The Private School

By SarahRWriting

159K 4.3K 3.4K

Addison Taylor. A 16 year old only child who has been homeschooled for most of her life and has had no social... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
1st December '19
Guess What?
HOMELESS - A Second Chance
Homeless - A Second Chance
Secrets and Betrayal

Chapter 31

2K 58 69
By SarahRWriting

(A/N: Me again, I'm getting the hang of these little notes haha, just wanted to say, I hope I'm not back in your good books again :|, I'm sorry about the last few chapters, I just thought I'd add a little bit of drama into the story, makes it somewhat better in my opinion, did you like it? I mean not like 'like' it, but did you think it was a good touch? And also what do you think of Addison's friends, Jacob, Alice, Elliott and Finnick? Who is your favourite and why? I'd really love to know what you think of them, I do try to involve them as much as I can, instead of it literally just being Stefan and Addison, so yeah, let me know, and I hope you enjoy this chapter, I personally really like it, it's probably one of my favourite chapters, it's also one of my lonngggeeeesssstttt chapters, get it? 6.3k words!! And I hope you like the song I added to the chapter, Evergreen :P)

"I can't find the right dress to wear" I say on the phone to Stefan as I look at my dresses, I'm wearing pyjamas because I just showered.

"You'll look breath taking in anything love" He says.

"That doesn't help me, this is my first prom and I don't know what to wear, I've gotta pick one out and go to Ali's to get ready" I tell him.

"I can't help you babe, just pick one at random, you'll look beautiful anyway, look I've gotta go and get showered and ready myself" He says.

"What are you wearing?" I ask.

"A suit, black suit, white shirt with a bow tie, nicely styled hair and some aftershave, oh and clean teeth" He jokes and we both laugh, the other week when he didn't have any toothpaste so he chewed gum all day.

"Have you shaved yet?" I ask half seriously. I liked when he had his facial hair.

"No, not yet" He answers.

"Good, don't shave, please? I like your facial hair, it suits you" I tell him.

"Ok fine, I won't shave, but only because you like it, I only like it when you like it" He says.

"Love you, see you soon" I say.

"Love you too my beautiful girl, see you there" He says and we hang up. Now I've gotta pick a dress. I check the time, great, Alice is expecting me to be there in less than 5 minutes.


"Hello Ali" I answer.

"Where are you?" She asks.

"I'm in my room trying and failing to pick a dress to wear" I answer.

"You'll look great in any dress Addi, just pick one and get here I need to do your make-up and hair" She orders.

"Ok I don't want to be caked in make-up, just some mascara, and don't go overboard with my hair either, just curl it a little, I'm not very girly" I tell her. I haven't worn mascara for months, when I first started at this school I did, I don't even remember when I stopped wearing it. I'm not even overly keen on wearing a dress but I don't mind them.

"What about some lipstick and putting your hair up a little?" She asks.

"I'll think about it ok, I want to feel comfortable for my first prom" I tell her.

"Me too, see you in a minute" She says and hangs up. Ok, just pick a dress Addison, any dress, you'll look crap in either of them anyway, just kidding, I won't look awful but like I said, I'm not very girly, I'd rather wear jeans and a blouse.

I shut my eyes and wave a hand in front of me and then put it down onto a dress, when I open my eyes, whatever dress my hand is on I'll wear. I open my eyes and it's a blue one, I guess it's ok, not too short that my butt will be on show and not too long that I'll trip in it. I grab it and my phone and speed walk to Alice's room.


"It's about time Addison!" She practically yells and pulls me into her room, I literally knocked on the door once. Her room is the same layout as mine.

"Woah, ok, I'm here" I say a little taken aback.

"Did you pick a dress?" She asks. She's not even dressed yet.

"Yeah, this blue one, it looks nice" I say and show her it.

"Hmm, naa, it's not right" She says as she studies it.

"What? It's fine" I say. She even just told me to pick a dress and that I'd look good in any dress, now it's not the right one?

"No, it doesn't suit you, not for prom, I think I might have one you can wear" She says and pulls her into her room with her, she goes through her wardrobe. "We don't have time for this" I hear her say to herself. Well I do apologise for not picking a dress you like.

"Are we even the same size?" I ask.

