Lovers' Sin


440 37 26

They decide to break the rules, but only to encounter death and put the Kingdom into ruin and despair. *** Se... More

πŸ’žLovebirds- Scene IIπŸ’ž
❣Angry Lovebirds- Scene III❣
Love Stains- Scene VI
ACT II- Scene I
Rebels- Scene VI
🍴 Peaceful Dinner? 🍴
πŸŒ‘ The Shadow πŸŒ‘

Taste Of Bliss

2 0 0


I see someone blindfolded being carried to the woods. I recognize her voice as soon as I hear it. I exhale out a long breath of relief as my poor heart finds its reason to rejoice once again. My hands itch with the urge to envelope her between my arms and feel her head against my beaten chest.

The soldier leading her to the cabin motions at the ones who are watching after me to alert her presence. He is trying to help her get to where I am while she's fighting him and refusing to stay at ease.

"Candace! My dearest. They won't harm thee... please, have no fear."


As soon as Arthur's voice reaches my ears, it calms my distressed soul. I depend on him to remain alive just as a youthful plant needing sunlight and water to grow. I can finally breathe again now that I know for sure he is safe and sound.

"Arthur! My raisin cake... where art thou?"


I do not want her to see me in the chains and in my surprise, the soldiers get me free before removing her blindfold.

One of the guards:

"Thou canst talk to the Ethiopian Princess, however it's in her best interest that you don't attempt to escape. If you do, she will pay the consequences."


A smile nests on the lips of my dearest. I draw her into mine arms to welcome her warmth and company.

"My turtledove and sunshine, I could not sleep or eat while knowing that I would be deprived to see thee. Revitalize my dying soul with the nectar dripping from thy lips! Sustain me with thine affection, may thy words abundantly comfort mine ears as they longed for thee since the day you left the dungeon. It's agonizing to recall of thy hands being pulled by force from mine. Now that I'm with thee, I hope the night will last forever."


"Thou makest me feel just as the green vegetation of the earth. Life is more bearable by thy side, especially now that I'm childing."

He stares at me as his lips part widely open.


"Thou art birthing a child?"

She nods her head while lacing her arms around my neck.


"The King looked so devastated knowing that I'm bearing that child. However, I care not about what he thinketh. I do not regret being thy spouse or loving thee. Even if it'd meant to stay here forever with thee, I would not hesitate doing so."


"Loving me hath been costly for thee and thy family. I ruined thy reputation, thy home and I robbed thine integrity. How can I forgive myself, Candace?"


His eyes are becoming red as if he tends to cry. I immediately stroke his face and draw his chin on my shoulder. I am still trying to comfort him while I am the hopeless one.

"Say not such a thing, my love. Thou hast not done any harm to mine image. I am still a princess, yet I am willing to give up my name for thee. Believest thou not so?"


"The fruit of our love is a burden to thy father. A load that I wish I could share with thee. What will people think of our union? This child? What will happen to us?"

I keep reminding myself that a man shall not cry in the presence of a maiden. The only difference is that I am expressing my fears to the one I love and I judge it to be a speedy healing to my soul.

"I wish I could hide my tears from thee. Still, they won't obey me."


"I am as scared as you for the future of our child. My people are quite severe when it comes to our laws and I wish not to face the consequences."


"Nothing will happen to our child. I promise!"


"How canst thou be so sure?"


"Thou wilt be safe here in the woods."


Arthur looks worried. There is something that he is not telling me.

"What art thou hiding from me? There's something that I shall know?"


It is hard to lie to my dearest. I can't keep the truth from her any longer.

"Thy father is in great danger."


"The king! Someone is attempting to harm my father? I have to warn my brothers."


"It's too late. I don't think thou canst do anything to prevent it.

She is uneasy and tormented. She no longer wants to be consoled in my arms.


"How do you know this? Who told you? Who is behind this plan?"


"I can't tell you."

She throws a suspicious stare at me.


"Why? Do you have something to do with it?"


"How canst thou think that of me?"

I push myself away from her.


"I do not know. However, the young fellow who came to bring me here knoweth thee. Doeth he not?"


"He does! But where are you getting with this?"


"He ordered a soldier to take me to thee hostage. Does that sound nice to you?"


"I didn't know he'd done that. I'm sorry!"


"The castle was surrounded by soldiers shooting arrows at the roof and the garden... everywhere. What I don't understand is that he's Ada's brother."


"Ada? Art thou talking about thy servant?"


"Yes, and she was the one who walked me out of the castle to him. I admit that sounds treacherous..."


"It is! Canst thou give me a clearer description of what she sounded like when talking to thee?"


