My Life As An Escort ~ Book...


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Copyright © 2015 by VICMAD -All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or us... More

Dear Diary
Chapter 1 ~ Complications
Chapter 2 ~ Daydreaming
Chapter 3 ~ Cadence's Heart
Chapter 4 ~ Sneaking Out
Chapter 5 ~ No Cooperation!!
Chapter 6 ~ Old Acquaintances
Chapter 7~ Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Chapter 8 ~ You Said What?
Chapter 9 ~ Feelings
Chapter 11 ~ Star-Crossed Lovers
Chapter 12 ~ My Home, My Heaven
Chapter 13 ~ Time is Ticking Away
Chapter 14 ~ Making Choices
Chapter 15 ~ Heart to Heart
Chapter 16 ~ Darkness of Indecisions
Chapter 17 ~ Love Me Tender
Chapter 18 ~ Bad News
Chapter 19 ~ Breaking Free
Chapter 20 ~ Mr. Moore
Chapter 21 ~ The Afterglow
Chapter 22 ~ Getting Down to Business
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 23~ Secrets
Chapter 24 ~ Hiding
Chapter 25 ~ Reality
Chapter 26 ~ No More Fighting
Chapter 27 ~ Mine, Yours & Ours
Chapter 28 ~ Turning the Tables
Chapter 29 ~ To Protect and Serve
Chapter 30 ~ Calling in the Calvary
The Real Epilogue

Chapter 10 ~ Missing Pieces

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Damn it! I yelled in my head over and over again. Why couldn't she see what was right in front of her? Three long fucking years I've waited and the one time that she admitted she loves me and I ask her to be mine she can't do it. Saying it and doing it were two different things.

She did admit that she was still holding on to something with Evan but looking at that article and talking to him on the phone proved that he hadn't changed. He was such a loser! Besides having children with Cad why did he even want to stick around?

I pondered over this as I jumped on the interstate. Ah my answer came quickly. He didn't want Cad but he didn't want to see her with no one else and especially me. He was probably miserable and wanted to see her miserable too. I know he has to know that she is in a different place that she won't let anybody in. Cad can be truly stubborn and now she was taking it to a whole new level.

I can see it in her eyes. She did confess earlier that she hadn't been with anybody since the divorce. She was sexually frustrated and from experience I know it could be miserable. Hell I live through it everyday. I jack off so much my hand hurts.

It was something about Cad that made me a fool. Didn't matter how many times she knocked me down I got back up and started again. Guess what, this time wasn't any different I still loved her and it was no way to turn off the feelings I had for her. I would give it a few days and then I would be back. My ego was bruised not broken.

I heard a ding and realized I needed gas so I pulled over to the nearest gas station. I reached for my wallet and grabbed my credit card. I got out and started to pump my gas. I wasn't paying attention when a convertible Volkswagen pulled up on the side of me. I looked down at my watch and heard someone call my name.

"Jakey is that you?"

I looked up to see a face I hadn't seen in years.


"The one and only baby." She walked up to me and gave me a hug. Her scent was still the same and her body...well was a little thicker but it made her look sexier.

Natalie was a dungeon playmate as Garrett and I use to call her. She was a tall light-skinned black woman with legs for days. She was one of our favorites as she had a very deep throat and knew how to work her body.

She was wearing a sexy red dress that left your imagination boggled. She had dyed her hair almost blonde but it accompanied her appearance. Her smooth light brown skin could have many thinking she was white but she was still a shade darker than Cad.

"So you're not married yet?" She asked eyeing my finger.

"Nope not yet."

"I'm surprised. I figured that Garrett would still be the single one and you would be the one married with a family."

"Nope. Still single."

"Where is Garrett?"

"I have no idea. I'm sure he's around somewhere."

"Well can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"I still think about you and Garrett. Although I have to admit you were my favorite."

I chuckled. "I was your favorite?"

"Yes," she said giggling and smiling.

"You have no idea the power you have over a woman do you?"

"There is no power Nat. I'm just Jacob."

She looked me in the eyes. "You are so blind that you don't even see what's in front of your face."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No," I said curiously awaiting to see what she was implying.

"Have dinner with me and I will explain all to you."

I looked at my watch and it was just around six pm.

"Where to?"

" about Little Villiage. It's not that far away."

"Okay," I said as I finished pumping my gas.

