life of dante

By charlesgordonart

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this is the story of a man, his life his past and the future. will he rise or will he die. will he make a cha... More

life of dante
birth of dante
secret plans. and meetings, storm on the horizon
talks. and murder,
meetings and plan's.
re-training And, discovering plots
taking Down Leads and Friends. enemies
The order has crumpled, and shaky foundations.
The ending Is just the beginning. Marcos end Dantes beginning
The Apple of Eden, and fighting The odds.
fighting the fire, and a uniting of the gang's, and parties.

The funeral and Dantes pain. and The training

51 3 0
By charlesgordonart

[recap Marco is dead and now Dimitri is fully in control.  Dante suffers the death of his father,  but he is Going to get something out of it.]

The funeral

a week has passed since Marco death The awake was going to be on Saturday and the funeral on sunday. to say the least everyone was feeling the death of him, Dante no longer smiled his once green happy eye's no longer had that spark. he just walked with his head down. as for Marie she no longer laughed or had emotions she lost her beloved.  she was nothing but a empty shell a hollow person who just couldn't live anymore.

john had been a help he had helped Marie get the funeral arrangements in order. But he also helped dante out whenever Dante was down or sad he. would always cheer him up, and sometimes it would work. other days Dante would just not smile, john arrived to pick up Marie and Dante for the awake held at Solomon funeral home.  he knocked and marie answered she had on a black.dress with a Vail.  she looked sad and in pain, her eye's were just sad she had the look.

"Hey Marie how are you. are you ready to go?"

"thank you for picking me up."

"Is Dante ready to go?"

Marie had a look of confusion on her face.  she drew a blank on what he ment.

she looked behind her And Dante stood there looking waiting. he had on a black suit his hair was pushed back and his hands in his pockets.  His face had nothing just a look of lost and pain,

"Hey Dante you ready to go."


was his only reply He just walked out And didn't say anything.  He had to much on his mind to even think. soon they were all in The car and off to The awake 5 minutes into The driving it started to rain. Dante looked outside he wondered if heaven was crying because of his father's death.  soon they arrived The funeral was at rose street and plank street. various car's was there john parked and was out of The car, Dante and Marie got out but they got out slowly they walked dante didn't hold his mother's hand. he was to busy in his little own world John watched and knew Dimitri broke them he broke a once happy loving family, And he turned them into a sad hopeless family as they walked into The funeral home people were already there it was some of Marcos family and friends along with Marie family. they walked up to them and said hi and they greeted Dante.

"How are you feeling?  I know this must have been hard for you And everything else."

"Yes it's still shocking to us all. But were going to be ok."

"Who is that guy over there?  is he a friend?"

"Yes he was marco friend They knew eachother very well. it's sad how Marco died Little Dante is still in shock of everything."

Marie kept talking to various friends family. all asking  how is she and is there anything they can do. all in all She didn't feel well she only came because it gave her a chance to see her husband one more time.  Dante was Looking around him And saw cousin's he has never seen before,  he looked confused and a bit out of place until

"Hey Dante you ok?"

Dante turned and saw the most prettiest girl ever she had long flowing brown hair and hazel eye's.  she smiled at Dante he smiled back but was looking at how beautiful she was. he was blushing madly, Beths mom was close friends with Marie the two mom's knew eachother very much.  Beth was a only child her father was killed in a car accident her father was a military solider.  she was heartbroken but soon her heart got better.she was alittle older then Dante she was at least 3 year's older then him. she smiled more at him And laughed at his red face.

"Hi I'm Bethany Jane it's nice to meet you Dante."

Bethany stuck out her hand to shake Dantes hand. which he did she smiled and in turn she smiled as well

"I know how hard this must be for you. I suffered the same fate to my father was in a car accident.  and I was broken but know what heals me and happy."

She smiled at Dante and he was curious what she was talking about.


"I close my eyes and I remember who and what my father was. and I am better I know he's gone but I can also remember who he was, and I'm happy knowing I knew him,"

Dante looked at her And thought about what she said he closed his eye's and he envisioned his father. smiling and opening his arm's to him he saw his father comfort him holding him. and Dante began to cry even if it was just a vision.  this was as close as he was going to get Bethany looked at him with sad eyes she remembers feeling that way to, but what probably shocked her was when Dante hugged her and held her tightly.

"Thank you so much I will always remember what you taught me. I won't forget it thank you bethsny."

She hugged him back and smiled

"Your welcome Dante Hey I have a idea. I know how we can always stay together no matter what."


"easy we make a pinky swear, and we promise to never leave eachother no matter what.  and when we get older we do our pinky swear again."

Dante smiled and held his pinky up And so did Bethany they Interlocked there pinkys and with that they stared at eachother.  for The first time Dante smiled a actual smile and Bethany smiled knowing she made a friend both children were interrupted by the priest talking to begin the awake. Dante quickly grabbed her hand she looked suprised and she saw him looking at her.

"Please sit next to me I like it if you can sit with me. please if you don't mind."

Bethany looked alittle shocked but she smiled and looked at him.

"Sure I will let me just tell my mother where I'm going to sit."

"Ok then please don't leave me."

"I promise I'm coming back Dante dont worry."

he let her hand go and went to sit next to his mother and john they sat in The front. and as everyone was sitting down and getting comfortable.  Dante looked around and didn't see Bethany he was Getting nervous and started to grip his hands together a nervous habit of his. he was about to give up when someone sat down next to him he looked and it was Bethany,  She smiled and looked at him he hugged her tightly.

"I told you I come back see Dante I will never leave you."

