About kisses and hugs

By DesFleurDeCerisier

446 2 0

Jane and Patrick are excellent Teammates that they know each other since children and then of many years your... More

The Start Of a Great Road
A New Route To Travel
Halfway to the destination
Embracing the path to a possible new destination
Kisses that embrace destiny
New options change the universe
An end of the year that looks to the future
Kissing the possible, embracing the incredible
Looks are deceiving
What happens is convenient
A world full of illusions
A year more life
The best is coming
Resigning and admitting

A winter of dreaming

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By DesFleurDeCerisier

An icy and snowy cold lashed the city at the beginning of the last month of the year, perfect day for Jane to go on stage to premiere the work that had been rehearsing several times. Everything was perfect: the lights, the decoration, the stage, the theater, the makeup, the hairstyle and the incredible costumes that the production of the work had made especially for her. Although she only participates in a few scenes, she felt absolute protagonist, a super special mini diva.

His mother sat in the front row at the center, with Joséphine on the left and Kenzo on the right, only missing his older brother Carlton who was about to start the University and could not go. The excitement and joy of being fulfilling his dream of dancing on stage in front of an audience, filled with good energy all around and contagiously spread to all the people present at the place: a small and modest, but powerful theater in the who have danced the best dancers in the country in its infancy. Just thinking that her idols and referents stepped on the same stage as her, was the greatest happiness that a seven-year-old girl could have. No one could erase the smile on his face.

There were minutes to start the show, the announcer gave the announcement that the show is going to start: "Ladies and gentlemen, as soon as the lights start to turn off it will be time to pay attention to the stage because the show is going to start. We ask everyone present to enjoy the work in silence and with the phones turned off so there are no interruptions. Thank you very much, we hope you have a good evening. "

The announcement ends and the illuminator begins to turn off the lights of the audience one by one, from the spectators of the last row, towards those who are in the first one, suddenly a light is made on the stage that shows a shadow between its reflex, it was the shadow of Jane lying on the floor, who begins to dance as soon as the music sounds, with a black suit of gold and silver details, decorated with bright red decorations, without stockings or slippers, dancing barefoot with a ponytail of horse that moved with her, her hair so long and beautiful, that embellishes her routine even more, she moved like a gazelle running freely through the forest, she was in her ideal place in the world. She danced like she never did before, you could see her face passionate about the music she played, she looked like an expert dancer, an artist with a career.

Her mother cried with emotion the three times she came on stage, she could not believe that this little girl was her daughter, the one who danced hidden in her room so that no one could see her, could not believe how much she grew up, and how incredibly talented and virtuous she was it could become. She was the most proud mom in the world, she wanted everyone to know her and see how great she is. His brothers also did not believe what was happening, Kenzo, for the first time in his 14 years had shed a tear of emotion and applauded with the solemnity of being the proud older brother of Jane. Joséphine could not stop applauding and jumping for joy for her sister, wanted to go on stage, hug her, kiss her and not let her go, she was happy to see her little sister happy and radiant. Carlton could not see the play, but he came to the end, the moment in which the cast greeted the audience that was standing elated applauding. As he did not have a seat he stood next to the exit door trying not to be seen, but Jane from the stage saw him and as soon as they finished saying hello, he ran down the stage to hug him and thank him that he will travel from campus only to See her.

As for Patrick, he could not go to see her, because he had to play a game, but I wait for her at the exit of the changing rooms to give her a congratulatory card that he did with his own hands and that he had a very nice message inside: " I wish you everything and nothing: everything you want and nothing you do not want. Your most faithful friend Patrick, congratulations on this new adventure, you are the best. " He also gave him his favorite chocolate and a chain just like the one David and Chandler had given him on his birthday, but with a picture of the two of them the first time they skated together. His face lit up when he opened the pendant and saw the picture of them inside, somehow he realized that he could not imagine a future without Patrick being part of his life.

After a hug that seemed eternal for her surroundings, Patrick promised to see her soon, a promise she made the following week sitting in the same place her mother sat in the first show, and next to her was her mother Alice who I had taken him to see her. Even though Patrick did not like classical music, seeing Jane dancing so passionately to that music was for him his favorite music. At that moment Patrick realized that Jane was altering his world in small doses, but he did not care to have her in his life forever, a future without her was not an option for him.

It was not until the end of her first routine that Jane became aware of Patrick's presence in the audience, and when she saw him she smiled a smile equal to that of the anxiety for the first show. With Patrick in the audience everything was better. No one could imagine separate lives.

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