Steven Alfon's Book of Destiny

By Steven_Alfon12

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This is the story of how Steven found his true love through a magical book. He had Facebook group chat which... More

Chapter 1: Steven Alfon
Chapter 2: Malis Rin
Chapter 3: Book of Destiny's True Love
Chapter 4: The World Inside The Book, The Everworld
Chapter 5: The Adventure Start!
Chapter 6: The War between two races
Chapter 7: Love Potion
Chapter 8: Nightman Guild
Chapter 9: The Twin Vampire
Chapter 10: Psychic Races
Characters Nationality and Places
Races Information
Kingsleight Before and Now
Chapter 11: Saving the Captive
Chapter 12: Nicole and Mira's Nightmare Past
Chapter 13: My Best Friend
Chapter 14: Did you feel Déjà vu?
Chapter 15: Alliza and Livitina x Nicole Part 1
Chapter 16: Alliza and Livitina x Nicole Part 2
Chapter 17: Wave 2
Chapter 19: The Kingsleight Royal Palace

Chapter 18: The Truth Behind Alliza

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By Steven_Alfon12

5:00 in the lost wood forest.

Steven: ridiculous how could you be that Alliza?

Alliza: you don't believe me? Well, it is fine.

Steven: wait a second...if you...umm.

Steven was hesitating if he should ask regarding the story that gave trauma to her or he would just stay silent.

Steven: so umm.

Alliza: I know Livitina, 9 years ago, we used to be friends remember. Jeez, I can't really tell everything.

Steven: I am sorry Malis-I mean Alliza.

Alliza: I don't mind, you can all me Alliza as long as Livitina isn't here.

Steven: if I try to remind the names in the group chat...hmm I don't see Livitina name.

Steven took a bite of the fruit while they were sitting on the log apart.

Alliza: ...

They stayed silent in about 1 minute.

Alliza: remember that you love me?

Steven: I am still thinking if it was the potion effect.

Steven looked down.

Alliza: you better to forgot it, because I was a murderer remember.

Steven: I don't know, I left the town without knowing anything regarding that incident. But the police said you are the curpit if I'm not mistaken.

Alliza was looking at Steven while she felt sad. Alliza removed her sweater showing her white loungewear clothes, Steven blushed so sudden but he saw Alliza has burnt skin at her left part of shoulder.

Alliza: I burnt the body of Leizl Ann and Nico.

Steven: oh, that guy who stabbed me 9 years ago.

Alliza seemed could bear to speak up about what happened 9 years ago.

Alliza: yes, I killed Leizl Ann because she was saying so mean to my friend Nicole.

Steven felt shocked, he thought that Nicole was the Nicole he met in Have Carnival yet he refused to ask because he thought it was just a coincidence.

Alliza: I met Nicole during the time my family visit the Korea 10 years ago, she is very nice Korean girl...I hope she's fine in the orphanage.

Steven: orphanage!

Steven shouted as he shocked.

Alliza: Steven?

Steven: ne-nevermind it...

Steven was very wondering yet he let Alliza to continue the story.

Alliza: okay, I couldn't let somebody would hurt Nicole, so I did it among Nico. However, the judge verdict I'm guilty...but since of my very young age, they brought me in custody, my life there was difficult yet I bear it.

Alliza hugged her sweater.

Steven: I wonder why you are hiding to Livitina, but she wasn't involved in the incident.

Alliza: she-she-Livitina found out Leizl Ann was her missing sister.

Alliza was afraid as she hugged her sweater more.

Alliza: with my young age I felt paranoid, I felt that Livitina would kill me. So I changed my name to Malis, a cambodian name with the help of Hye, my another Korean friend.

Steven: but at least you don't kill Livitina even you have paranoia.

Alliza: I learned a lesson that not to kill after I left the custody.

Alliza lied her sweater on the log next to her. Steven was ran out of fruits to eat.

Alliza: Hye was also my other friends from Korean, I was met her during my family visit. She said her family would come in California and after 3 years they come there as she said. That time, I wasn't in custody so I luckily met her, she knew that I was in trouble with Livitina's family so she helped me. She had aunt in Cambodia so I chose that country to live, well, my parents also come with me due to the financial problems and so, they also chose to work there. However, my parents couldn't find a job in Cambodia so again, Hye brought them to another country without me. I prefer to stay there because that place was much safe, the mother in Rin family is Hye's aunt so they adopted me. Well, I met Riaz, a son of Rin family which he treated me as his real sister. But he went to Bangladesh after 2 years to continue his scholar there yet, the Rin family raised me as long as they could. I felt so happy especially the time I met my new friends Reasey and Pich which they are here.

Alliza smiled so beautiful.

Steven: I see, your life is like a blockbuster cinema.

Alliza and Steven laughed.

Alliza: I hope I could meet Nicole again, and if there is a chance, I will apologize to Livitina.

