The Story Of Us

By awkwardpotato_01

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Macy learns to survive the twelfth grade with the help of all five of her best friends. She faces the hardshi... More

The Story Of Us
Chapter 1: Possibly The Best Night Ever
Chapter 2: Fair Fun
Chapter 3: Just A Simple Dream
Chapter 5: From Vancouver To Aberdeen
Chapter 6: Where Did She Come From?
Chapter 7: A Tiring Day
Chapter 8: Too Many Plans Not Enough Sleep
Chapter 9: A Horrible Nightmare
Chapter 10: Sisterly Fun
Chapter 11: Another Bridget Party
Chapter 12: Abused And Afraid
Chapter 13: The Rescue Plan
Chapter 14: Nightmare After Nightmare
Chapter 15: Dream Dates
Chapter 16: Pranks and Surprises
Chapter 17: Prom Plans And Break Ups
Chapter 18: The Questions
Chapter 19: The New Beginning
Chapter 20: Karma Bites
Chapter 21: Hormones Bouncing
Chapter 22: Spring Break
Chapter 23: Stolen Sweaters
chapter 24: Free But Not Fully Free
Chapter 25: Graduation And Letting Go
Chapter 26: A Whole New World
Chapter 27: Birthday
Chapter 28: Danielle
Chapter 29: Bridget
Chapter 30: Jackie
Author's Note

Chapter 4: Rumor Has It

36 3 0
By awkwardpotato_01

“I like this dress.” Bridget squeals. I’ve never been this tired before. I don’t even remember walking into the store.

“I know right. What do you think, Macy?” Elizabeth asks holding up an off white lace dress.

“Its beautiful. Do you want me to go try it on?” I ask still half asleep.

“Oh I was thinking this one for myself. I found this dress though.” Elizabeth laughs holding up a dress where the top half is white until it gets to the rib cage then has a green skirt. I don’t need anymore white dresses anyway. I have too many already.

“I like it.” I compliment. I start to realize Josiah, Brock, and Wes aren’t here. “Where’s Josiah?” I sound more panicked than I really am.

“Him, Wes, and Brock went to get Josiah a dress shirt.” Elizabeth says. “You just can’t last a second without him can’t you.” I laugh because what she’s saying is almost true. We’ve been spending the entire day talking, holding hands, and hugging and cuddling. Going even a second without Josiah frightens the hell out of me.

“Well, go try on the dress.” Bridget demands as I start to zone out.


“Okay on the count of three we walk over and sit next to them.” Danielle jesters to Kolbe and Danielle's twin brother Damien sitting in a couple booth.

“I’ll go with.” Bridget suggests. The macaroni and cheese is very rich making me full. Unless it’s the salad and corndog taking up the space.

Both Bridget and Danielle walk over to the booth. Bridget next to Damien. Kolbe next to Danielle. I then run over like a paparazzi with my phone and take a photo. Damien has a huge smile on his face. Bridget looks uncomfortable. Danielle is like you did not just take a picture of me. And Kolbe is smiling all casual.

“Well, I’m going to go get some desert.” Damien says as Bridget stands up for Josiah to step out of the booth. I then scoot into where Damien was sitting and Bridget sits where Kolbe and Danielle are sitting squishing them into the booth.

“You do know when he comes back you’ll have to stand up right?” Danielle says.

“He can sit on the floor.” I say.

“You have to be kidding me.” Damien says. “How am I supposed to eat my tapioca?” He then grabs the fork he used for his steak.

“Ewe!” Danielle, Bridget, and I say in unison as I cringe at the sight. I then fall out of the booth as Damien sits into the booth that I was just in and Danielle sits next to him. I walk away to grab my wallet from where Lila is sitting. When I come back I sit next to Bridget. I then start to read my book.

*out of flashback*

“Hello anyone there.” Bridget says waving her hand in my face pulling me out of my flashback. That day was hilarious. Even though the next day Damien was pissed off.

“Sorry was remembering our judication day when we were in seventh grade.” I explain.

“Hey, lunch that day was hilarious. Now go try on this dress.” Bridget says handing me the green and white dress.

When I walk out of the dressing room with the dress on Josiah walks out at the same time in his dress shirt but turned away from me. “Get back in there!” Elizabeth says. Treating us like a couple who is about to get married following the tradition of the groom not able to see the bride in her wedding dress until its show time.

“I didn’t know we were getting married.” I laugh.

