łoviės ,, diza

By xokoshy

27.5K 359 489

"haha fuck you dobrik" "i'll fuck you if you want" complete. More

- thank you


781 13 35
By xokoshy

P- principal

Lizas POV:

as ester freshens up and i get ready to go catch davids cheating ass, i start thinking, what if things get ruined, im litterally expecting a baby in 3 months to be in this world, and he's cheating on me? i dont think nor know if him and i will work out now, its gonna be hard if we do, i could just go catch him and then have a big argument, us be mad for about a month or less, then go back to having sex and shoving our tounges down each other's throats, or i can just ignore him and act like i dont know until he keeps asking and bugging the shit outta me until he comes clean and tells me, i might just act cool and ignore him until he realizes that im there, then well yea you get the point by now. well hopefully you do, because i dont wanna think anymore


she comes russing in

E: yes?
L: are you ready??
E: yes lets go

we start rushing down the stairs until mrs.dobrik stops us

DM: where are you two going?
L: prom
DM: wait but lizas-
E: davids cheating on liza so yea
DM: oh my god, actually

ester sends the video to her mom and then we leaves to prom, when we pull up to the school, we walk inside, i start looking around for david, and i see stacey grinding on him by the snacks, ew, stacey!, out of all girls its sTacEy, gag, anyways mOviNg on, i be a normal person, not pregnant or anything at all, and walk over to the snacks, i act like im not there even tho i see david glance at me but he probably dosent even knows its me, we see the lights turn on and the principal begins to speak into the microphone

P: welcome class of 2018! soon some of you will be walking on a stage where i will hand you a diploma and you will graduate leaving school and moving on with life! so this is probably your last chance to all the girls who where trying to be queen and have their spouse named king, im sorry but this was your last year! i would just like to say you guys have went thru so much and have helped us all with everything, and i am so proud and ready to see what your futures turn out to be like!

she opens the envelope that says whos queen and king and then reads off the feed back

P: this girls has helped us thru alot of school, rallys, benefits, convenients, and many other things, from sports, to dances, to many other events that we have held, without her we wouldnt be able to pull half the things off we have this year if you ask me personally, but during her high school journey, she has found struggles, from relationships, to losing loved ones and friends, she's recently announced her teen pregnancy and has three more months to go until we meet her baby girl

who wrote this shit? i think to myself

P: so can we put our hands together as we announce our 2018 class prom queen! Ms. liza koshy!

i walk up to the stage and they put the crown on me, everyone cheers and i feel like im gonna get sick, i shouldnt have came, i look and see davids face, he's shocked that im here, as he quickly takes his hands off of staceys waist and stands straight slowly moving away from her, acting as if i never noticed or some shit, like bitch, i wasnt born yesterday

P: ok and well there wasnt much for this years 2018 prom king! but he is also struggling at the fact that he will soon be a father! so this years prom king is! Mr. david dobrik!

people cheer and then david comes up to the stage, as they put the crown on his head, he grabs my hand as we walk off the stage into the middle of the floor, after our slow dance, everyone joins the middle of the circle as david and i lose contact, i run to the bathroom and vomit soon after i leave the bathroom and go see if ester was ready to leave

L: hey ester are you ready to go?
E: yea lets go

ester and i walk to the car as we both hop in and drive to the house we have a little girl talk

E: congratulations on queen
L: thanks

as we pull up to the house, i rush upstairs and change clothes, laying down after washing my face, and im definitely not sleeping in the same bed as david tonight so i fall asleep in my bed tonight, it might be peaceful now but tomorrow will be living hell.

Davids POV:

i dont think liza knows about stacey and i's "special time" today and thats how were gonna keep it, i go to my room and see the sheets are flat so liza not in here, i go and peek inside the door to her room, to see her sleeping in there, shit. she knows, i just wont say anything until she speaks up about it, but for now im going to sleep, i change clothes and wash my face, etc. ya know the nightly results, then i lay in bed, thinking, it might be peaceful now but tomorrow will be living hell.

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