Suddenly, a Nuclear like-siren could be heard around the forest and they also heard the message that to their mind.

???: greetings Everfall, I saw you survived in wave 1. Therefore, let us make our story marvelous that people would attract to read when our story had been published to our book "Book of Destiny". That is right, a wave 2, be ready, because the Revolutionary Squad is about to come to take the Stone of Destiny. You may choose this option, give up the stone or the Revolutionary Squad is going to kill all Everfalls around the Kingsleight. There ya go, try to survive. THIS WAVE 2.

Steven and Alliza felt worried since they were the cause why those people are in the Everworld yet they stayed calmed.

Steven: wha-what should we do now?

Alliza: we should continue our release everyone from this world, Everfall.

Steven: yes we will. Perhaps, we need someone to put in relationship and develop their love to get the happy ending.

Alliza: but who?

Steven: hmm, I am thinking of the Nightman organization.

Steven took an apple and he was speaking while eating.

Steven: we need to ship Pich and Gareth to get the happy ending. Probably, it will work.

Alliza: Excellent...also Aria and Ester or Rose and Riaz

Alliza giggled. She seemed she love to put in relationship to others.

Alliza: hehe lovely couple.

Steven: yup! umm, the Love

Steven was rummaging his bag however there was no Love Potion, he removed his furry jacket showing his green casual shirt and then he rummaged each pocket of the jacket and luckily, he got the Love Potion

Steven: it is on my pocket! Ah thank god.

Alliza: let me see!

Steven: wait no...its dangerous you might drink it...and you will fall to me.

Steven and Alliza chuckled.

Alliza: ahaha perhaps Steven, you said that potion effect is temporary.

Alliza was staring at Steven while smiling that made him felt shy.

Alliza: I want to know what is your feeling now?

Steven: I-I will s-say feeling is still...same to you Alliza.

Steven was shaking that made his mind in panic.

Alliza: what do you mean?

Steven: I...I feel like I love you.

Alliza chuckled.

Alliza: you are joking.

Steven: no its true believe me.

Steven looked away.

Alliza: hmm, I don't think so...forgot what I've ask we should rest now.

Steven: oh ok umm Alliza

8:00 night, They went inside the tent to spend their night. They lied inside together, Alliza was laying in left side with fetal positon which her legs bent and curled toward her torsos while Steven was laying on his side but facing away from Alliza since he felt shy as he was the first time to sleep with a girl.

Alliza: umm, it is my first time to sleep next to a boy.

Steven: me-me too.

Steven felt so shy.

Alliza: shall we sleep now?

Steven: you go to sleep first.

Steven spoke sarcastic.

Alliza: no, you first.

Alliza mocked Steven.

Steven: eeehhh.

Suddenly, Alliza moved her body to lay on her side facing Steven's back. She lied her arms over Steven's stomach that made him shocked and felt so blush.

Steven: A-alliza?

Alliza: any problem?

Alliza rubbed Steven's stomach. Steven felt tickled yet felt good and then Alliza's other hand put on Steven's head to comb his hair.

Alliza: your hair is pretty clean.

Steven: thank yo-you.

Steven was just letting her since he felt good. Steven thought to his mind.

Steven: I wish I can experience this forever.

Alliza suddenly stopped from rubbing, so he change his position to lay on his side whilw facing Alliza and he saw Alliza was already slept.

Day 24

5:00am, they woke up and they started walking but after a few hours, they felt tired so they were relax their body by sitting under the tree. However, they had nothing to eat so Steven was finding some fruit to eat and he came back holding two pieces of apple. Alliza felt hungry too he let Alliza ate his flesh on his shoulder. While Alliza was eating Steven's shoulder, Steven got blush and he was slowly hugged Alliza as he showed his love. Alliza felt warm and comfortable with Steven's hug. Then she stopped eating at his shoulder to look at his blushing face, Steven touched her beautiful face while she had some blood on her lips dripping down to her chin, Alliza got blushed too. Both of them had eye contact to each other which Steven was slowly came closer to her face. Without hesitating, Steven immediately kissed her regardless of the blood on her lips. They were both kissing and hugging each other too. Alliza was just confused what she was doing as she felt so nice while kissing Steven under the tree. Alliza quickly pushed Steven away but she still blushing.

Alliza: wa-wait what a-am I doing?

Steven: Alliza I will always like this...

Alliza: but...I'm sorry Steven...

Alliza ran away from Steven without reason so Steven followed her until they reach a river, Alliza was staring at her reflection on the river. Steven saw her while he felt so embarrasing.

Alliza: I should not fall in love to somebody.

Steven: wait Alliza, I'm sorry I-I'm just-

Alliza: it's ok Steven, but I'm sorry, I can't really accept your love now.

Alliza wiped the blood on her lip.

Steven: Alliza...I can wait...I...will prove my love to you.

