| SAVAGES | Detroit: Become H...

By TheFriendOfDorothy

1.8K 122 16

"I'm not afraid of God, I am afraid of man." - The world is cruel and unfair, Korra knew that and never thoug... More

Cast and Song Playlist
Chapter 2: Four Bars Later
Chapter 3: The Crime Scene
Chapter 4: Deviant Discovered
Chapter 9: A Rude Awakening
Chapter 10: The Chase
Chapter 11: Numb
Chapter 12: Interference
Chapter 13: Poison of Choice
Chapter 14: Haunted
Chapter 15: She
Chapter 16: Stepping Back
✨Authors Note✨ New Chapter Soon!!!
Chapter 17: Back to Work
Chapter 18: I Have To Know
Chapter 19: Crumbling
Chapter 20: Conflict of Interest

Chapter 1: The Beginning

187 13 1
By TheFriendOfDorothy

I can still remember the night it all began. This revolution that I had managed to get myself caught in the middle of. Obviously I didn't know what it all meant, how it all came together so perfectly. In hindsight, all the pieces of this sick puzzle were right under my nose; scentless as I blindly tried to find them. But as I usually did, I kept getting in my own way.

The sounds of the torrential downpour as it beat against the concrete walls of the central precinct echoed in my ears as I sat in the lab that night. Time seemed to stream along endlessly, seconds ticked by all the while it felt like hours had already passed.

It was almost eleven in the evening on a Friday night, yet there I was, still knee deep in lab work and reports. Mind you, all of this work technically wasn't mine to file and sort through; and that was the most frustrating part. I could feel the tension and frustration rising in my already sore muscles knowing that I should have been home hours ago.

"I swear," I mumbled to myself, "If I had known I would get stuck with Hank's paperwork when I was in college, I would've dropped out." 

Would've, could've, should've. 

Sighing, I sat back in my chair and took my hands off the keyboard of my terminal, rubbing my fingers under my tired eyes. I knew Hank was going through a lot especially after the last few years, but it's not like my life at the time was any more of a cakewalk. But I supposed we all have a funny way of showing that we were hurting; Hanks was simply avoiding life all the while he poured it away in a glass of whiskey.

I continued to snake my fingers back to the loose elastics that were still in my hair and pull them out, only to look down at my phone and see my exhausted reflection on the screen. My makeup had began to rub off at some point so now the bags under my eyes were completely visible, all the while my deep maroon lipstick was practically invisible. My once dark eye shadow was creased and ready to be wiped off, and all I wanted to do was go home to do it. Letting out exhausted sigh, I put my phone back in my pocket and lazily placed my head down on a pile of papers as my eyes drooped shut. 

But it seemed that I couldn't catch a break because the second my forehead hit the paper, the sound of the door sliding open startled me. Almost sliding off my chair, I managed to catch myself and look up to see someone at the far end of the room. An android?

I remember thinking it strange that'd never seen his model before, and thought it even more peculiar how he was dressed.

He didn't wear the typical CyberLife uniforms that you'd see a delivery android, or even a domestic android, wear. It was almost business casual. 

"Miss Caulfield, my name is Connor, I'm the android sent by CyberLife," he greeted. I almost asked him how he knew my name, but then quickly remembered that androids were equipped with facial recognition software. I began to look the him up and down. He was tall, less than six feet, his hair and eyes were both a dark brown and he wore a very clean CyberLife suit. I didn't think that we were supposed to receive anything from CyberLife til next week. Especially not in my department.

"Oh... Hey, Connor. What can I do for you?" I asked, standing up and clasping my hands together.

"I was wondering if you could help me locate Lieutenant Anderson, an officer told me that you may be able to help locate him."

"Oh, of course. May I ask what you were sent for? And how the Lieutenant is involved?" I was slightly unnerved by this unknown android asking for Hank. It probably wasn't for nefarious purposes, but what would an android want with a man who despised them?

Connor cocked his head slightly, and blinked before responding. "I was ordered to accompany the Lieutenant to a crime scene."

"Accompany? You don't look like one of our officer models. May I ask what your model and serial number is?"

"RK800, serial number #313 248 317. I'm a prototype meant to assist the department on android related cases."

"And by 'android related cases', you mean deviants, don't you?" My eyes narrowed as I leaned my hands against the desk. He didn't accept or deny my conclusion, but I didn't need him to, I knew I was right.

"I was just wrapping up with work anyways," I lied, using the glass surface for stability as I slid my flats back on my feet. He continued to watch me as I crossed the room to get my coat and bag, as silent as the dead. It was a bit unnerving if I had to be honest, so my thoughts turned elsewhere. 

'My god I need to clean up in here tomorrow,' I thought. All of the samples and materials were put away properly, but there was old paperwork and files everywhere. Despite how digitized the force has become, I supposed we still can't quit paper.

"I apologize for the current state of the lab. It's probably not the best first impression you could have," I said, shrugging on my DCPD issued windbreaker. As I slung my bag over my shoulder, I heard the faintest of sounds of something moving behind me, so I looked to see that Connor moved. He was beside my desk, looking at the random objects scattered about the glass surface.

"No need to apologize," Connor responded as his warm gaze scanned a framed photo, "it's your work space after all. My opinion on its condition is irrelevant." He turned his head to me once he was done, his movements so fluid and calculated.

I looked into his eyes for a moment, a little taken back by the comment before looking away, "Right."

"Anyways, there are a handful of places he could be at right now. But if I ask around, I can narrow it down to a few. He usually disappears without a trace, so it's nothing to be concerned about," I explained as I grabbed my car keys from the desk and headed towards the door. "Come on, I'll take you."

"Thank you Miss Caulfield, I'd appreciate that very much," he thanked me, nodding his head and going to open the door for us to leave.

"Please," I stopped him as I walked out of the door and looked back to Connor, "just call me Korra."

The LED on Connor's temple quickly flashed from blue to yellow for a moment, "Alright... Korra."

"Shall we be off then?" I motioned towards the front entrance of the building. Connor nodded and followed me through the precinct. Off into the storm.

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