"Yeah I think so, we look about the same" She says as she goes through her dresses, I have a quick peak at her wardrobe, there are quite a few dresses in there.

"How many dresses do you have?" I ask out of curiosity. I can be a curious person.

"Well, I have 8 here, but at home I have more" She says. "Ah-hah, this is the one!" She shrieks in excitement and jumps. She pulls out a long black dress and puts it in front of me.

"Ok" Is all I say.

"This is the one for you, and if it fits properly then it should be kinda tight fitting, but not uncomfortable" She tells me. I just stand there. "Well don't just stand there, go and put it on, I'll put mine on too and I've still gotta do our hair and make-up" She says as she gently shoves me into her bathroom. I take off my pyjamas and put the dress on, it doesn't feel too bad. I check myself in the mirror, it doesn't look bad.

"Ok, I'm ready when you are" I call out to her.

"I'm ready" She calls back a few seconds later. I open the door and hear a gasp from her.

"Perfect, you look perfect! That is guaranteed to get Mr Colt to look at you" She says. That's good- wait, what?

"Mr Colt?" I question.

"Well you don't call me cupid for no reason, if he doesn't look at you with a spark in his eyes tonight, then there is something wrong with him" She says.

"Cupid- Ali" I stutter. God she's making me nervous. "I appreciate your help and everything but can we stop with the Mr Colt thing, just for tonight at least?" I ask.

"Ok, fine" She says a little defeated. "I need to do your make-up, just mascara, what about lipstick?" She asks.

"Fine, but not too much of either" I say giving in a little.

"And your hair, just curly or curly and up?" She asks as she sits me down and grabs her make-up bag.

"Just curly, please" I request.

"Your wish is my command" She says as she finds her mascara.

"Am I expected to do your hair and make-up? Because I've never done anything other than mascara before" I question as she starts putting it on me

"No it's ok, I can do my own" She says as she concentrates. "You haven't worn mascara in forever" She realises.

"Yeah I know, turns out I've gone off it, I don't even remember the last time I wore it" I point out.

"Me neither to be honest" She says. Both eyes are then done.

"What colour lipstick do you have?" I ask a little unsure.

"Pink and red, which do you want?" She asks.

"Red, but not too much, just a covering" I request. She nods and does just that. She grabs her mirror and lets me see how I look. Not bad. "You look absolutely amazing Addison, that dress really suits you, you can keep it if you want" She says.

"Ok thanks" I say as I look at myself in the mirror. "Not bad, thank you Cupid" I say. "I should call you Cupid more often" I point out.

"If you want to, now's for the hair, do you want it all curled, top to bottom, or like halfway down?" She asks.

"Just do top to bottom" I tell her. She gets her curlers and starts.

"Now this is what takes a while, and good concentration, if it doesn't have long enough it won't curl properly, and too long and it looks horrible" She says as she concentrates.

"Well then stop talking and just concentrate" I instruct, I don't want my hair to look bad either way. There is quiet for a good 10 minutes.

"Ok, I'm done, have another look" She squeals as she puts the mirror in front of me again.

"I actually do look really good, you're good!" I compliment.

"Thanks, now for my hair and make-up" She says as she get ready to sort herself out.

"Your hair and face paint more like" I say as I look at all her make-up, she's got loads! Mascara, glitter, foundation, lipsticks, notice the plural, eye shadow and whatever else I can't even name most of it.

"I do have a lot of make-up, I'm like my Mum" She laughs.

"What do your parents do for work?" I ask.

"Mum is does fashion, you know wears all the beautiful clothes and make-up to basically advertise them in like magazines and wherever else, you know she is super pretty for having a child" She tells me.

"What about your Dad?" I ask.

"He's an actor, he does mainly TV shows but he has done a few films, he's not a huge star so you probably wouldn't notice him much in anything he stars in, but they both earn enough to keep me at this school which is great because of Jake" She explains.

"You really love Jake don't you" I say.

"So much, like I've already planned our wedding, don't tell him that, but we're having a summer wedding and I've estimated it to be in about 5 or 6 years time" She says.

"Has he even proposed to you yet? Or even talked about marriage?" I ask. I know Stefan and I haven't been together very long but even we haven't talked about marriage, or kids that much.

