No More Sympathy (Abused Male...

By Ibanez303x

223K 3K 1.8K

(Y/N) (L/N) was the adopted son of Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose. He was loved, cherished, and well train... More

Profile Card
Chapter 1: Enter The Dragon
Chapter 2: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Way of the Dragon
Chapter 5: Way of the Dragon pt. 2
Chapter 6: More Than a Burden
Chapter 7: The Knight Versus the Dragon
Chapter 8: Forever Falling
Chapter 10: Off With a Bang
Chapter 11: Bonded by Blood
Chapter 12: Sharing is Caring
Chapter 13: Dance Dance No Solution
Chapter 14: The Mission
Chapter 15: Breach in Security
Chapter 16: Game of Death
Chapter 17: Date Night (Filler)
Chapter 18: 4v1
Chapter 19: What Would We Do with a Drunken Sailor
A/N: Changes
Chapter 20: 2v1
Chapter 21: 1v1
Chapter 22: End of the Line
Chapter 23: Missing in Action
Chapter 24: A Few Step Ahead
Chapter 25: Tyrian
Author's Note: Under editing

Chapter 9: Gray Area

10.3K 161 22
By Ibanez303x

Your weekend was going by fairly normally. Train, eat, meditate, and this Saturday you plan on heading out and exploring Vale. You also got word from Master Lee that he was working on a movie and filming would start soon. He wanted you to be an extra but you had to turn him down to keep up with your classes.
"I wonder what Team JNPR is doing?" You ask yourself aloud.
You walk out of your room and walk down the halls until you hear yelling from Team RWBY's dorm.
Judging by the voices you deduce it's Weiss and Blake yelling at each other. You ignore it and continue to walk until you hear their dorm open. You turn to see Blake run out of her room, speeding down the hall. You rush back to Team RWBY's dorm and look to see the remaining three members in shock.
     "Someone wanna explain what happened?" I ask.
     Ruby was just about to say something before Weiss cut her off.
     "Apparently Blake is a Faunas and a member of the White Fang."
     "We don't know that yet!" Ruby yelled out, trying to defend her teammate.
     "She clearly stated that 'they' were tired of being pushed around." Weiss retorted.
     You sighed not wanting to hear their bickering but stick with it in concern for Blake.
     "Alright! You guys can argue later. What matters is Blake is gone. If a White Fang member she should be retrieved immediately. Or if she isn't, you three should find a fellow teammate." You say getting everyone's attention.
     "Just out of curiosity, why are you helping us (Y/N)?" Ruby asks.
     "I desire to help a misguided soul, much like Master Lee did with me." You say as Ruby looks down.
     "We'll start in the morning. You guys search the streets. I'll look in possible locations of White Fang activity." You say walking away from their dorm.


     It's currently morning. You and what was left of Team RWBY just got to Vale and immediately kicked off your search. You checked dust stores for recent robberies as well as asking around if they've seen a cat faunas. Right now your walking with Weiss as Ruby and Yang decided to split up to cover more ground.
     "You've been reluctantly looking this entire time Weiss, what's wrong?" You ask.
     "I just feel that she'd be better off on her own. After all she kept this secret from all of us."
     "And this has nothing to do with your faunas prejudice?" You ask.
     "I do not have a faunas prejudice! I simply don't care for the criminally insane." She retorts.
     "I understand your hatred for the White Fang, I'm not fond of them either. You see, my master and the White Fang don't exactly have a good relationship."
     "Why's that?"
     "Back when Master Lee was a boy a group of faunas kids would gang up on him. Once he started to learn martial arts, he beat up the faunas. Broke the head honchos jaw. Turns out that kid was the son of the leader of White Fang operations in Mistral. Since then the White Fang have been against my master, although they're smart enough to not start a fight." You explain.
     Weiss simply nods, taking in the information.
     There's an awkward silence between the two of you, that is until you decide to break it.
     "You do understand not all faunas are like the White Fang right?" You ask.
     "Of course. That's not the reason I'm mad. It's just most of the faunas I've been around have done nothing but try to hang my family and the company. So I think I'd be understandable that I'd have some trust issues." She says.
     "What about Blake?"
     "At this point I don't care. I'm more mad at the point that she lied to us, her team. However, if she is a member of the White Fang I will not hesitate to report her to the authorities."
     You nod, as nothing else needed to be said. The rest of the search was quite dull. You meet up with Ruby and Yang who apparently picked up someone else along the way. Her name is Penny and apparently they met yesterday. The five of you right now are just walking around town until you all hear an explosion coming from the docks.
     "That can't be good." Penny says.
     "Alright. Everybody, let's go!" Ruby says pointing to the docks.
     "Don't tell me what to do Ruby." You say sighing.

