He saved me (A Kakashi Love S...

By Saphirra98

285K 7.9K 2K

I'm going to be honest with you about this fanfic; it's a little crazy, a little cracky, but well written onc... More

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (finally!)
Chapter 38

Chapter 19

7K 204 81
By Saphirra98

~Kakashi's POV~

I crashed into wakefulness with a groan, my head pounding and my throat uncomfortably dry. I shifted, blinking blearily, and froze when I noticed the warm body clinging to me.

Whisper had her leg hooked around my hip, one of her arms wrapped round my neck, her other hand resting on my chest. Her face was buried into my neck, her warm breath brushing my skin through my mask.

Um.... Now what am I supposed to do?

I stared at her, trying to think through the headache as to how to escape without waking her.

She mumbled something incoherent, stretching in her sleep, loosening her grasp for a moment.

Jumping at the opportunity, I eased out from under her, slipping my pillow into my place. She immediately snuggled into it, crushing it to her chest.

Releasing a quiet sigh of relief, I picked up the aspirin and water she had left on the nightstand and downed two, along with the entire bottle of water. Then I grabbed some fresh clothes and got in the shower.

~Whisper POV~

I slowly started to wake, mumbling something like 'Stupid butt'. I don't remember.....

I rolled over, bringing whatever I was clutching at with me.

I opened my eyes groggily, rubbing at them so that they'd clear up a bit.

I'm hugging... a pillow?

I shrugged, tossing it on the other side of the bed. Stretching, I rolled again, falling off of the bed with a loud thump.


"You know, the floor actually isn't very comfortable," Kakashi commented, walking out of the bathroom.

"I just figured that out," I groaned, not making a move to get up.

"Hm. What are you going to do about it?"

"Lay here." My voice was muffled by the carpet.

"Heh heh. How's that working out for you?" he looked down at me.

"Not well... Help me?" I questioned, still staying where I was. "I think I bruised my face..."

He sighed, amused.

"What do you propose I do?"

"Pick me up."

"Oh. Like this?" Kakashi wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me up...upside-down.

"No!" I whined, struggling.

"Oh. You meant right side up." He set me carefully on the bed, smiling crinkle-eyed.

"Yeah...Cats hate being upside-down..." I muttered, rubbing my head as the blood rushed back down my body.

"Hm. Good to know," he muttered, walking out the door into the other room.

I rolled my eyes, went over to the dresser, grabbed out some clothes, and continued with my morning routine.

Walking out of the bathroom, Shira was waiting for me on Kakashi's bed.

"So... How late were you awake last night?" she asked nonchalantly.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Shira. Be careful where you go with that question."

;I was just wondering if you heard him last night...;

)Heard him what?( My expression was sly.

;So you did!;

)Not sayin' nothin'.( I grinned and skipped away.

"What's with the skipping?" Kakashi was standing by the stove, waiting for water to boil.

"I can't skip?" I asked, cocking a hip.

"I didn't say that. I'm just wondering what's got you so cheerful."

I shrugged, blushing lightly, "It's a secret!"

"..." He stared at me.

"What? Your tea is boiling over, by the way," I said cheerfully, Shira coming to a stop at my feet.

The shinobi jumped, swiftly turning off the heat and grabbing the kettle. He poured two mugs full, then replaced it.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" he asked, dropping onto the couch with his drink.

"Don't know. I thought that was your job." I shrugged, taking his mug.

He frowned at me, then took the other cup from the counter.

"...Maybe I should get the mail..." He headed for the door. "Back in a minute."

"'Kay!" I called after him, throwing my feet up onto the couch, sipping at my tea.

My neck prickled suddenly, and I glanced around. I felt like I was being watched.


I flew off of the couch, water surrounding my hands as kunai stuck in the couch where I had just been.

My eyes widened when I saw Shira entangled with vines, restraining her.


I dove forward, throwing water spikes at Kyona.

"Heh, you're fast," she spat in a venomous voice.

"Or you're slow," I remarked, standing straight.

She growled lowly, "You're going to die, right here, right now, because of me!" She shot forward, plants erupting out of nowhere.

