
By LavishhhK

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Have you ever wondered how life was being the big girl in class? Jazmine has. During middle school she was co... More

32./The End Pt. 1
33./The End Pt 2.
Short Chapter


3.1K 137 30
By LavishhhK

Same Day


I popped up out my sleep and held my head in pain. I look over to see Kameryn and Dom sittin on the couch. Dom looked super pissed. I was getting drunk this morning after I found out my mom died. Not that I was sad she died I honestly don't care. I'm sad that I can't even say I have one of my parents. Both of them are dead.

"Jaz what the fuck was you thinking?" Dom asked leaning foward looking at me.

"Dom, it's too early to be yelling chill." I groaned while still holding my head.

"Jazmine. It's 5 in the fucking afternoon." He said in a calm but angry tone. "You need to start thinking. You be doin some erratic ass shit."

I pouted and crossed my arms while sitting on the couch. Dom sighed and Kameryn just shook his head at me. I heard my phone ringing from upstairs. I stood and went to go and get it. I didn't feel like being lectured right now. I closed my bedroom door and looked to see who was calling me and it was Taelyn. I rolled my eyes. As I was about set my phone down, my phone dinged with a text message. It was Sienna and Khloe in our group chat.

SiSi💓🌞: we still goin 2nite or nah?

Baby K😘🦄: yea im tryna get fucked up. pooch actin stupid. been over it.

Me: def still goin. dom and mac down there bonding and shit. i have to sneak out or mac gone be on my ass all night. come around back in an hour. gotta get ready.

Sisi💓🌞: bet baby cakes.

Baby K😘🦄: get sexy.

Even though I still have a headache from earlier I wasn't about to let that ruin my night. I stood and locked my room door because I didn't want Kam coming in without me knowing. I went to my attached bathroom and turned the shower on. Tonight a guy from my old school out here is throwing a house party. I was lowkey excited, I had homies here I ain't seen in a while. I just prayed that I didn't run into Logan tonight.

"Ay, let me lick you and down." I sang as I climbed in the shower.

After I was done showering, I climbed and did my hair while it was still wet. I made a side part and put it in a low bun on the back of my head. I went back into my room and searched through my suitcase. I pulled out my black fitted romper. I didn't feel like my feet hurting tonight so I put on some all black classic Vans. I checked my phone to see the time and it was 6 pm. Right on time Khloe texted me saying that the Uber was ready. So I went to my second story window and hopped out.

As I quickly made my way to the Uber that my two best friends was in I couldn't feel nothing but excitement. I'm happy that I can finally relieve the stress that I had from losing the two most important people in my life. My dad and Elijah.

"Bitch look at you!" Sienna said.

"Yassss!" Khloe chimed in.

The party was a few blocks over. It was in hood just like my Dom's place. As the Uber got closer I could her No Flockin by Kodak Black bumping. That was my song. Before we climbed out I tipped the Uber $50 for stopping by to pick me up. He thanked me and I smiled before climbing out after Khloe and Sienna.

"Is that Jazmine I see?" I heard a familiar deep voice say as we entered the house. I turned to see Marcus the guy who's throwing the party. I smiled and hugged him. "How you been ma?"

"Okay. What about you?" I asked.

"I can't complain." He said smiling. "But aye enjoy yourself. I have drinks in the kitchen."

I smiled and nodded my head. Khloe and Sienna were talking with two other females I tapped their shoulders. They said their goodbyes and we made our way to the kitchen. I got some more Grey Goose and made my way to the dance floor. They began to bump Down in the DM with Nicki Minaj in it. I began rapping the lyrics and shaking my ass as Khloe and Sienna posted me on snapchat.

About halfway through the party I was more than fucked up. I made my way to sit on the couch and I heard a bunch of commotion but didn't know what was going on. I stood back up after sitting my cup down to see what was going on. It was a bunch of niggas fighting.


I made my way upstairs to go and check on Jazmine since I haven't heard nothing from her in an hour. I jiggled her doorknob but it was locked. I was confused before I started knocking.

"Jazmine." I said loud enough for her to hear me through the door. "Mama open the door."

"What's goin on?" Dom asked.

"Jazmine locked herself in her room." I said. Dom banged on the door and when he got no answer he busted the door down. Once we made our way inside we checked her closet and bathroom and she wasn't in here. I chuckled once I saw the window and open and remembered that she said she was goin out tonight. "What?" He asked noticing I was chuckling.

"She told me she was goin out tonight. I told her I was goin with her and she just left me on read."

"This little girl done snuck out." Dom said before walking out. "Follow me."

I followed him down the steps and we made our way down another flight of stairs that I don't think anyone know's about but him. They was hidden behind a door that you would think is just a closet.

"This is how I track her little ass when she think she grown." Dom said logging onto a computer and started typing some shit in. It started circling around a globe and zoomed in on Chicago and it pinned a location that looked close to Dom's place. "Fuck she doing at Marcus house. Let's go."

Dom grabbed his phone and keys and I followed him out the house to his Range Rover. We drove the location that was marked on Dom's GPS. As we pulled up we heard loud music bumping and made our way inside. We saw a lot of commotion going on which was a bunch of niggas fighting. Eventually their fighting caused a riot of people to make they way out the house.

"Aye lets split up so we can go find Jaz." Dom said and I nodded made my way to the dance area.

I saw a couch and two people sitting on it. Until I realized Jaz all in some nigga lap kissing him. Anger and jealousy took over me and I stood Jazmine up and socked the nigga she was making out.

"Let's fucking go." I said grabbing Jazmine drunk ass and making our way out the house.

"You mad at me daddy?" She whispered in my ear and grabbing my dick. I was too pissed to get turned on no matter how sexy that shit is. I spotted Dom who was just coming down the steps. I called his name and he spotted me and followed us out the house.

"Uncle heyyyyyyyyyyyy." Jazmine said looking at Dom. When she noticed how pissed he was she pouted. The next thing I know there was a bullet flying straight through Jazmine's stomach as we was near the car.

"Oh shit!!" Dom shouted.

More rounds began going off as Jazmine laid on the ground appearing to be lifeless. I was sad and pissed at the same time. We didn't know which way the bullet came from so all we did was pile into the car and speed off to the hospital. The car was silent except for the small breaths of Jazmine tryng to breath.

"Stay with us baby. We almost there." Dom said from the drivers side.

"Someone about to fucking die." I mumbled.

"Just wait on it." Dom said, I guess he heard me.



My baby Jaz got shot :(.

I wanted to update before I went to work and I'll prolly update when I get off but yeah. Comment and allat.

Jaz in media.😍

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