Legend of the Seven Seas

By MakiSakura

49.4K 1K 45

DreamWork's classic with a bit of a twist. What if it wasn't Marina who Sinbad fell in love with? What if it... More

Friendly Fights
The Monster
Making a deal with Eris
Getting out and into trouble
Changing Directions
Dragon's Teeth
Apologetic shouting matches
Odette is always right
Past memories
Chilly encounters
It's the thought that counts
Something changed
Gates of Tartarus
Goddess of Chaos
Let's play a game
Decisions made
Resigned to his fate
Passing the Test
Follow your heart

Two Worls Collide

4.2K 73 7
By MakiSakura

A dark shadow emerges from one side of the room. The room itself has an ethereal aura about it. The walls are unbound by constellations of legendary monsters, and in the center lies a small earth surrounded by clouds. The shadow morphs into the shape of a woman, whose hair floats around being unrestrained by any type of gravity. This woman is Eris, the goddess of Discourse or Chaos. The end of her dress is merely swirls of smoke as she has no full human form. Her skin a dull purple, hair as black as night, a brighter purple dress, and eyes a bright and evil shade of yellow.

"Wake up my beauties." Eris calls with an airy voice. "Rise and shine."

The constellations start coming to life and crowding around their master.

"It's a brand new day and the mortal world is at peace." Eris hisses out. In a wisp of colors she morphs herself closer to the floating earth. "but not for long...."

"Just look at them, I pull one tiny string and their whole world turns into chaos. Glorious chaos!" Eris revels in the thought of it. Pushing away some of the clouds on the globe she peers down into the sea. Something catches her eyes.

"And what can be more perfect than this?!" Eris asks out loud.

Eris looks into the globe and sees two ships, one following the other.

"A noble prince. A priceless treasure." Eris sees on the first ship. "and a black hearted thief" The one that is following.

"Oh this is going to be fun." Eris sneers in delight. She turns to her sea creature. "Seatus, you know what to do." She coos.

The monster hurls itself to the earth. On the way down it takes its physical form and lands in the water just up ahead of the two ships. However it goes unnoticed.


The noble ship sails forward, flaunting its majestic build and blue sails. Unbeknown to them a smaller but swift vessel, sporting orange sails is just behind them. The crew of the thieving vessel is lined up on one side of the ship. These men primarily are barefooted and come from an array of different lands, but all are united and have one purpose in mind. Walking in front of them is their leader, Sinbad. His mastiff-like dog trots along beside him, tongue hanging out.

"Gentleman, this is what we've been waiting for." Sinbad addresses them. "The world's most valuable object is on its way to Syracuse." He stands looking at the horizon before smirking and turning to his men again. "It's a shame it'll never get there." The men let out a chuckle. Their ship quickly approaches the royal vessel and come along side of it.

"After today, we retire to Fiji!" Sinbad tells them.

The men cheer and prepare themselves for the impending raid.

"Cale!" Sinbad shouts to his navigator at the wheel.

"Eye Captain!" Cale responds as he steers the ship into the side of the other. Sinbad leaps across to the side of the mast.

"Spike!" Sinbad calls to his loyal canine companion.

Obediently Spike pulls on the wooded handle that releases the metal hooks on the side of the ship. These hooks then latch on to the bigger ship, so they cannot be detached during the raid. Sinbad climbs the mast and wraps his arm around a piece of rope in anticipation.

"Let's get rich!!" Sinbad shouts as the two ships collide.

Using the momentum of the impact Sinbad swings across on the rope to the other ship and begins battle. With a flip in the air he pulls out his twin swords and dives into the middle of a mob of soldiers. Sinbad's crew also boards the ship to fight the royal guards. Even Spike uses his special made catapult to shoot himself onto the opposing ship and lands on top of a few guards. However in his case, the fighting is more like licking the enemy to death. Each crew member uses their own special technique to take down the guards.

Sinbad takes on three at a time on one end of the ship. A guard lunges his sword towards him. Sinbad quickly steps on it and flips off, tackling one of the guards in front of him. He wraps his arms around the man's shoulders immobilizing his upper body. Using is arm like a puppet he parries another attack and slices a rope sending the soldier, whose foot was in the rope, up into the air. Sinbad catches the dropped sword and spins it between his own. Advancing toward the remaining two with his new propeller, he disarms them and quickly knocks them out. He turns around just as another is bringing his blade down on him. Blocking the blow, he slides between the man's legs. The poor man turns around and Sinbad slips off his helmet, which is swiftly followed by a head butt. Feeling proud Sinbad looks back up. A swarm of guards comes running towards him. He plants this swords down and using them to hold his weight he does roundhouse kicks in a circle, effectively taking out all of them.

Sinbad jumps off with a flip and lands next to Cale, who is holding a man in a headlock with one arm.

"Did you catch that last move? Pretty sweet huh?" Sinbad causally asks the larger man, while putting away his swords.

Cale shrugged.

"I thought you overworked it....just a little." Cale tells his friend, holding up his fingers a small width apart.

"Uh...You?!"Sinbad spurts out in disappointment.mCale punches the man under his arm and walks forward with Sinbad. "Overworked it?!" he dejectedly mumbles.

They hear a battle cry heading towards them. At the last moment Cale jerks toward the man and catches the sword in his teeth. The soldier's eyes widen. Cale yanks the man over his head and into the sea using the sword in his mouth.

"OH? And I was overworking it?" Sinbad sarcastically asks Cale, looking over where the man was thrown off.

Cale smiles and spits out the sword. Sinbad looks up to the upper deck and sees the prince fighting off three of his men, and winning. Recognition shines in Sinbad's eyes.

"Proteus?...." Sinbad looks at the prince in disbelief. Cale raises an eyebrow, knowing the backstory.

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