“Well, we’re going to wait until the day that you guys perform to have him see you in the dress. Beauty comes last always remember that.” Elizabeth explains.

“You look pretty though.” Bridget says as we walk into the dressing room I was in. This is so uncomfortable.

“Can I at least get changed without having an audience.”

“Sorry!” Elizabeth squeals as her and Bridget walk out. I start to zone out again but still in motion.

“I know Josiah isn’t in there so you can’t be making out with him.” Elizabeth says pounding on the door to the dressing room. It takes me a moment to realize I’m in my original clothes.

“Coming!” I say coming out carrying everything in my hands. “Sorry I had another flash back.”

“Its okay just hope they were good ones.” Josiah says grabbing my hand. Walking out of the store was really awkward. Everyone was staring at me and whispering things about me. They were mainly girls from my school.

“Josiah why are you with that slut?” one girl says walking in front of us.

“Go away Brittany we went over this this morning. So go have your boyfriend fuck you okay.” Josiah says gesturing to the guy standing by her.

“Who in their damn right mind,” I finally realize who it was who said all this about me. “ That little shit!”

“You think its Erica too?” Josiah says as I pull out my phone.

“Damn you Erica why did you say this shit about me this time?” I yell into the phone.

“What I haven’t done or said anything about you since this morning.” Erica explains. I can tell in her voice she isn’t lying.

“That means it could only be one other person.” I start to say. “Its god damn Sophia.”

“Why would she say shit about you?” Erica asks.

“I don’t know but who knows with that bitch.” I say. I can’t believe I’m actually able to keep my behavior calm even talking to Erica.

“Look if you don’t mind your mom wants you home right now.” Erica says.

“Okay I will be there soon. I need her to fill out some forms anyways.” I say.

“I know I had my dad fill out my forms.” Erica explains.

As we exit the building a huge breeze flies by us making me shiver. “Wish I brought a jacket but I will turn on the heater when we get to the car.” Josiah explains as we approach the car.

Its not as cold as he makes it out to be. We watch for cars as we spot a man standing outside playing a guitar. He’s playing one of my favorite songs. Its called Little Things. By the same artist as Diana. Any girl named Diana I’m jealous of.

“Shit we forgot shoes.” Elizabeth says.

“Its okay I have a pair of white Toms at home.” I explain. I prefer not to wear high heels. My feet are too wide and they hurt my ankles really bad.

“Swaggy.” Bridget says.

“How about you ladies stay inside and we’ll bring the cars up.” Brock offers as we all agree.

He’s such a gentleman. No wonder why Bridget loves him so much. On the other hand nobody knows why I love Josiah. To me he’s flawless. Others would say he has too many flaws to be their boyfriend. They just don’t know how lucky they would be to date him. He’s sweet. He’s quite the family guy.

I walk over to the guy playing the guitar and toss in a five dollar bill. He nods his head to thank me for the money.

The boys finally pull up to the car. When I walk up to the passenger seat of Josiah’s car notice Wes sitting in the seat. “Sorry, are okay with sitting next to Elizabeth?” Wes says. I nod and head to the back of the car.

“So, do we need to stop by Elizabeth and your house are do you want me to drop you guys off at Macy’s house?” Josiah asks Wes.

“Just take us to Macy’s Mom’s house.” Elizabeth answers for Wes. The drive to my mom’s house is short. Mainly because Elizabeth and I keep talking.

“Have you seen the posts where everyone says there is going to be a Wake Me Up video?” Elizabeth asks about one of Ed Sheeran’s songs.

“No where have you seen them?” I ask.

“Its all over Twitter. Dude when was the last time you were on Twitter.”

“I haven’t been on in a while I’ve been on Wattpad, Instagram, and Tumblr. Twitter has just became really boring lately.” I explain as we arrive to my mom’s house.

When we walk inside Aaron is sprawled along the couch. “Ms. Popular I take it.” Aaron remarks.

“Where’s my mom?” I ask.

“In your room with Erica.” what would they be doing in my room.

I walk upstairs into my room to find Erica and my mom looking at bunk bed magazines. “What’s going on?” I ask.

“We’re sharing a room together after our parents’ wedding. So we decided on bunk beds.” Erica explains. Sharing a room with Erica. Yeah right like that’s going to work.

“If you don’t like the bunk bed suggestion we can always do separate beds.” my mom explains.

“I’d be more willing to have separate beds.” I say.

“Great we have an extra bed in the spare bedroom.” my mom says.