I dodged her and the plants, using my water to block some.

She snarled at me, stabbing at me with one kunai and trying to punch me with the other.

I blocked as well as I could, though I was being pushed back to the wall and she caught me in the stomach a few times...

I managed to disarm her, and she started with hand-to-hand combat, seeming to have used all of her weapons.

We rolled around on the floor grappling with each other, knocking things over. I somehow ended up under her, her hand clenched around my thoat.

I couldn't concentrate to get my water to work, nor gain control of her plants.

I managed to slip a shurikan out of my pouch, and slashed her arm deeply with it, her hand going limp.

I shoved her off, gasping for breath as she got even more angry, shooting her plants at me.

I blocked them all with a thin shield of water.

This won't last long...

I looked around frantically, my eyes brightening as I found the source of her plants, but I was abit confused. The plants were coming from her. Her hands, more specifically.

Alright then...That's one down, one to go...

"What is up with your hair? I mean, seriously, it's neon green," I taunted, dodging several strikes. If I can just get her close enough...

"You should talk, old lady," she snarled, taking a step closer.

"Old lady?" I replied. "What's that supposed to mean, kiwi?"

"Who ever heard of anyone younger than like sixty having silver hair?" she lunged forward suddenly, faster than I thought she could.

"Excuse me?"

She froze mid-blow.

Kakashi stood in the doorway, several scrolls clenched in one hand, his face absolutely livid.

"I am definitely not sixty," he growled. "While I'm at it, what the hell do you think you're doing in my house?"

"Trying to kill me," I chirped brightly, taking the opportunity to slash at her wrist.

His face darkened even more, becoming suddenly terrifying, the way I had only seen him look once.

"Oh really?" he asked softly. "Well, that just won't do."

"Stay out of this, Copy-Nin! You have no business getting in-ACK!" Kiyona the Kiwi went flying through the window, narrowly missing knocking down Mr. Ukki, closely pursued by Kakashi.

"Hm. I wanna play too!" I squealed, but quickly turned to Shira to slice her free from the vines. "Let's go kick some butt."


I jumped onto her back as we leapt through the window, Shira growing much larger.

"Where did they go...?" I wondered to myself as Shira circled over the building. I spotted Gerilynn with a dumbfounded look on her face, staring off in the direction of the woods. "Where'd they go?!"

"What's you do!? He's pissed," she called up, starting to run toward the woods, beckoning us to follow.

"Kiyona tried to kill me...And kinda wrecked his apartment...That I just cleaned..." I grumbled back.

"Oh. That's not good."

"Nope." I replied, running alongside her and Shira, finally picking up his scent.

We burst into a clearing, plants lashing around everywhere.

"Shit!" I cursed, pulling the water from her plants to wilt several of them.

"Oh, so you've decided to join us. I was beginning to get bored of this kitty," she called, attempting to catch a very livid Kakashi in her plants.

"Welcome to the party, ladies," Kakashi shouted, slashing several of them apart in a flurry of movements too fast for me to see.

"Gerilynn!" I beckoned her closer. I whispered into her ear in a very low tone, "If we can get close enough, ruin her right hand. I already got the left. She won't have nearly as much control without it!"

"No problem," she answered, grinning a bloody grin.

"Don't let her plants cut you either. They're probably poisonous."

"Pur-lease. I've fought faster tortoises before," she waved off, darting forward to join Kakashi.

Now that they're distracting her...

I started to work my way stealthily around behind her.

Making multiple hand signs, I slammed my hands on her back, "BLOOD PRISON!"

"Son of a-" she froze mid-scentence, not able to move anything.

I fell back on my butt, breathing heavily through my mouth.

The blood still made me sick, and it took a lot of chakra to do that.

The plants, however, were still flailing around wildly.

"Alright. I've had about enough of this," Gerilynn growled, narrowly avoiding three strikes at once.

"Yup," Kakashi grunted back, similarly engaged.


"Best option."

"On three."

The two started forming handsigns, jumping to opposite ends of the clearing.

