Ms Heartfilia (NaLu)

By Frances854

274K 7.3K 6.3K

Lucy Heartfilia, a 22 year old woman works as a Gr 4 teacher at Sunshine Hills Public School. Natsu Dragneel... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 27
Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32

Ch 26

6.6K 165 206
By Frances854

(Normal POV)

Lucy sat down on right end of the couch in the corner of Natsu's at-home-office, after Natsu sat on the left.

"So..." Lucy started, playing and fidgeting with the fabric of her clothes, hoping that what he was going to say next wasn't bad. He doesn't seem to be in a cheery mood.

Natsu sighed tiredly and looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry to say this baby, but I'm gonna have to leave for a business trip in Crocus on Monday. I'll be back Friday night, possibly Saturday morning." He started, "The stupid a*shole doesn't know how to do anything right so I have to go and straighten things out over there." He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through this hair letting out a frustrated groan after speaking of his lazy pigheaded client.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm definitely going to miss you," The blonde started, a slight sadness laced through her words, "but it's only for a few days so I should be fine. It would be no different than when I was at my apartment. Plus, I have Wendy I have to keep me company!" She smiled, giving Natsu slight reassurance.

He loved the way she looked on the bright side of this situation, when he could not.

Natsu let out another frustrated sigh and leaned his head back on the couch with his eyes closed, "I have so much stuff I gotta get done, I don't even know where to start." He groaned, "But I can't."

"Why?" Lucy asked, confusion written on her pale face, "It's not that late yet."

"I know, but I'm already so tired." He complained, "I have a headache too, so I can't concentrate on this sh*t. D*mn it!"

Poor guy, he seemed just fine earlier when they went to the café.

Running such a large company definitely does not seem like a piece of cake.

Lucy stood up, standing between his legs,  and cupped his face with her hands. He looked up into her soft brown eyes with his tired dark ones, "You seem stressed, you should probably go to bed early tonight, you can deal with this tomorrow while I go out shopping with the girls. I won't be here to bother you. Sound like a good plan?" She asked, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Mm, you never bother me baby," He replied, his voice a little scratchy.

"That's sweet," She smiled, but it soon turned back into a frown, "You have dark circles under your eyes much sleep did you get last night? Did you stay up late?" She asked concerned.

She hated it whenever he stayed up working late. He was always tired the next day and it would be no fun, not only that, but it wasn't healthy.

"I went to bed at.........*snore*" And, he fell asleep.


"Ugh, Natsu..." Lucy had no choice but to wake him up. He couldn't stay here all night.

She knew she was going to feel guilty, but she just felt like she had to.

"Alright, on the count of three," she whispered to herself, raising her hand up in the air, "One, two...THREE!"



She smacked his belly, making him jolt up in surprise.

"Hehehe!" Okay, so maybe Lucy didn't feel so bad after all. It was kinda funny. She actually hit him with so much force, that her hand tingled after.

"Ow, what was that for?" Natsu groaned, rubbing his sore stomach. He lifted his shirt a little and saw a little red hand print on his stomach from where Lucy hit him.

"You fell asleep."

Natsu have her a questioning look, "So? I'm tired!" He pouted, "You could have woken me up gently! Maybe with a kiss..."He mumbled the last part.

".........Anyway c'mon, if you're gonna go to sleep, then do so in the bedroom, that's what they're for." She scolded, her arms crossed walking over to the office door.

She obviously didn't care about his complaints about being awoken gently.

Natsu sighed and stood up, "Ah, whatever...but I'm not going anywhere until I get at least one kiss!" He crossed his arms.

Oh, Mavis...

Lucy walked over to where he was standing and stood on her tippy toes. She pulled his head down and planted a soft kiss right on his lips...then another. She secretly wanted to kiss him too.

"You happy now? I gave you not only one, but TWO kisses."

He smirked, "Yeah, I guess,"

His blonde beauty just giggled, "Love you!" And ran away through the halls of the large mansion leaving him alone.

He smiled.

——Time Skip——Next day——

"Let's gooooo!" Levy squealed as she ran into the mall, her girlfriends walking at a normal pace behind her.

"Oh, Levy..." Erza sighed, "One Of these days, she'll get us kicked out."

Juvia, Lucy, and Mira just giggled.

"So, what kind of dress are you looking for Lucy?" Mira asked, her usual sweet smile spread across her face.

Lucy thought for a moment, "Hm, I don't want anything too fancy, you know? Nothing with too much sparkle...just simple-ish if you know what I mean."

"Alright, well that shouldn't be too difficult to find." Said Mira.

