A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective

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By burningballoon

Cersei felt like she was living through hell the entire time she stood in the great hall. She felt total agony when she found out that her brother was betrothed to Aurelia, or as Cersei prefers to call her 'The Stark whore of the North'. Whispers of Aurelia's beauty reached the ears of the South and it never left. Despite never thinking about Aurelia Stark in her lifetime, the 18-year-old girl has occupied her mind increasingly ever since news of the betrothal came out. Cersei never felt threatened about a girl who's a million leagues away, but once she heard about the betrothal, she can't help but think of Aurelia becoming the cause of her pain for taking her love away.

Jaime and Cersei's relationship may have ended, however it was never gone. Jaime had always been her and hers alone. No one else was allowed to have him; according to Cersei's perspective at least.

She was positive that she'll be able to end the betrothal by seducing the King into saying yes, but no matter how much wine he drinks and no matter how much Cersei loathed herself for willingly lying down with the King, she was not able to change his mind.

When Tywin Lannister arrived at King's Landing in a matter of days after the betrothal became known to Jaime, the rest of the Lannisters knew the betrothal was going to happen. There's no denying that any longer. King Robert would return Tywin everything he was robbed off from King Aerys. His eldest son Jaime would finally become Heir of Casterly Rock once more, and his legacy would be continued. Tywin needed just that for him to agree.

She stayed silent throughout the entire ordeal. Her eyes were on Jaime ever since he entered the Great Hall with none other than the Stark whore herself, but his never landed on hers. Something which infuriated the Queen even more. Cersei was never one to give up, but now she seems hopeless as she did everything she could to make sure the betrothal never happens. If she spoke out of line, it would earn her a slap in the cheek by her husband. Not only that, she'll insult House Stark by implying that Aurelia Stark is unfit to marry Jaime Lannister. It doesn't even matter if Cersei already thinks she is.

Tyrion was no fool unlike her sister. The rage inside her eyes is familiar to him as he's seen it one too many times. He wasn't as blind as their father, Tywin. One only needed to look close enough to see the forbidden relationship between his brother and sister. Tyrion got the advantage of being raised together. He chose never to speak of it in front of his siblings nor to anyone else. If word got out that Jaime and Cersei were involved romantically, their heads will be on a spike decorating the walls of Kings Landing, along with their three bastard children.

No matter how small his love is for Cersei or for her firstborn Joffrey, Tyrion can never have the courage to be responsible for their deaths. Jaime seem to be the only person he loves, and he cares for Myrcella and Tommen. He would never wish for death upon them. Not to mention, it will stain the name of House Lannister forever.

Tyrion laughed when he heard that Jaime is to be betrothed. He laughed even more when he heard that Jaime is to wed a Stark. It was surprising to him that Robert would choose Aurelia Stark, though it wasn't surprising when Tywin agreed to the betrothal. An alliance with the Starks are a powerful one. But Tyrion could see was that it was dangerous as well, especially for Aurelia.

"Poor girl. Cersei would make every second of her life a miserable one. Not unless the girl has a wit of her own I suppose." Tyrion once said his brother, Jaime, when they were discussing the news.

Aurelia Stark has no idea what she's walking into and neither does the rest of the Starks.

As for Jaime, he's been silent about the betrothal most times, much to the chagrin of Cersei. She tried changing Jaime's mind to no avail, and she can't possibly understand why Jaime isn't doing anything about it. When they were children, Jaime used to fight with their father regarding betrothals as he did not want to marry anyone. At that point in life, Jaime wished to marry Cersei and only Cersei. However, things change with time and so did Jaime's love for his sister.

He once thought that Cersei was his one true love. That there was no other woman he could love other than his sister. They didn't care if their relationship were forbidden, they didn't care even if it meant that they could die if anyone finds out. All they cared about was that they had each other, and that was all that matters to Jaime. Jaime had times of doubt, even more so than Cersei. But whenever they do, they would always tell one another that the Targaryen's wed brother and sister for centuries. Why should they be any different?

Jaime despised the secrecy. Having to leave Cersei's chambers early in the morning before the servants came. Distancing himself with their three bastard children whom Cersei claims to be Robert's. Those were what Cersei wanted; not Jaime's. However he had to follow them if it meant spending another day with whom he believed to be his one true love.

Unbeknownst to Jaime, Cersei had him wrapped around her finger. She manipulated him easily, tricked him into thinking that what they had was real love. Jaime had not known love since a young age. The only person who's ever given him that was Cersei. He welcomed her love with open arms.