"Move, Whisper!" he shouted.


She darted by, snatching me up just in time.

A whirlwind of flames suddenly engulfed the clearing, incinerating the plants instantly. Twin streams of fire emanated from each of them, almost as though they were breathing fire, like dragons.

A moment later, the streams died, and Shira flew back down cautiously, avoiding the guttering flames that still flickered on the ashy ground.

She carefully set me down by a still living bush, surveying the area.

Kakashi and Gerilynn tapped their fists together as they walked over to us.

"What'd you do to her?" she asked, gesturing at the statue-like Kiwi.

"Blood prison. My own version," I sighed, staring up at her.

"Thought you hated blood?"

"I do. I learned this before that."

"Mm... Well, it's pretty handy, if you ask me." She glanced from me to Kakashi, then cleared her throat and started towards the other kunoichi. "I'll go see...Uh...Whether she's still alive..."

I glanced over at Kakashi, giving him a timid wave.

"I leave for five minutes, and you almost get yourself killed... And trash my apartment..."

"Eh... sorry?" I asked, not sure how to respond.

He stared at me for a second, then, without saying anything, pulled me to him in a hug.

"I'm just glad you're alright..."

"Yeah... Don't let go. I don't think I can stand..." I mumbled, barely able to hug him back.

"...That took a lot out of you, huh?" he asked, sweeping me up into his arms.

"Um... It wasn't supposed to, but I haven't used it since I was like... 6? It takes a lot of control..."

"I see that. Is she still alive?" He started toward Gerilynn.

"Should be..." I muttered.

"Yeah, and she's not happy!" Gerilynn called gleefully, poking at Kiyona.

"I wouldn't expect anything less," I said, staring at her sadly.

They looked at me for a moment, then Gerilynn said, glancing hesitantly at Kakashi, "Does he know?"

"Nope." I glanced up at Kakashi, who was very confused. "She's my cousin. She disowned me..."

"Oh..." He looked down at me. "We should probably take her to the Hokage...again..."

"'Kay. You're carrying her, Gerilynn," I told her, not trusting her to not drop me, nor did I want to move.

"...Great..." She picked up the rigid kunoichi awkwardly, eventually just propping her on her shoulder. "Shall we?"

Kakashi nodded, and we vanished in a cloud of smoke, Shira having shrunk down and settled on my shoulder.

We arrived in the hall outside the Hokage's office a second later, drawing a strange look from the elder who had just opened the door to step inside.

"We need to see Lord Hokage, now," Gerilynn said, towering over the elder with Kiyona still on her shoulder.

"My God, what did you do to her?" he croaked.

"What's going to happen to you if you don't move," she said menacingly, watching the old man scurry away. "Blasted daft council-members..." she grumbled, walking inside.

I glanced up at Kakashi, trying to hold in a laugh.

His eye darted down to me, also filled with amusement.

He strode in after her, the Hokage's eyes widening slightly.

"Well...This does look like an interesting story," he said, sitting back in his chair and gesturing to us to speak.

Kakashi and Gerilynn both turned to me, waiting.

"Um... I was on the couch in Kakashi's living room, and he left to get the mail. I felt someone watching me and dodged in time to save myself from some kunai. Kiyona appreared, restraining Shira with her kekki genkai. We fought for a while, landing a few blows to each other, when Kakashi appeared back in the room. He got really angry 'cause she said something about sixty-year-olds having silver hair. And cause she was trying to kill me. He tackled her out the window... I freed Shira, and we found Gerilynn. We all ran to the forest, where we found her an Kakashi fighting, her with her plants fighting him. Gerilynn and Kakashi had distracted her, so I snuck up behind her and pretty much froze her blood *insert shiver* and then they got rid of the still working plants, burning them. Then we ended up here, and my God that was a lot of talking!" I took deep breaths, shrinking back into Kakashi's arms.

The Hokage was silent for a moment, apparently digesting.

"Well, you've had quite the morning," a familiar voice called from one side of the room.

Looking over, I saw Kell leaning against the wall, looking somewhat more surly than he had the night before.

