Oliver and Company

By LunaMomochi

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A human version on Oliver and Company (Dodger love story) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

629 18 3
By LunaMomochi

When we got back to the ship yard the three of us walked past their ship just a little further down. I help Dodger walk over to where the other were waiting.

"Oh Dodge." Rite looked at him sadly, seeing his beaten body.

"Hey Rita." Dodger smiled at her throwing an arm around my shoulders, like nothing was wrong. "They didn't lay a paw on me."

"Im glade your alright Danni." Einstein said with a small smile. I smiled back at him as Dodger told them of what happened. We all sat down and waited for someone to show. Dodger made sure to keep me by his side.

I handed back his bandanna. "Might want to wash it." i tell him as he takes it. "Probably has alot of sweat on it now."

"Im not to worried about it." he chuckles. He tied it around his wrist.

"Why do you keep that anyway?" i asked.

"It was my dad's. He said the day he bought it was the day he met my mom." He looked down at it. "Said it brought him luck."

"What happened to him?"

"Well, one night he gave it to me before he was about to leave for work. Told me it was going to bring me luck too. When he walked out the door, i never saw him again."

"And your mom?" Even though he had a smile on his face, i could see his pain.

"She couldnt handle the fact that dad was gone. While i was at school she ran off somewhere, leaving me behind."

Knowing the pain of someone leaving you, made me reach my hand out to his. I laced my fingers threw his, getting a light squeeze from him in return. He smiled a small smile as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand. His hand was so warm. I leaned onto him laying my head on his shoulder. I felt him lean his head over mine.

I looked over at everyone else. Tito was messing with something that was in one of the dumpsters. Franky and Einstein was playing cards with Rita. But Rita looked up at Dodger and I. She smiled at me and winked making me smile back at her.

"Guys look." Tito pointed over to where Fagin was standing. We all stood and looked over the dumpster. Fagin was talking to a little girl and a woman.

"Who's the other one?"

"Thats Georgette." Tito told me. "The love of my life." He sighed happy.

"The little girl sister. She helped us to get the cat." Dodge told me.


"She doesnt like cats." Rita told me.

We watched the 3 of them talk, not really being able to hear them. It seemed like Fagin was going to walk off with Oliver when the little girl held up a little pink piggy back. When the girl started to cry Fagin looked torn. The little girl turned away sitting down on a overturn bucket covering her face. Fagin turn an started to walk away but soon turned back around pulling Oliver out of his pocket. He walked back up to the girl, and when she turned to look at him Oliver jumped into her arms cuddling up to her.

I was happy that the little girl had gotten him back, and that she seemed to really care about him. But i also felt sad. Cause im loosing him. Before anything else could happen a loud engine roared.

"Its Sycks!" Franky said. Down the dock was a large black car. Fagin started to walk twords it waving his hands out.

"Fagin!" Dodger let go of my hand and ran out twords Fagin. I looked over seeing the little girl getting scared. I quickly jumped over the Dumpster and ran over to her.

"Get out of here!" i yelled at her and her sister. I looked back to see Dodge tackle Fagin out of the way as the car flew past them heading straight this way. "GO!" i yelled.

I grabbed the little girls hand and pushed the sister to run, but we were cut off by the car. The sister jumped back as the car came back around. It stopped near me and the little girl. Sycks swung his door open and grabbed the little girls arms with his large hand.

"Jenny!" The sister yelled.

"Let her go!" I yelled not letting go of her. The little girl started to scream but Sycks yanked the girl twords the car taking me with her. He pulled her inside the car and before i could stop him, he reached his other hand up, punching me in the head. He hit so hard my hands slipped of her arm and i fell to the ground.

The world was spinning again, but i forced my self up as the car drove away.

"Danni!" Dodger ran up, grabbing my arms. "Hey you okay?"

"He took Jenny." i say rubbing the spot where Sycks hit me.

"Dont worry, we'll get her back." Dodger nodded.

"You will?" Georgette asked coming up to us, tears running down her face.


"Lets go we dont have much time." i pulled at his arm.

"Get in!" Fagin yells pulling up with his truck.

