- heartbreak -

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- trigger warning : mentions of abuse -
a/n : y/n/n : your nickname

Third Person POV

Y/N woke up to the sound of Alisha going off.
"Huh? What's going o- SHIT!" Y/N spat. She shook Peter up and rushed to get ready.
"What the hell is going on?" Peter said, half asleep.
"Get up for school!" Y/N said. Peter shot up and panicked. Y/N threw him a new toothbrush as well as some clothes that Happy delivered yesterday. Y/N threw on some distressed black jeans with a simple gray hoodie. They rushed to school.
"7:45" Y/N read off her watch, "we have time." Peter and Y/N rushed to their lockers to deposit their textbooks. Their lockers were next to each other. Liz was waiting at Peter's.
"Hey, Peter!" Liz said happily.
"H-hey Liz." Peter stuttered. Liz looked at him worriedly.
"Peter, are you alright?" Liz asked.
"Yeah, just me and Y/N were almost late for school," Peter chuckled. Liz looked at Y/N.
"Oh, he stayed at your house last night?" Liz asked Y/N, a tad bit of jealousy and disgust in her voice.
Y/N internally rolled her eyes.
"Yes. For our history project. Oh, and you did well at tryouts yesterday." Y/N said.
"Thanks. You totally beat me. I'm okay though. I'm trying out for a few other things." Liz stated.
Y/N nodded her head, smiling politely.
"Well, I gotta go. I won't see you guys in first period. I got to take a geometry test." Liz said and walked down the hall. Y/N turned to Peter. He was looking at Liz adoringly. Y/N rolled her eyes and slammed her locker, startling Peter out of his trance. Y/N walked off. Peter looked in Y/N's direction and ran up next to her.
"Ar-are you okay, Y/N/N?" Peter asked. Y/N  didn't say anything and walked into their first period.
"Okay, remember your project is due on Friday. So, today is a workday. Do whatever for your project. Or procrastinate and get an F, up to you." Mr. Foster said. He turned and sat at his desk, grading papers. Peter turned to Y/N. They were already done with their project. Y/N was sketching a suit in her notebook.
"Hey Y/N/N?" Peter said.
"Yes, Peter?" she responded, not looking up.
"Do you have geometry?" Peter asked.
"No, I have Calculus." Y/N replied, sketching the design of the suit that she was working on.
Peter looked at her. She skipped so many years of math. How? They were sophomores! Peter gulped. He could sense that she was mad. But why?
"Can you help me?" Peter asked, timidly.
Y/N glanced at the paper.
"You basically find the area of the whole, times it by itself, times it by itself again, subtract the x value, divide it by two, and multiply it by 14." Y/N stated effortlessly. Peter looked at her in utter shock. How? Peter checked his final answer and it was correct.
"Um, thanks," Peter said. Y/N nodded. She looked away. Her feelings weren't fading. Why is this happening? She usually got over people in a day. Someone appeared at her table and broke her train of thought. Flash Thompson.
"Hey," he said to Y/N. She could see Peter in her peripheral vision, fuming.
"Hey." she said, "need something?"
"Yeah," Flash replied, "a date with you."
"I'll think about it." Y/N said with a smile. She knew in her heart that she wouldn't, but she knew that it would shut him up. Flash walked away and Peter turned to her.
"Flash? Really?" Peter scoffed, jealously within him. Why was he jealous? He liked Liz, right?
"It's a maybe, Peter." Y/N said, completing her sketch and closing her notebook. "besides, why would you care? You like Liz."
"I would care if my best friend liked my enemy." Peter snapped. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Have fun with Liz tonight. Stop worrying about me and Flash." Y/N says. Peter was about to clap back when the bell rang. Y/N exited the room for her next period. Chemistry. Unfortunately, Peter was in there. But, Flash was her partner. Peter chose Liz.
"Hey Flash, can you pass me the hydrogen peroxide?" Y/N asked her chem partner.
"2%, 10%, 50%, 75%, or, 82%?" he asked.
"Give me a beaker of 82%," she responded. She tipped 40 millimeters into the chemical. The blue substance turned into a neon orange when the hydrogen peroxide was mixed in.
"Good job Flash and Y/N!" Mrs. Ribeiro said aloud to the class.
"Maybe, you're not that bad." Y/N whispered to Flash. Flash wore a large grin. Peter was across the room eyeing Y/N and Flash. Was he jealous? Why would he be? He was right next to his crush? Or did he fall for someone new?
The bell rang and it was time for break. Everyone scuttled out and Peter saw Flash give Y/N a piece of paper. She took it and smiled, slipping the paper into her back pocket. Y/N walked out to be greeted by Peter.
"What did Flash give you?" he asked eagerly.
"His number." She said simply, putting the chemistry book into her locker. Peter was fuming. He glared at Y/N when MJ and Ned came.
"Woah, what's wrong Peter?" Ned asked.
"Well, Y/N is dating Flash." Peter gritted through his teeth.
"I am not! He just gave me his number to help him with chemistry! God, Peter! I don't even like him! I like someone else!" Y/N snapped back.
"Yeah right. You obviously just wanna be in bed with him." Peter sneered. He realized what he said and covered his mouth. "Y/N/N, I didn't mean it like-"
"So, you're calling me a slut?" Y/N shot back. "What the fuck Peter!" Tears were burning in her eyes as she slammed her locker and stormed off.
"Y/N wait!" Peter called. It was no hope. He knew that he messed up. MJ turned to him.
"I know who she likes. It's not Flash. He doesn't like her back though, he likes someone else. It's killing her." MJ says, "Peter, she's heartbroken, just give her some slack. She's not used to this." Realization hits Peter. The bell rings.