"Yes, they have," the Hokage agreed. "Why don't you go get Anko and Ibiki and ask them to dispose of this for the moment?"

Kell sighed gruffly.

"Fine..." He stalked out of the room.

"As for you three, a job well done. I'm sorry about your home, Kakashi. I'll have someone take care of it in the morning, but I'm afraid that's the best I can do right now," the Hokage said.

Anko suddenly walked in with a scary looking guy in a bandanna.

"Wow. Nice work, kid," she admired, looking over Kiyona with interest.


"Let's go," the man, who I guessed was Ibiki, ordered, lifting the frozen kunoichi and striding out, Anko at his heels.

Kell slouched back in, a scowl on his face.

"Can I go now?" he asked the Hokage.

"Not yet. We have some things to discuss," the old man ordered, before turning back to us. "You will probably want to find somewhere else to stay for the night."

"You can just stay with us, if you want," Gerilynn said distractedly, looking at her cousin with a slight frown on her face.

Kakashi glanced down at me, and I shrugged. "Thanks."

She nodded, still frowning at Kell.

"Why don't you go get your things and head over there now?" the Hokage suggested, making the request sound like a command.

"Okay." I shrugged, pointing at the door while looking up at Kakashi innocently.

He spared me an amused look before turning serious again.

"Of course, Lord Hokage." He turned, heading for the door.

"I'll be out in a second, guys. Wait for me?" Gerilynn said, her head cocked slightly to the side as she stared at her cousin.

"Sure." We went through the doors, stopping on the other side.

She joined us five minutes later, a rather depressed look on her face.

"Stubborn fool..." she muttered softly, heading down the hallway already. "You coming?"

"That's up to Kakashi, seeing as I can't walk at the moment," I teased him.

"Yeah, I guess so," he responded, pretending to think about it for a moment.

Our attempts to lighten the mood didn't seem to be working, as she just sighed and continued on her way.

I sighed, copying her.

Kakashi chuckled quietly at my antics.

The walk to the apartment was quick and silent, and she procured a hammer, nails, and several boards to cover the window while we got our overnight kits together.

"If you set me down by my bag, I can get my stuff," I told Kakashi, not wanting him anywhere near my... clothes.

He nodded, kicking some debris out of the way to get to the bedroom, which was fairly unharmed, except for the large hole shaped like two struggling females...

"How'd you do that?!"

"Um...Fighting?" I offered as he dropped me by my bag.

He pulled a small duffel from his closet, setting it on the bed.

"That's me done, then. I'm going to go pack up Mr. Ukki."

"1: You're bringing your plant? 2: Why do you keep a bag full of clothes in your closet?"

"1: Because there is no way for him to get sunlight now, and I don't want him to die. 2: Because I go on a lot of missions, and it's just easier to be ready to go," he explained, rolling his eye.

"... You got an extra bag?" I asked, giving my, now ripped, pack a doubtful look.

He sighed, but reached into the little closet and tossed me another duffel bag.

"Thank you!" I smiled, stuffing a shirt, some shorts, and my pjs in the bag. I stared at him, waiting for him to turn around so I could add in my other clothes.


"Just go pack up your plant!" I growled irritably.

"O-kay then. ...Crazy..." he muttered, backing out of the room.

I quickly turned and stuffed my 'other' clothes in the bottom of the bag, zipping it shut for now. I frowned at the bathroom, trying to think of a way to get to it.

"Don't hurt yourself, there, shrimp," Gerilynn said dully, picking her way out of the bathroom with my bag of toiletries in her hand. "Figured you'd want this."

I smiled, "Thanks, toothpick."

"Not this again," Kakashi grumbled, reaching up as if to face-palm but diverting his hand just in time, instead running it through his hair.

"You're learning!" I squealed happily, running over to hug him.

He stared down at me in bemusement.

"I thought you were too tired to walk?"

"Oh. Oh yeah," I mumbled as my legs buckled. I clung to his vest, trying to stay up. "Don't laugh at me! Help!"

"Since you asked," he mused, picking me up again.

