- i choose -

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a/n : e/c : eye color

Third Person POV

"I'm on Cap's side." Y/N muttered. She looked at her white vans, kicking at the carpet. Y/N felt eyes boring into her. Her father's. Tony looked at his daughter with a combination of awe, confusion, and anger. She looked into his dark eyes. Her e/c eyes, glistening, a little hope shone through. Once she met with his hard eyes, the hope was shattered. Her once bright eyes turned hard and cold, the color deepening.
"You can't do shit to change my opinion, so don't even try." Y/N spat. Tony's eyes softened a little.
"Y/N/N. C'mon. We're a team. You need me to fight." Y/N stood up from her seat. She looked at her father, hurt and anger in her eyes.
"I need you to fight? Who singlehandedly saved that burning school in Vermont? Who saved that bank in California from collapsing?"Y/N spat. Her voice became quieter, softer, filled with hurt.
"And you didn't even say anything to me after. No congrats. No praise. Nothing."
Tony was speechless. No matter how stubborn he was, she was correct. She could fight without him. He just didn't want to accept the fact that Y/N was growing up and she didn't need him for everything anymore. She walked over to Steve.
"I will fight for you, but if you even think about saving Bucky Barnes, I will not hesitate to fight against you." Y/N said, sternly. Steve looked shocked.
"How do you know about Bucky?" Steve questioned.
"I know more than you think, Rogers." Y/N turned around and headed into the direction of the door.
"Where are you going?" Natasha asked. Y/N stopped.
"I'm going to train." she said, no expression crossed her face.
"You train too hard." Natasha consoled.
"That's not true. I almost never train." Y/N persisted.
"Where are you actually going?" Wanda asked.
"Fixing my suit. Making adjustments." Y/N admitted, no expression in her voice.
"Why would you do that?" Tony broke the conversation Y/N was having with Natasha and Wanda.
"To make it better, make myself better. Isn't that what you want?" Y/N replied sourly. She began continuing to the door again.
"Wait! What about Peter! He-he's on my side." Tony rambled, desperate for Y/N to stay. She stopped at the sound of Peter's name. Her eyes softened and her stiff posture broke. That lasted for a good two seconds. She caught herself and turned on her heel to face her father.
"I'll fight him too. I'll do anything to prove myself to you." Y/N gritted. Her father's eyes widened. Y/N loved Peter more than anything, but she was willing to fight him to prove herself to him. Tony's eyes filled with guilt, he swallowed the lump in his throat. She headed to the door once again, only to be met with Vision standing in her way.
"Move, Vision. I need to go." Y/N said flatly.
"No. I will not move until you talk this out with your father." Vision stood his ground. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"We already talked. There's nothing else to say." Y/N said, "Now move before I move you."
"Then you'll have to move me." Vision stated. Y/N smirked.
"You asked for it."
She aimed for his feet. She kicked at his calf and he winced in pain. Y/n then did a roundhouse kick and Vision was knocked to the ground. She smiled in triumph. She made her way to the door, but suddenly she was lifted up off the ground. Y/N turned her head to see Wanda levitating her. Wanda let her gently on the ground. Vision was guarding the door once again. Y/N turned to her dad. A little hope shown through his eyes. She smirked at her father.
"Did you guys forget already?" Y/N said. Tony's smile fell. He knew what was coming.
In a blink of an eye, Y/N was gone. Tony sat down in Y/N's seat. His chin rested on his thumb and his pointer finger over his lips. Y/N's words were repeated over and over in his head.
"I'll fight him too. I'll do anything to prove myself to you."

- time skip -

Y/N adjusted her suit on her body. Though she was Iron Man's daughter, her suit was nothing like his. The fabric was similar to Spiderman's, a spandex-like material. However, her's was black and instead of web designs, her suit had three electric blue lines on either side. A button on her watch activated the suit, so she could have it in case of emergencies. Fingerless leather gloves were on her hands. They appeared to be basic gloves, but they were far from basic. The gloves were connected to her AI, Alisha. They enabled certain modes that she specifically programmed into the suit. Her suit had a hood with a comfortable, yet bulletproof material. Connected to the hood, was a mask. A mask that covered her entire face, holes for the eyes. The holes were not exposed, they were covered by the same material that Peter's eyes was covered by. However, the material was clear, instead of the usual black. She took inspiration from an assassin from S.H.I.E.L.D, Ghost. Her feet were in black combat boots. Alisha was registered in her ears. A click or command could enable blasters, instant kill mode, or an amplified version of her own powers. Her superhero name? Valor. Peter helped pick her name. She was stuck between Mystic or Valor. Valor, noun, definition: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. The name suited her. Y/N was always the one to step forward, especially in danger or battle, she was a leader.

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