"No, I mean to get engaged before you turn 18, you have to have your parents permission, but I'm thinking that cause now we're 17, 5 or 6 years would make us 22 or 23, so he could propose when we're say 20, have a couple of years of planning because it's all gotta be perfect" She says.

"You have really thought this through" I mutter.

"I have even designed my dream wedding dress, but I'm not gonna show you, and I want like 2 kids, a boy and a girl called Carson and Emma" She says. Wow!

"You've thought about everything" I point out.

"Yep, just promise me you won't tell Jake!" She demands.

"I promise, it stays between you and me" I assure her. If I tell him he might have a heart attack so, definitely not.

"Ok, I'm all done" She says and twirls. "What do you think? Do I look good or good?" She asks. She's so cocky it's funny.

"You look great, better than me" I tell her.

"Pfft, good point" She says as she flaps her hand in front of me making me burst into laughter.

"Thanks" I laugh. I remember that Dad asked me to send him a picture of what I look like for prom. "Oh, Ali, can you take a photo of me, I have to send it to my Dad" I request.

"Sure" She says gladly, taking my phone and taking a photo. She passes my phne back and I quickly send it to him. She looks at the time.

"Shoot, come on we've gotta go, Jake and Eli will be waiting for us" She says grabbing her bag, why does she need a bag?

"Following you" I say as I follow her out of the door. My phone buzzes and I look, Dad has replied. "My Dad says and I quote, 'You look absolutely beautiful sweetheart, enjoy yourself', you even got my Dads approval" I tell her. I actually missed out the last part of the text which said 'stay safe'.

"Well duh, you look amazing" She says confidently.

We walk to the entrance of the school and find Jake, Eli and Finn waiting outside for us. They look dapper, all in black suits with black ties, they're matching, I suppose most of the guys will look something like they do.

"Hey beautiful" Jake greets Alice with a peck on the lips. "You look super hot" He compliments.

"Thanks, I helped Addi get ready" She tells him. He looks over to me.

"You look amazing Addi, don't you agree guys?" Jake compliments and asks Elliott and Finnick.

"Yeah, you look hot" Elliott compliments while Finn nods in agreement.

"Finn you don't have to like, agree" I say to him.

"I might be gay and Eli might to bi, but they're right, you do look stunning" He compliments.

"Better than some girls we've seen go in" Jake says. That actually makes me feel somewhat better.

"Shall we go in?" Alice asks. We all nod and go in, this is a little awkward, two couples together, and then there's me, because I'm with a teacher.

As we walk in I am deafened by the music, you literally have to shout to talk to someone, and there are so many people here, some teachers are here, Mrs Raven, Mr Thompson and a few others, I don't see Mr Colt yet though, he'll be here soon. I listen to the song to see if I know it, which I don't.

"Who wants a drink? I think I see Coca cola, Fanta, Cherryade, and I think Lemonade" Jake asks loud enough for us to hear him as he looks.

"A coke please" I request. Alice requests Cherryade and Finn asks for Fanta, Elliott decides to go and help Jake with the drinks.

"So how is your relationship with Eli getting on Finn?" Alice asks Finn.

"I think it's good, I really like him and I hope he likes me, we spend a lot of time talking and stuff so, yeah, everything seems great" He says a little nervously.

"Finn does like you, he's a good guy and trust me, he likes you a lot" Alice assures him.

"You're not with anyone are you Addi?" Finn asks me. Yep.

"Err, no, I mean I just broke up with Preston so I think I'm going to stay single for a while, you know, maybe get school out of the way" I say trying to sound convincing.

"I spoke to Preston and I've been pretty much verbally abusing him for how he treated you, or rather how he didn't treat you, he seems rather stupid for how he did things" Finn tells me.

"The thing is, he was always just interested in football, which I understand because he wants a career in football and I wish him luck with that, it's just, he literally never had time for me, for us, it was always him and football, he didn't even ask if I was ok after I got attacked and hospitalised, now that for me, that drew the line, I hope he finds someone who is better for him" I say.

"I hope you find someone that is better to you than he was" He says.

"Here are the drinks" Jake says as he and Elliott make it back to us. Jake has 3 drinks while Elliott has two, he gives one to Finn, Jake gives me mine and then Alice hers and we start drinking, Jake got Cherryade and Elliott has, it looks like Apple.

"Eli, what's your drink?" I ask.