At night at the Stark house

Y/N was sitting on her bed. Her eyes are red and puffy.


I'm so stupid. So stupid for thinking that Parker actually cared about me. So stupid that he would pass up Liz. So stupid for moving to this school.

Third Person POV

Y/N has been crying for hours. Curled up in a ball on her bed.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Tony peers in her room. Y/N turns to him.
"Do I look like I'm okay?" Y/N tried to laugh.
"Y/N/N, I'm just check-" Tony started. Y/N burst out sobbing. Her head was in her hands. Hiccups filled the room. Tony pulled her closer. Y/N cried in his chest. Her sobs were muffled by his shirt.
"Don't call me that." she said, "please."
Tony pulled her off of him. He looked into her eyes. They were flooded with tears.
"What happened?" Tony asked. Y/N shook her head.
"It- it's dumb." She whispered. Tony looked at her.
"You want some space?" Tony offered and Y/N nodded. Tony left the room. Y/N lied on her bed, thinking.

45 minutes later

A knock was placed on the Starks' door. Tony opened it.
"Oh, hey Mr. Stark." Peter fumbled over his words. Tony let him in.
"I'm here to see Y/N," Peter said.
"She's in her room," Tony replied, walking into the living room. He stops. "Peter, please comfort her. She's been crying for hours." Peter nodded. He walked up to her door and knocked.
"It's open." Y/N responded. Peter walked in.

Peter's POV

I looked over at the beautiful girl I knew. Her eyes were red and puffy. I immediately felt guilty. I didn't want to see her like this. I loved her. She just stared at me blankly and moved aside to make room for me. She gently patted the space next to her. I sat down.


Peter came into my room. I just looked at him. I moved aside and he sat down on my bed. What was he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be with Liz?

Third Person POV

"I'm sorry for today," Peter said, looking at his shoes.
"It's fine, I guess." Y/N responded. Peter looked at her unbelievably.
"It's not. God! Why are you always so nice? Just admit I'm a dick." Peter said, flopping his back on her bed.
"Aren't you supposed to be with Liz?" Y/N asked.
"She-she stood me up." Peter confessed, "I was crying, but it's fine. That was hours ago."
"It's not fine Peter. If she's gonna do that shit, then she doesn't deserve you." Y/N consoled.
"Can I ask you a question?" Peter replied eagerly.
"Ye-yeah. Go for it." Y/N said.
"Why did you move to Midtown?" Peter asked, his voice barely a whisper.
"Um. Well. I was in an abusive relationship. I needed to escape him and I thought we were gonna go to different high schools, but he didn't. He kept on harassing me and I thought I could take it, but I was wrong. So, I moved away. I haven't been dating since." Y/N leaned against her headboard.
"Oh. How long ago was it?" Peter asked.
"I dunno. Like 2 years now. He still scares me. I don't know if I wanna date anymore"
"Why don't you try again? You're an amazing girl, that guy just took advantage of that."
"Well, I-I'm scared."
"What's scary about it?"
"I-I'm scared of commitment. I'm scared of rejection."
"I-I guess the more people that you allow in your life, the more it hurts when they leave." Her voice was shaky.
"What else are you scared of?"
"Being a disappointment. To my father."
"You can never be a disappointment."
"Peter, my dad has changed when you met him. He was drinking less and was happier. He congratulated you when you got good test scores, he talked about your Spidey adventures," Her voice dropped to a whisper.
"he compared me to you. He was so proud of you. And I never got that. I had a hatred for you and I haven't even met you. I worked harder, desperate for that praise, but I never got it."
"No, It's okay. You deserved it." Y/N smiled at the young boy, wiping her tears away.
"Thanks, Y/N/N," Peter said. "You're a really good friend." Y/N's heart broke. Friends. "Yeah, friends," she replied, tears starting to form and roll down her face.
"Maybe not," Peter said. She looked at him. Their eyes met. Tears rolling down her cheeks.
"There's a reason why I'm not crying over Liz right now." Y/N cocked her head, in confusion. She heard the words that she wanted to hear all along. "I think that I like you, Y/N," Peter confessed. Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but Peter interrupted her.
"I gotta go," he said. Peter had left before she could say anything. She laid down. Staring at the ceiling, thinking. Slowly, she drifted to sleep.

1817 words

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