βœ” A Mere Hallucination || BNH...

By xKaitoShounenx

186K 5.6K 3K


β€’ READ ME β€’
β€’ Prolouge β€’
β€’ One β€’
β€’ Two β€’
β€’ Three β€’
β€’ Four β€’
β€’ Five β€’
β€’ Six β€’
β€’ Seven β€’
β€’ Eight β€’
β€’ Nine β€’
β€’ Ten β€’
β€’ Eleven β€’
β€’ Twelve β€’
β€’ Thirteen β€’
β€’ Fourteen β€’
β€’ Fifteen β€’
β€’ Sixteen β€’
β€’ Eighteen β€’
β€’ Nineteen β€’
β€’ Twenty β€’
β€’ Twenty-one β€’
β€’ Twenty-two β€’
β€’ Twenty-three β€’
β€’ Twenty-four Part 1 β€’
β€’ Twenty-four Part 2 β€’
β€’ Twenty-five β€’
β€’ Hosu β€’
β€’ The Aftermath (Izuku) β€’
β€’ The Aftermath (Kiba) β€’
β€’ The Aftermath (Uraraka) β€’
β€’ The Aftermath (Mina) β€’
Β‘!Β‘ What the... Β‘!Β‘

β€’ Seventeen β€’

3.2K 121 37
By xKaitoShounenx

Torture and disturbing scenes in this chapter

This isnt exactly an izuku x m!reader
This story sometimes changes it's ships

(N/N) - nickname




"I'm sorry, Mr. Stain..." A boy around six years old mumbled out, surrounded by dried blood, blood trickling down his chin and bruised knees, he was sitting down on a cement floor.

"Try again.." Another figure said to the boy.

"Yes... Sir.." The boy stood up, wiping the blood off his chin before his face turned into a scowl, a dark aura surround him making the man infront of him smile in approvance.


"Tch, who the hell are these?" The same boy but older (11 years old) frowned when he saw Stain along with two other figures around his age while he was twirling a small dagger in his hand

"They're like you (M/N)... People who want to change this world full of scum, introduce yourselves.."

"Hi! I'm Toga Himiko! I can transform as someone else as long as i consume their blood~! The person beside me is To-" The boy beside the blonde-haired girl suddenly had an angered expression, startling the girl.

"Dabi, just call me dabi. My quirk is called Cremation, i can shoot out blue flames, the hottest type of fire."

"Nice picks Mr. Stain.... Well i'm (M/N)... I can make hallucinations towards anyone..."

"You three should be fine... Be sure to not get close with those so called heroes..."

"You can trust us, Stainy!" Toga chirped in delight.

"It's not like someone will accept us anyways.."

"Heh, i like their attitude.. We'll be great 'friends'~" (M/N) grinned, discarding his knife.



{3rd Person POV}

"(M/N)-kun wake up!" Toga shouted at the sleeping male, who groaned in response.

"Go away!"

"You'll love the plan Dabi came up with! So wake up!" Again, the (H/C)-haired male groaned in annoyance, instantly slapping the Blonde's mouth shut.

"Alright! Just give me a f*cking minute!"


"What's so f*cking important that you have to wake me up at five in the morning?! And where's Mr. Stain?" (M/N) sat in an old, worn-out sofa, facing Dabi and Toga with a glare.

"Since you're back with us.. We plan on messing with the UA kids.. And Stain is in Hosu, so we'll be on our own for a while.."

"Yeah~! He said left Spinner with someone he knows, but whatever, tell him Dabi!" (M/N) sighed, lazily shifting in the couch, prepared to listen to Dabi.

"Anyways, we want to kidnap and toy with one of them."

"And how could we possibly do that?"

"I had toga disguise as a Student and sneak in last night to listen to their plans for today since it's saturday...."

"Yep! I made sure to get that pink-haired girl's blood~ it was good~!" Toga giggled, making Dabi click his tongue in annoyance.

"Alright then... What do they have on their list?"

"Mall, 3:30 PM, and make sure to kidnap a girl for your sake."

"Of course i will~ after all, the only boy i cared about betrayed me.." (M/N) laughed hysterically, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Whatever... Be ready since it would take a risk.."


With the UA Students.. Some time later..

"Yaomomo, where did you get the outfit? It looks so cute!"

