Believer { peter parker x rea...

By shookquackson

11.5K 256 79

"Wh- who ar- are you?" "Me? I'm Valor, a believer" Y/N was a normal girl, well kind of. Y/N was a Stark. Daug... More

- revealed -
- competition -
- heartbreak -
- leading her on -
- lost -
- assemble -
- i choose -
- you took my heart -
- sore -
- distraction -
- we won -

- training -

792 21 2
By shookquackson

Third Person POV

Y/N Stark jolted awake. Her breathing became heavier and quicker. Panic attack. Tears escaped her eyes. Flashbacks of yesterday reappeared as she sobbed.
"I'm going to make you a freak."
What could that possibly mean? She looked around her. She was at home. What was that purple liquid? Why me? Who was that man? What is going to happen to me? What did he mean when he said that he was going to turn me into a freak? What will my dad think? Thoughts swirled through her brain. Tears fell down her cheeks. Y/N didn't notice that Peter was asleep, still holding her hand from the night before. Peter opened his eyes and saw Y/N sitting up, awake, and still holding his hand.  
"Hey. Hey. Y/N/N. Calm down. I'm here." Peter consoled. He helped with her breathing. Peter rubbed little circles onto her palm. She eventually calmed down.
"T-thanks Peter." Y/N smiled weakly. Peter smiled brightly at her, placing a kiss on her hand. Y/N's cheeks turned a light pink color. Peter's smile could brighten up any room.  
"It's okay, Y/N/N. I'm here for you" Peter said. Y/N shook her head.
"It's fine. There's something wrong with me and I don't know what's happening. You don't have to be here. You can hang out with Liz or something." Y/N rambled.
"I don't have to be here, but I want to," Peter explained. Y/N got off of the table. Peter followed close behind. Y/N stumbled up the stairs and Peter rushed next to her to help her up. Y/N smiled weakly at him. Peter felt his heart flutter.
"God, she's gorgeous," Peter accidentally mumbled aloud. Y/N heard and blushed. She went into her bathroom and Peter sat on her bed. He examined her room. It was massive. The right wall had a floor to ceiling window with a connected balcony. A king-sized bed was placed in the center of the room. Her sheets and duvet were a light gray. Peter traced the flower etching on the white wood headboard. A white mesh canopy hung over the bed. A white wooden desk was placed in the far corner, along with a clear chair and lamp. Peter examined the books on her bedside table, smiling at the familiar titles. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud bang in her bathroom. Peter scurried to her bathroom door, bursting in. Beauty products were scattered all over the gray tile floor of the bathroom while Y/N looked at her hands. Pure fear was in her eyes. Pale. Y/N's hands were shaking.
"What happened?" Peter asked. Y/N looked in the mirror.
"I don't know." Y/N whispered. "There was a burst of blue lightning that came from my hands." Tony rushed in.
"Kids, what happened?" Tony demanded.
"Nothing." Y/N replied, "I'll deal with it."
"Y/N," Tony began. He walked closer to her.
"I said it's fine!" she yelled, putting her hand towards Tony. A burst of blue power shot at Tony and he stumbled backward.
"Dad!" Y/N exclaimed and rushed towards him. She kneeled down next to him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Tony groaned and Y/N helped him up.
"Okay. Training room, now." Tony stated, still sore from the blast. Peter and
Y/N nodded quickly and headed to the gym.

At the Training Gym

"Okay, let's begin with some basic training," Tony said to Y/N. "We are going to test your abilities." He held out a concrete block. "Try and break it with your blast, Y/N/N."
Y/N tried at least 5 times with no success. She groaned in frustration.
"It's okay. Focus. Control that power." Tony said. Y/N breathed in. I can do this. She tried once more, remembering her father's advice and created a powerful blast. She broke the block to little fragments of debris. Blue sparks flew out in all directions.
"Good!" Tony exclaimed. Y/N smiled at the praise. It was getting easier for her.
"Okay, next thing. I'm going to throw these tennis balls at you and you're going to try to create force fields to block them." Tony explained. She nodded. Peter sat in the corner eying Y/N in awe. She was doing great for a beginner. Tony began to throw tennis balls at Y/N. Y/N's first 2 tries were less than successful, but by the third one, she was a pro. Y/N used blue force fields to block the tennis balls. After twenty tries. Tony finally spoke up.
"Good job, kiddo," he remarked and Y/N grinned.
"Hey, I'm gonna get some water." Y/N said and Tony nodded. She turned around and Tony aimed a ball at the back of her head.