We all ran jumping into the back, and drove back to the warehouse. Fagin stayed in the truck to make sure we had a get away. Franky and Tito ran around the building, only coming up empty with a way in. Dodger then came up with a plan to get us in. There was a window slightly opened pretty high up.

"Ill go." i say stacking up box's.

"No way." Dodger shock his head.

"I can get up there, ill be alright." i told him as Einstein stacked a few more on top.

With a sigh Dodger pointed down at the wall. "We just need you to open the hatch over here. Got it?"

I nodded. "Make sure i dont fall over." I turn my back to him and slowly start to climb the boxes. They felt really unstable but i pushed my way up. Wen i got to the top, i still couldnt reach.

"Just come back down we'll find anoth-"

With all my strength i jumped off the boxes grabbing the window ledge. I looked down to see all the boxes tipping over and falling to the ground. I felt my hands start to slip, so when i was able to pull my self up a little, i hit one of the smaller locked windows, smashing it.

"I really hope they didnt hear that." i mumble as i climbed in. Inside there were crates everywhere, stacked as high as the window. I climbed down and ducked behind one as i hear foot steps coming. The twins came around the corner an was walking the halls. I guess they did hear the glass.

Once they went threw another door, i quickly ran over to the hatch and unlocked it. Dodger was the first to come in.

He nodded to me as the rest came in. Staying together we all started walking twords Sycks office. We walked as quiet as we can, and when ever a camera came up Tito would sneak around and disconnected it.

Dodger suddenly put his hand up to us behind him. He didnt move for a second but then spun around. "Get down!" he hissed.

Everyone started to scatter, ducking behind the large crates. I ducked down behind one alone. We then head footstep coming down the hall. I leaned over to see who was walking, and found the twins again. They stopped near where i could see Tito and Georgette was hiding.

"I thought i herd something." One of them said. I quickly ducked back when they looked over where i was. I could hear their foot steps getting closer. Feeling my heart pounding i started to crawl further into a back.

I went as far back as i could and felt my self start to panic. I had no where else to go and i can hear them getting closer.

"Pss." i quickly turned around to see Dodger with his hand up to his mouth telling me to stay quiet. I saw his eyes dart above me an back down. With out saying anything he grabbed me, pushing me against the boxes. He leaned his back against the same boxes next to me, as i hear the foot steps stop behind the box that we hid behind. Thankfully they were tall boxes.

"Rasco, the boss is calling." One of them said. I let out a sigh as i hear the steps going further away.

Dodger looked down at me, and his smile slowly started to slowly disappear. Our faces were close, close enough that i could feel his breath on my face. I didnt know what to do. I could feel my face get hot. I looked up into his eyes as he looked down into mine. I felt like he could see everything that i was thinking. My heart was still pounding but now from the thought of what could happen now.

Dodger slowly started to lean his head down to mine, closing his eyes. I closed my eyes, feeling scared and excited mixed together. But sadly i didnt get to feel his lips against mine.

"Dodger where did you go?" Einstein called out. "Danni?"

I open my eyes to see Dodger smiling a small smile down at me. He looked disappointed when he pushed up off of me. Holding out his hand to me, i felt a little sad as well. I took his hand allowing him to pull me up.

We went back to the others and found our way to Sycks office. Dodger had pulled us together coming up with a plan to get Sycks out the room. Tito, Franky and Einstein went to find things to make them look like a tall pizza guy. Dodger, Rita and I waited around the corner for Sycks to come out. They knocked on the door, one of them holding a pizza box up to the door. Once they see the man get up from his chair they ran around the other corner.

I held my breath as the door flung open. "Where are those idiots." He grumbled as he walked out the office and around the corner the others ran down. Dodger, still holding my hand, lead me and Rita inside the office.

"Jenny." i whispered coming up to her side. The poor girl was tied to a chair.

"You came for me." She smiled tears in her eyes.

I patted her on the shoulder as the others ran inside, closing the door. "They saw us man." Tito said looking around the office.
"Oh Jenny!" Georgette ran to her sister giving her a tight hug. "Are you alright?"

