Faking it (Larry Stylinson)

By coincidentaldagger

142K 4.8K 10.3K

Harry and Louis hate each other, they have since they first met on XFactor. But for the sake of the band they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
New cover!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

5.5K 188 675
By coincidentaldagger

Harry's POV

We were mere days away from the end of the month, meaning Louis and I were to break up. It has been painful and rough and honestly, I don't even know what to do with myself at this point.

We had a concert tomorrow so management said it would be best for the two of us to separate ourselves during the show in order to raise questions so that when we do our interview in Australia in three days they'll surely ask if there's something going on.

Such a great marketing strategy, right? They even said that Niall and I should flirt a bit to show off how I'm not associating with Louis and for Louis to look sad or jealous even. Which shouldn't be a problem for Louis considering he looks jealous any time I talk to Niall.

"Thank god tonight we won't have to deal with Larry tonight or ever again." Liam sighed relaxed as he plopped down on the couch.

"That's not true, the fans are certainly going to have tons of Larry shit at the concert." Zayn grumbled.

"Fine then we won't have to deal with the literal Larry acting all couple-like. Makes me sick." Liam shook his head making me frown.

"Why?" I asked. Liam wasn't homophobic, was he?

"Because our fans do so much to support you guys and you're faking it. It's sick, just like management making us fake relationships with girls." Liam ranted and he had a point.

"But still, they're about to break so many fans hearts tonight." Niall sighed.

"That's a bit dramatic." Zayn chuckled.

I deadpanned, "The fans cried when Louis stopped wearing suspenders."

"Okay maybe it's not that dramatic." Zayn scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. "What do you have nothing to say about this?" Zayn asked, directing at Louis.

He looked up and shrugged, "What Harry said, they cried when I stopped wearing suspenders but look now, they're over it. And they'll get over us breaking up too."

I shook my head and pulled out my phone, logging on to my fake Instagram account I had used to see fan accounts without risking anyone knowing I was lurking. I had been on earlier, scrolling through my feed so I scrolled back till I found exactly what I was looking for.

"Here, take a look at this." I said as I flipped my phone in their direction.

P H O T O :

One.direction.infection.09 : I miss Louis' suspenders so much omfg I'm so emo


"They sure are over it, huh." I scoffed as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Fuck we're screwed." Liam huffed.

"Face it, lads. This is going to affect our entire career going forward." Niall said.

"Not if I leave the band, if I cut ties with you guys it doesn't affect me anymore." Zayn shrugged.

Liam shoved him, making him almost fall off the couch, "Don't even joke about that."

"Who said I was joking." Zayn said, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. Liam shoved him again, this time he did fall off the couch making him land flat on his bum which must've hurt cause Zayn's got no cushion there. "I was kidding, I was kidding, jeez."

"I mean you know management is going to make one of us leave at some point, you know? It'll make them more profit since they'll be making money off of two artist without having to pay another person plus it's a media strategy to bring more attention to us if someone leaves." Niall said.

"Yeah and it's probably going to be me." I slouched down in my seat. I was the 'popular one' so of course they'd make me leave the group.

"No I don't think so, Haz." Niall shook his head. "It probably is going to be Zayn."

"See." Zayn said.

"Why, Zayn?" Louis asked, involved with the conversation now because it involved Zayn. No shocker there.

"Well you see, Harry is considered the most popular out of all of us so if Harry left no one would pay attention to One Direction which would be bad for management because they wouldn't be making double the money like they'd want." Niall explained.

"What so you're saying we wouldn't be any good without Harry? That we need Harry?" Louis scoffed.

"Not necessarily, we would be good without Harry, not as good as with him but we'd still be good. But he appeals the most, he's got that boyish charm and dimples and do you see his curly locks? We don't have any of those qualities so people wouldn't care to pay attention to us anymore without Harry." Niall explained.

I thought back to the conversation I had with Killian, how he said I could just leave and I'd be fine and I said I'd only leave after someone else did but now I realize I could never leave. I couldn't just leave these boys in the dust for my own success.

"So why Zayn? Why not one of us other than Harry?" Liam asked, bringing my attention back to the conversation.

Niall thought for a moment, not trying to figure out why but more of just to collect his thoughts into a explanation. "Well, it would have to be someone that management believed they could do well on their own. Which Up All Night proved that they don't think Louis or I have good enough of voices for solos, so it wouldn't be one of us. Liam, you could also be a candidate but they'd probably still go with Zayn." 