"Come on. The boys should have lunch going if we get there soon," Gerilynn mumbled, leading the way out of the ruined apartment, my bag in her hand.

He followed her out, still glancing down at me amusedly.

"S'not funny!" I exclaimed, folding my arms.

"You're right. Snot isn't funny."

I glared playfully at him, "It isn't funny!"

"You're right again; I don't find 'it' very funny at all."

"Okay. I'm done." I stared at Gerilynn's back, completely ignoring him.

At least he isn't drunk this time...

Several minutes later, we walked through the front door of her house.

"Hey. The Hokage sent us a message. Welcome to the house...again. What's up with you?" Gia directed the last bit at his sister.

"We don't know. Something to do with Kell," I said brightly.

"How do you know Kell?" he asked sharply.

"Um... He carried Kakashi home after he got drunk last night... Kakashi was drunk, I mean," I clarified.

"Mm... Sounds like him. What'd he do now?" Gia asked, amused.

"Something stupid, as usual," Gerilynn mumbled. "I'm gonna go read over these reports. Don't bother me." She picked up a large box full of scrolls of varying sizes and strode upstairs.

"Wow. She's really pissed to actually be doing work voluntarily... Ah well. She'll get over it. You guys hungry?" he offered, then he seemed to notice that I wasn't on my feet. "What's wrong with you?"

"Over-exerted myself in the fight earlier, that's all," I explained, then I pointed to the kitchen counter. "There, servant!"

"You know, I could drop you right now," he warned as he walked over to the counter and set me on a stool.

"Ah, but you wouldn't!" I chirpped, pointing at him. "At least, not purposefully."

"..." He sat down beside me.

"I got just the thing to fix you up," Gia said enthusiastically, starting to rummage through his fridge and pull out various foods. "One of my special sandwiches."

I glanced over at Kakashi, who nodded encouragingly.

A few moments later, Gia set a gigantic sandwich in front of me.

My eyes bugged, "That's huge!"

"Yep. Better start eating. You want one, Kakashi?" Gia looked at the older nin.


I stared down at the sandwich, wondering if it might eat me...

"It won't bite, I promise," Gia assured me with a wink.

I glanced at him doubtfully. "That's not what I'm worried about. I don't know if I can lift it... It looks really heavy..." I trailed, still staring at it, prodding it.

He lifted the knife he was using to chop vegetables and sliced the sandwich into quarters.

"There you go."

"Thanks..." I picked up a slice, shrugged, and took a bite.

This is.......... AMAZING!

"So?" Kakashi asked, taking a bite of his own.

I looked up at Gia, my mouth full, and held up a fist.

He tapped his knuckles against mine, laughing.

"Good, huh?"

I held up a finger, determinedly chewing to be able to swallow. "Yep." I took another bite.

"Good. I'll be right back, I'm going to go see if I can lure her away from her room. Tell Shane that the one on the end of the counter is his if he comes in." He strode away, up the stairs.

I chewed at my sandwich happily, watching Kakashi out of the corner of my eye.

"This again?"


Shane bounced in through the door, and of course, I just had to look over at him.

"Dang you!" I shouted at him, turning to see a large chunk of Kakashi's sandwich had vanished.

"Wh-what? Oooooh! SANDWICH!!" Shane was immediately distracted, attacking the sandwich his brother had left for him.

I harumphed.

"You're impossible," I muttered, going back to my own sandwich.

"Than's," he mumbled, having snuck another bite.

I turned to Shane and watched him, fascinated as he quickly finished his sandwhich.

"Where does it all go?!" I remarked, amazed.

"Uh, into my belly," he informed me, staring at the two remaining sandwiches on the other side of the counter longingly, his fingers creeping closer to them.

"Those are your siblings', you know," Kakashi pointed out.

"...One bite wouldn't hurt..." he stared at the food, his fingers an inch from one of them.

"Touch my sandwich, and I'll shove your head in Takeo's armpit again," Gerilynn warned from behind us.

"Same goes for me," Gia agreed as they moved around the counter to get their food.

Shane pouted.

"You can have the last piece of mine," I said, picking up the third quarter. "I won't be able to finish it."