"She looked gloomy and was rushing. I did not ask any questions since all I wanted was to see with mine own eyes that you were really alive."


I am not sure about what Ada hath to do with this. However, there's a probability that David's undercover accomplice hath been Ada since this whole time.

"What else did you notice?"


"Her brother asked to speak to her while I'd waited in the carriage. Arthur, what doeth that mean?"


"There's only one explanation... There will be chaos and there's no way to avoid it."


"What's troubling me is what Ada's brother mentioned about Amul."


"What did he say?"


"He's selfish. I'm blindsided by this entire masquerade. Open mine eyes, help me see clearer!"


I do not want to increase my beloved's worries and less, ruin her ties with Amul, his older brother. After all, I have a deemed respect for Amul. He hath been spurned by King Haile who also held his dignity away from him. Amul was used and he faced prejudice against his own race. However, he always valued his relationship with his siblings, though I was not going to mingle in such sensitive affair.

"It will be better to speak to him in person."


"What secret art thou holding away from me? What did he do?"


"Why would you ask me if I vowed to never divulge such a confidential matter to anyone?"


"I am thy wife, companion and faithful friend. What exactly canst thou not tell me?"


I refuse to tell her whereas she keeps nagging me till midnight where I start to become weary to the point of giving up.

"Why do you insist? Thou art pressuring me to speak against my will."

She makes me lay upon her knees and beseeches me to tell her the truth. Her voice dances inside my head, making my heart slowly succumb to her request. There is nothing else I can do to resist her.


"Tell me! Then I won't bother anymore."


"Thou art plaguing me with thine insistence. Let go of me and remove thy hands from my hair. Thou makest me feeble which I can't even do anything against."

She urges me to the point of dying. When a maiden wanteth something, who can stop them? Their words are like a swarm bees' attack. They never miss out on their target.


"Speak! Talk to me... Cast away this heavy secret from thy heart."


My ears become distressed from her trick where I finally have no choice than opening my heart to her.

"Amul was planning a conspiracy against thy father. He was his enemy the entire time."

She looks at me surprise and rests her hands on her cheeks. Her fingers crawl toward her ears in an attempt to cover them to avoid earing more of it.


"What sayest thou, Arthur? My brother is a traitor?"


"I am sure he didn't go through with the plan. I told him not to and threatened to expose him."


"That's why he wanted you to remain in the dungeon... Was it not the reason?"


"I doubt it. He would never hurt me, or you and the king. He doeth not have the guts for such cruelty. He is a soft human inside, I am convinced."


"How come? You never get along with him and don't even like him. Why art thou defending him in a sudden?"


"I think thou shalt rest and resume the conversation later."

She motions at me to sit up and look in her eyes.


"Hast thou something to do with the conspiracy?"




"You promise?"


Her eyes openly show that she's doubting my words.

"What are your thoughts say?"


"Maybe you helped him at the beginning then changed your mind. Though you decided to sell him away since you have nothing to lose. After all, I am already thy wife."

I stand onto my feet, trying to figure why her eyes keep accusing me.


"Art thou charging me of a crime that you assume I committed?"


"I won't blame thee if you attempted to conspire against the King. Just tell me the truth..."


"I fear that I have nothing else to say since now the woman I love judgeth that I'm liar."


"Maybe it was to be able to gain the opportunity marrying me, which I am not against. I am already bearing a child who is soon to come to this world. It's the fruit of our tree, the one we planted with our love."


My ears turn death to her romantic declarations. I can't ignore that my dearest hath held such opinions of me.

"I am deceived and quite overwhelmed by thy statements. Maybe I shall walk away to clear my mind. I was expecting thee to believe me, Candace."

She gets up and catches my hand as I turn away from her.


"No, leave me not here alone. Not with an angry face."

He lowers my hand off his arm and steps aside.


"This is the second time that thou hast blamed me for things I didn't do. It was never my fault that you were struggling at the village away from thy father's castle. Yet, I had to hear you say that I took you out of your home and brought you to the mountains in the midst of poverty.

Here I am being accused because I held a secret which I knew would've affected your family ties with Amul. I am always the guilty one when I am trying to make you happy and keeping whatever might hurt you off of your way. I wish I could act as if you didn't doubt mine intentions. However, whatever is said stays forever."


"I never intended to hurt thee. I am simply lost and confused."


"It is always a danger to fall in love with a confused mate, for they always confound wrong for right, love for infatuation and lust for a brief moment of bliss. I wish not to live like this!"

She wraps her arms around me and places her head upon my back, delaying my leave.


"Don't be mad at me, my bloom of winter. If thou leavest, what will it become of me? What about our babe?"


