Healing a broken mate

By Alpha_H2SO4

323 27 14

Dakota works at her local fire department as a firefighter paramedic, at the age of 21 life is good. Then one... More

Working with the voice
A second Voice
Jacob's mate
Orders, Nightmare, and a wreck
Everyday Life
An unlikely solution
Turbulent events
Omega Law
The beginning of the End
Building pressure
The Breaking Point

How it all began

82 4 3
By Alpha_H2SO4

3rd person POV


The lump in the bed didn't move.


A male voice groaned from a nearby bed, as the lump by the alarm clock started to twist and turn trying to make its way out from the tangle of blankets.


The alarm clock was now beeping constantly as a hand made its way out of the blankets and blindly tried to hit the snooze button. This time a female voice groaned as a head appeared out from under the blankets. The girl groaned again as she sleepily looked at the alarm clock, which read 6:30.

No one should be forced to wake up at this time of day.

She lay there trying, and failing, to wake up. Five min. later the alarm sounded again, BEEP...BEEP...BEEP. She quickly scrambled to turn it off, instead of hitting the snooze button again. She slowly dragged herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

As she washed her hands in the sink she looked at herself in the mirror. She had bags under her hazel eyes which stood out against her tan skin. Her short, light brown hair that normally came to the bottom of her ear on the right and didn't cover her left ear, was sticking out in several places. She sighed and used her wet hands to try and lay the hair flat, or at least flatter. After a few seconds she just gave up on it and slowly stumbled back to her room.

When she entered the room she shared with her partner she noticed he was still blissfully sleeping soundly, unaware of the rude morning that had come so soon. She grabbed one of her pillows and tossed it at the guy sleeping in the bed on the other wall.

"Time to wake up Dylan." She yawned as she started to pull her work pants on over her pajama shorts.

The man, Dylan, groaned and rolled over but made no other move to get up. The girl grabbed the last pillow on her bed and threw it at him. "If you don't wake up now the others will drink all your go go juice." Dylan opened his eyes and glared at her.

"I was having a good dream, and you had to go and wake me up." He tried and failed to hold back a yawn. He sat up and stretched, "What time is it anyway?" he asked glancing at the clock between them. The red numbers blinked, 6:45.

"Why do you insist on getting up so early Dakota?"

s"Me?! You're the one who's kid has a career day and agreed to show up. Besides the next crew is supposed to get here at seven." Dakota stifled a yawn again as she finished tying her station boots. Soon they were both "up" and groggily packing up their bedding. When they were done they headed to the community kitchen as Dakota placed a bandana on her head.

When they entered they saw the rest of the crew from A shift and part of B shift lounging around the kitchen drinking coffee. Dylan immediately went and got himself a big cup and sat down at the table. While Dakota grabbed a glass from the cupboard and pored herself a full glass of coke.

"Good Morning Dakota!" Scott, one of the firefighters on A shift, sang in an overly cheerful voice.

Dakota paused with the glass almost to her lips and glared at the man sitting at the head of the table, while a half growl half groan escaped her lips.

Tony came over and smacked Scott on the head. "At least let the girl get some caffeine in her system, before you start in on her." Dakota smiled gratefully at Tony and took a swig of her soda. "Besides we all know she can't handle the big boys drink." Tony said smirking. At that remark she started glaring at Tony as well.

"We'll see what you have to say when..." Another yawn interrupted her.

"Busy night I take it?" Bob the pump operator asked.

"One cardiac arrest, three car wrecks, and one unconscious patient." Dylan responded stretching.

"Don't forget the electrocution, and the police assist." Dakota deadpanned, eyes half closed as she savored her soda.

"Okay. Fine. I'll cut you some slack...but just this once. I don't want you thinking I'm going all soft now." Scott grinned. As they were talking the rest of B shift came in, and pored some hot coffee for themselves.

The twelve firefighters talked for another ten minute before the tones echoed throughout the station and B shift headed for the trucks, as A shift clocked out.

Dakota loaded her bedding and day bag into her jeep, and climbed in. She was more than ready to head home, and go back to bed.


