Then You Came Along | Jenzie...

By CorbeansCookies

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"you will never love someone as much as you love Mackenzie, and no one will ever love you as much as Mackenzi... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1: Rough Day?
Chapter 2: Let's Do That!
Chapter 4: Shipped
Chapter 5: Pretending
Chapter 6: We Are Going!
Chapter 7: Good Luck
Chapter 8: Don't Touch Her
Chapter 9: You Know What?
Chapter 10: Fell In...
Chapter 11: Deal?
Chapter 12: Flying
Chapter 13: Replacement
Chapter 14: A Little Treat
Chapter 15: The Wedding Day
Chapter 16: Official
Chapter 17: You Know Now
Chapter 18: I Like Me Better
Chapter 19: Set It Up
Chapter 20: Do You See It?
Chapter 21: Cute When You're Mad
Chapter 22: Crashing Down
Chapter 23: Locked Eyes
Chapter 24: The Truth Hurts
Chapter 25: Skrrrt
Chapter 26: Try To Remember
Chapter 27: Is This For Real?
Chapter 28: You Did This?
Chapter 29: 99
Chapter 30: Close Your Eyes

Chapter 3: This Girl!

888 25 13
By CorbeansCookies

A/N: Thankyou @TiffanyrRodriguez for voting on this story! If you have not seen her Hannie fanfiction, Hannie (and friends) go check it out!

August 7th (Friday 5:00 pm)

Johnny's POV: I am in my apartment right now working on a new song to sell to a record label, I won't send it to Vevo since it might send to Meghan and I do not want to work with Meghan ever again! the night after we dumped Hayden Summerall's place we went to a nearby bar and had some beer, We laughed talked, again and again, It was actually really fun. Lauren is teaching her Zumba class she is a personal trainer for a living and also a class trainer too she might be finishing up though because she said that she will come back at 5:15 pm. On Thursday Mackenzie and I just chilled at my place, she is actually really nice My phone vibrates I check it and it is a text message from Mackenzie.

Mackenzie: Hey I am going to an Auction for a new penthouse since I can't live in a hotel so do you and Lauren want to tag along?

Johnny's POV: I reply

Johnny: Well I can tag along but I don't know about Lauren she is teaching a Zumba class right now so she isn't home

Johnny: She then quickly types down

Mackenzie: Oh right she is a trainer, just let me know if she wants to come with us, just meet me at the Waldorf Astoria lobby at around 6:00 pm 🙃 and maybe we can get 

Johnny: Sure no prob 

Mackenzie: Oh yeah and it is an Auction so there will be a lot of rich people there so dress up nicely

Johnny: okay... wait don't I already dress up nicely ???  🤨

Mackenzie: What I mean is don't wear a normal T-shirt wear like a polo or something

Johnny: Oh ok  👍

Mackenzie: Them maybe we can go to Starbucks after

Johnny: Sounds good  

15 Minutes Later

Lauren's POV: I enter the apartment and I see Johnny wearing a polo and a decent pair of jeans, he has his hair gelled and wearing his timberlands which he never wears since he thinks they are expensive (and they kinda are)... I wonder what is going on? AND HE IS ALSO WEARING HIS GIORGIO ARMANI WATCH! I swear that is his most precious watch to him, why is he wearing it?

Lauren: Hey Johnny

Johnny: Hey Lauren

Lauren: So what is going on? Is there an event or something that you are going to?

Johnny: What do you mean?

Lauren: Well you are really dressed up

Johnny: Oh, Mackenzie and I are meeting up tonight

Lauren: Ooooooooooh! For a date?

Johnny: No she also asked you if you wanted to tag along

Lauren: Oh then it totally not a date

Johnny: Are you coming we are going to an auction since Mackenzie is looking for a new penthouse to live in, and she said there will be a lot of rich people there 

Lauren: Really? Well okay I'll join

*Johnny checks his watch*

Johnny: Well it is 5:20 right now and we have to leave the house in 20 minutes to meet Mackenzie at her hotel lobby at 6:00

Lauren: Why do we have to leave 20 minutes earlier why not 10 minutes I'm pretty sure her hotel isn't that far

Johnny: Lauren she is staying at the Waldorf Astoria

Lauren: Okay then, that is kinda far from our place so I'm gonna get ready quickly

*Lauren starts heading to the bathroom and stops and turns back to Johnny*

Lauren: Do you know what I should wear is it like formal as in I have to wear a fancy dress or-...

