to face you, to end this in front of my people. If you're gonna kill me for that, get on with it."

Klaus glared at him but remained silent, not dealing with him because of what just happened in the cemetery. He grabbed Imogen's hand tightly with his and walked away as Marcel and the other vampires looked confused at the hybrid's unusual behavior.

Suddenly, Elijah appeared into the courtyard, vamp-speeds over to Marcel and threw him against the wall.

"Good evening. I trust I need no introduction. After all, this was once my family home. Tonight I'm taking it back." he told the vampires. "Your privileges here have been revoked." he turned, walking to Marcel, who stood up from being thrown by him. "Marcellus, out of respect for my sister and your mother, Farien, I will grant you this one mercy. I will allow you to keep your life. "he points at him. "However, you're hereby exiled. If I so much as find a trace of you in the French Quarter, it will not end well for you. Do you understand? That is all. Run along."

Imogen and Klaus were watching from the balcony as the vampires started to file out of the compound. Marcel stopped and turned around, looking up at his mother with a sad yet determined look on his face. The noirette smiled sadly at her son before he left the compound.

Klaus smirked. "Nicely done, brother." he said as Elijah looked up at him. "You're beginning to sound like me. I'm impressed."

Klaus walked inside his room as Imogen stayed on the balcony, staring at Elijah.

"I'm glad you're well now." she said.

Elijah smiled softly at her. "Then I must thank the woman responsible for talking some sense into my little brother." he said. "Thank you."

Imogen only smiled at him before walking away, towards her room and picking a small wooden box from under her bed. She smiled fondly at it before leaving her room and towards Klaus' room. She found the love of her life sitting alone on his bed, his back slouching as deep sadness was emitting from him.

Imogen smiled sadly as she approached him and sat beside him before handing him the small wooden box. "Here. Like I promised, I kept it well hidden. I'm sure you want this back now." she said softly.

Klaus smiled gratefully at her as he opened the box. Imogen wrapped her arms around him comfortingly as she rest her head on his shoulder while looking at contents of the box with a fond look on her face.

"It's all in there." she mumbled.

Klaus took out the small wooden toy knight from the box as he started to tear up, remembering the time he gave it to Rebekah when they were little.

"The wooden knight." Imogen mumbled sadly as she started to tear up as well. "It's what she wants, Nik. Let her be but she's still your little sister, she's still family."

Klaus' tears fell from his eyes down on his face as Imogen embraced him tightly.

"Hayley, other than Elijah, I trust you enough to take care of Imogen in my place. Protect her and the baby with your life. They're the only ones that keeps my brother sane and they are his only hope. Something happens to them? He'll be on a rampage, killing anyone in his sight. Be careful. This family useless without Imogen. She's the only one keeping us together from being completely broken."

Imogen stared at a peaceful looking Klaus, sleeping in his bed. She stayed up and cried with him for hours until he fell asleep. She slowly pulled his covers over him and smiled.

"Rest, Nik. You need it after everything that has happened. I'm sorry that it has to end this way."

Imogen walked back to her room and was shocked to see someone she thought who already left the family drama, currently standing on her balcony.

The noirette smiled happily. "And here I thought you already left for your freedom?" she asked as she walked over to Rebekah Mikaelson, who was smiling at her.

"I already went to the Bayou and said my goodbye to Hayley. And here I am, I came to say goodbye to my best friend. I couldn't possibly leave without seeing the person who's been with me since." Rebekah told her.

"What happened to us girls sticking together?" Imogen asked teasingly. "You, Hayley and I?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes but there was a smile on her face. "You know, I can't pass this up." she told her.

Imogen chuckled sadly. "I know."

"Listen. About Nik, we both know he's too broken to find it himself, but just as you believe, I do believe that there is hope for him. That's you and the baby." Rebekah told Imogen as she took her hands. "And speaking of the child, you know that our family has no shortage of enemies. You both will inherit all of them. Please, be careful."

Imogen nodded. "I will but you know, you can always come back and visit." she said. "A secret from Nik."

Rebekah smiled and looked down at the noirette's growing stomach. "Well, if I can't, you make sure to tell that little girl stories of her crazy Auntie Bex. And let her know, despite my absence, I do love her very much." she said. "Just as I love her mommy."

Imogen started to tear up. "I'll tell her, I promise. She would want to meet her pretty and amazing yet stubborn aunt." she said softly, making Rebekah chuckle weakly as she started to tear up as well. "It's time, isn't? I'm saying goodbye, aren't I?"

Rebekah smiled sadly. "Then don't and I wouldn't want you to. We have an eternity to live forever, we'll still be seeing each other." she told her. "I know we will."

Imogen started to cry. "Oh, Bekah!" she sobbed and tightly embraced Rebekah.

Rebekah started crying as well after hearing her nickname from the noirette after centuries of not hearing it. "I love you, Imogen." she whispered.

Imogen nodded. "I love you too, Bekah. Take care of yourself out there." she said and slowly pulled away with an encouraging smile on her tears stained face. "Now, go. Your new adventure awaits."

Rebekah smiled. "If you need me, I'll just be a call away." she said. "Take care, Imogen and remember what I told you."

Imogen nodded. "I will."

Rebekah leaned towards the noirette's forehead and kissed her. "I'm not saying goodbye as well but I'm gonna miss you so much." she said and smiled at the person who's always there for her, the person who supported her failed love life, the person who defended her from Klaus if she messed up and the person who she was proud to call a sister. She looked at Imogen one last time with deep sadness in her eyes before she vamp-speeds away.

Imogen looked up at the peaceful night sky with her arms around her pregnant stomach. She felt overwhelming sadness and tears ran down her face as she thought of her best friend, her sister, her family.

"Goodbye, Rebekah Mikaelson."

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