"Apple Tango, we noticed it kind of hidden behind the other drinks, there's also Dr Pepper and different Diet cokes and whatnot" He tells us. That's good to know.

"There is also food if anyone gets hungry, sandwiches, crisps, dips, sweets and stuff, I tell you this school is awesome!" Jake says impressed.

"It kinda sucks that there's no alcohol" Alice says.

"Because we're under 18 babe" Jake points out.

"Now this is a good song" Elliott says as he listens.

"Lately I been, I been losing sleep,

dreaming bout the things that could be,

baby I been, I been prayin' hard,

said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars" He sings. We all start joining in with singing and jumping on the spot.

A few minutes later once the song has finished and we're sat down, the group are approached by Preston.

"Alright Finn?" He asks Finn.

"Yeah, enjoying the prom?" Finn asks.

"Yeah it's pretty cool" Preston says and then turns his attention to me. "How are you Addison?" He asks.

"I'm good, doing much better after what happened" I answer him.

"Look, I'm sorry about how I was, I could have been better, I should have been better" He says.

"Yeah, it's ok, no harm done" I say, I'm trying hard to be nice.

"There was harm done though, we're not dating anymore" He points out. He looks behind him to the dance floor. "Hey, that's a good song, do you wanna dance?" He asks.

"Addison" Alice says to be in a warning way, if that makes sense.

"It's just one dance" I point out to her.

"One dance turns into 2 or 3, besides I don't like him much" She says in my ear.

"I'll be fine" I assure her. I look back at Preston, although I'd rather not dance with him, I don't want to be rude when it seems like he's being nice. "Sure, I'll dance with you" I smile as I stand up and finish the mouthful left of my drink, we walk over to dance.

"Do you know this song?" Preston asks as we start dancing.

"I think everyone knows this song, Just A Dream" I answer as we dance.

'I was thinking about her, thinkin' about me,

thinkin' about us, what we gon' be,

open my eyes yeah, it was only just a dream' He grabs my hand and spins me around and grabs my waist.

'So I travelled back, down that road,

will she come back, no one knows,

I realize yeah, it was only just a dream' He spins me around the other way and we carry on dancing on the spot until the song finishes.

"Thanks for the dance Preston" I say as the next song starts to play.

"One more dance" He says quickly.

"Preston I wanna sit down, why don't you find someone else to dance with?" I suggest.

"I only want to dance with you Addison" He insists.

"Preston I-" He interrupts me.

"You said you'll dance with me, you didn't say just one dance, come on we're missing the song, it's a good song" He says getting more insistent.

"It's Evergreen" I point out as I hear the song.

"Please just dance with me" He begs.

"Preston I danced with you, now I want to go back to my friends" I tell him.

"You wanted my time, now I'm giving it to you" He says irritated.

"Well then maybe you should have given it to me last week, when we were dating" I say as I go to walking away, I step back and he grabs my arm rather forcefully.

"I am trying to give you my time" He says with rage.

"She said no" I hear behind me. I look and see my knight in shining armour, that sounded cliché, is that the right word for it? I think it is, you know what I'm getting at. I take a quick breath in as I take in how gorgeous he looks, and smells, that aftershave is strong and smells amazing, his suit, or should I say tuxedo, he is so tidy, I think only he and other male teachers are wearing that kind of suit, with a bowtie, the male students have ties. But he looks the hottest, and he's mine

"Sir, I'm only trying to dance" Preston says in defence.

"She doesn't want to, walk away, I won't tell you again" Mr Colt warns sternly. Preston gives me one last look before walking away.

"Thank you" I say and quickly compose myself.

"Would you like to dance?" He asks as he puts his hand out for me.

"Are teachers allowed to dance with students?" I ask as I take his hand.

"Yes, half of the teachers are dancing with students" He says which has me looking around the hall, so they are, Mr Thompson is dancing with some girl.

"Who's Mr Thompson dancing with?" I ask curious.

"I don't know, she's not one I teach" He answers. "Now focus on dancing with me, this song is nearly finished" He says. I give him my attention as we dance together.

'We can make it last for evermore

Don't tell me but it feels like love' We stare into each others eyes as we sway in time with each other.

"I-" I start but he stops me.

"This is the last part, it's the best part" He says.

