Harry Potter, Percy Jackson a...

By AlexRiptide

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The end of the summer approaches. Percy and Annabeth are ready to take on their senior year, together. All th... More

Chapter One - Messenger
Chapter Three - Panic and A Disco
Chapter Four - Unconventional Travel and New Beginings
Chapter Five - The Hearing
Chapter Six - Textbook Trauma
Chapter Seven - Witchful Wonder
Chapter Eight - To Punch Or Not To Punch
Chapter Nine - Rise With the Dawn
Chapter Nine and Three Quarters - Platform What?
Chapter Ten - The Heart of a Lion
Chapter Eleven - The Speech
Chapter Twelve - Awkward Introductions
Chapter Thirteen - Morning
Chapter Fifteen - The Sound of a Doe
Chapter Sixteen - A Walk On The Wild Side

Chapter Fourteen - Half-blood Princess

188 8 1
By AlexRiptide

Sorry it's been so long, I'm going to be writing a lot more now. If you have any scenes you would like to see, I'll take requests. Any feedback appreciated! - Alex

Annabeth scanned her schedule, it was exhilaratingly full with so many fascinating classes, just the way she liked it. Her fist class was History of Magic, O.W.L. level, and Annbeth felt a little thrill. Learning the history first, perfect! She was quite adapt at finding her way, but these halls managed to baffle even her. So she was not entirely ungrateful when Rachel caught up with her, huffing.
"Look at this place!" Rachel squealed. "It's amazing! I can't believe we get to live here!"
Annabeth blinked. "Well, we don't exactly get to live here. We just board here during the school year."
Rachel wrinkled her nose. "Way to ruin the fun, killjoy." She nudged Annabeth affectionately.
"Where do you suppose the closest staircase to the History of Magic class is?"
Rachel shrugged. "No idea." For some reason, she seemed a little nervous, but Annabeth tactfully avoided mentioning this.
Annabeth picked a corridor and hurried along it. Checking her schedule, she threw open a door. "So sorry for being late," she called to the teacher, or where she thought the teacher would be. Instead, it was a ghost, one who looked extraordinarily confused to see them. "Sorry," Annabeth apologized again. "We're the new students, so we are taking some O.W.L. classes to catch up."
"Of course," the ghost said vaguely, and went back to reading.
Annabeth frowned and looked around for a seat. Leo grinned at her from beside a tall black boy and a redhead. In front of them though... Alli was sitting on her own, despite Piper casting concerned glances in her direction.
Annabeth slid into the seat beside Alli, while Reyna smiled at them from the front. Alli only let her eyes flicker in their direction, and gave them a tiny nod of acknowledgement.
Sighing internally, Annabeth switched her focus to the ghost, whom her her schedule named as Professor Binns, with mounting excitement. Where anyone else would have been turned off by his droning in the same flat tone, Annabeth was one of the few who listened with rapt attention to the history of this world, which she found positively fascinating. She glanced around at one point to see if anyone else was paying attention. She found only one, a bushy haired girl two rows back. Even Alli was reading instead of listening. Granted, she was reading her History of Magic textbook, but still.
Professor Binns was going on about the formation of the National Confederation of Wizards, and how America originally refused to join when it formed it's own Wizarding nation. Annabeth immediately found synthesis with Congress's refusal to join the League of Nations. She found it comforting to know that America's Wizarding history had similarities to it's mortal one. It gave her something solid to focus on, a relatable circumstance which allowed her a semblance of familiarity.
Beside her, Rachel was doodling on the desk, drawing an incredibly detailed dragon. Annabeth nudged Rachel to try and get her to stop, but Rachel just grinned and kept drawing. So much for excitement.
At the end of the lessen, the professor simply drifted out through the chalkboard, which fascinated her. Could all ghosts simply go through whatever they wanted? Did the dampness from ghosts compromise the castle's structure in any way?
Leo bounced out of the classroom, haring away. Annabeth rolled her eyes, walking out of the classroom, shouldering her bag. She silently thanked Chiron for all the exersize, as these books were seriously heavy.
"Um, hey," a quiet voice said from behind her.
Annabeth turned to find the curly haired brunette smiling at her. "I know a spell to make your bag lighter," she announced, pulling out her wand.
"Oh, thank you! I only know the spells that were in A Standered Book of Spells," Annabeth admitted.
"Yes, we learned this spell in grade two, something about doing things the hard way." She waved her wand, muttered something, and Annabeth's shoulder sighed in relief.
"Thanks! I should definitely learn that one. What's your name?"
The girl smiled. "Hermione."