“Wait if we have a spare bedroom who’s staying in there?” I ask.

“Well, its going to be a guest room. You know for whenever your grandparents visit or aunts and uncles.” my mom explains

“Okay then, I have papers for you to fill out for a trip that’s this weekend. You have to see the dress I got.” I say.

“Well, I can’t wait to say it.” my mom says as she and Erica leave my room. I then grab my clothes for tomorrow, a set or pajamas, a hair tie, hair brush, and my make up.

When I walk out my room I find my sister standing in front of the bathroom door. “Hey you how was your date with Michael?” I ask.

“How do I act around his family? I barely spoke today and it was difficult to do anything I was so nervous.” Katie complains.

“Its okay. You have a worse situation than I do. I’ve known Josiah’s family for a long time. You on the other hand with Michael’s family. You barely know them. Just do what they ask for you to do.” I say. “Try to make small talk though okay.”

“Thanks. Where are you going?”

“Spending the night at Josiah’s house tonight.”

“You love him a lot don’t you.”

“She better.” Josiah spooks up on me.

“And you know I do.” I say as Josiah hugs me.

“I hope Michael and I will be just as cute of a couple as you guys are.” Katie says. “Meanwhile I’m still in the awkward around his family zone.”

“What do you need help with? I can give you advice to make the family like you a lot.” Josiah explains.

“Michael has a lip piercing. His family hates the piercing so they think I could change him a bit. I don’t want to change him. Today I met his family and they are really nice but I didn’t know how to act around them.” Katie explains

“Well, start off by offering to help with cleaning up the dishes or helping with anything they need help with. Don’t act clingy around Michael or else they will you are uh. Never mind on that thought. Be just as nice back to them and you will make a good impression to them. They’ll like you then for sure.” Josiah advises.

He’s so sweet for helping my little sister with her boyfriend’s family. Its her first actual relationship and she’s had so much crap thrown in her face for the past year and a half. She could really use a guy to distract herself. When I was her age I was crushing over Josiah right from the moment I found out he had a girlfriend. My life at her age was much better than her life is right now and she needs what’s best for her. Someone to distract her when times are tough. Someone to cheer her up when she’s upset. Michael better be nice to her. I’ll have to have a stern talking if he doesn’t.

“Alright we better get going. I already let my mom know we’ll be home for dinner.” Josiah says grabbing my hand.

“Thank you Josiah for the advice.” Katie says hugging Josiah thank you. She then whispers something to him. When stands straight back up he laughs and smirks at her remark. Knowing her she probably said something embarrassing about me.

When we get downstairs Wes and Elizabeth are no where in sight. “Where’s Elizabeth and Wes?” I ask Erica who is sitting on the couch with a magazine.

“They went over to Wes’ house.” Erica explains as I open the door.

“Look what I got last night.” Josiah says waving a Fall Out Boy CD in my face.

“Put it in a blast the stereo.” I cheer. Even though we’re only a block away from his house might as well have good music on while your alone, with your boyfriend. Once we approach the driveway we step out of the car to Josiah’s brother playing basketball with his dad.

“Hey you guys finally made it. What took so long?” Josiah’s dad asks.

“A couple of our friends needed a ride home.” Josiah explains.

“Macy you can head inside and help Tina if you want. I know she would love to hang out with you.” Josiah’s dad explains. Its so weird how Josiah’s mom and my mom have the same first name. I haven’t completely gotten to know Tina but I know she’s very kind. I walk into the kitchen to find Tina in an orange apron.

“Oh hi Macy. I didn’t see you there.” Tina says gesturing for me to sit on one of the stools in front of the island.

“So, what are we making?” I ask.

“My famous lasagna. One of Dylan’s favorite dishes.” Tina says placing the lasagna into the oven.

“Sounds delicious.” I compliment.

“Quick question.”


“Do you ever see any marks on Josiah’s wrists?” Tina asks.

“No, why does he?” I can barely speak I want to cry at the thought that Josiah cuts his arms. I just can’t picture him doing that. Tina nods letting me know he cuts. “Why?”

“He’s bullied at school for many things and I’m hoping that now your with him maybe he will stop. You seem like someone that could distract him from the bad and look towards the good.” Tina explains. I can’t hold the image of Josiah taking some sort of blade to his wrists. He’s too sweet. Too gentle. He just doesn’t seem like the kind who would do something like that. I do remember him saying something about being bullied but I thought it had stopped because he told me that a few years ago.

