Family secrets

De butaering

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James and Rebecca Mitchell have been married for 33 years. They were only 18 & 20 years old. A year later the... Mais



456 17 4
De butaering


Sophie's POV:

We arrive at the sushi place, I get out and Mom follows me while Dad and Elizabeth stay in the car.

As we walk in, Mom's arm is around my waist, we see people instantly taking their phones out to record or snap a picture. I've gotten used to it.

"Let's get you some sushi" Mom smiles and leads me to the counter.

I take a platter of different sushi and we go to the checkout to pay. The guy behind the counter looks bored and when he sees us he quickly stands straight and smiles.

"Is that all for today ma'am?" He smiles.

"Yes thank you" I smile back.

I pay and mom and I walk back out to the car. Elizabeth is sitting on her phone when I hop in. Dad starts the car and we drive to Italiano's.

The car is silent, I sit there staring out the window. I'm broken. I'm completely heartbroken. I can't show it though, I can't be a burden for Mom and Dad. I mean their first daughter, my sister came home for the first time ever and I don't want to be a burden.

"We're here" Dad announces, cutting my thoughts.

I quickly jump out with my sushi platter and I walk with mom, Dad and Elizabeth lead us in.

"Ciao, Mr and Mrs Mitchell, Hello Sophia, oh and who might this beautiful woman be?" Luis greets us.

"Hello Luis, this is our eldest daughter, Elizabeth" Dad smiles.

"Oh, let me show you to your table" He says in his thick italian accent.

He leads us to a table that is outside in the patio under and umbrella with the sun shining on us.

"Thank you Luis" Mom says as we take our seats.

I sit across from Dad and Elizabeth sits across Mom. We look at menus.

"You looking at a menu? Thought you wanted sushi?" Dad chuckles.

"I just want a drink, is there a problem with wanting a drink?" I sigh.

Dad looks taken aback, Elizabeth and Mom look at me shocked. I suddenly realise what I have just done. I feel so bad and my eyes tear up.

"Oh my gosh, Dad, I'm sorry... I'm just not-" I get cut off.

"Darling, I know.. It's fine, really" He smiles comfortingly and grabs my hand.

I can't believe I just yelled at my dad! What has gotten into me? I knew I should've just stayed home until I was feeling good about myself pr whatever.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter cuts my thoughts.

"Ah yes" Dad looks at Mom and Elizabeth, letting them order first.

"I would like the shrimp carbonara with pesto on the side, and some iced tea" Mom smiles.

"I'll have the chicken fettuccine alfredo, with garlic bread and iced tea" Elizabeth orders.

"I will order a pizza margherita for the table, I would like the spaghetti alle vongole, with bruschetta on the side and iced tea" Dad says.

"Can you please bring the iced tea and some cups for the table?" I ask.

"Sure ma'am, coming up" The waiter says taking our menus.

"So Lizzie, what has been happening in London?" Dad asks her.

"Well erm, nothing exciting really. Just doing theatre, broadway same old" She smiles.

"That's nice" Mom smiles.

"What has been going on here?" Elizabeth asks.

"Well, there hasn't been mu-" Dad starts to say.

"Everyone left this morning" I sigh.

Dad and Mom look at me.

"Everyone?" Elizabeth questions.

"Yes, Eric and Rose left for New York, Joe and Emily left to their apartment and..." I say as my eyes start to tear up.

"Aw, I'm sorry for asking, I didn't mean to upset you" Elizabeth apologises.

"No, I'm fine.... I just miss them" I say to cover up the fact of what I'm actually crying about. Or who I'm crying over.

"Soph, you can eat your food" Mom says rubbing my hand.

"No, I want to wait for all of you to get your food" I smile.

The waiter arrives with the pizza and iced tea, another waiter holds four cups and puts them in front of us, pouring iced tea into them.

We thank the waiters as they walk away, another waiter comes with Elizabeth and Mom's food, and a lady comes with Dad's.

"Let's eat" Dad smiles.

I open my sushi platter and I start eating. Elizabeth, Mom and Dad are talking about her life in London, and how she really wants to stay with her parents longer.