"You're amazing, Whisper, you know?" Shane said adoringly, taking the last piece and devouring it.

"I'm not amazing, just nice," I disagreed.

"I disagree," Kakashi muttered to me softly.

"EWWW! No cuteness here, please," Gerilynn whined around her sandwich.

"Gee, thanks," I rolled my eyes.

Kakashi merely gave her an annoyed look.

"It's not my fault you freaks have crazy good hearing," he grumbled playfully.

"Hey..." I pouted, hanging my head. "I'm not a freak."

"Not you. Them."

"Hey!" Gerilynn snapped indignantly. "At least my hair doesn't defy gravity..."

"Hey! It's cool," I defended.

"You're just jealous," he added smugly.

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too, times ten. I win," Kakashi finished.

"I hate you sometimes," Gerilynn grumbled back, stuffing the last of her poor sandwich into her mouth.

"I know."


I looked at Gia, confused.

"Just ignore them. You get used to it," he advised wisely.

"Mmkay," I said, looking at Shane instead. "What have you been up to?"

"Training mostly. And drawing..." he trailed off, carefully avoiding his big brother's eyes.

"You mean messing around mostly, you slacker," Gia remarked.

"I wasn't messing around, I was...testing techniques," the boy said shiftily.

"Uh-huh, because helping Shikamaru use that shadow jutsu to control Iruka from behind his back isn't messing around at all," Gia said exasperatedly.

I burst out laughing, remembering all the comments Gai and Kakashi had made last night about poor Iruka.

"I'm glad we're on the same page, then," Shane said, quickly making a break for the door.

"I bet this has something to do with last night, doesn't it?" Kakashi mused.

"Yup. You and Gai were taking turns crushing his hopes and dreams," I explained, still laughing.

"Yeah, we usually do that. He's just so... Iruka." Kakashi looked thoughtful for a moment. "I seem to remember something about a sock...and dog crap...please tell me it was Iruka who ate it, not me."

I giggled hysterically. "N-no! Y-you made a c-com-ment!"

"Oh. What was it?"

"You said if Iruka was dog crap, you'd be the one to step in him on purpose, just for the chance to smear him across the pavement," I managed to choke out.

Everyone started laughing hysterically.

"I said that?" Kakashi chuckled. "We must have been on a roll last night."

"Trust me, you were..."

Soon enough, everyone sobered.

"Well... Not that this isn't fun or anything, but I'm kinda tired..." I trailed off, giving Kakashi the kitty eyes.

"I guess I could use some rest myself..." he sighed.

"Come on. You can have the futon in my office," Gia said, leading the way across the room to a door, which he quickly opened.

The big sword he had fought with on our mission hung on the wall above a dark wooden desk, a black futon, gold throw-pillows and a blanket draped over it, in the corner of the room. The walls were white with gold hangings, as in his bedroom, and there were several pictures on a bulletin board on one wall. A book shelf stood against the remaining wall.

"Have at it," he said, closing the door behind us.

Kakashi walked over and set me down on the futon, crawling onto the other side as he did so.

I slipped off my sandals and layed down, giving a tired sigh.

"You really are tired, aren't you," Kakashi mumbled, pulling me into his side wrapping an arm around me.

"Mm-hm..." I snuggled into his side, sighing contentedly.

He chuckled, resting his cheek against my head.

Dang... I can't sleep...

"I can't sleep."

I felt him shrug, "Okay, what do you want to do?"

I sat up, and looked around the room, noticing the pictures on Gia's bulletin board.

There was a faded, crinkled, slightly stained one in the middle of the board, its poor condition catching my attention. A tall man who greatly resembled Gia stood with his arms around a grinning little blonde boy, a slightly shorter, but still very tall, woman with pointed ears and silvery hair stood beside the man, a squalling infant in her hands. The man and the boy laughed at the camera, while the woman smiled down at the infant.

I smiled sadly at it, not realizing a tear had fallen untill Kakashi reached up and brushed it away.

"Why are you crying?"