"Why?" Liam pressed.

"Because Zayn is the second most popular so he could leave and people would still pay attention to him but we would still have Harry so people would still pay attention to us. They would have to use someone who has strong vocals but was also not necessarily needed." Niall said.

"What? So you don't need me? Fuck you, Ni." Zayn spat.

"That's not what I mean, you're really good for high notes obviously and you benefit the group so well but we have other people who can do high notes and you give us a different sound so without you, we would sound so much different. Don't get offended, we could loose anyone and we'd still sound good but not as good as with everyone. But you'd do well for the public eye as well." Niall said.

Zayn visibly calmed and nodded, "Oh, okay."

"Plus you have more of a bad boy vibe, you don't fit the boy band picture as much as we do." Niall added.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Zayn chuckled.

"But that means they could say your reason for leaving is because you didn't feel like you fit in or some bullshit like that." Niall shrugged. "Or maybe because you had issues with one of us, like you didn't get along with Harry."

"Why me?" I asked defensively.

"Well because when looking at personality aspects, compared to Zayn you're least alike him. Out of the group you and Louis are least alike clearly but neither of you are leaving so that doesn't matter. But it would make more sense if you and Zayn didn't get along than if Zayn said he didn't get along with let's say Liam. It wouldn't make sense to people." Niall explained.

My mouth formed an 'o' shape and I just nodded. He had a point, it would make sense if Zayn and I didn't get along. Especially because I'm not necessarily happy with him at the moment but that's just cause he's trying to steal my Louis. He's a really great guy which is the issue really cause he could steal Louis from me easily.

"I can also see them having Zayn get into a fight with one of us after the fact, probably Louis if I'm honest." Niall shrugged.

"What? Zayn and I wouldn't get into a fight." Louis scoffed.

"Maybe not, but the media would believe you would." Niall explained.

"What does that even mean?" Liam questioned.

"Louis is known for being sassy and unable to hold his tongue, especially on Twitter. So maybe calls someone that Zayn's associated with on Twitter and then Zayn gets involved." Niall said.

"Okay, lets just like stop talking about this, I don't want to think about Zayn leaving." Liam shook his head.

"He won't anytime soon, One Direction's only been around three years. They'll wait until we've been around for four or five to boot him." Niall said.

"Whatever lets just stop talking about it, we have a show tomorrow. We should get some rest." Liam grumbled and headed to the bunk. We all just shrugged and we called it a night.

The next day at the concert though, it was awful. All the fans kept looking at me and Louis, expecting us to interact but we kept our distance. I stayed to Niall's side, even whispering to him and giggling. It looked flirty but really I was telling him jokes and Niall being Niall laughed because he laughs at everything.

I even added on to the flirting when Liam asked a question from the audience, "What would you do if you were a girl for a day?" He said into the microphone.

I smirked and looked at Niall, I raised my microphone to my lips, "I'd do Niall."

The crowd was really just confused at this point and Louis looked absolutely fed up.

After the concert ended I immediately went to my Twitter.





Some people were genuinely concerned that Louis and I had broke up which is what management wanted but then some others just thought I wanted to make Louis jealous so we'd have rough, angry, sex. Pervs. Maybe they just didn't want to face the obvious.

"Bit of overkill with the whole I'd do Niall comment, isn't it?" Louis snarled when we got back into the dressing room.

"I think it was a cherry on top of the end of Larry Sunday." I snapped.

"I think it was too much." Louis snapped back.

I rolled my eyes, "Well it worked clearly since people already think we broke up."

"Fan-fucking-tastic." Louis said through gritted teeth.

A couple of days had passed and it was time for our interview, Louis and I still hadn't said anything about the concert despite all the Twitter mentions and comments on our Instagrams.

We all sat down for the interview and it was going well, for the sake of the interview Louis and I sat by each other but to show we weren't very happy about it, Louis sat as close to the end of the couch as possible and I sat as close to Niall as possible.

"So I do have to ask you about something that's been all over social media, to the point that Twitter crashed for a little." The interviewer said and my eyes practically bulged out of my head, I didn't know that.

"It did? W-We really crashed Twitter?" I asked.

"Yes and it's said that some fans have harmed themselves over it." She said sympathetically. "I know that there's one in the hospital over it."

"Fuck." I cursed silently, my heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't think it would be that bad.