"Yeah, it's so obvious that you're rich!"

"O-Oh, i-it's just an outfit i recieved from my grandmother, no biggy..!"

"By the way, do you guys think Midoriya-kun will be alright? After all.. His mother died.."

"Yeah, and to think that the villain 'X' would change, Kerro."

"Midoriya-san's strong, we should all support him the best we can!"

"Yeah you're right... Still kind of tragic though.."

The girls were all sat down in a food court, they all agreed that the boys and girls seperate and meet back up lster again.

"I'm full! Let's go to the department sotre next! I want to buy myself some shoes for our next training!" Hagakure beamed.

"I want to buy my sister a new dress, kerro!"

"I guess i'll buy me some new equipment..."

"Sure! Let's go meet up with the boys later on!"

"You guys go on! I'll just go buy a milkshake, i'll catch up!" Mina said to the others, they all nodded before they stood up, walking out of the food court.


While Mina was walking to the department store with a milkshake in hand, she saw a hint of Dark Purple hair in the distance.

"Hey, Jiro! Wait for me!" Mina ran up to the figure, only for them to run too.

"Wait!" Mina was still running, unable to catch up with her, until they were led outside the mall, they were running towards a place where there aren't alot of people.

"Oh thank goodness.. I thought you were in the depar--"


Mina was suddenly knocked out cold, her unconcious body falling forwards until it landed with a thud.

"Oops... i guess i hit her too hard.." A voice from the corner said, holding the same metal pole he used with Kiba.

"Oi, (M/N), let's get out of here before someone sees us, Toga, just stay in that form longer so that no one can suspect when someone catches us."

"Sure! Now come on i'm so eager to play with blood~!"


Light suddenly flashed against Mina, her eyes fluttering open.

"Ngh... Where am i..?" Mina looked around to see a figure kneeling down next to her, making her release a shrill scream, instantly trying to use her quirk, but to her dismay, no acid came out.

"Sheesh, do i really look that scary to you? Wait 'till you see dabi!" The figure laughed, but in the back she heard a low growl.

"Shut the f*ck up (M/N)! My scars are none of your bussiness!"

"Yeah yeah whatever~... Anyways, you're that girl who called me cute, remember~?"

"Y-You're that student... What're you going to do with me?! And what happened to my quirk?!"

"Calm down~ Dabi, can you give me and this lady a minute and go with Toga?"

"Yeah sure whatever... Just leave some fun for us too.." With that, Dabi left the room.

"Anyways, we removed your quirk for a while, and you'll find out what we'll do with you~" Mina gritted her teeth in fear, she suddenly stood up, attempting to run away.

"Go ahead and run, there's no place to go anyways~" (M/N) stood up, watching her in amusemeny as she was trying to find ways to escape.

"A-All Might will be here.. And he'll arrest you! Just you wait!"

"All Might? Tch... How can that idiot find us, in a place like this?" Mina backed up into a wall, sliding down onto the cement floor.

"You need to run with legs right? Why don't i break one?" The sentence made mina widen her eyes in visible fear, making (M/N) smirk as he got near here, placing her hands on her thigh.

"LET GO!" She responded with a kick to his face, earning a laugh from the male.

"Wow! Not bad, princess! But i'm gonna have to ban you from doing that!" With that, (M/N) got ahold of her leg again, with his usual scarf restraining her.

'Thank god i had Toga steal these back..' (M/N) thought as the scarf tightened the restrains in Mina.

"Se no!"


A shrill scream erupted from Mina's throat, along with a giggling (M/N).

"Feels good doing that!"

"P-Please.. Stop.." At this point, Mina had tears in her eyes, begging with her life while her right leg laid limp in the floor.

"Aw, but we're just getting started, princess~ i thought you liked me~?" Mina had given up on fighting back, without her quirk, she felt useless, she only hoped for rescue to come soon.

"I'll make you feel better~" (M/N) took out a cloth from his pocket, tying it around the pink-haired girl's eyes, covering them.

"Just relax, it will be over soon... And someone will toy with you next~" The (H/C)-haired male pressed his lips against Mina's, earning muffled screams from her while he was proceeding to take out a dagger from his coat, releasing her lips.

"Calm down, you can cry and scream all you want~ just remember not to forget the name.. (N/N)~"


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