How it all began

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3rd person POV


The lump in the bed didn't move.


A male voice groaned from a nearby bed, as the lump by the alarm clock started to twist and turn trying to make its way out from the tangle of blankets.


The alarm clock was now beeping constantly as a hand made its way out of the blankets and blindly tried to hit the snooze button. This time a female voice groaned as a head appeared out from under the blankets. The girl groaned again as she sleepily looked at the alarm clock, which read 6:30.

No one should be forced to wake up at this time of day.

She lay there trying, and failing, to wake up. Five min. later the alarm sounded again, BEEP...BEEP...BEEP. She quickly scrambled to turn it off, instead of hitting the snooze button again. She slowly dragged herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

As she washed her hands in the sink she looked at herself in the mirror. She had bags under her hazel eyes which stood out against her tan skin. Her short, light brown hair that normally came to the bottom of her ear on the right and didn't cover her left ear, was sticking out in several places. She sighed and used her wet hands to try and lay the hair flat, or at least flatter. After a few seconds she just gave up on it and slowly stumbled back to her room.

When she entered the room she shared with her partner she noticed he was still blissfully sleeping soundly, unaware of the rude morning that had come so soon. She grabbed one of her pillows and tossed it at the guy sleeping in the bed on the other wall.

"Time to wake up Dylan." She yawned as she started to pull her work pants on over her pajama shorts.

The man, Dylan, groaned and rolled over but made no other move to get up. The girl grabbed the last pillow on her bed and threw it at him. "If you don't wake up now the others will drink all your go go juice." Dylan opened his eyes and glared at her.

"I was having a good dream, and you had to go and wake me up." He tried and failed to hold back a yawn. He sat up and stretched, "What time is it anyway?" he asked glancing at the clock between them. The red numbers blinked, 6:45.

"Why do you insist on getting up so early Dakota?"

s"Me?! You're the one who's kid has a career day and agreed to show up. Besides the next crew is supposed to get here at seven." Dakota stifled a yawn again as she finished tying her station boots. Soon they were both "up" and groggily packing up their bedding. When they were done they headed to the community kitchen as Dakota placed a bandana on her head.

When they entered they saw the rest of the crew from A shift and part of B shift lounging around the kitchen drinking coffee. Dylan immediately went and got himself a big cup and sat down at the table. While Dakota grabbed a glass from the cupboard and pored herself a full glass of coke.

"Good Morning Dakota!" Scott, one of the firefighters on A shift, sang in an overly cheerful voice.

Dakota paused with the glass almost to her lips and glared at the man sitting at the head of the table, while a half growl half groan escaped her lips.

Tony came over and smacked Scott on the head. "At least let the girl get some caffeine in her system, before you start in on her." Dakota smiled gratefully at Tony and took a swig of her soda. "Besides we all know she can't handle the big boys drink." Tony said smirking. At that remark she started glaring at Tony as well.

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