I smiled a bit at him, "I was remembering... You know... I was going to have a baby brother..."

"...What happened?" he asked cautiously.

"My old clan and the Sound are... partners, so to say... My parents were trying, and succeeding, at getting the other people in the clan to rebel. They didn't want to be partners with the sound. Then they were mur- killed... I wasn't home. But when I got back, I slipped in... their um..."

"Yeah, I know," he filled in quietly.

"... Anyways, my Mom was pregnant, and they'd finally explained why she had gotten 'fat' a few weeks before... They told me it was a boy, that I'd have a baby brother. I was so excited... I'd finally have someone to play with, someone to talk to, just one more person to know and love me... Someone I could protect... But... I couldn't. They were murdered a week before he was due." I had a regretful look on my face, hugging at my knees.

"Whisper, I... Is that why you're so fond of Shane?" he asked, changing from what he was about to say.

I nodded hesitantly, "Yeah... I like to think that maybe he would've been like him..."

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his lap.

I leaned into his shoulder, covertly breathing in his scent, calming myself down.

"I lost all of my family..." Kakashi commented hesitantly.

I stayed silent, holding onto his neck. "I'm not going to say sorry. It's annoying."

He smiled a bit at that and absentmindedly scratched my ears, making me purr lightly.

"People who knew my father have a tendency to mistake me for him. Apparently, I look very much like him..." he mused.

"I look like my mother, except I got my father's eyes," I smiled, remembering that my Dad used to always compliment me about them.

"The Neko part, too?" he asked curiously.

"No. I got that from my Grandma. The genes skip a generation, apparently. It was from my mom's side, though. Dad used to tease me about my ears," I chuckled lightly at the fond memory.

"They're cute," he murmured, stroking one of my ears.

I blushed.

"Made you blush," he muttered, smiling.

"Haha. Very funny."  I mumbled, blushing darker.

"No, it's adorable," he smiled, tugging at my hair.

"...Don't pull my hair..." I mewled, reaching up and yanking at his in return.

"But it's fun!"

"Okay then." I poked his stomach. Hard.

"Don't do that."

"But it's fun!" I mocked, poking his stomach again.

"I see what you did there..." He poked me lightly in the side.

I squealed, squirming.

"You squirm a lot," he teased, poking my other side.

"And you make me squirm, and blush, alot!" I squeaked, trying to wriggle away from him.

"It's your fault. If you weren't so cute..." he mumbled, poking me again.

"I'm not cute!" I whined, jumping.

"...Adorable?" Another poke.

"No!" I giggled, slapping at his hand.

"...Charming?" He dodged my slap and poked my other side.

"Doubtfull!" I squirmed again.


"Never!" I tried to slap at his hand again.

"...Dear?" He dodged my slap again.

"I'm a cat!" I mewled.


I growled, "No."


"... Maybe, but, no."

"... .... ...Sexy?"

"....... I ...." I blushed a deep scarlet.

"Ha. Got you again."

I punched his shoulder.


I pouted, "That didn't hurt at all?"

"Um... Ouch!" Kakashi repeated, emphasizing the word.

"... You suck... But thanks for trying."

"No problem." He laid back on the bed, pulling me with him. "I actually am kind of tired, though. You mind if I take a nap?"

"Nope," I shrugged, shifting to get comfortable.


A few moments later, his eye had closed and he was snoring lightly.

"I think I love you too," I mumbled, running a hand through his hair. I glanced around, bored, carefully wriggling free of his arms, pushing a pillow into my place.

I got up and quietly walked over to the bulletin board, examining all of the photographs that Gia had.

There was another exceptionally beaten up one in a corner. It was of the same two adults, although both cradled small children in their arms. The man held a tiny boy, waving his fists at the camera, while the mother held an infant in a pink blanket, who slept soundly.

Another, much more recent one, showed the three of them together, Shane perched between Gia and Gerilynn's shoulders. Next to it was a picture of three animals; a huge gold lion, a jet-black pegasus, and an eagle, which roosted on the lion's head.

Weird... But kinda cool...