"Y/N! Watch out!" Peter cried out.

 Y/N turned around and saw a ball headed towards her face. She closed her eyes and braced for impact, but the ball didn't hit her. She opened her eyes in confusion and realized that she was standing behind her dad.  Y/N scratched her head. Tony and Peter looked at her in awe.
"What happened?" Y/N asked.
"I-I think that you teleported." Peter squeaked.
"What?!" Y/N gasped. That was impossible. She looked at Tony and he nodded, confirming that Peter was in fact, correct. Y/N rubbed her temples.
"L-let's do some physical training," Peter said and Y/N nodded. She walked straight to the boxing area and Peter followed suit. She began wrapping her hands in a thin white cloth found on the side of the ring in a glass cabinet. Y/N put on some black boxing gloves over her wrapped hands. She looked at Peter.
"You wanna box?" she inquired. Peter gulped. Boxing Y/N couldn't be that hard, right? He thought wrong. Next thing he knew, Peter was on the ground of the ring, sore. Y/N placed a knee on his torso. Peter winced. She straddled him, pinning Peter down and he lied there, tired. Y/N got up and walked over to a punching bag nearby. Peter tried to get up but failed. He flopped back down. Y/N perked up and rushed towards him. She helped him up.
"Thanks, Y/N/N. Who knew that you were really good at boxing?" Peter said. Y/N laughed.
"I train with Natasha all the time." Y/N giggled. "And Cap." Peter smiled brightly at her. Y/N's heart melted. Peter got up and stood closer to her. Y/N cocked her head in confusion.
"Hey. Let's spar for a little." Peter suggested. Y/N grinned.
"Okay, Spider-Ling." Y/N smirked.
Y/N and Peter took their stances on the blue pads. Peter lunged at her. Unfortunately, she had fast reflexes. Y/N stepped to her right, causing Peter to collide with the pad. Peter groaned and turned back to look at Y/N, who was smirking. He growled. Peter was determined to beat her. Y/N picked him up with her powers and threw him to the ground. Peter shot back up. Y/N smirked.
"You know, I thought that you would be better at this." Y/N sighed and turned around to the rack of other gym supplies.
"Y/N, y-you made a mistake," Peter said, wincing while he said his words. Y/N froze. She never made mistakes. He was saying these things to get into her head...right?
"And what is that, Parker?" Y/N replied, still looking at the metal rack in front of her.
"You never turn your back to an opponent," Peter smirked.
Y/N's head shot up. She whipped around, but it was too late. Peter had already webbed her up. She struggled as she was stuck to the wall. Y/N couldn't get the sticky substance off of her. She groaned, the back of her head hitting the wall in defeat. Peter inched closer to her.
"I win, Stark," he said, a triumphant smile across his face.
"You also made a mistake, Spiderboy," Y/N retorted. Peter's smile fell as soon as it came.
Peter blinked and Y/N was gone from the webs. He felt a tap on his left shoulder. He spun around to meet a smirking Y/N.
"You forgot that I can teleport." Y/N tackled him, causing Peter to fall to the ground. He flipped her over so that he was on top. Peter pinned her down. Y/N was grinning in victory. Peter leaned closer to her and Y/N's grin faded. Her heart racing. Thoughts all jumbled up. Their lips touched. It was a nice and soft kiss. Gentle and sweet. Peter pulled away. He was met with Y/N smiling.
"I always liked you, Y/N/N. I've been wanting to do that for a while now" Peter said.
"Well, took you long enough." a voice said behind them. Peter and Y/N jumped apart. They were face to face with Tony Stark.
"Mr. S-Stark! I-I can e-explain!" Peter stuttered. Tony and Y/N chuckled.
"Kid, it's fine. But I asked you to train. Not make out." Tony said.
"Y-Yes s-sir!" Peter nodded quickly. "It won't happen again!"
"You hurt her, I hurt you." Tony threatened. Peter gulped.
"Yes sir. I-I understand." Peter stuttered.  Tony left the room, chuckling over Peter's response. Once Tony was out of sight and earshot, Y/N turned to Peter.
"Now, back to that kiss."

1491 words

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