Johnny: Just wear a dress, a dress that will be appropriate for rich people

Lauren: Okay

20 minutes later

*Lauren gets out from her room*

Lauren's POV: I am wearing black dress with flowers on them and pink cream heels, I think it is appropriate for the Auction.

Lauren: Okay come on let's go

Johnny: Yep, don't you need a jacket?

Lauren: Johnny it is summer

Johnny: Oh ok

In The Cab

Cab Driver: Where you heading?

Lauren: The Waldorf Astoria, please

Johnny: Is it okay if you wait for us when we reach there because we are picking up a friend

Cab Driver: that's fine, where are you heading to after that?

Johnny: Our friend has the address 

Cab Driver: Okay

*The Cab Driver starts driving*

At The Waldorf Astoria

Johnny's POV: I get out of the cab to meet Mackenzie in the lobby when I enter she is already there, she actually looks REALLY PRETTY, She is wearing nude colored heels and a red dress.

Johnny: Hey Mackenzie

Mackenzie: Oh hi Johnny... Where is Lauren, she wasn't able to make it?

Johnny: Oh no she was, the cab is waiting for us outside

Mackenzie: Okay then we should go... you actually dressed up

Johnny: I tried

Mackenzie: to be honest you look pretty handsome

Johnny: and you look pretty beautiful

In The Cab

Lauren's POV: I keep on looking at the steps then finally I see Mackenzie and Johnny, Johnny opens the door for Mackenzie... AAAWWW! And Mackenzie hops in and Johnny sits at the front.

Mackenzie: Hey Lauren

Lauren: Hi

Cab Driver: Where are we going now?

Mackenzie: The futuristic tower in the upper east side in Vand street

Cab Driver: Okay

*Cab Driver starts driving*

Mackenzie: So what did you do today?

Lauren: I taught classes trained people what I usually do every day

Mackenzie: how about you Johnny

Johnny: I was working on my music, Mackenzie what did you do?

Mackenzie: I was looking for penthouses to live in and I found the one we were going to now and it is perfect! It is nowhere near my old penthouse a near central park, has the view of the whole of New York, and the perfect size for me 

Lauren: You mean, It is a small perfect size or big perfect size?

Mackenzie: Oh it is like in between I guess, It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a. Downstairs there are 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, the laundry room, a small cinema room that comes with a flat-screen TV which is huge another living room and a kitchen and a game room which I thought I can turn into a living room

*Lauren and Johnny looked shocked*

Mackenzie: Why are you shocked?

Johnny: Because all of what you said is all for you

Mackenzie: Well I can renovate rooms too so I can get rid of the room and make the penthouse look bigger and I can always have guests over, and there has to be a room for my butler

Lauren: Oh right bob

Mackenzie: Oh no that was Hayden Jerakarall's butler I'm getting another one.

Johnny: Okay

Lauren: HA! Jerkarall instead of Summerall! I love how you call him that! 

10 minutes later

Mackenzie's POV: We get out of the cab and give the cab driver the money, well I tried to but Johnny said that he will pay since he and Lauren were riding n the cab before I got in. We go up the elevator there are also a lot of people with us in it too, they must be the other people who want to get the penthouse too. We walk around and it is absolutely perfect. It is the perfect size for me and if anyone wants to sleepover they are welcome too since there is a lot of space, I check the balcony which is the right size for me and the view is amazing... EVERY ROOM IS AMAZING! After 20 minutes of looking around the Auction, the caller calls us to sit down to get ready for the bidding. I sit down next to Johnny who is in the middle and Lauren is on the other side of him. I put my clutch on the seat next to me

Mackenzie: Is'nt it, nice guys?

Lauren: Yeah it is actually smaller than I thought

Johnny: It is nice for you since you like houses like this.

Mackenzie's POV: We talk for another 2 minutes there are 15 minutes till the Auction starts. then somebody taps my shoulder I turn around and see... see... UGH ITS, THIS GIRL! MY BLOOD IS BOILING AGAIN! I MAY SOUND ANGRY!