Another one caught my eye. It showed two people, Gia and a tall, pretty girl with black hair and pointed ears. His arm was around her waist and they weren't looking at the camera, but at each other.

Gia was looking at her... Kind of like...

The door opened suddenly and I jumped, pressing a finger to my lips quickly.

"What are you doing?" Gia asked quietly, looking at me suspiciously.

"I was just... looking... Who is she?" I whispered to him, pointing at the beautiful woman in the picture with him.

To my surprise, he blushed.

"Oh... That's... That's my uh...girlfriend, for lack of a better word. Her name's Athena," he explained, sounding mildly embarassed.

I smiled, turning back to it. "Do you... love her?"

"...I...I think I do..." he said, his voice suddenly soft. "I know I seem young to you, but I've actually lived a lot longer than sixteen years. I've seen and done a lot of things, but I've never felt like this before."

"What do you feel when you look at her? What is...love?" I asked, a bit embarassed. "Not the family and friends kind, but... actual love?"

"...Well... Supposedly it's different for everyone. For me... When I see her smiling at me or laughing and telling me I'm being an idiot or I'm pronouncing the elvish word for 'sword' as 'pumpkin', it's like this weird jumping in my chest. Like my heart's about to burst and I can't catch my breath and she's the only thing in the world that really matters..." The blonde trailed off, looking thoroughly embarassed, his face beet red.

I smiled, "Don't be embarrassed. I just... I think..." Now I was the one blushing!

"You think you love him, don't you?" he asked, returning my smile.

I nodded, glancing cautiously back to Kakashi.

"That's a good thing... Isn't it?" he asked uncertainly.

"Yes!" I whispered, pulling him over to the other side of the room.

"Sorry to bother you, but I don't really have any girl friends so..." I trailed

"It's fine. What is it?" he asked curiously.

"Okay, so last night, he and I were talking. And then, when I layed down to sleep, her was going to say something. But he didn't and just told me 'good night'. Well, about seven minutes later, I was on the edge of falling asleep, and he... he said..."

"He said he loved you, didn't he?!" Gia squealed, hugging me as if he were a school girl.

"Ummm.... You can let go now..." I mumbled.

"Sorry... Was I over-doing it?" he asked, sobering and releasing me.

"Um... just a bit," I giggled quietly, checking again to make sure Kakashi was still sleeping.

"So, you're problem is that he waited until he thought you were asleep to tell you, right?" Gia clarified, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

I nodded.

"Then... I'm afraid I really can't help you. You just have to wait until he's ready. If you really want him to say it, you could try telling him first. I'm not sure it'll work, though. He's kinda one of those people who feels that some things go without saying," he explained.

"I'm good, I'm good. No way in hell am I saying it first!" I whispered nervously, holding up my hands.

"Heh heh. Easy there. I won't say anything. It took me forever to confess," he reassured me.

I sighed in relief, "Thanks." I glanced back at Kakashi. "Well, I'm gonna go take my nap now."

"Mmkay. If you need anything..." he trailed off, walking slowly out the door.


He closed the door and I crawled into the bed again, easily replacing myself with the pillow.

Kakashi pulled me into his chest, snoring softly.

I smiled, and snuggled into his shoulder. "Love you," I mumbled, and slipped into unconsciousness.

Attention ye gentle-folk of the Kingdom of the Wattapons! (Oh God, here we go again. -Saphy ;P) The great mages Saphy and Prodigious hath released another chapter of the great book. Thou art royally invited to readeth and voteth, and hopefully to enjoyeth. However, the mages would liketh to pointeth outeth that who-so-ever declines the call to comment shalt be put to death by the royal kitty-cat, Lady Peanut.

Seriously, though. Read, comment, vote. Lather, rinse, repeat. Catch ya on the flipside, cat! Prodigious out! -Prodigious ^.^

Again. I am sorry for her... antics? Whateves.... So.. Comment? Please! With a unicorn on top? (With a shirtless Kakashi on top? -Prodigious ^.^) Ya know... I quite like that one, Pro!  Anyways, thnx for reading! And the comment you'll give us! -Saphy ;P

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