"Shh." i told her. "Try and stay quiet. Dodger finally let go of my hand as he started to tell people what to do. Rita and I tried to untie the rope on Jenny's hand's but they were to tight. "This is taking to long.

"There coming!" Franky called out.

"What do we do dodger?" Rita asked. Dodger looked around then looked up. "We are going to have to climb."

"We cant get the ropes off-" I ran to Sycks desk and opened the draws. After opening the 3rd one a large knife sat. I picked it up and ran back to the chair. In just a matter of seconds i was able to cut off the rope.

"Alright girly." Sycks voice can be heard as banging came to the door. "Open the door."

"Go!" Dodger rushed everyone to a ladder that was close by ushering them all up. Everyone started to climb as fast as they could as Sycks started to kick down the door. "Go babe go!" He pushed me up the ladder coming up close behind me." I jumped hearing the door being busted open.

Dodger kicked the ladder once he was up giving us a head start when the twins started to run twords us. All together we started to run along a small board that cracked as we ran.

"Its not going to hold all of-" i tried to warn them. But the board snapped sending us down to the ground with a thud.

"Everyone alright?" Dodger asked. "Danni?" I felt his hand on my back.

"Im fine." i tell him getting up on my knees.

My heart sank when Syck's laugh came. We all looked up seeing him and the twin grinning down at us. "This has all been all entertaining." Sycks laughed. "But the party's over." he raised his hand ready to tell the twins to get Jenny. My eyes grew wide as Fagin's truck, smashed threw one of the wooden walls. He pulled his truck up to us.

"Get in!" he yelled.

We all jumped in the back right when the twins came after us. Fagin slammed his foot on the gas and drove back out the wall he came threw. The twins was out of sight after a few seconds. We all started to relax a bit but that was taken away when Sycks car started to come up close behind us.

"Fagin!" Dodger called out slamming his hand on the top of the truck. With out warning Fagin turned making us all slam to one side of the truck before dropping down into the underground trains enterence. That didn't stop Sycks from coming after us, driving his truck down the same stairs.

We soon ended up on the train tracks with Sycks gaining on us. He slammed into the back of the truck, and to my horror Jenny went flying landing on the hood of his car.

"Jenny!" He sister cried. I could see Syck's arm come out from his window grabbing her arm. "Some body do something.

With out think, and ignoring my fear, i stood and jumped off the back of the truck and onto the hood of Sycks car. I can hear the others calling out for us. I crawled to Jenny and grabbed for the large hand. I pulled at him to let her go but he wouldn't let up. So i bent down, and bit him. I could hear him yell from the inside of his car, as he let go of her and yanked his hand back. I pulled Jenny away from his side, but before i could try an get her to the truck, i yelled out in pain as one of the twins grabbed my hair from the sun roof.

"Danni!" Jenny yelled as i let her go. I was pulled by my hair threw the sun roof an into the back of the car. I looked up at the twin and started to kick at them. I hit one in the chest and the other in the face. I tried to kick them again but one of them was able to get a hit on my side, causing me to lose my breath.

"Get off her!" I felt my heart jump when Dodger dropped into the car, and together we fought the twins in the small space. Some how dodger was thrown threw the back window smashing it an ending up on the trunk. The red tie fallowed after him as i fought with the blue tie. I punched the man in the face as he forced me down onto the floor of the car. A loud yell from the other twin forced the other to climb out the window as well.

Once i was able to get up i could see that we were now over a bride, an only Dodger being pinned down by the blue tie, chocking him. I climbed out and kicked his back making him loose balance, and falling off the car. He let out a loud scream, making my stomach turn. I grabbed Dodgers hand and pulled him into a sitting position.

"You alright?" i asked him. He simply nodded and looked past me. Looking back Sycks was hanging out of the sun room grabbing Jenny's foot. Fagin had his hand out, trying to grab her hand. Dodger and i both climbed to the top of the car and grabbed Syck's making him let go of her foot.

"Jump Jenny!" Fagin calls. I couldn't see if she had gotten off the car, but i do know that Syck's was a lot stronger then we had though. He easily threw Dodger off he side of the car and onto the other side of the bridge. He then grabbed a hold of me and slammed me onto the hood before throwing me off the car. As i came to a stop on the ground, i see Sycks car get smashed into by a train, leaving nothing behind.

