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"Darlings, I'm home!" James calls out to his daughter.

"Daddy! You're home!" She runs down the stairs squealing.

"Dad's home? Dad's home!" Emily lets her sister Rose know, they both race down the stairs.

Sophie jumps on her dad, he lifts her in the air and kisses her cheek as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you daddy, why did you go for so long?" 3-year old Sophie asks.

"Oh I'm sorry my baby, I was working" He replies.

"Dad!" 14- year old Emily smiles and hugs him.

"Hey dad!" 17-year old Rose says kissing his cheek.

"My beautiful girls, I've missed you all" He smiles.

"Mostly me!" Sophie giggles, poking her tongue out at her sisters.

"Yeah well mommy doesn't need hugs from you now that daddy's here; huh!" Emily teases her sister.

"My mommy!" Sophie starts crying.

"Soph! Rose, why is she crying? It's Emily isn't it? It's always her" Rebeccas voice echos down the hall.

She walks out and stands there looking at the back of Emily. She tilts her head and sees her husband.

"Oh my gosh! Honey! When did you get here?" She smiles and walks up to him, hugging and locking lips with him.

"I just got here" He says between kisses.

"Eek! Ew. Noooo kissing.....my daddy!" Sophie pouts and pushes her mothers face out of the way.

Becca pouts playfully and pretends to cry, covering her eyes with her hands. Emily hugs her and pouts.

"Look what you've done Sophie, you made mommy sad now" Emily sighs.

Sophie lets out a dramatic cry. Becca turns and hits Emily's arm with her backhand playfully.

"My mommy!" Sophie reaches out and Becca grabs her.

"Dad, I'm very glad that you're back! I missed you so much, it has been a very long five months" Rose hugs James.

"Even the daily Skype calls weren't enough" Emily hugs her dad on the other side.

"I know, this is the last time I'll leave for too long. Other times, we will go together" James kisses their heads.

"I love my mommy, my mommy is my mommy, I love my mommy, my mommy is mommy" Sophie sings as she plays with Becca's hair.

Becca smiles and closes her eyes rocking herself gently.


Becca's POV:

"Mum?" I hear Lizzie's british accent, cutting my flashback.

"Yeah, honey?" I call back.

"It's almost time for me to go to New York" She says walking into my room.

"What? Already?" I ask shocked.

"Yes mother, I'm leaving soon" She says.

"Honey! Lizzie's due to leave soon" I call out to James.

Sophie and I are still at it, every now and then. It's really hurting me that she's like this all of a sudden. But, what am I to do? Just wait till she gets over it?

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