Past love, present love ~COMP...

By AnonymousAmateur7

4.7K 182 20

You and Daniel were best friends in highschool, but then your ways got separated. You haven't seen each other... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 3

320 10 2
By AnonymousAmateur7

The job interview went well, and you had a good chance at getting the job. Daniel picked you up, because you had planned to spend the day together at the mall. You had a lot of fun, mainly because it was with him, but also because he went with you to all your favorite stores. At 3pm you stopped at McDonald's to get food, and surprisingly you ran into the rest of the Why Don't We boys there.

''Hi! I didn't know you were at the mall too?'' Daniel said questioning.

''Corbyn needed or more precisely wanted a new pair of shoes'' Jonah said suppressing his smile that was finding its way on his lips.

''Don't you have like 10 pairs of shoes?'' you asked confused.

''No! I only have 8 pairs'' Corbyn whined, ''Why does everyone think i'm a shoe maniac?''

''Because you literally are one!'' Jack said in a duh tone.

''Nobody needs 8 pairs of shoes...''Zach said.

''I do!'' Corbyn said seriously.

While they argued, you couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to know them. After all they were so nice and so many girls wanted to know them.

''Shall we go to another store m'lady?'' Daniel asked with a smirk on his face.

Why did he have such a perfect face?! Just looking at it made your knees fragile, and that smirk was not helping it.

''Yeah, sure! Where do you wanna go?'' you asked.

''Well, how about Adidas?'' Daniel asked knowing that you had always loved the store.

''Is there an Adidas store here?!'' you asked a little too enthusiastically.

''Yeah, and by that face I know you still love it'' Daniel answered while laughing.

''Less talking more shopping!'' You said and began marching.

''Selena it's the other way'' Daniel said still laughing.

You turned red in the face and that just made Daniel laugh even more. Gosh that laugh! It was just perfect in every way! You turned around and walked after Daniel and the boys to the Adidas store.

When you all got home the boys invited you to their house for a movie night, and you couldn't say no to that. All the boys except Jonah wanted to see a horror movie, and you didn't like horror movies but agreed anyway. You sat between Daniel and Jonah and that made you feel a little safer, because they were the strongest. And if anyone would break into the house, Daniel and Jonah had the biggest chance at beating them down... Then you realized how paranoid you were being and tried to enjoy the movie instead.

**Daniel's POV**

I didn't really watch the movie, because I was sitting so close to Selena and I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Even with a scared look on her face she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. All of sudden she really clung to me, and then I realized it was because of the movie. I laid my arm around her to try to calm her down a little bit, but then another scary thing happened and she got a tighter grip around me. I wouldn't complain about it and I was happy!

At the end of the movie she wouldn't move at first. Maybe the horror movie wasn't such a great idea after all...

**Selena's POV**

The rain was pouring down and it was dark. There was only one lamp-post, and it was over a dark drain. I didn't know why I walked closer to the drain, but I just felt drawn at it. As I got closer I saw two eyes stare at me.

''Why don't you come down to me and have a little fun with me'' the person with the eyes said.

''What would I do down there?'' I asked curiously.

''Come a little closer so I can show you'' the person continued.

I came closer and when I am about two feet away, the person bites my leg and drags me down the drain, down to the darkness and loneliness... (May or may not have been inspired by ''IT'')

I woke up screaming and out of breath. I was sweating and my eyes were wet from crying. I grabbed my phone and looked at the clock; it was 3 in the morning and I didn't know why I did it, but I called Daniel. It felt like hours waiting for him to answer, but when he answered I told him right away about the nightmare. He tried to calm me down and said he would be over in a minute. And so I sat there in front of the door waiting for him. When the door opened and his gorgeous face showed up, I jumped up and hugged him. I had never been this happy to see him.

''Hey, how are you feeling?'' Daniel asked with a tired smile.

''It's better now, and thank you so much for coming over!'' I said.

''I know the best way to fall asleep again, and that is to watch cartoons'' he said with a giggle.

''Does it seriously work?'' I asked confused, because I had always thought that was a myth.

''Yeah, just ask Jonah! It works every time with him, and you know how much he hates horror movies'' Daniel said.

''Well, let's turn Mickey's Clubhouse on then!'' I said laughing.

We sat down in the couch and turned the tv on. I was so comfortable here and I just smelled Daniel's cologne. It smelled so good and I just wanted to stay here with him forever. He laid his arm around me and it made me feel so safe. He really knew how to calm me down and get comfortable. I looked at him; his beautiful eyes, his perfect hair and his smile. I heard Mickey's Clubhouse in the background and saw Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck but I didn't really get what it was about, and soon my eyes closed, my breath got heavier and I drifted off to sleep.

Published July 16th 2018

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