"I am not deserting ye, however, I want to give thee enough time to make up thy mind. See what thou truly wantest and examinest thy motives. I am a Jew, Candace. My biggest regret was not asking thee twice if you really wanted to tie the knots with a man that would separate you from the love of your people and King Haile's trust. I took a tremendous risk marrying thee, yet what did I find in return? Doubts in thine eyes!"


"What desirest thou since my apologies seem not to be enough?"


"Go and ponder on everything that we lived together, find thy true desires then come back to me. I can't spend the night next to a person who's questioning our bond, our precious marriage. It hurts me, Candace."

She pushes me and starts to cry.


"Why are you doing this? This is the time where I need you the most."


"And also a time where you have to give me your whole heart, not half. Not the time to distress me by questioning my love for you and less, my honesty! It is also the perfect time to grow and find thyself, something that I should've allowed you to do."


"What kind of man would inflict the maiden bearing their child?"


The problem is that Candace never took the time to understand the consequences of our union. She was not ready to go through such path and I was a fool making our story sound like a fantasy. I was supposed to prepare her for the reality which she's still confused about.

"I am the son of a former slave who died, Candace. From misery and in the most downgrading manner. I must make you understand who I am and the circumstances that my life is entitled to."

I gesture at the guards who come after I distance myself from her.
In a whisper, I tell them to make me whatever they used to do to them.

"Candace, these guards are from Israel. They go through the tortures that thanks to thy mother I never had to experience. Yet, by the moment I deceived the king, I knew that would've called death upon me. Did you understand that when I consented to take thee away from the castle?"

She nods, a bit hesitant and apprehensive.

"Please, put me back in the chains."

The guards gawk at each other then look back at me.

The Guards:

"David told us not to keep thee in chains in front of the Princess."


"Do as I say."

They are reluctant to consent, but do so as they notice my resolved face.


"What are ye doing? Free him! Arthur, what art thou trying to do?"

After they put me back captive, I command them to show remove their armor and show their scars to Candace.

The Guards:

"Th'art insane. We can't do this!"


I coax them to do it although it is against their will. One of them holds Candace who is too agonized to see me the dreadful cicatrice on their backs. Tears drown her face, though the guards judge that she hath seen enough.

"This is a torture that I got exempted from while I am not worthier than my other brothers who are kept in captivity. Do you understand now? This is the gent that you married! A slave whose brothers are constantly being brutalized, Candace. I have too many burdens to carry... I can't add your doubts on top of them. This is the reality which I didn't create. I am not to blame for an act that we both agreed to, which was to conceive a child. I have never approached my hands inappropriately toward thee or have I ever tried to take advantage of thine innocence. I could if I wanted to, still I decided to put thine interests before mine own. I married thee which wasn't forced. Why blamest me thou when everything seems dark and unfair? I can't be thy husband only when life is all bloomy and yellow. I'm tired now, don't pain my soul more than it already is."


"Thou art unfair to me. I am anguished to see thee in these chains and these scars on these men. Why hath my father done such cruelty?"


"This is real! Not a fantasy or a dream, Candace. We can't step back, so you have to make up your mind."


"What wantest thou, Arthur? Perhaps that I weary my knees on the ground in front of thee? Kiss thy feet and dry them with tears resulting from my torment? I am dealing with my father..."

A sob threatens to cover my voice. I make a pause before resuming the conversation.

First, it was Gigar who denounced us to the King then our mistake...


"Mistake? Art thou calling our love a mistake? The countless nights that you spent in my arms sleeping as a nursed babe? The times you kept reminding that you loved me. What do these moments mean for thee?"


"I never asked questions about your people, the Jews. I should've understood that marrying you would've also tied me to them and also to their misery. That was my mistake..."


"What was mine then?"


"Your mistake is simple! You should've told me these things before, not now. Thou art deliberately torturing my lips being away from yours. Why art thou so cruel rejecting mine affection?"


The guards watch us with a smile carving around their cheeks. As soon as I notice them, they turn their heads.

"What shall I do, Candace? I am mentally tired and I wish that no harm come upon our child."

The guard lets go of her and She rushes to mine arms which I contently accept.


"I will help, I promise. Thou art not alone, my beautous moon. I am neither deserting nor blame thee."


"It is not in mine intentions that you endanger thyself!"


"I know! However, I hold myself accountable for what my father and my people hath done. I acknowledge thy suffering, now mayest thou assuage mine."


"I am not indifferent to thy pain. Thy lips are welcomed to get appeased from my fountain. My lips are also impatient to meet yours. Let our fountains overflow so our kiss mayeth refresh our desperate souls."

She kisses me and remains in my arms as the guards step away. They are tired of our romanticism and it is quite understandable seeing how long our cuddle hath lasted.

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