The Bad Boy Is Stalking Me

By lafayettesgurl

7.4M 209K 111K

When Rory Vincent's protective older brother moves away to college her senior year, she decides that she is g... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three- Part One
Chapter Thirty Three- Part Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Thirteen

177K 5.5K 3.4K
By lafayettesgurl

"Why do I feel like you're avoiding me?" Ian said as I walked through the school doors the next day. I flinched because he caught me by surprise before sending him a flirtatious smile.

"I don't know. Maybe you're crazy." I was prepared for the kiss as he bent his head down connecting his lips with mine. I moaned under my breath as he cupped my chin pulling me deeper into the kiss.

I quickly pulled away when something dawned on me. Sin was crazy and he was obsessed with me. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to be kissing Ian all out in the open.

"Hold on." I said placing my hand against his chest."We probably shouldn't be doing this out in the open."

He gave me a look that simply said 'you're kidding me right?' I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't want the whole school to be in my relationship."

He smirked. "Oh, so now it's just your relationship?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm serious Ian. I want a little bit of privacy."

I knew Ian was used to being the center of attention at school. His life was always on display like he was some kind of celebrity.

"Fine babe." He said with a shrug. "If you think you're going to be able to keep your hands off of me during school then we'll give your whole privacy thing a try."

I punched him in the shoulder. "You're  right. It's gonna be hard for me not to do that every time you say something stupid."

He winked reaching out before pausing his hand. "Right." He said letting it drop. "See you in class." He said instead.

I nodded turning on my heels and making my way to class.

Aiden caught up to me right before I walked through the door of my first hour.

"Have you seen Grace?" He asked seeming frustrated. "She wasn't on the bus today."

I shrugged.  "Haven't seen her. Maybe she's sick."

He places his hands over his face groaning. "I haven't spoken to her all week. If we're fighting, she has to tell me. This shit isn't fair."

I raised a brow. "You seem stressed Aids."

He groaned. "Don't call me that shit. Ugh. Nevermind, you're no help anyways."

I giggled as I watched him stomp down the hallway. My brother always kept me entertained.

"Emergency friend meeting!"

I winced as I heard Hayden yelling through the halls. I turned to face her, frowning. "Hayden, not right now. We're going to be late to homeroom."

"Emergency. Friend. Meeting."She repeated grabbing my wrist. "Emergency. Frie-"

"Okay!" I groaned letting her drag me to a corner.

She turned to me when we were alone widening her eyes. "I was with you yesterday. All day. All night. You had eyes on me for the entire twenty four hours."

I pursed my lips. "Something you wanna tell me?"

She didn't smile. "This is no time for Jokes Vincent! Keep your head focused. If anybody asks, we chilled at your house all day, and I slept over. Okay."

I narrowed my eyes. I had no clue what was going on. "Okay. Hayden, what going on?"

She shook her head. "Oh shit here she comes. Be cool, be cool."

I turned in time to see Shania Love headed towards us.

Shania was one of those girls who were just perfect. She had perfect skin and perfect grades a perfect house with her perfect family. She even had the perfect boyfriend.

"Oh my gosh, Hayden you didn't. " I mumbled under my breath.

"Exactly." Hayden growled back. "I didn't. Because I was with you last night."

Shania walked up to us shaking her fro of curly brown hair. Her dark brown eyes zeroed in on Hayden and she clenched her jaw.

"Hey guys. What's up." She said placing a manicured hand on her hip.

I smiled. "Not much. Just tired. We stayed up all night watching tv."

My lying game was strong.

Shania chuckled. "Oh, really. I thought I saw Hayden in Cam's neighborhood."

I widened my smile. "Nope. Hayden was with me, all night. We watched tv. All night. At my house. We were just-"

Hayden nudged me to shut up.

Shania studied us. "You sure? I could have sworn it was you. Same hair same height... No ass."

Hayden tensed up. She was insecure about her butt. "Couldn't have been me Shania.  Go play somewhere else."

Shania laughed. "You guys must think I'm dumb." She leaned in closer. "I know it was you, fucking slut. Cam already told me."

Hayden shrugged. "Well, he does seem like a trustworthy guy."

I widened my eyes. Did she really think sarcasm was going to get us out of this bind.

"Listen here bitch-"

"Chill. " I said placing a hand between the two. We were starting to draw a crowd. Shania and Hayden were friends. I couldn't believe Hayden would do something like this, but I definitely didn't need the whole school finding out. " Hayden was with me."

Shania still held the smirk. "Well, maybe she snuck out to fuck my boyfriend when you were hanging out with Sin Westbrook."

I paled. The hallway got quiet.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, attempting to sound innocent.

My lying game was no longer strong.

"Oh, a friend of mine saw you walking with him. I didn't feel the need to bring it up because I respected your privacy. But now I see that we have no respect for each other."

I felt my face burn. It was true. Hayden should never have done anything with Cameron. Everybody knew how much Shania loved him. And Shania and I had been friends. It was wrong for me to lie for Hayden. But Hayden was my best friend. And I would always protect her.

"Well your friend must have been mistaken. I definitely was not with Sin Westbrook. "

Shania frowned now, seeing that her tactics didn't work. "I don't see how a virgin like you hangs out with such a slut."

I felt my heart drop. She was telling the whole school all of my business.

Hayden stepped forward pushing Shania out of my face. " Maybe you should go find your boyfriend.  You know he can't control his urges"

Shania shook her head. "Gosh, your such a slut Hayden. I don't even want him after he's been with you."

Hayden shrugged. "Welp, more for me I guess."

Shania swung first, connecting her fist with Hayden's face. She didn't wait for Hayden to process what happened. She tackled her to the floor swinging her fist as they went down.

Hayden screamed, raking her finger nails down Shania's face. "Get. The hell off of me!"

Shania wasn't listening. She continued to throw punches hitting Hayden in the nose.

Not thinking, I jumped onto her back pulling her by the neck trying to separate the two. She came crashing down on top of me, elbowing me in the eye. "Back off Vincent. This has nothing to do with you." She growled scrambling back towards Hayden who was holding her nose in shock.

"Break. It. Up." I mumbled pulling her legs trying to keep her away from Hayden. We looked like a mess.

All of a sudden I felt hands around my waist pulling me off of the ground. I paled when I came face to face with Sin.

This was not going to help my reputation.

"I can't leave you alone it seems. " He muttered eyeing the scene. Hayden was bleeding, blood splattered on her yellow dress. Shania's eye was swollen.

"Put me down Sin." He was lifting me off the ground. It was embarrassing.

"In a minute. You start this fight?"

I groaned. "Ugh, no. But you're making it so much worse."

Security marched down the hallway ushering students to their classes. They grabbed Shania and Hayden off of the ground and when one of them reached for me, Sin tilted me out of his grasp.

"I got her. To the office I pressume."

The guard scratched the back of his neck. "Uh... yeah I guess."

"Put me down Sin." I hissed under my breath. "Put me down right now."

He flipped me over his shoulder. "Maybe this will teach you to stop fighting in school. " He said with a deep laugh.

Seeing no escape, I buried my face in his sweater to hide my identity.

I had asked for an exciting senior year.

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