The drive wasn't that far. We both used the valet and walked in. I was a little nervous because I knew the owner. I had brought Cad here several times for lunch and I hoped Sal wasn't here. We were seated in a tiny booth with soft lighting. I excused myself to go to the bathroom but quickly returned.

"So are you going to tell me what is right in front of me that gives me this so called power?"

"It's you. You are the whole package. You're handsome, successful, a woman's wet dream."

"You're funny."

"It's your voice," she said coming closer to me. "You use to whisper in my ear like this and plant images of the most erotic scenes but at the same time control my body to your whim. No man has ever come close to doing that to me. You still hold that key to a place that has lied dormant in me for so long. Seeing you today has given me hope that you can unlock that door again Master Jacob."

"I can't."

"Why? I'm single, you're single. We are two consenting adults. Do you want me to beg because you know I am good at it? I will get on all fours and be your bitch. You can even put a leash on me and do the things we use to do."

"The thought of seeing you like that is tempting but I don't think it would work."

"Oh but I think you are wrong," she said grabbing my hand and putting it between her legs. She was warm and wet and I could feel her essence leaking out of her. I quickly pulled my hand back.

"See Master Jacob. You still have the magic touch. Did you feel how wet I am? I was reminiscing about the good old days. Remember when you would take me from the back and use your fingers and that hot wet mouth. You would coax my aching walls with those thick fingers on one hand, use the other to massage my breasts and kiss me with that mouth that should have been considered a deadly weapon while pumping into me from the back. I would have to grip the straps as you had me suspended in the air."

"Yes I remember but that's been so long ago," I said quickly taking a sip of wine.

"I think we should go back down memory lane and recapture all the fond memories we use to share."

"I don't think that is wise."

"Remember the wagon wheel? You would strap me on it, then get on top of me, and get inside me so deep while the wheel turned. Mmmm... I can still remember it like it was yesterday."

"Those memories also involved being with Garrett too remember?"

"Garrett went with the flow. Most of the time I could see he wanted you. Instead of looking into my eyes, his were focused on you."

"No they weren't."

She laughed as if I had told a joke. "I thought you two were lovers for the longest even thought ya'll were bisexual."

"I don't swing that way and never have."

"Oh I know because sometimes you're more than enough by yourself. You shared only for the moment but you knew how to play better by yourself. Remember the time you were traveling back and forth to Asia for some deal?"

"That was like five years ago. You still remember that?"

"Of course I do. Anyway, Garrett would come and play and yes we played together but it just wasn't the same without you."

"Is that suppose to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside?"

"Still have that sarcastic sense of humor I love so much."

I took a sip of my wine.

"Anyway you were gone away for like six months and when you finally came back you were in rare form."

"Rare form?"

"I assumed you hadn't been preoccupied or had someone on the side because you had me walking humpback for two days."

"You're kidding right?

"Actually I'm not." I looked up at her and her face was still and her eyes had become darker. Her body trembled as if something came over her.

"You were a sexual, unadulterated beast that night. You made my body do things I could only imagine. It was almost like I was a lost soul and you found me and gave me something I could never return. After that night I was scared. I was scared of going back to that place with you. It wasn't love but a raw desire that left me wanting for days, but I refused to give in to it. You left me raw, unprotected and literally ashamed of what had become of me. So when I say you have the power, you do."

Wow! The way she just spoke to me left me speechless. I could tell she believed everything she just spoke of but I didn't believe I had affected her like that. Was I so caught up in that hidden desire that nothing else matter? Visions of that night popped in my head. Nat's body had almost contorted into something unexplainable. I thought about it days later but somehow I was in a place where I didn't even recognized myself.

"It was a long time ago Nat."

"Maybe but I still have the lasting scars. I still ache for someone to fix me and sometimes I only think that..."

"That what?" I said staring at her.

"That you are the only one that can fix me," she said with a small tear that she quickly wiped away.

"Fix me Jacob, please, I'm begging you."

Flashbacks of that night I haven't thought about in years came back in light flashes. The way I controlled her body, the way it moved and the way I manipulated her without words and thoughts hit me like a load of bricks.

"I can't Nat. Not only are you broken, I am too."

"We can fix each other Jacob. I'm so wet for you. You could take me right here and you would have no arguments from me. I need you to fill this void. Only you can do it Jac...ob," she said whispering in my ear. I closed my eyes as I felt her hot breath against my ear.

The waiter came back to the table. He asked me a question bringing me out my thoughts.