“I can see what I can do if I do see anything.” I say.

“By the way thank you for replacing Erica. She really just wasn’t for him.”

“Well, in a few weeks we’re going to be step sisters.”

“You know I told your mom not to say yes to him if he proposes.” Tina explains.

“This is my mother we are talking about she rarely listens to what I suggest.”

“Looks like you have a phone call.” Tina points out.

“Excuse me a sec. Hello.” I say stepping outside onto the deck.

“Hey Macy, it wasn’t Sophia who spread the shit about you.” Elizabeth says.

“Then who was it?”

“I don’t know. Do you have any other ideas of who else it might be?”

“I don’t know but I will text you a list. I’m over at Josiah’s house for the night so don’t call or text me back until I text you please.”

“Got it have fun. Bye.” Elizabeth says hanging up the phone as I walk back into the house.

“Everything alright?” Tina asks as I nod.

“Food ready yet?” Sam asks.

“In about ten minutes. I take it your father sent you in to ask.” Tina says

“You know how much he loves that lasagna.” Sam says as Tina laughs.

Sam then leaves the kitchen leaving Tina and I to our talk about Josiah.

“Well, as I was saying, he says he’s being bullied by some kid named Charles I think his name is.” Tina says.

“Oh yeah, he told me when we were younger.” I explain.

“When did he tell you.?”

“Well, he told me about the bullying in seventh grade when I was helping him with homework. The cutting thing he told me he stopped after sixth but, he told me that on our judication day in seventh grade. I never thought he was still doing that.” I say.

“Well, ever since he started dating that Erica chick he started do it again. Then he stopped again. Then started again when he had suspicions of her and Leo. Then you came along and he stopped again. You are practically the sunshine to his life.” Tina explains.

“Well, he’s also the sunshine in my life because I stopped after I started dating him.” I explain telling this. To my boyfriend’s mom my mom’s co-worker is a little awkward.

“Why did you even start?”

“It started with him being with Erica. Then my little brother Derek getting killed. Finally my parents getting a divorce. Plus a little bit of peer pressure.” I explain just as soon as the buzzer goes off saying the lasagna is done cooking.

“I’ll talk to you later about this. Can you go let everyone know dinner is ready please?” Tina asks as I walk outside to let them know the food is ready.

“Okay lets see if he can make this last shot at the free throw line.” Josiah says handing Sam the basketball and tasseling Sam’s hair. Sam just barely makes it in.

“Great job okay lets get inside and then later Josiah you need to wash your car.” Dylan explains.

When we walk inside all three of the boys pile their plates with the lasagna barely leaving enough for Tina and me. I finally get a little bit of food. Enough to where it looks like I’m hungry but not a pig.

I am seated next to Josiah. Sam is across from us. Tina and Dylan are on either sides of the table. The table is a small mahogany rectangular table. Enough elbow space though. It’s a good thing with how Sam, Dylan, and Josiah are eating.

“Boys be a gentleman with a guest over. Its not like the football or baseball game is on.” Tina snaps.

“This is very good Tina.” I compliment about the lasagna.

“Thank you. I put in extra cheese just to make everyone happy.” Tina laughs.

The meal is finally finished. I then meet up with Tina in the kitchen to help with the dishes. “Oh you don’t have to help me.” Tina says as I pick up one of the plates sitting on the counter.

“Its fine I don’t mind.”

“Well, you are very generous to do this. I think Josiah is going to need more help.” Tina gestures to Josiah spraying his car with a hose.

“Alright, but next time I’m helping.” I say leaving the kitchen and grabbing my sunglasses. When I walk outside I grab the bandanna from my backpack and tie my hair up in it.

“I thought you were going to help my mom in there with the dishes.” Josiah says spraying his car.

“Nope she insisted I come out here and be with you.” I explain leaning up against the hood of the car. He’s still spraying the rear end of the car making nervous that he’ll spray me.

“She likes you a lot you know.” he explains.

“I know.” I say as Josiah sprays me with the hose. “You little shit!”

“Don’t you dare.” Josiah says as I grab the bucket full of soapy water. I then splash him making his clothes soaked. Luckily he’s wearing a gray shirt so its not see through. With the sunset coming through the trees just right, Josiah spinning me around in one arm and a bucket in the other, this just makes the whole day perfect.

“I swear you guys are the perfect Tumblr couple.” a familiar voice sounds from the other side of the street.

“You didn’t tell me you live across the street from Simone.” I tell Josiah.