"Juvia loves dress shopping! She'll do her very best to help Lucy find the perfect wedding dress!" Juvia squealed, almost jumping up and down.

It seemed like she was more excited for shopping than Lucy.


"Hm, this doesn't look right..." Lucy mumbled as she inspected her dress through the reflection of the large mirror.

The top of the dress clung to Lucy's body, then flowed down from her hips. It was a little too bland for her liking. Actually, the more she look at this dress, the more she hated it.

"Yeah, I think we can find something better than that..." Erza said, "This one seems too...bleh."

The girls laughed, "Juvia will go find some better dresses! Don't worry!" She exclaimed, standing up from the white couch. She ran back through the rows and rows of wedding dresses to hopefully find something that Lucy would like.

They've been looking at dresses for about one and a half hours in this store, and Lucy already wishes she was back at home watching Netflix or something.

Lucy stepped down from the small stage-like platform and went back into the tiny dressing room, to take off her dress.

But...while she was doing so, she heard yelling outside where the girls were sitting. Curiosity got the best of her, so she peeked her head out of the change room so see what all the commotion was about.

"You stay away from me!" Erza screeched, hiding behind Mira and Levy who were trying they're best to not glare at him in disgust.

"But you smell lovely my dearest, *Sniff* *Sniff*" A short, ugly troll looking man said, his nostrils pointed up in the air to smell Erza's fragrance.



Lucy remembered him from when she went shopping with Natsu awhile ago. It seems like he works at a different place now.

But this time, there was no Natsu to make this troll guy go away, and Erza seems too creeped out by him to do anything.

Ichiya suddenly stopped smelling the air and slowly turned around like a creep, to face Lucy.

The blonde suddenly felt sick to the stomach.

"Man, we meet again...Sniff Sniff.." He slowly made his way over to Lucy who was still peeking her head out from the dressing room.

Just as she was about to slam the door shut, Ichiya said something, "My, my, are you getting married to that hunk of a man I saw you shopping with awhile ago? Hm?" He questioned while rubbing his chin.

Lucy blushed, "Y-yes."

"And you're looking for a wedding dress I suppose?"

"Yes, I am" By now, Lucy was itching to run away and hide in a hole. This man was creepy.

"Well, you've come to the right place, with the right...parfume," He spoke, "I work here! Boys, come here!" He called, "Don't worry dear, we'll help you find the perfect dress." He winked.

What did he mean by parfume? This was a wedding dress shop.

Suddenly, three handsome men appeared and stood in a single file line in front of Lucy, who now had a white robe on, still standing in the dressing room, but now with the door wide open.

The first man had dirty blond hair that was almost brown, and brown eyes. He was handsome for sure, but in Lucy's opinion, Natsu was way better looking than him.

"I'm Hibiki, might I say, you look lovely miss Lucy," He complimented before bending down and kissing her right hand and walking away to Mira, Erza and Levy.

The second man looked very different, his hair was a very dark brown, it was basically black hair, and his skin was dark also. He was also quite handsome, but he still didn't beat Natsu.

"I'm Ren, it a pleasure to meet you," He bent down and kissed her hand like Hibiki, and walked away to the girls. This guy gave her the shivers, but not the good kind like how Natsu makes her feel.

The last guy had blond hair and dark eyes, he looked a lot younger than the other guys though. He was pretty good looking, but not her type. Too young. Bleh.

"I'm Eve, it's nice to meet you Ms Heartfilia," He kissed her hand and walked away to the others.

Ms Heartfilia...

She was going to miss teaching, she won't be able to once she and Natsu are married. She loved her students, but soon she won't be able to see them everyday and watch them grow.

But, she's happy. Happy that she'll be able to spend the rest of her life with Natsu. She has no regrets saying yes. It was probably the best decision she ever made.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Juvia arrived, carrying at least eight or nine dresses. You couldn't even see her face.

"J-Juvia has returned with some dresses for Lucy to try on! She worked very hard to find these! Juvia hopes Lucy likes them!" She exclaimed, as she wobbled over in Lucy's change room and plopped the dresses down on the bench. She didn't even notice the men and the troll.


Juvia turned around and walked back out to go sit back down on the couch with the girls. But that idea left as soon as it came.

















"TROLL!!!!" She screamed, while pointing at Ichiya who now had a look of disbelief written on his face.

These kind of things didn't usually happen when shopping...did they?

Thx for reading this chapter! Plz vote and comment what you think! Bye!!💛

I hope you liked this chapter!

Hehe, heh...bye...💛

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