"So I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about then?"

"Um if you could specify, that would be quite helpful." Liam smiled tightly.

"Well your fans believe that you, Louis and Harry, have broken up. Is that true?" She asked.

Louis began to speak up, just as we had planned for him to do the talking, "We have—"

"Not broken up." I blurted out. Gaining the attention of everyone. I grabbed Louis' hand tightly. "Of course, we haven't broken up."

"So what happened at the concert the other night?" The interviewer asked with furrowed brows.

"I just wanted to make Louis jealous, you know get a little excitement in the bedroom." I chuckled, but it came out forced. Very forced.

"So fans can stop freaking out? You two are all good?" She asked.

Louis smiled tightly, "Yep, we're good." He said through gritted teeth. Once we got back to the dressing room, I prepared to be killed. As soon as the door was closed Louis began to storm towards me, "Why you little—" before he could get his hands on me Zayn and Liam held him back, god knows it required both of them to to do so at this point.

"You're shorter than me, Louis. You can't say you little to me." I said.

"You really want to be smart with me you piece of shit—"

"What the hell were you thinking?" Liam said cutting Louis off.

"I was thinking that our fans are fucking hurting themselves just because they thought we broke up, what would happen if we confirmed it huh? I don't know about you but I don't want that on my conscience that someone is hurting and it's my fault." I snapped.

"So what we're supposed to stop living our lives because some people take shit too seriously? That's not how this fucking works, Harry." Louis snapped.

"Harry, she's already in the hospital. It wouldn't have gotten worse." Niall said.

"You should've stuck to the fucking plan." Louis snapped. "Jesus Christ you've fucked this up." With that Louis, Liam and Zayn all left.


Louis' POV (ohhhhh shittttt)

I stormed out of the room and into the other dressing room they had provided for us so we could be separate if we wanted and right now that's exactly what I wanted.

I slid down the wall and wrapped my arms around my legs as I sobbed into my knees.

Liam looked at me worriedly, "Louis, mate, are you okay? I know that you're angry that you can't be done pretending being gay but it's nothing you need to cry about."

This only made me sob harder, if only the issue was that I wanted to stop pretending to be gay. If anything my issue is that I've been pretending to be straight and it's pretty damn hard to pretend to be straight when you also have to pretend to be gay.

"Liam why don't you go, I'll take care of this. Maybe you try and help Harry calm down and try to figure out how the hell were going to fix this." Zayn suggested.

Liam nodded and left the room and I began to fall apart, "I-It's not fair Zayn, it's just not fair."

"I know, I know." He said as he pulled me into his lap and hugged me tightly. "Maybe if he knew why you wanted to end things so bad, he would've gone through with it."

"Yeah let me tell Harry how I need to stop fake dating him because it hurts me to pretend date him instead of real date him and that I'm fucking in love with him and have been for years. Sure that'll go over well." Louis scoffed. "Not like it would matter, he's got such a pure heart. He could never choose my happiness over a girls' life."

"You're right but maybe if you told him, he'd feel the same way." Zayn said and I squinted at him.

"Do you know something I don't?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, of course not. I just think you should tell him."

"I'm not doing that, and you're not doing it for me." I pointed a finger at him. "Remember what I told you, you tell anyone and I'll kick you in the balls five times for every person you told."

"I know, I know, damn." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"I need some weed." I sighed.

"Well lucky for you..." Zayn trailed off as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ziplock bag full of weed and a couple joints already rolled.

"Jesus how long have you had this on you?" I asked as I made grabby hands at the bag.

"I've been smoking before every show this tour, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the Larry shit sober. I've been stoned like twenty-four seven." He laughed and pulled out one of the joints. "You trying to smoke a joint right now? Or I have a bong and a pipe with me in my suitcase back at the hotel so we can wait till we get back."

"Zayn, I love you so much."

"Yeah, yeah buddy. What do you want to do?"

"Let's smoke a joint for now and then we can use your bong when we get back." I nodded. "I need to be stoned out of my mind."

"Alright, joint and bong it is." Zayn shrugged.

So that's how we ended up smoking the day away. Joint lit, happy days.


A/n: the pics of harry in a Higgs shirt (company that makes pre rolled joints) came out today so I had to add the weed part lol. I also included the lengthy part about Niall predicting Zayn leaving because that's what I believe is what happened, Zayn didn't want to leave but was forced to as a media stunt. All the love xxx

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