(Timeskip again)

     The five of you arrive to the docks to see Blake and some blonde monkey faunas facing off against Roman Torchwick and the White Fang. You questioned their alliance but quickly let it slide so you could help out Blake. Once the White Fang noticed your presence they sent men your way to try and hold you back. Keyword was try. The first of the foot soldiers to attack you ended up getting a kick to the face and his legs swept in, knocking him down. Two other men ran at you with their swords drawn. They tried slashing at you but you dodged every one of their attacks. You grab one of the guys arms, twisting it behind them, then pushing his body into the second guy, knocking them both down. The final guy who came up was a bit bigger and more muscular then the rest, you assumed he was a rhino faunas by the horns coming out of his mask. He threw a punch at you only for you to catch it under your arm. You hold him in place smirking putting your hand and inch from his chest.
     "I don't believe you've seen my one inch punch." You say.
     The rhino faunas struggled harder to get out of your grasp but you quickly jab at his chest, knocking the wind out of him causing him to fall over.
     "That was interesting." You say.
     You see the other White Fang members staring at you as well as Torchwick who seems pretty fed up.
     "What are you animals doing? He's just a guy in some pajamas!" He yells.
     "Unless you want to hear from Bruce Lee himself I'd rather not start anything else." You say cracking your knuckles."
     "Did he say Bruce Lee?" One of the foot soldiers asked.
     "Fuck this I don't want anything to do with him!" Another said.
     Apparently the others agreed and ran to the bullheads.
     "Whatever, we got what we came for. See ya pajama boy." Roman said running off to the bullhead.
     You ran after them but were too late as the bullhead had already lifted off, only to be impaled by multiple sword looking objects. You turn to see Ruby's friend Penny pulling the swords towards her, dragging the bullhead with it. However, the bullhead managed to separate whatever connection was holding those swords to Penny and was able to fly away.
     After Team RWBY made up, you decided to head out but were stopped by Blake, who grabbed your shoulder turning you around.
     "Yes?" You ask.
     "Is it true you put aside whatever feud you have with your sisters to help find me?" She asks.
     "It was the right thing to do. Also, I'd miss your company around Beacon." You say causing Blake to blush.
     "Well, whatever the reason, I just wanted to say thanks."
     Then, out of nowhere, Blake leans up to you and kisses your cheek before walking back towards her team. Shocked and a bit confused, you feel your cheek and can't help but feel a bit warm inside.
     "Well I better go see what Master Lee is up too." You say.

(Another Timeskip)

     You make your way to a street that's been blocked off by a film crew and you knew what that meant. This is where the film was being shot. You make your way threw the crew, ignoring all the guys telling you couldn't be there. On set you see some men dressing in suits face off against your master, who's currently clad in a white with black trim suit, black dress shirt, white tie, black dress pants and dress shoes. One guy tried to hit Master Lee with a pipe to which Master Lee blocked. He then grabbed the mans wrist flipping him over with one arm. The next guy tried kicking Bruce, only for his leg to be caught. Your master elbowed the mans knee causing it to buckle inwards. The mans yell was enough to make your ears ring. Master Lee then threw the screaming dude into two other men and knocked out a guy running behind him with a single punch without looking at him.
     "Cut! Everyone take five and we'll continue from there." The director yells.
     Master Lee is given a bottled water and while he drinks another guy gives him a sweat towel to wipe his forehead with. You sigh, knowing he's enjoying the celebrity treatment all too much. Your master notices you and waves you over, causing you to move forward.
     "(Y/N)! What a surprise! How's my star pupil?" He asks wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
     "Great, Beacons treating me fine." You say.
     "Getting all the ladies?"
     "Well one kisses me on the cheek today."
     "No shit, good job kid. I knew you had it in you." He said as two men ran up to him.
     "Sir we're gonna have to ask you to leave the set." The one man told me.
     "Jerry, the kids with me." Bruce told the guy and they just left.
     The two of you caught up, he explains how he's filming a movie that's suppose to premiere during the Vytal Festival and you tell him about your encounter today.
     "You fought against the White Fang? (Y/N), you better have a good reason." Bruce tells you.
     "We were looking for a member of my sisters team and she ended facing off against the White Fang as well as Roman Torchwick." You explain.
    Master Lee ponders this for some time, trying to figure out what Roman would need from the White Fang.
     "What do you think Master?" You ask.
     "I feel this is all a part of a bigger scheme. Roman and the White Fang are two opposite forces. There had to be someone stronger to get the two to work as one." He says.
     "So you feel that someone is pulling the strings from behind the shadows?" You ask.
     "Waiting for the perfect time to step into the light. Head back to Beacon (Y/N), I'll figure this out in my free time." He says.
     You bow, causing him to bow back as you leave the film in sight. As you head back to Beacon, you can't help but think who's behind all of this.

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