But Jaime was not blind either. Each oncoming day, Cersei's thirst for power grows stronger and stronger. She unhealthily nurtures their eldest Joffrey, not knowing that she's simultaneously ignoring her two other children. Jaime can't figure out what Cersei sees in Joffrey. Ever since the incident with the kitchen cat where he sliced open its stomach, taking out the unborn kittens and presenting them to his 'father' the King, Jaime knew that Joffrey is rotten to the core and the only person who can't see that is Cersei herself. He told her many times about Joffrey's behavior, yet Cersei wants to hear none of it. She made it crystal clear that Joffrey is her son and not his.

Jaime's love began to fade when he realized Cersei's true intentions. She was breeding Joffrey to become a King, in hopes that she can rule through him. They had numerous fights afterwards, and their nights spent together became fewer. Most days they would eventually return to one another arms as if yesterday's problem were long gone.

However, Tyrion knew how vulnerable Jaime is with Cersei. He felt that it was right to help him by making sure he can see his own mistakes in continuing their incestuous relationship. Jaime was too much in love with Cersei to realize what she was truly doing to him.

Tyrion was smarter than Cersei thought him to be. Her lovers may be discreet, but Tyrion has kept a closed watch on his sister ever since he moved to King's Landing. Their father would rather Tyrion live far away from him rather than being in one roof. Hence, Tyrion would always enjoy his time in the capital. However, despite being discreet, Tyrion found out about the affairs Cersei had been having with a couple of soldiers from the Lannister army and even a knight from the Kingsguard who wasn't Jaime.

Tyrion debated himself whether he should tell Jaime or not. He had no evidence, hence it'll be his word against Cersei. Even with witnesses, what proof is there for Tyrion to make such an accusation. Whatever the situation, Jaime would always believe Cersei more than him, no matter how much Jaime loves his brother. There was tang of guilt within Tyrion because Jaime deserves more than Cersei. Jaime's protected him his entire life. Perhaps Tyrion could protect him from Cersei by telling the truth.

When Jaime rode for Casterly Rock after the Greyjoy's burned all of the fleets at Lannisport, Tyrion was left in King's Landing and of course Cersei was there as well. Tyrion couldn't sleep that night and when for a walk out in the dark castle halls, thinking that no one would found out about him. As he was walking about, he saw a disheveled looking blonde man walk out of Cersei's chambers. It was one of their cousins, and Tyrion couldn't believe his eyes. It seems that having Jaime wasn't enough, and now Cersei is sleeping with one of their cousins and quite possibly other men.

Cersei was unfaithful to Jaime numerous times, whereas Jaime has only been with one woman his entire life and that was her. Though that's suppose to change once he marries Aurelia Stark. But alas, Tyrion decided against telling Jaime the truth.

It all came to an end when Jaime got home after the Greyjoy Rebellion. To celebrate King Robert's victory, a Tourney at Lannisport was held. Jaime hadn't seen Cersei ever since he left King's Landing for Casterly Rock, continuing his service by following the King and the rest of his armies to aid and fight in the Siege of Pyke. Jaime immediately sought out for Cersei as soon as he reached the capital, unlike his husband the King who cares nothing for the Lannister Queen.

Cersei drank an entire of pitcher of wine the night before since she had forgotten that Jaime would be arriving the next morning. He found her passed out on her bed with a stranger beside her whom happens to be a Lannister soldier, given the red and black armor sprawled across the floor leading to the bed. There was no mistaking that Cersei slept with this soldier since they were both naked as the they were brought into this world.

To say Jaime was furious would be an understatement. He couldn't believe at first. He trusted Cersei. He believed that she would never be unfaithful to him, and yet here she is; sleeping with countless men whenever Jaime left King's Landing. Someone had to make her bed warm while Jaime was away. He didn't talk to Cersei for weeks and when he did, they fought. Still, Cersei tried to make it as if it was Jaime's fault. If he hadn't been away for so long she would never have resorted to sleeping with other men. Jaime told her that he couldn't control the war. He had to do his duty as a knight, and Cersei replied by saying that he didn't fight hard enough to return back home to her.

Then Cersei took advantage of Jaime in his moment of weakness. Jaime had needs as well, and even after Cersei was unfaithful to him, he still craved for her. And so they lay with one another, which resulted in the birth of Tommen. Jaime realized how wrong their relationship was afterwards. Cersei was never going to change and he learned that the hard way.

But what he hated the most was that even though Cersei had caused him pain, Jaime still cares for her sister. It wasn't the same romantic love they had before, yet it wasn't familial as well. He doesn't think he could live without his sister, and there are days where nobody can make him happy like she did. There were also days where Jaime questioned himself. He reflected on his past actions. How different things would be if their relationship never came to be.