I laid back onto the ground trying to catch my breath. "Danni?" i hear Dodger call out. I sat up to see his limping over to where i was. I quickly stood an ran after him.

"Dodger are you alright?" i asked wrapping my arms around him mid.

He hugged back. "Im alright." He pulled me back and looked me up and down.

"Im fine." i told him with a smile. He smiled back down at me and lowered his forehead down to mine. I kept my hands around his waist, scared if i let him go, he would fall over.

"You're alright!" We both look up to see Jenny running twords us, throwing her hands around Dodger. She then turn and hugged me after.

"Oliver." i hug the small cat as he climbed from the girls jacket pocket. He licked the side of my face purring.

The rest of the gang soon came up checking to make sure we were all alright.

The next Day, was Jenny birthday. She wanted all of us to be there and no one could say no. When i got to her house, Dodger and the others went lying. Her home was huge.

Her party was great an everyone seemed to have fun as we all sang her a happy birthday so she can blow out her candles. After Fagin and Jenny's butler went into the kitchen to watch match on the TV. Tito was in the other room showing Jenny's sister Georgette how to dance, and the rest of us stayed around Jenny as she started to open her presents.

"Gang." Fagin came back after. "Its time to go." Jenny said her good bye to everyone. I picked up Oliver for the last time, looking at his new collar. I kissed the top of his head, and hugged him.

"Im going to miss you Oliver. . ." i felt tears coming to my eye's as Oliver meowed back to me. But i blinked them back. It felt like a weight was taken off my shoulders. Cause i know he's going to be safe here. He will be fed, and washed, and loved. I handed him to Jenny, and smiled at her. "Take good care of him."

She hugged the cat an smiled. "I will. I promise."

"Lets go guys." Fagin waved walking out the door. I fallowed everyone out and took a deep breath as everyone else got into the back of the truck.

"So . . ." Dodger came to my side, looking down at the ground. "I guess your going then."

I looked up at him. "I . . .guess so . ." Now that Sycks was dead, Fagin no longer owed anyone money. There was no reason for me to stay . . .right? I held out my hand to him and forced a smile. "Thanks . . .for everything."

He smiled back at me and shook my hand. "Pleasure was all mine." He sounded so sad, and it made my chest heavy. We held hands for a second longer before dropping our hands. "Ill ugh, see you around." He quickly turned from me and started to walk off twords the truck.

Seeing everyone's face's, smiling at one another. Laughing like a happy family. Hurt. But seeing Dodger walk away from me, hurt the most. It Hurt so much i wanted to cry. He climbed into the back of the truck, and sat down. He didnt look at me, or even turn around. As the truck started to drive away i felt a pull at my arm.

"Danni? Why are you crying?" She asked.

I lifted my hand up, feeling my face. "I . . ." i looked back at the truck as it was almost out of site. "I felt like i just lost something. ."

"Dont you want to be with them?" She asked me bluntly.

I did deep down i wanted to be with them."Yeah i love them." Love. I did love them. I loved all of them. But most of all, i loved Dodger. "I do." i say before looking down at her. "Thanks Jenny."

She smiles back at me. I gave her one last hug, before i start running after the truck. I ran as fast as i could hoping to catch up. Zig zagging threw the moving cars, I was able to start seeing the truck, and once my eyes landed on him i yelled,

"Dodger!" I see his head whip around and lock onto me.

He stood from the truck. "Danni!" He jumped from the back onto a taxi that was close behind them. He then jumped onto the ground and ran twords me. Once we were close enough i wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "What are you doing?" He pulled me back slightly. "You could have gotten hit."

I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to me, kissing him. He kissed back, and i felt my chest flutter. I pulled back slightly placing my forehead against his. "Why should I worry?" i said.

He smirked down at me, letting out a chuckle. "Why should we worry." He brought his lips back to mine before pulling my hand. He walked me back to the truck. Back to the gang. Our Family.

I was were i belonged.

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