"Sir would you like some coffee?"

I looked at my wine glass that was just about empty. How many glasses had I had? Where was Natasha?

"What bottle is this?"

"It's Chateau Milan 1985. It's what the misses requested before she had to leave."

"No. Which bottle does this make?" I could feel a pounding in my head as if I had drank a case.

"Oh, number three. I was about to tell you that we could no longer serve you as you had met your max tonight."

I blinked not knowing that I had drank that much. I didn't even remember pouring.

"Are you okay sir? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine," I said trying to grab my phone but my hand kept missing it.

"My phone?"

"Would you like me to help you get it?"

I nodded yes and he took it out my back pocket.

"I'm suddenly not feeling too well. Can you call Chris? The number is in the phone," I said closing my eyes. I heard my waiter talking and then he hung up.

"He said he was on his way. Should be here in ten minutes. Sir are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"No, I just need some fresh air. Can you help me up?"

The waiter sat the empty tray down and helped me out the seat.

"Tell Sal to bill me. I'm good for it."

"My Friend what is going on?" I heard Sal's voice coming in my direction.

"Call ambulance!" Sal yelled out helping me to the back of the restaurant.

"Chris is coming? Where is Natasha?"

"Who's Natasha?"

"The woman I was with?"

"The tall blonde with blue eyes? She had red dress on," Sal asked.

"No I came in with a black woman with the red dress on with brown eyes."

"No you came in with a tall blonde woman with a red dress. I took both of your orders."

"Impossible! The woman I came in here with was black!"

"Come on Jacob. Let me take you to my office," Sal said.

"You have cameras Sal. You can look at the camera and I know I'm not lying."

"I believe you Jacob. Just come with me," Sal said helping me to the back of the restaurant. Majority of the patrons were gone. I saw the bartender counting money.

Sal brought me to his office and gave me some water. I drank it as if I hadn't had water in days. I heard heavy footsteps coming in my direction.

"I got here as fast as I could," Chris's voice echoed in my head. Sal pulled Chris out the office and was telling him something. I put my head in my hands trying to remember.

I saw Natasha at the gas station. We were having dinner and now suddenly she's gone and I'm here in Foggyland. I saw the security monitor in the corner. I grabbed the side of the desk and walked over to it. It was still recording so I hit stopped. I looked for a rewind button and sure enough I found it.

Six pm kept popping in and out my head. I looked at my watch as the numbers looked blurry. I tried focusing in on it and it had nine thirty four. I squeezed my eyes together hoping I was looking at the time right. I pressed the rewind button and stopped it at six pm. I scrolled through the split screen. I felt sweat starting to drip down my face and my stomach felt as if it was in knots.

I fast forward until I saw Natasha and I entering the restaurant. She held on to my arm as the Hostess walked us to our table. I watched the camera in the main dining room. I saw arrow buttons so I used them. The one to the right brought up Natasha and I closer at our table. I got up and Natasha nodded and a waiter came forward with two bottles of wine. She took it and poured two glasses. She looked around and it looked as if she had dropped something in each of them. I walked back to the table and took a seat.

My eyes started to hurt and my heart was beating fast. I managed to fast forward as my eyes had started to get heavy. I saw Natasha get up as I started to unbutton my shirt. I was wiping my head as if I was sweating. Then the mystery blonde walked in with the same dress as Natasha. It was Lacey. I saw my new waiter coming to the table. He wasn't the same guy that gave Natasha the wine earlier.

Oh no, Lacey and Natasha had planned this! To trick me but for what? I never did anything to either of them. Why would they do this?

My throat started to constrict as my tongue felt to big for my mouth. I grabbed the side of the desk as I tried to make it to the door. I turn the knob as I fell to my knees. My heart felt as if it would beat out my chest.

I saw Chris and Sal escorting two EMT's through the kitchen in the monitor. I grabbed my heart trying to get it to slow down.

"Oh shit Jacob," I heard the warning and panic in Chris's voice.

"Stay with us Jacob," Chris grabbed me before I fell face first on the concrete floor. My body started to convulse. I couldn't breath as I felt my tongue expanding.

"The...tape," I tried pointing to Sal's office.

"The tape? What tape?"

"Off...i...ce," I gagged out. My shirt was being ripped open as the EMT's placed pads on my chest. They were about to place the oxygen mask on my face.

"Call...Cad..ence." I managed to say as I took in a deep breath.

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