'I'm gonna take this moment, make it last forever' He spins me around and then puts his hand back on my side.

'I'm gonna give my heart away

And pray we'll stay together

'Cause you're the one good reason' He spins me again.

'You're the only girl, that I need

'Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen" We sway together as we look into each others eyes, smiling.

'I'm gonna take this moment,

Make it last forever,

I'm gonna give you my heart away,

And pray we stay together,

Cause you're the one good reason,

You're the only girl that I need.

Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen, ever seen,

I'm gonna take this night, and make it evergreen' He lip-syncs as the song finishes.

"Be careful Mr Colt, if anyone sees you they might think it's inappropriate" I remind him. Well, better to be safe than sorry.

"It's a good song I can't help it" He says innocently.

"I guess it's probably ok because people are actually singing" I say.

"Dance with me again?" He asks. I didn't even move.

"Did you not notice that I haven't tried to stop?" I question.

"Polite to ask" He points out.

"Such a gent" I chuckle. We start swaying again and I realise what song is now playing, Perfect.

"They're playing our song, sweetcheeks" He says so only I can hear as he stares into my eyes. Did he just quote NCIS?

"You do realise you just quoted DiNozzo from NCIS" I point out.

"You watch too much TV, but yes, I know I did" He says and gives me a cheeky wink.

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes your holding mine'

"I love this song" I tell him and he smiles as he spins me out and pulls me back into his arms, then puts me back in front of him.

'Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight'

"I didn't say, you look stunning tonight, I haven't seen you with make-up on for, ages" He says with a compliment as we continue dancing.

"No, I don't really wear any anymore, I'm not really a girly girl" I say.

"You picked out a great dress" He says.

"Actually I didn't, according to Ali, I picked a blue one, this is her dress, well, she said I can keep it" I tell him.

"It suits you" He compliments. A couple of minutes later the song finishes. "Thanks for the dance" He says as the next song comes on.

"One more dance, please?" I ask. I know this tune, Proud, by JLS.

"I probably wouldn't advise it" He points out so I give him my puppy eyes.

"Please, just one more" I try to persuade.

"Ok, one more" He sighs.

"My song to you" I say to him as we take hold of each other again. The singing starts.

'When my strength was gone and I just gave up on life

In my darkest place you were my guide

And you told me that I should live my life to the limit

When you fall down get back up and fight

Well the shape of my heart don't lie

I'm determined in your trust in me

It's all I need'

"This song is deep" He says.

"Like I said, my song to you, there are some good songs being played tonight, it's a variety, I'm impressed" I say. He leans close to me

"I wish we were the only 2 in here right now" He says in my ear. So do I.

"Are you looking forward to this school holiday?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, but I'm looking forward to coming back as well, got a nice week planned" He says.

"Listen to this part" I instruct.

'Nobody can tell me, they were there for me

Before you came around

There was pain in every heartbeat

But eventually you built my reserve to be strong

Now I'm hoping, if you hear this

You believe that all that I do is to make you proud

Now I'm hoping, if you hear this

You believe that all that I do is to make you proud

Make me stronger, so I rise up

Made my mind up

All that I do is to make you proud

Proud, proud, make you proud, proud'

"This is how you feel?" He asks. "With me?" He mouths to me.

"Yeah, it is" I tell him.

"You do make me proud, everyday that you make progress, and in general" He assures me. We listen to the rest of the song until it finishes.

"I guess I'll leave you to dance with other people then, I need a drink and a sit down" I say as we let go of each other. Let me stay in his hold.

"Yeah, go and have a rest for a minute, your friends have been watching us the whole time we've been dancing" He says as he looks past me to them.

"Oh jeez" I say quietly, well, when I say quietly, there is loud music and he can hear me say it.

"Are they still..?" He questions.

"I call Ali Cupid now, she's the one that encourages it, but don't worry, I keep telling them all no, and I'm convincing" I assure him.

"So they wouldn't mind if, you know" He starts but has to be careful what he says with the hall full of people.

"Probably not, but still, I'll keep saying no" I tell him and he nods.

"Go and get yourself a drink and something to eat" He says. "I'll see you later" He says with a cheeky discrete wink as he looks me in the eye. I go and get a drink and a plate of food as I haven't eaten yet and then go back to Alice and the others while Stefan goes to the edge of the hall with the other teachers and sits down.