Annabeth grinned back. "I'm Annabeth." And that was how they formed what Leo dubbed the brainiac alliance.
Before they could celebrate their twin brains, Annabeth was stopped by Professor McGonegall. "Hold on, Miss Chase. I need you to come with me. You too, Miss Ramirez-Arellano, Miss Dare."
Reyna and Rachel materilizied at their side, and McGonegal swept away. As they went further and further though, Annabeth began to question just what this was about. She was about to ask Reyna, but McGonegal abruptly turned into a doorway. It turned out to be an office, containing a bookshelf and desk, with three empty seats in front.
Annabeth looked at the professor nervously, as the line of McGonegal's mouth had almost dissapeared. "Now," she sighed. "I advised against this, but Albus insisted. It is simply impossible to allow you enough time to complete all the classes you signed up for." She waved at the seats, "come on, sit down."
The three girls exchanged a glance. As McGonegal pulled three packages out of a desk drawer, Annabeth felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She knew it was unreasonable, but she assumed as wizards, they would find a way to let her learn everything. Sitting down, she resigned herself to a new schedule.
McGonegal glanced back up. "I'm sure you have looked over your schedules already?"
The girls nodded.
"Good. Then you may have noticed that some of your classes are at the same time."
Rachel frowned. "Don't all Gryffindor's have classes together?"
McGonegal frowned back. "I meant you have two different classes at the same time."
The Professor handed them both a package. "You may open them, but handle them with care, as they are very dangerous."
Annabeth delicately opened the package, revealing a volatile... necklace. It was intricate, a long gold chain, two concentric rings with runes carved in them, and an hourglass in the middle.
"What is it?"
"Annabeth," Reyna whispered. She was cupping the necklace in her hands, gazing at it in awe. "They're time machines."
Both Rachel and Annabeth gasped. "Impossible!" They looked at Professor McGonegal for an explanation.
But Professor McGonegal was nodding. "Not exactly machines, but essentially the right idea. They are called time turners. One rotation will take you back an hour in time." She fixed them with a stern glare. "These are ONLY to be used to attend classes, understand? I do NOT want to repeat the whole scenario from two years ago." She caught Annabeth's expression and added "I won't tell you what happened, but it was very foolish. Unless you want to be expelled, you will only use these for educational purposes."
The girls nodded seriously.
"Good. You are dismissed."
Annabeth rose in a daze, walking out beside Rachel. As soon as they turned a corner, Reyna pulled both of them aside.
"Listen, guys, I don't know what you're thinking, but be careful."
Annabeth tilted her head, puzzled. "Of course I'll be careful."
Reyna hesitated. "I mean, about what happened two years ago. If it's what I think it is... Just don't let anyone see, anyone, alright?"
Annabeth blinked, suprised by Reyna's intensity. "Reyna, what are you-"
"Promise me."
"I promise."
Reyna looked at Rachel.
"I promise. I know not to tell people too much, trust me."
Annabeth walked up to the door and hesitated, her hand on the knob. She glanced down at her schedule nervously. She had three classes now, so she was able to choose the one to go to in her regular time, without the time turner. Arithmancy. She took a deep breath and opened the door. The entire class stopped what they were doing and stared at her.
Annabeth immediately felt her face heating up. Late! How could she be so stupid! She should have gone straight to class!
The stern lady at the head of the classroom glared at her. "Miss Chase, I assume."
Annabeth nodded mutely.
"I expect you will be on time from now on. Take a seat."
Annabeth hurried to the back of the classroom and sat beside Reyna. Reyna leaned over. "Why are you late?" she hissed.
Annabeth stared at her in disbelief. "Um, hello? McGonegal? Ti-"
"Shhh!" Reyna glanced around nervously. "But- that means you haven't- oh." She let out a rare giggle.
Annabeth frowned at her, but Reyna had turned back around and didn't acknowledge her pestering the rest of the class.
Annabeth walked out of class and checked her schedule again. Double potions or N.E.W.T. level Study of Ancient Runes. She fingered her necklace through her robes nervously. It would be better to start with the on-level class surely... Taking a deep breath, she checked around to make sure no one was looking, and turned the necklace backwards once.
The world started spinning before her eyes, and people flashed by backwards. Suddenly all was still, and Annabeth clutched the necklace tight.
After checking the halls, she headed for the nearest staircase. Climbing all these complicated staircases was laborous, and Annabeth stored away shorter passages for later use. Though the castle's design could be frustrating, she admired it in a way. She could only imagine building something so incredible.