Joffrey made Jaime think that that was what the Gods sent from above to pay for Jaime and Cersei's sins. He was a product of incest, and therefore an abomination. But then Myrcella and Tommen are such sweet children who would never hurt a fly. They are innocent of the world outside, and how cruel people can be. They've never known violence, death or war. Both of them were good to their very backbone. Sometimes Jaime wonders how a person like Joffrey could have siblings as good-hearted as Tommen and Myrcella.

Nevertheless, Jaime was never a father to them. He kept his distance from all three of his children with Cersei worrying that if he gets too close, someone will get suspicious. Hence, Jaime watched them being raised from afar. Only conversing with them when necessary or during dinners or breakfasts. Jaime has never felt any fatherly love for them three, and he doesn't know if he ever would. He never thought about children, and he never wanted them.

He still believe that he couldn't be with any other woman in the Seven Kingdoms even if he wanted to. He was certain of that until he laid his eyes on Aurelia Stark. She was different than anyone he's ever met before. Jaime never longed for a wife nor children, perhaps Aurelia can change that. He never felt that way with Cersei, but maybe he would with Aurelia.

Ever since he ended their relationship, Jaime always kept his distance from Cersei much her to exasperation. They've never slept again since then, and Cersei has seduced and manipulated him in many ways she could think of, though none of them ever worked. Although Jaime's love for her drifted into nothing, Cersei's love for him was still present and she has no intention of stopping. She still hopes that Jaime will eventually come crawling back into her arms like before.

Of course, that hope was crushed when news of the betrothal came out. Cersei noticed the glances Jaime has been giving the Stark girl ever since they arrive in Winterfell. She had hoped the rumors of her beauty were untrue, in order for Jaime to feel repulsed by her appearance. But she can't deny that Aurelia was beautiful as the whispers claims her to be, and so does the entire North. Cersei hasn't interacted with the girl before, nor did she want to. She's been acting polite with the rest of the Starks ever since she came, but she wasn't about to extend her politeness to Aurelia.

When the betrothal became official with Jaime consenting to the marriage along with King Robert reading Tywin's letter that arrived just this morning -which stated his agreement with the betrothal as well-, Cersei wanted to scream out of rage. If looks could kill, Aurelia would be long gone by now, and yet the Stark girl doesn't suspect anything. Then when Ned formally agreed with the betrothal, there wasn't anything else anyone could do unless Ned or Tywin pulls out with their own respective reasons.

As soon as it was over, Aurelia bolted out of the hall swiftly after she excused herself. She needed to get out of the room as soon as possible. It felt like she couldn't breathe; like the walls were slowly closing in on her and no one could hear her screams. She only glance at her mother with pleading eyes before leaving the hall. Jaime's eyes never left her until she was nowhere to be seen, and Aurelia was so focused on getting out that she didn't even register Cersei's expression on her.

Cersei has never felt threatened before. Even if her and Jaime's relationship ended, Cersei took comfort in the fact that Jaime would never belong to anyone else because he would never take a wife. Her three children are a reminder of the love they had. They were the image of both of them. Now, Aurelia has taken that comfort away. When Jaime and Aurelia are married, they would belong to one another and that didn't sit well with Cersei.

If she can't have Jaime, then no one else can.


1000+ READS LIKE WHAAAATT???? THIS IS SO CRAZY!!!! I thought I post a longer chapter than the previous two, and this time it's written mainly on the Lannister's point of view. Most of my chapters are written on Aurelia's point of view, so this is a new chapter where it's not.

This chapter is sort of an insight on what's going on through Jaime, Tyrion and Cersei's mind regarding the betrothal. If you guys are still a bit confused with where Jaime and Cersei's relationship stands, basically their relationship ended after the Greyjoy Rebellion because he caught Cersei cheating on him, and it sort of a wake up call for Jaime and he finally realizes that she's a different woman than he always wanted her to be. Moreover, he wants to move on from Cersei but she's sort of not letting him because Cersei still wants to be with him. But Jaime is just trying to distant himself from her because he's afraid that if he took a step closer, he'll be wrapped in Cersei's little finger again.

The kind of relationship they have is basically in between being familial and in a way not-familial as well. There's nothing romantic going on between them, and Jaime 100% does not love Cersei the same way he used to. He just knows that he can't live without her, and a part of him cares about Cersei because no matter how much he tries to change it, she's still family after all. So yeah, it's a bit complicated in the first few chapters but I promise you it'll all makes sense in the future chapters.

Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! I would love hearing your thoughts about this story.


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