"Hey Addi, you enjoy yourself out there?" Jake asks with a smirk. I sit down and eat a few crisps.

"Yeah, but only after I was rescued by Mr Colt, Preston wasn't taking no for an answer" I say.

"Preston kinda watched you for a bit and then disappeared" Jake informs me. Well I suppose at least he's not in sight.

"You and Mr Colt danced for ages, we were starting to wonder if you were gonna go all night" Elliott says with a laugh.

"They were just good songs" I say. Alice comes and sits next to me with her phone.

"Watch this" She says and presses play. It's me and Stefan dancing, it looks really romantic, we're swaying in each others arms almost as if we're the only ones in the room, he spins me and holds me more.

"Ali, why did you video us dancing?" I question confused.

"You see the way he looks at you, he looks at you how Jake looks at me, he looks at you like you're the only person that matters, the only person that will ever matter to him, if you're still gonna deny there being anything there then I don't know what will convince you" She explains.

"Ali, he's my teacher, there can't be anything there" I tell her. "He's helped me a lot, and I accept he cares about me, but I'm sure he cares about everyone in this hall" I say.

"But Addi-" I interrupt her.

"Ali, no, it's sweet of you to want me to be happy, but you've got the wrong idea, plus we said earlier that we wouldn't talk about this tonight" I tell her.

"Ok, sorry" She says defeated. My acting skills are good, I'm convincing.

"Delete the video Ali, if someone sees that, god knows what they'll make of it, it could see Mr Colt sacked, delete the video!" I order seriously.

"Fine" She mutters and deletes it. What is she doing?!

I carry on eating my sandwiches and crisps and cake with my drink of Fanta, I haven't had Fanta for ages. The sandwiches taste really nice, ham and cheese, tuna, there were salad ones but I'm not a fan of salad. Once I'm done I put the paper plate in the bin and finish my Fanta, putting the cup in the bin too.

I sit down and watch Alice and Jacob go to the dance floor and start dancing to a song I don't know. I find Elliott and Finnick together on the dance floor too, and then notice Stefan dancing with another female teacher, I don't know the teacher, she doesn't teach me, but she looks older than him, she has red dyed hair. Nothing to be jealous of, right?

I hear someone clear their throat next to me and look to see it's Mr Thompson standing by me.

"Hey sir" I greet. I haven't spoken to him since I got here.

"Hello Miss Taylor, would you like to dance with me?" He asks.

"Sure, course I would" I say confidently. Looks like I'm dancing with the teachers tonight. He holds his hand out for me to take, which I do and we walk to the dance floor together.

"Do you know this song?" He asks as we start dancing along to it.

"I think I've heard it before but I'm not familiar with it" I answer.

"It's called Footloose, from the film" He informs me.

"Oh wait, I've seen that film once, but it was a couple of years ago" I remember.

'Now I gotta cut loose

Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes

Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees

Jack, get back, come on before we crack

Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose'

"Everyone knows this song Miss Taylor" He says.

"Yeah, it definitely sounds familiar" I say as we dance to it.

"It's a good tune" He says. I like it.

"So how's your daughter?" I ask making conversation.

"She's amazing, she's really excited about the holiday, fortunately her mother and I are friends so when I asked if they were busy that week and told her about the holiday she pretty much said take her" He says.

"I look forward to meeting her" I say. I've always liked kids, like I've said in the past, I'd like to have had a sibling.

"When we told her that I was taking her to the beach she started asking if she could pack her sunglasses and swimming ring and a bunch of other stuff" He says.

"Aww, that's cute, what's her name?" I ask. I probably shouldn't have asked that.

"Little Thompson" He jokes. "It's Isabella" He says.

"That's a cute name sir" I say in awe.

"Thanks, so how has school been for you this year, being your first year?" He asks.

"Quite the experience so far, having Mrs Hall-Plug as my English teacher who didn't actually teach but was a witch, being attacked by the teacher she had an affair with, having a brief relationship with Preston, and exams were quite stressful, so yeah, it's been a great and not so great experience" I answer.

"Well, luckily for us both, I get to be your teacher again for both English and History next year so I will be helping you out a lot with your work, whatever grade you get from your exams, I am determined to get you a better grade, so we'll be working hard together when everyone's back" He tells me.