My thoughts start taking over my head.
I guess he left me because I'm not good enough. He lied. He said he loved me. He told me every morning he loved me. What is wrong with me? I don't know what I did to deserve this. I hate myself for pushing him away. I can't love anymore. I don't want to. Love killed me.

"Soph, you okay?" I hear Mom's voice.

"Oh uh, y-yeah I'm fine, why?" I ask, my thought going away.

"You're getting teary again" Elizabeth says.

"Oh, uh.. no I'm fine" I smile through my tears and I wipe them.

For the rest of the hour we sat there eating, Mom, Dad and Elizabeth conversed, and I sat quietly. Occasionally, Mom would grab my hand and rub it. I appreciate her. So much.

"I guess we should go?" Mom asks.

"Yes, let's go" Dad smiles and stands up.

Elizabeth and I get up. Mom and Dad turn to me and hold their arms out, I smile and walk over in between them two, their arms around me and Elizabeth walks arm in arm with Mom on the other side.

We get to the parking lot, I pull Mom back as Elizabeth and Dad walk on towards the car.

"Mom..." I say looking down.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asks.

"C-can you sit with me in the back?" I ask.

"Yes of course" She smiles and hugs me on the side as we walk.

We get to the car, Mom tells Elizabeth she can sit in the front with Dad. We hop in and I rest my head on Mom's shoulder, she holds my hand as Dad drives on.

A few minutes later, we make it home. Dad parks in the garage as it closes behind us. We get out and I run to my bedroom.

"Soph" I hear Mom call out.

I run upstairs and into my room. I close the door, take my shoes off and lie in bed, pulling the covers over my head. My tears start running down my cheeks. I hear the door open.

"Soph" Mom's voice fills the room.

"Y-yeah?" I say trying to make it sound like I'm not crying.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say, as I calm down.

"Ok, I'm going to give you a minute" She says.

"Mom" I pull the covers down and show my face.

"Don't leave me" I blurt.

"I won't honey" She takes her shoes off and comes into my bed.

I smile and she cuddles me as I lie there, tears rolling down my cheeks. We hear a knock at the door.

"Honey?" Dad walks in.

"Yeah?" Mom replies.

"Aw, what's the matter?" He says walking over to us.

"I'm fine" I say quickly wiping my tears.

"Sophia May Mitchell-Smith, I know you're not fine, it's okay to cry in front of me, let all your emotions come out" Dad sighs.

I look up at him and he holds his arms out, I get up and hug him, and I just start bursting into tears. He rubs my back as I cry into his chest.

"Baby, let it all out" Mom says rubbing my back.

Dad hugs me tightly, as I keep crying. Mom sits down on the bed.

"Honey, where's Elizabeth?" She asks.

"She is taking a nap" Dad says.

I calm down and stop crying, I sit on the bed next to Mom and Dad sits down next to me. I wipe my eyes and I just look at my hands.

"Now Sophie, I know this is hard, very hard for you. I blame myself for this happening to you" Dad's voice cracks.

Mom and I look at Dad confused and shocked at the same time, I grab his hand.

"Dad, it's not your fault, how is it your fault?" I ask as my tears roll down me cheeks.

"If I hadn't approved of him, and let you get close to him, this wouldn't have happened" Dad says.

"Dad, come on, it's not your fault... it's no one's" I sigh.

Mom and Dad hug me together, and Mom starts singing:

"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers"

"Slipping through my fingers, ABBA.... I love that song" I smile.

"Me too" She says.

"I'm going to go to my office for a little bit" Dad says getting up.

"Okay, we'll be here" Mom smiles.

He walks out, leaving the door open. I yawn and mom looks at me. She moves over and lies in my bed, pats a space for me.

"Mom, I know I'm being a burden and I'm sorry" I sigh and lie down next to her.

"Nonsense, you're not a burden, never" She says.

I rest my head on the pillows, Mom also lays there and she turns the tv on. She puts on a movie, 'The Sound of Music' one of our all times favourites to watch as a family.

"I love Julie Andrews so much, she's just amazing" Mom says as the movie starts.

I smile and wish that this moment was like this forever. I couldn't be more happier, to have my mom right beside me.

"Oh my gosh! Those vocals!" Mom admires Julie on the tv.

As the movie goes on I feel my eyes closing, on the part where the nuns sing 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria'.