Annie: Excusme can you move your clutch so then I can take a seat... Oh um, it's you, Mackenzie ... your Mackenzie

Mackenzie: Yes it is me, yeah I am Mackenzie... I kinda know who I am, and yes I will move my clutch

*Annie starts to reach for Mackenzie clutch and Mackenzie snatches it off the chair*

Mackenzie: I can get it myself don't worry

*Mackenzie rolls her eyes and looks back at Johnny and Lauren*

Johnny: A little harsh Mackenzie?

Mackenzie: You don't understand... she is the brat you stole my job and stole my boyfriend

Lauren: ohhhhhhhh. Then yeah you have a right to be mad

Mackenzie: why is she here anyway? she can just move in with Hayden... is she an idiot?

Annie: Ahem! I can hear you.

*Mackenzie rolls her eyes and turns to Annie* 

Mackenzie: You don't need to fake a cough because I know you are there and yes, I know you can hear me since you are right next to me, I'm not an idiot like you

Lauren: *whispers to Johnny* The tea is spilling

Annie: Excusme, I am not an idiot, and don't act like you are not a crybaby because you were crying your head off on Monday

Mackenzie: Yeah it's kinda obvious why I was crying because YOU stole my job and YOU stole my boyfriend, but now I am as angry as ever

Lauren: *whispers to Johnny* the tea

Annie: I got the job because I am talented and you are not talented enough

Mackenzie: You did not just say that because all you can do is sing with an autotuned voice, I can dance, sing, and I can act

Annie: I act too

Mackenzie: Not as good as me

Annie: I See, I know where you get this mad temper from, You got it from your one and only mad dance teacher Abby Lee

Mackenzie: Do not bring anyone else into this argument, it is only between you and me-...

Annie: *in a baby voice*  AAAAWWW you don't want to bring her into the subject because she is dying of cancer and if we talk about her you are going to cry like a little cry baby

Mackenzie: You know what?

Annie: what?

*Mackenzie get her bottled water opens the lid and spills water onto Annie*

Annie: *gasps* 

Mackenzie: Oh did that hurt?  I must have thought wrong I thought the witch was going to melt

*Johnny and Lauren try not to laugh*

Annie: You-...

Mackenzie: You can "you" me anytime you want because at the end of the day I know and you know that anything you can do I can do better

(A/N: I just realized I used quotes from dance moms and gossip girl 🙃)

*Hayden pops up*

Hayden: *facing Annie* Babe what happened to you? How are you wet?

Mackenzie: Oh I spilled a little water on her, I thought the witch would melt

Hayden: Mackenzie? You are here

Mackenzie: Yeah I am, I know, I'm not dumb, why are you here you have your penthouse

Hayden: Well I got kicked out since there was damage to the walls, which you did

Mackenzie: *Says sarcastically* I did? wow I never knew that

Bid Caller: Okay the bidding is stating now starting at a  ten thousand dollars anyone for a thousand dollars

*Crowd puts their hand up*

Bid Caller: Do I hear $20000

*Crowd puts their hand up*

Annie: $50000 dollars

Bid Caller: $50000 dollars to the lady with the pink bag, do I hear $6000

Annie: $60000

Bid Caller: $60000 to the wet lady anyone for $70000

Mackenzie: 1 million dollars

Bid Caller: 1 million dollars to the lady with the pink bag do I hear-...

Annie: 3 million dollars

Bid Caller: Anyone for 4 million?

Mackenzie: 6 million

Bid caller: 7 million

Johnny: *whispers to Lauren* I bet it will go up to 100 million

Annie: 7 million!

Mackenzie: 8 million dollars

Bid Caller: Do I hear 9 million

Annie: 10 million 

Bid Caller: Do I hear 11 million?

*Mackenzie stays quite*

Bid Caller: 11 million? Going Once... Going Twice and ...

*Mackenzie stands up*

Mackenzie: 20 MILLION DOLLARS!

Lauren: WOAH!

Bid Caller: 21 million? Going Once, Going Twice and sold to the lady in the pink bag!

Mackenzie, Lauren & Johnny: WHOOOOOOO!

Bid Caller: Since I am the penthouse Owner miss please meet me at the reception tomorrow at 12 mid-day

*Mackenzie turns to Annie

Mackenzie: and that is how it is done


Mackenzie: Thanks Johnny

Mackenzie's POV: Johnny gives me a big nice hug... how sweet of him.

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