A possible future designing magical building's filled her with excitement.
It was with this bubble of hope that she pushed open the door to the dungeons.
She was actually one of the first people here, and she sat down nervously in the front row. A few minutes later, Reyna sat down next to her. Alli was sitting in the front right corner, and as the class filled up, it appeared she would have it to herself, until at the last minute, when Leo burst through the doors and sat beside her. She glared at him, and he responded by sticking his tongue out.
"Valdez!" Leo whipped around gleefully to face the very tall, very gloomy, very nasty looking professor.
"Yes sir?" Leo asked cheerfully.
The professor glared at him, glancing at Alli, who had scooted as far away from him as possible. "Valdez, I understand that you have only just entered our world from a rather... unrefined situation. Nevertheless... I expect you to behave in the future with utmost prudence..., or you may find that whatever your parentage, you are still sucep..ti..ble... to all..." he paused to glance at Alli again, "wizarding disciplines. Understand?"
"Of course, sir! And so delightful to meet you!" Leo responded, still with the same ridiculously happy grin on his face. The professor stared at him for a moment before sweeping towards the front of classroom and turning to stare at the rest of them.
"You are now in potions class. Many of you have been in this class before, but some of you lack such information." He said this all in a snappy, haughty manner. "For those that are new, you shall find this brand of magic to be vastly different from what you have expected, as there is no foolish wand waving or muttering in this class, but I assure you, although you may be unfamiliar with magic, it is such." His lip curled in disgust. "Though you have no previous experience with potionmaking, I expect all of you to keep up with the class, and learn all elementary potions in your own time."
He fixed his other students with a glare.
"As for the rest, I think it appropriate to remind you that at the end of this year, you shall be sitting your O.W.L. examinations, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape an 'Acceptable' in your exam, or suffer my... displeasure."
His gaze landed on a blond boy with worried blue eyes.
"Newcomers, though I don't expect you to do as well as the others, you should aim... to pass. As I only except the best in my N.E.W.T. class, most of us will certainly be saying good bye." He glared at Harry Potter with these words, before skirting his gaze over the demigods.
"We have another year to go before that happy moment of farewell, so wether you are intending to attempt N.E.W.T. or not, I advise all of you to concentrate your efforts on maintaining the high pass level I have come to expect from my O.W.L. students."
"Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: the Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation." He appeared to smirk at the demigods as he said this, knowing they were not ready for such a task. "Be warned," he continued, "if you are too heavy handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to play close attention to what you are doing."
"As many of you are new to magic," he leered around the room, "I have assigned you partners to work with. Pairs and instructions are on the blackboard, everything you need will be found in the store cuboard, you have an hour and a half- start." He stepped back to watch in thinly concealed disdain as the class surged to their feet and hurried to find their partners.
When Annabeth found the list, she wasn't even sure she understood it, who in Hades was Crabbe?
Finnigan - Delphi
Weasley - Valdez
Rome - Longbottom
Thomas - Goyle
Malfoy - Verika
Parkinson - Granger
Zabini - Brown
Chase - Crabbe
Causi - McLean
Bulstrode - Patil
Romanof - Nott
Black - Boot
Potter - Yaxley
As the other pairs slowly filtered away to collect ingredients, she glanced around for this Crabbe until only she and a brute boy were left.
"I suppose you're Crabbe then?" she asked him.
He merely grunted a reply.
Annabeth sighed. "Let's set up our cauldren first," she directed, pulling out her cauldren and potions kit. Crabbe stood morosely beside her as she set up and opened her book. Checking the ingredients, she pulled out what she needed, and told Crabbe to heat up the cauldren while she collected the rest from the cabinet.
Once she got there, however, she discovered a dilema. She searched through the entire cabinet, becoming panicked the longer it took, but she had to admit defeat. There were no billywig wings anywhere.
Squaring her shoulders, she marched over to the teacher, who was currently inspecting Hermione's work.
"Sir," she began, "there aren't any billywig wings left in the cabinet, do you have any extras?"
The teacher turned slowly around to face her. "And you are?"
"Annabeth Chase," she replied impatiently.
"Well, Miss Chase-"
"Here, we have extras," Hermione cut in quickly.