Alliza: I don't know.

Alliza sat down next to the river, Steven approached to her and he sat down next to her.

Steven: I just want to know if I have chance, I will prove, I really love you Alliza, this was what my heart telling from the start.

Alliza stayed silent while she was staring at flowing river.

Steven: Alliza, if ever you give me a chance, you will see me how I do an effort, how I work hard, I just wanna know if I have a chance.

Steven was begging.

Alliza: Steven, why did you love me? When that feeling start? Since you drink Love Potion or-

Steven: I already told it was from the start I met you,

Steven stole Alliza's turn to talk.

Alliza: but how it happened?

Steven: I don't know, but my heart is telling it's you...I'm just following my heart. I know I am not perfect, but I swear I am perfect for you.

Steven looked down to see the river flowing.

Alliza: really?

Steven: believe it or not Alliza.

Alliza thought carefully until she realized she wanted to experience how to love. She believed that Steven was the worthy person for her heart, she remembered everything what Steven did to save her from being captive and helping her to brew the Love Potion.

Alliza: you know, you can really have chance to me Steven.

Steven felt glad, blissful, a happiness that he never felt before, they were both had eye contact while they smiled to each other.

Steven: ah, I-I'm glad t-to hear that Malis ohh thank you so much. I swear, I will love you endlessly.

Alliza suddenly kissed Steven's cheek that made him so blushed, he couldn't bear to look at Alliza's eyes so he was just keeping staring at the river.

Alliza: haha you are funny Steven.

Steven: It is my first time that a girl kissed me on my cheek so sudden.

Alliza chuckled.

Alliza: well, shall we leave now this place Tasty?

Steven: you still calling me Tasty? nah I don't mind.

Alliza: by the way how many ex you have?

Steven: I am single since birth.

Alliza lied her head at Steven's shoulder.

Alliza: ahaha we are same Tasty.

Steven: eh how did happened? You are so beautiful and very sweet to be a single since birth.

Alliza: yes and you know, many boys were trying to get my heart but I refused them all.

Steven: oh, you are really hard to get.

Alliza: and you Steven...I don't really think you can get my heart.

Steven: ehehe, you know I'm extraordinary.

Steven spoke sarcastically and then she pinched Steven's ear.

Alliza: Idiot Tasty...come on, I think we are nearly to get out and to go back to the town.

Steven: ehehe ok. Alliza.

They walked around the forest until they found out a cabin.

Steven: Alliza look! There's a cabin out there.

Steven pointed the cabin.

Steven: so let's get in.

Inside the cabin, the cabin seemed abandoned, had a lot of spider web and the floor was full of dirt and the furnitures were covered with a white fabric.

Steven: this place looks messy, shall we clean it now?

Alliza removed the white fabric that covered the sofa and she sat down there.

Alliza: you clean it, I feel lazy.

Steven: what?!

Alliza: I will clean it later I will find a food.

Steven: ugh, never mind.

Steven prevented to get angry, he found a broom and he sweeped the dirt around the living room of the cabin.

Alliza: ...Steven...

Steven: what?

Alliza: ah nothing...I think...if ever we can't leave this forest, don't leave at my side.

Steven stopped from sweeping the floor, he smiled and he swore that he wouldn't leave her.

Steven: o-ofcourse Alliza, I-I can protect you from anything.

Alliza: thank you, I feel like I'm pretty lucky are with me together in this no escape forest.

Alliza murmured and smiled while she was staring at Steven.

Steven: r-really?

Alliza: yes, because you are nice and polite...and sweet. I never met that kind of boy since I was born.

Steven: th-thank you Alliza, and you are nice, kind, polite, caring and sweet too. Everything I wanted to a girl.

Alliza giggled.

Alliza: ahaha thanks, you are really trying to get my heart.

Steven: kinda hehe.

They chuckled.

Alliza: haha you are so funny. Just prove by yourself and maybe your chance will go higher.

Steven: yes thanks for that and I will take down notes every things I learned about you haha.

Alliza: really? Come on sometimes you don't need it.

Steven: ahaha I just wanna make sure so I can't forget it.

Alliza: ahaha.

Steven: Alliza...can I call you Sweetie?

Alliza: wait what? Why haha?

Steven: nah because you are sweet.

Steven smiled to Alliza.

Alliza: its up to you.

Steven: and I will do anything to call me sweetie back.

Alliza: no way!

Steven: nah haha I will be sweet so you will call me sweetie.

They were talking followed by their laugh.

Malis: ok sweetie opps...

Steven: sweetie...

Steven wished that he would be here with Alliza forever.

"I don't know why I want her so bad, I really want her even she was Alliza who murdered 2 kids years ago, I don't care if she had paranoia, I don't care if she has kind of yandere as she saved Nicole years ago, I love her and I hope Alliza, you will understand my true feelings"

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