Dakota's POV

I pulled into my long gravel driveway and followed it back into the woods. The early morning light shown through the trees only breaking through occasionally. I parked beside the green mini Coop that was parked beside the house. I climbed out, grabbing my stuff and headed inside through the side door. I dropped my bedding on floor to do later, and removed my black station boots and placed them by the door. Then removed my black EMS pants placing them directly into the washing machine. Leaving me in a pair of black spandex shorts and a gray tank top, after that I placed yesterday's clothing in the washing machine, then exited the laundry room.

Once inside the main living area I noticed that Avery wasn't up yet. I tiptoed upstairs and grabbed my towel that was hanging on a hook at the top. I glanced over and saw my house mate, Avery, still sleeping on the bottom bunk. I smiled to myself and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

As the shower heated up I removed my shorts, my gray tank top, my socks, and my underclothes and tossed them aside. Then I jumped into the warm shower. As the hot water hit my neck and back I sighed in content and started to relax. I stood under the water for a minute just enjoying the feel of it hitting me. Then I started to shampoo my hair and wash my body.

I'm so glad I don't have long hair anymore. Otherwise I would have to use conditioner to. I thought to myself, as I rinsed all the soap off of me.

I'd like to see you with long hair. I bet you would look pretty. I heard a male voice say. I screamed bloody murder and jumped looking around, but didn't see anything or anyone. Moments later the door burst open and in came a very disheveled Avery with a wooden baseball bat. This caused me to scream again, although a lot quieter.

"What's going on Kota?" Avery asked looking around with a confused look on her face.

"I..I don't know. I thought I heard a guy's voice. But...There is no one here." Avery looked around and nodded, "Nope. It's just the two of us here."

Well that was weird. I thought as Avery headed out the door.

What was weird? It sounded like the voice was coming from nearby, and I yelped, but there was no one else in the room.

Avery stuck her head back in with a confused look on her face.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The guy. I heard him again."

"Kota there is no one here other than us." Avery promised me.

I nodded, I'm probably just tired. I need more sleep, if I'm starting to hear things.

You probably are tired considering your job. But you aren't hearing things. Well I mean, I guess you are but it is perfectly normal. How was work by the way?

Wait...is the voice...coming from my head?

Yup. You figured it out.

I quickly rinsed off and dried off. I put my clothes in the washing machine and started it, passing Avery who was sitting on the couch watching me with a weird expression on her face. Then I headed upstairs to get dressed. I threw on a pair of underwear, mesh short shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top and headed back downstairs.

"Are you all right? Your face is white as a ghost." I was about to nod but shook my head instead. "I'm hearing a voice. It's in my head and it is talking to me." My voice was a little shaky. "Maybe you are just stressed. Try and sleep and see if it is still there when you wake up."

"I don't think I can go to sleep now. I'll make us some food and try and relax then try and go to sleep."

Avery nodded, "Okay, you want to watch something while you cook and we eat?"

"Sure. You choose. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I don't know. You choose."

"Avery." I whined. "You never choose what you want to eat."

"That is because you always make such good food. Besides I'll eat anything really."

I groaned and started pulling out the ingredients to make blueberry pancakes. As I did that Avery turned the TV on and we started watching Person of Interest. (It was one of Avery's favorite shows.)

So whatcha making?

Blueberry pancakes. I answered before I even realized the voice had spoken. I'll have to make an appointment with a phycologist if this doesn't stop. But I'm going to sleep first and see if that helps.

I won't stop. Even if you see a phycologist or if you get sleep. Which I think would help you feel better, and calm down. But I will never stop.

I shivered at the promise/threat. Then I turned my attention back to the TV.


I had all the pancakes done in an hour, so we ate breakfast while discussing what had happened the day before.

"Picked up the computer from the client yesterday." Avery said after swallowing a mouthful of pancakes.

"Which one?"

"The one from the paper, I met him while working at the nursing home a couple weeks ago remember?"

"Oh, yea. What is wrong with it?"

"Don't know. I need to take it apart yet. I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday."

"Oh. How come?"

"Well I picked up the computer in the afternoon. When I got back home Isiah, was here."

"What did he need?" I asked curiously. Isiah usually only came around on the weekends or the late afternoon. But he usually never came over on Thursdays.

"He asked me out." Avery said watching me closely. I stared at her dumfounded with my fork half way to my mouth.