“Surprise.” Josiah laughs.

“Hey you. I haven’t seen you since middle school.” I say as Simone walks over with her arms wide open. “I would give you a hug but I’m soaked.” I gesture to my shirt.

“Anyways. When did you guys hook up?” Simone asks. I guess not everyone has seen my relationship status on Facebook.

“Saturday night at one of her parties.” Josiah explains.

“And I wasn’t invited.” Simone jokes.

“Sorry it was mainly Bridget’s idea. Plus it was a last minute thing.” I say.

“Its okay. Well, I better get home.” Simone says waving goodbye.

“Lets get inside before it gets dark.” Josiah says grabbing the bucket off of the ground. I then grab the hose and start spraying him a little bit. “Don’t start again.” when he looks at me he’s smiling so much its hilarious.

“Okay!” I say laughing. When I walk inside I’m immediately wrapped into a towel by Tina. I don’t blame her. The wood floors are beautiful. I wouldn’t want them ruined.

“Your stuff is up in his room on his bed.” Tina gestures upstairs.

“Thanks.” I say heading up the stairs to Josiah’s room. When I enter his room just like Tina said, my stuff is on Josiah’s bed.

I can’t believe I’m in this situation. I’m at my boyfriend’s house who was my crush. I’m actually going to spend the night. Just the thought of all of this makes me smile so much I’m crying.

By the time I’m changed into my pajamas I find myself sitting on Josiah’s bed rubbing a spot next to me.

“See you next week, Iris.” I yell walking up the hill. I start looking around to find any of my friends. Oh great that douche bag Josiah is standing there with some girl. Are they? Are they holding hands? Wait I don’t like Josiah do I? Is Josiah the one I feel will sweep me off my feet and take me to Never Land? He can’t be. “If he wasn’t then why are you crying?” My subconscious adds. Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I actually have a crush on him. How could it be him. He doesn’t have any characteristics of what I like in a guy. Does he?

“Hey you, you alright?” Josiah interrupts my flashback. That was one of my saddest days.

“Yeah just remembering a certain day.” I explain.

“Was it a happy one?” Josiah asks.

“Eh sort of not really.”

“Well, tell me what day it was.”

“It was the last day of conferences of the first semester in seventh grade. I was walking home when I saw you and your ex who was a sixth grader.” I explain.

“Okay, and,” Josiah says waving his hands to tell me to go on.

“It was the day I realized I had a crush on you.” I explain.

“Wow, well, lets get to bed we’ve had a rough day plus we were both really tired.” Josiah explains guiding me to the bed. Then wrapping his arms around my waist. “I love you”

“I love you.”

“Macy, the guys are almost here get your ass down here!” Erica calls downstairs. I’m dressed in a blue dress that comes up to just above my knees. Wearing also some gorgeous matching blue high heel shoes. My hair is placed in a perfect bun. With a beautiful diamond earring set. I then head downstairs to find Josiah with my mom, Aaron, Erica, and Leo. All eyes are on me. When I reach the bottom of the stairs my mom starts taking pictures of Josiah and I.

“You look beautiful.” Josiah tells me.

“I can’t believe you are already a senior and going to prom already. You have grown so much. I’m so proud of you.” my mom says crying into my shoulder. A little boy then runs over to me with a set of flowers.

“Here you go Macy, these are for you.” the little boy tells me. Its all set up into a beautiful bouquet bracelet.

“Hey, Dustin where did you get those?” my mom asks unsure.

“Katie told me to give these to her.” Dustin explains.

“Katie I told you not to play with my flowers.” my mom says leaving the room.

“Shall we go?” Josiah says holding out his arm for me to link on to.

“We shall.” When we get outside, a limo is in front of the lawn. We step inside to only find all my friends. Elizabeth and Wes. Brock and Bridget. Hailey and Tristan. Melinda and Justin. Lucas and Iris. “Where’s Lila?”

“She didn’t get a date so she stayed home.” Iris explains.

“Hey, she could’ve gone with Stanley. Him and Clara broke up a few weeks ago.” Josiah explains as we all laugh.

“She doesn’t do these kind of dances anyways.” Bridget says.

I don’t know what we are all laughing about but we’re laughing.

~~~~Okay, I have to admit, this chapter felt a bit shorter than usual. If these chapter feel super long to you let me know please. Between July 18th-July 30th I'm very very busy. Which is mainly because of traveling. So, I'm going to try and update as much as possible. So that's it really, vote share and comment.

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