The Other Direction (A One Di...

By ThoseRaeChicks

69.1K 1.2K 330

Kylie, Tara, Paulie, Georgie, and Charlotte are average girls with phenomenal voices. Every since they were f... More

Chapter One: Going in... The Other Direction?
Chapter Two: Elevators and Egos
Facts About the Girls!
Chapter Three: The One and Only, Mr. Simon Cowell
Chapter Four: Band Bonding Part One
Chapter Five: Band Bonding Part Two
Chapter Seven: Aftermath
Chapter Eight: Birthday Bash
Chapter Nine: Oh, Georgie

Chapter Six: Band Bonding Part Three

5K 85 14
By ThoseRaeChicks

Hello loves! I've got another chappie for you. I'm so proud right now. You guys got "The Other Direction" to like #123 or something like that in Teen Fiction. If only it were Fan Fiction! Help me out here guys! 


Much to my disappointment I ended up kissing Harry at least five times throughout our game of 'Truth or Dare'. Somehow every time the bottle was spun by Georgie or Louis it landed on Harry or I. Did they have some kind of ulterior motive, or did they just really want to see the awkward kisses between us? Either way, I was going to strangle them both when I got the chance. 

After the game had finished I ran off, flustered and annoyed, until I found peace sitting on the dock with my legs hanging over the edge, feet in the water. 

I was finally calmed down when a shadow towered over me, causing my heart to quicken it's pace and my breathing to falter. 

"Calm down, Charlie. It's just me," he said in his deep Cheshire accent. I knew the minute that my nickname came out of his mouth that it was Harry. I was trying to decide between getting up and walking away or pushing him into the lake without a second thought. 

I chose the latter. 

I watched, laughing my ass off, as Harry flew into the water after my hands pressed against his back forcefully. 

"What the hell was that for, Charlie?" he asked, trying to pull himself up onto the dock. 

"No, no, no. You're not getting back up here," I replied, pushing him back into the water. I hadn't realized that he had grabbed a hold of my ankle until the water engulfed me. 

I started to struggle, trying to paddle to the surface, but my efforts were useless. I held my breath as long as I could, but it began to seep away as I continued to sink. 

Just as I was about to accept the fact that I was drowning two arms wrapped around me and pulled me back to the surface. I sputtered when I reached the top, gasping for breath as Harry held me close. 

"What the hell, Charlie? Don't play around like that!" he yelled at me, still comforting me. 

I looked up at him, not freaking out about the closeness, but holding him closer, and I saw that he held fear in his green eyes. "I-I... I wasn't... I..." I failed to get the words out, but he caught on. 

"Wait, you can't swim?" he asked. I looked away from him, but he turned my chin with one of his long fingers. "Why didn't you say something before I pulled you in?"

"I... I-I didn't really have t-time to say anything," I said, turning away from him sheepishly. He pulled me even tighter against his chest as he kept us both above the water. He stroked my hair gently, making me flinch at the touch, but it was too comforting to resist. "It honestly scared the piss out of me," I joked, trying to lighten up the conversation. 

"You're kidding, right? You didn't really pee, did you?" he asked, wide eyed. I laughed at his reaction, and shook my head. "Okay, good. I mean I'd do a lot for you, but I'd rather not swim in your pee."

My head snapped up after hearing his words, and I looked straight into his eyes. "What?" I asked in disbelief. 

"What?" he asked in return. He looked as equally confused as I was. 

I shook my head. "Nothing. Can you just get me back to shore?" 

He swam into shore, holding onto me tightly, and when we began to walk I tried to get down, but he refused. 

"Harold, let me down this instant!" I shouted at him as we were quickly approaching the house. 

"No can do, Charlie. I need to make sure you get to your bedroom safely. You never know when you might drown," he replied. 

"That wasn't funny." I pouted as he kicked my legs up and held me bridal styles.

We walked through the front door, and all heads snapped to us. They all gave us questioning looks, and Harry responded to them by simply saying, "I made her wet."

They all laughed, and I hid my face in my hands. 

"Harold! What the fuck?" I slapped his chest hard while he continued to carry me down the hall towards the room I shared with Georgie. "Why'd you say that?"

"Because it was true. Does Charlotte have a dirty mind?" he asked, showing of his cheeky grin. I snorted and rolled my eyes. 

"Whatever. The way you said it... It just... Ugh, whatever," I replied, crossing my arms and pouting once more. "I hate you, Harold Styles."

"Aw! Love you too, Charlotte Stevens!" he said, jokingly placing a light kiss on my cheek. I somehow let a giggle escape my lips before pushing him away. I stared at him with wide eyes, clapping my hands over my mouth as if I had said something I wasn't supposed to. 

Thankfully he set me down outside of my bedroom door. "So..." I started. 

"So... Since I kind of saved your life do you wanna repay me now or later?" he asked with another cheeky grin. 

"If you think me repaying you involves a sexual favor you are so wrong," I said exaggerating on 'so'. 

"Really, Charlie? You really doubt me that much that you don't think I can change your mind about me this weekend?" he asked, leaning in closer.

"Positive." I stepped back, opening the bedroom door and stepping inside. 

It was that most entertaining thing to see Harry lean in, expecting to connect with my lips, but instead he smashed his lips into the door frame. His eyes shot open, and I tried to stifle my laughter. 

"I'll get you to change you mind, Charlie," he whispered before stalking of in the direction of his room. 

Sorry I'm keeping it short guys, but at least I got a good bit of Charry in there!

The next chappie will be longer, but I have so much to do today that I don't have time to make this chappie longer. I have a going away party tonight that I have to finish planning for, I have a basketball tournament the entire weekend, and my friend is back from Michigan. It's going to be hectic, but I'll try to get you guys a new chappie by Sunday. If not I can't get you one for over a week because I can't take my laptop with me to Missouri, but I'll try to maybe squeeze in an update. Just maybe, depending on votes and comments. 

You guys are truly amazing with the support that you give me for this story, and it means so much to me. I just wish that my training didn't start next week for track, but sadly it does. So, I promise, (please quote me on this if I ever fall behind on updates) that I will try to update at least once a week for you guys. I pinky promise, and I don't break those. 

But seriously, if you think I fall behind on updates feel free to PM me and let me know you think that, or write on my message board about it. I don't bite. I may have a cold exterior, but since most of you don't know me personally you don't know that, but I do so... Yeah. I'm nice, really :D

Anyways, back to the routine. 

Team Charlotte, Team Harry, or Team Charry!

Vote, comment, and fan!

Thanks loves!

- Kenz xx

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