"Thanks, for all your help, I know it's your job and all, but thank you, you're a really cool guy and teacher" I compliment. I glance over to Stefan and see he's dancing with someone else, another teacher, she's young, and attractive, she's making him smile and vice versa. She looks so different to the other teacher he was dancing with, a bit older than him but no older than say 30. I can't help but feel a bit jealous of what I'm seeing.

"Thanks Miss Taylor" Mr Thompson says snapping me out of my thoughts. I have to get away from here, I can't see Stefan dancing with that attractive looking teacher like that.

"Sorry sir, I have to go" I excuse myself and let go of our hold. He looks at me confused.

"Are you ok?" He asks concerned.

"Um, yeah, nature calls" I lie and look for Jake and Ali who are now sitting back down. I walk over to them.

"Hey Addi, you enjoying yourself with Thompson?" Jake asks.

"Yeah, I've gotta go, toilet, just so you don't think I've disappeared" I tell them and they give me a nod, I flash a little smile and leave the hall. I walk down some corridors.

I know we've gotta be professional, as hard as it is to be. Of all the teachers or people to dance with and he goes with a young, pretty teacher. I'm over reacting, I am over reacting, am I over reacting?

"Addison, wait!" I hear someone running behind me, I turn to see it's Stefan.

"You ok Mr Colt?" I ask as he catches up with me in the corridor.

"I could ask you the same thing, you just took off, why? What's wrong?" He asks. Now my honesty is going to get the better of me.

"Seeing you with that young, attractive teacher, I couldn't see you dancing together, you were smiling at her, she was smiling at you-" He interrupts me.

"Were you jealous of me dancing with her?" He questions.

"N-no, course not, I-I mean, may-maybe, maybe a little" I stutter nervously, I hated it. He ushers me into an empty classroom, I'm surprised the door isn't locked.

"How can you be jealous of that? It was just a friendly dance Addison. she asked me and I wasn't going to be rude" He says.

"I-I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I say nervously.

"How do you think I felt when I saw you dancing with Thompson?" He asks. I guess he has a point.

"He's a teacher Stefan" I point out. Wait, I can't even use that as a point.

"So am I, we are both your teachers, he's not a bad looking guy, and not much older than me, all I wanted to do was tell him to dance with someone else, anyone else but you because you're mine" He says sounding a little irritated. "And you wanna know what, you are the only person I asked to dance with, anyone else I danced with asked me to dance, you were, are, the only person I want to dance with, all night, but I can't, we can't" He adds calmly.

"Ok, I get it, I had no right to be jealous because I was doing the same as you" I say.

"Addison, I love you to death" He says as he gently pushes me against the wall behind me and leans into me, his lips brush against mine before he places them on mine as we start to passionately kiss, the kiss gets deeper and more intimate, he hands go behind my head by my neck, my hands rest on his arms, we both take a breath as we have our make-out session. "I love you Addison Taylor" He mumbles in the kiss.

"I love you too Stefan" I say as he moves his lips down my jaw, down my neck and along my shoulder, which is usually covered by clothes, but now there's just the dress strap.

"You drive me crazy" He says as he stops kissing me and looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for getting jealous, I guess sometimes I'm scared that you'll find someone who isn't me, older, not your student, prettier, sexier-" He interrupts me.

"You are ALL that I want Addi, I don't care that you're a little younger, or that you are my student, in a years time you won't be, and I never EVER want to hear you say you're not pretty or sexy, you are the prettiest, the sexiest, the kindest, the strongest, the most amazing girl I have and ever will lay my eyes on, I love everything about you, and I always will, I love you, I love you to death, I love you so much there are no words to describe my love for you" He tells me, not once taking his eyes off mine.

"You're too good for me, I don't deserve you, I love you the same Stefan" I say as I grab his hands and plant kisses on them.

"As much as I want to live in this moment forever, we should get back to the prom, I'm only on a toilet break" He says making me chuckle.

"That was my excuse too, lets go then" I say and he pecks me on the lips a few times.

The rest of the night goes well, I dance with Jake and the others as a group which is fun, we sing along to some songs, there were a few songs I recognise, Better In Time, I Have Nothing, Hold My Hand, All The Lovers, Born This Way, they were just a few. 

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