"He asked you out? Like on a date?" Of course he asked her out on a date. What other kinds of out are there? That sounds great! I gritted my teeth and ignored the voice in my head. As Avery smiled.

"Yes he asked me out on a date. So we went out to a Chinese restaurant. Then came back and watched a movie."

"I see." Neither one of us said anything for a few minutes and we ate in silence. Why can't you be happy for her? Why are you acting like it's a funeral? Why is your head so noisy all of a sudden? I can't even hear myself think. Shut up! My head isn't noisy I'm thinking. And for the record you don't know anything about the situation. After a few moments I finally spoke out loud.

"Is this what you want?"

"I don't know. I don't have feelings for him yet, but maybe I will. I need the experience sometime right?" Avery said the last part with a chuckle.

"Okay. Why him? After everything, why him?"

"Well...I set some ground rules. So he can't do a lot of the stuff he has done in the past. I'm already friends with him so I figured I would give it a try. But I'll be open to other people's opinions, since they are on the outside and can see things that I can't." I nodded my head. Don't you dare say anything. Let her have this happiness. Shut up! You don't know anything about this situation, or her, and you sure as hell don't know anything about me! But I want to. Let me in. I said shut up! I mentally glared at him.

"Okay. Last question." Avery looked at me expectantly. "Is this a secret?"

"No. Everyone is going to find out eventually. I'm a little worried about Monarch finding out."

"Okay. I won't tell her."

The rest of the meal was quiet. When we were done eating Avery offered to clean up so that I could get some sleep. I thanked her and headed for bed, climbing the stairs to our bedroom. Once in our bedroom I climbed up onto my bed, on the top bunk. Then I pulled the blackout curtain around the top bunk and laid down. The voice in my head stayed quiet for a little while and within a minute I was out.


I groaned and rolled over in bed. My limbs felt heavy, as did my eyelids. I somehow managed to pry my eyes open and glanced at my alarm clock. I had been asleep for about three and a half hours.

Uhg. What woke me up? Usually I sleep longer than this." I closed my eyes again ready to go back to sleep.

Good morning sleeping beauty. I'm surprised you are up already. But it is nice to hear your voice again. I missed it even if it was for only three and a half hours. My eyes flew open and I sat bolt upright, looking around for the voice. I thought that had been a dream. Nope! This is real. There was no chance for me to go back to sleep now. So instead I got up, grabbed my computer, and earbuds, then headed down stairs.

"You're up early." Avery commented as I walked down the stairs. She looked up from the computer she was working on and watched me plop down on the couch. "Tough day at work? Couldn't sleep?"

"No. Yesterday was busy, but all around not a bad day. Something woke me up, not sure what though." I sighed and laid my head back against the arm rest.

"I see." Avery continued to work on the laptop.

I put my computer and earbuds on the small table in the center of the furniture, and laid back again. Just then a cat jumped onto my stomach, causing me to jump, and laid down on my chest.

"You still jump every time Tommy tries to get in your lap." Avery chuckled.

I just smiled and grabbed the remote for the TV.

But my smile quickly faded when the voice started talking again. Are you afraid of cats? No. What about dogs? No. What about... the voice hesitated momentarily ...wolves? You are in my head. Shouldn't you already know the answer to these questions? I could find out, but that is a lot of work. I would have to dig through your brain and in the process invade your privacy. You mean like you are doing now? The strange voice didn't respond. After a moment of silence, I sighed and answered. There is only one thing that I'm afraid of, and it isn't an animal. But there are a lot of things that I respect.

What is the difference? Being afraid of something means that you avoid it, sometimes run away from it. But if you respect something you are careful around it. You are cautious in how you deal with it. You understand that it can hurt you, but that doesn't make you avoid it or run from it. It makes you treat whatever it is right, the way it is supposed to be treated. Lots of people confuse the two.

So you respect cats? And that is what caused you to jump when Tommy landed on you? I respect everything and everyone because that is the way I was raised. I jumped because the cat startled me. I wasn't expecting it.

"The voice is still there isn't it?" Avery asked. I looked up and nodded. She must have been watching me. Avery put the screw driver she was using down and stood up.

"Come on. Let's go for a ride." She said with a smile.

We both changed into blue jeans and T-shirts, then put our boots on, and headed out to ride.

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