Rebecca's POV:

The movie is on the part when Maria is meeting the kids, I turn and look at Sophie, she's fast asleep. I kiss her head and smile.

My baby, my beautiful girl. I continue watching and turn the tv down a little. A phone starts ringing, I listen to hear where it's coming from. I reach over Sophie carefully and grab her phone, it's Rose FaceTiming.

I answer it and it shows her face:

"Hi ba- mom?" Rose looks confused.

"Hey Rose, wow you're not at all happy to see me huh" I laugh.

"Oh no, I just expected Sophie to answer" She giggles.

"Where is she anyway?" She asks.

"She's sleeping, look at her.. what a cutie" I smile showing Sophie sleeping.

"Screenshot! Aw, she looks sick, is she alright?" Rose asks.

"Yes, she's fine... she's just been crying that's all" I sigh.

"What? Why?" Rose asks.

I look surprised at the fact that I am about to tell Rose and I don't know if Sophie will be happy about it.

"Mom, spit it out, come on" She begs.

"Okay, but you can't tell other people, she won't be comfortable with everyone knowing" I explain.

"You've got my word" Rose smiles.

"Mike left her" I blurt.

"What do you mean, he left her?" Rose questions looking confused.

"I mean; flash, boom, bang, GONE!" I sigh.

"What! She must be devastated, oh my gosh! Why did I leave today?" Rose panics.

"She's Sophie, she's strong, I've got her, don't worry" I smile.

"Aw, okay give her my love and kisses.. I love you mommy" Rose smiles and blow kisses.

"I will, I love you to darling" I smile and hang up.

I sit there and I just think if I should tell Emily, I mean, she has the right to know and she'll be here in a flash if she knew.

I hear someone coming up the stairs, I look out the door and James appears at the door. He smiles at me and walks in.

"You okay honey?" I ask.

"Yes, I am, I just miss you" He smiles and comes and sits next to me.

"How in the world can you miss me when I've been with you the whole day?" I laugh.

"I miss your hugs and kisses" He sighs and hugs me.

"Aw, well just a few more days and I'm all yours" I joke.

"What? A few more days?" He worries.

"No I'm kidding, I might have to sleep with Sophie tonight, I'm not sure though" I explain.

"Yes I know, I'm fine with that" He says.

"Is Lizzie still sleeping?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, should we go check?" He suggests.

"Yeah, let's go" I get up and we walk to Elizabeth's room.

I knock softly.

"Yes?" I hear her voice.

"Darling, are you okay?" James asks as we walk in.

"Oh yes, I was just reading my book" She smiles.

"Are you sure? It's just that we've been with Sophie most of the time and we're just sorry about leaving you alone" I say walking over and sitting on her bed.

"It's fine, really. Is Sophie okay? I'm just worried about her" Lizzie asks.

"Well, she will be. She's going through such a hard time right now, but she is Sophie, she'll be fine" I smile and hold her hand.

"As long as she's okay, then I'm okay.. what's for dinner mum?" Lizzie asks smiling.

"Your dad is going to make...erm" I say looking at James.

"Oh.. I'm going to make some barbecue salmon, with salad and rice" He says.

"Ooo that sounds delicious" She says.

"Want to help?" He asks.

"Of course" Lizzie gets up.

"Mom!" We hear Sophie call out.

"Sophie?" I call back.

"Mom, come back" She calls back.

"It's okay mum, go on.. we'll make dinner" Lizzie pats my shoulder.

I nod and walk over to Sophie's room. She's laying there, she looks sick, she's more pale than usual, and she has red cheeks. I walk over and feel her forehead.

"Baby, you're getting a fever" I sigh and make her lie down.

"I know, but I want to go downstairs" She says.

"Well, okay. Bring your blanket and walk slowly" I smile and help her up.

She grabs her blanket and we walk downstairs slowly, she reminds me to bring her phone and I take it with me.

We get to the living room, and Sophie decides to leave her blanket on the couch and sit on the piano.

She starts playing a song that sounds so wonderful, I'm proud that she can play many instruments but my favourite is the piano and guitar.

I watch as she hums along, I've never heard it before.


Hope you like it! Please feel free to message me and tell me what you want to specifically be in the story like a type of plot, or a 'secret' that can be added to the family 😊.


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