"Not so fast, Miss Granger. Miss Chase, whatever her previous eductation, is prusambly developed enough to read directions and arrive at class with sufficient supplies, and will have to deal without them."
"But sir, billywig's weren't-"
"I suggest you get back to your cauldren, or Mr. Crabbe will have to complete the potion on his own, and you will receive a zero."
Brimming with indignation, Annabeth glanced at Hermione, who merely gave her a sympathetic face and returned to her potionmaking. Stomping across the room, Annabegh sifted furiously through her supplies for a proper substitute even searching through her bag in desperation, while Crabbe stood there uselessy. She ended up with nothing but an owl feather. And huffing, gave up.
Staring at the shed feather furiously, she reflected that she might have been better off in a mortal school after all. Making a mess on the very first day. Why did she have to be a demigod?
This made her stop. Crabbe was cackling off to the side, and acrid fumes filled the dungeon classroom. She was a demigod, and had been in much worse positions than this. If there was one thing demigods excelled at, it was improvising.
She looked down at the owl feather in her hand. Hadn't she read that owls had magical properties? Not quite the same as billywigs, but still. She glanced up. She was down quite a bit of time, she would have to take some shortcuts, but she could do it. She was a daughter of Athena, and she would make this work.
She worked diligently throughout the rest of the period, barely looking up when Rachel's cauldren exploded, knocking out all three redheads in the class, (Leo managed to escape without incident), and by the time the teacher instructed the class to step away from their cauldrens, she was done.
The teacher, Snape as she recalled, went around to each of the cauldren's and gave commentary for all. The first cauldren he stoped at belonged to one of Leo's friends and a tall slytherin. "I should have known better than to expect competency, Thomas," he snarled at them, before moving on to Leo's potion.
"Valdez, what do you think this mess is?" The teacher curled his lip.
"Draught of spontaneous hyperactivity sir!" Most of the demigods laughed.
"And what, Valdez, is written on the board?"
"Why our names sir!" Almost the entire class tittered this time.
"Draught of peace," the teacher practically snarled, "a concept that's quite foreign to you I imagine."
"Afraid it is sir, like English to me!"
The demigods, even Alli, released involuntary chuckles, while the others all looked confused.
He merely wrinkled his nose at the next potion, at Reyna's he narrowed his eyes. "Well, Longbottom, it appears your partner has some brains. How lucky." For she had, of course, brewed it perfectly.
"Well done Zabini," he nodded at a handsome black boy.
At Alli's cauldren he stopped, looking surprised. "Well done Draco. This is perfect."
"Yes," Alli said, "he's been very sweet about helping me."
The Malfoy boy honestly looked a little nervous about her.
He nodded at the next two potions, then- Miss McLean, what is this?"
Piper folded her arms and stared at him boldly. "It's our first attempt at Draught of Peace sir."
He sniffed and moved to Harry's cauldren. Here he had a devilish smirk. "Tell me, Potter, can you read?"
"Yes, I can," Harry retorted, glancing at Piper.
"Read the third line of instructions, Potter."
He did, and as he did so, his face fell.
"Did you do everything in the third line, Potter?"
"No," he muttered, "I forgot the hellebore."
"Which means this mess is utterly worthless. Evanesco!"
The potion vanished from Harry's cauldren, startling Annabeth.
He curled his lip at Hermione's potion before approaching Annabeth.
"Well?" he said quietly.
"Draught of Peace, Professor." Smiling, Annabeth showed off her cauldren.
The teacher stiffened as he stared into the potion. "How did you do this without the billywig wings?"
"Owl feather," she announced proudly. The slytherin girl with red brown hair raised one eyebrow, impressed.
"An owl feather," Annabeth repeated.
"Ingenious," the slytherin girl said. "That would counteract the occasional swelling of the brain when mixed improperly, and eliminate the side effects of faintness and delayed hallucinations. Well done."
Annabeth was surprised, and evidently, so was the teacher. "Was this feather shed at the full moon?" he snapped at her.
"No," Annabeth said.
The professor curled his lip at her. "Pity, as that is when their potency is highest."
"Yes, but couldn't it give someone a headache, the extra potency?" She was honestly guessing at this point.
"True," said the slytherin girl. "Half moon would probably be better, and if it was shed recently, which I would guess it was, it would be a half moon molt."
The professor merely glared at Annabeth. "Everyone take a flask of your potion and bring it up to my desk for grading." He stomped away.
After leaving the class, she was surrounded by gleeful Gryffindors celebrating her triumph. She decided that this school wasn't too bad after all.

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