"Thank you very much Bethany,"

Just then the priest started talking and Dante and Bethany held hands without really realizing it.  The priest was talking for a hour and through that time Dante was Looking at his fathers casket he was shook up about his fathers death but Bethany made it alittle better. He was just alittle hurt john sat there looking mad but hid it very well they killed his friend his best friend,  he was so going to Get Dimitri but then he remembered what his friend said.

"Train Dante in everything you know don't hold back."

He looked at Dante and saw it he saw the one who could save the world from The Templars. He will train him but after The funeral but he needs to talk to Marie first and see what she thought. his thoughts were interrupted by the priest.

"the friends and family may come up and speak and look at The body. and say whatever they needed to say."

the priest stood there looking and waiting for anyone to come up. and speak John looked around but no one was getting up to speak. he sighed and stood up And spoke.

"Hi I'm John I'm Marco friend, What can I say about my best friend. He stood up to injustice and was a firm believer in justice I know Marco would have done all he could have done to stop crime, if he could he was a wonderful father and he loved his wife and son. He was a true man and im glad I knew him And he has touched my heart.  I learned a lot from as well I will miss you my friend you will be missed and loved."

With that john touched the casket but something was alittle off Marco looked to be warm. He shrugged it off as probably Not sleeping he sat back down and looked Dante was close to tears and Bethany was holding him very close to her. then one by one people got up to speak about Marco telling interesting stories and making a few joke's.  afterwards people conversed and talked soon it was time for people to leave,  as everyone was leaving Dante looked around for Bethany he saw her and walked over to her she looked sad. he tried to comfort her but she just was to sad.

"What's the matter Bethany why are you so sad?"

"I'm leaving scarlet city,  My mom found a job in a different city were packing tonight and leaving tomorrow,"

Dantes heart was broken he just found a friend and now he is losing his only friend. she had tears in her eye's

"where are you going?"

"edge city I start school in 2 weeks, The city is at least a 9 hour drive."

Dante looked down but then he looked up And held his pinky up Bethany looked at him he smiled she slowly smiled.

"No matter what or how far apart we are well always be one. I will look for you and then we can meet again, I promise I will find you Bethany."

"I'm going to miss you Dante I won't forget you no matter what."

Bethany thought she knew what she could do it probably wouldn't be much. but it's all she could do and give,

"close your eye's dante I want to give you something very special."


Dante closed his eye's and Bethany took a sapphire necklace off her neck. it was blue but it had red in it, it was very beautiful and it was given to her from her father, she put it around his neck.

"Ok open your eye's."

as he opened his eye's he looked and saw a beautiful necklace hanging from his neck.  he looked up in shock Bethany smiled.

"it was given to me by my father before he died. I never took it off it's special to me, But your also special to me as well keep it,  it's to remember me by it will keep you safe because whenever your sad just hold the necklace and think of me. and I have one more gift for you."

"Another gift? What is The second gift?"

she smiled and leaned in to kiss him on his cheek. as she kissed his cheek he was Shocked and didnt know what to do. he just stood there And she kissed his cheek and looked at him smiling.

"goodbye Dante I will miss you very much.  I hope you become someone very important."

She smiled and rubbed his cheek,  and walked away she was Getting in The car. and she waved to him he watched as The car drove away,  he rubbed the necklace and looked at it he closed his eye's and smiled he could see Bethany.

"Dante come on let's go we have to go home and get ready for tomorrow."

Dante went in the as john drove dante was in deep thought.  He looked at The necklace and held it very close to himself and he rubbed his cheek, he smiled The car ride was silent and nothing really was said. as john dropped marie and Marco off Marie was very shook up she lost her husband, and she didn't know what to do. she only had her son and her Marie opened The door and let Dante in. Marie went upstairs to lay down leaving Dante alone he watched as his mother went upstairs. he gripped the necklace tightly and he decided it was probably best he went to bed to, as he made his way upstairs he just couldn't help himself he was thinking about Bethany.  as he was walking he saw his mother sitting there looking at a picture of her and Marco when they started out dating.  she looked so happy she was young and in love with him.  she just couldn't stop thinking of him And then she cried she weeped Dante felt his mother pain, he was about to do something when she laid down holding the picture close to her crying more.  dante left and went in his room

he changed his clothes he put on his sleeping clothes and was in bed but he had on his necklace. He just couldn't stop thinking of Bethany her hair her eye's,  she was beautiful and he was thinking about her he soon was sleeping

The dream

"Dante Dante get up come on!!!"

"What who? where? who is that what is Going on?"

Dante looked around And was confused someone was calling him, as he stood up looking around he looked at his hands his hands was bigger and he wore armour,  and he was on The floor he looked up and saw a huge man standing over him.

"Well well eagle it looks like This is your final stand. You been nothing but a sore in our side,  now time to end your life."

Dante kicked around in his bed and was moving around.  He got up And was breathing hard he looked around and looked at his hands they were small. but what was that dream he thought and who was that woman talking to him? Dante looked at his little clock it was 8:00 am he got out of bed, and looked to see what his mom was doing as he went to his mom's room he opened it and she was dressed.

"Oh Dante I was trying to wake you up but you were in a deep sleep. we have to hurry up john is coming to get us,"

Dante nodded his head And went to get dressed he quickly brushed his teeth and was dressed and ready to go He made sure his necklace was around his neck. him and his mom were downstairs waiting for john as they waited Dante was rubbing his necklace that Bethany gave him. he smiled remembering the kiss his thoughts were Interrupted by a car honking it was john they got in The car and were on there way to The funeral a lot of people showed up. as Dante went to sit down john had stopped Marie from sitting he had to tell her something very important. they were in a closed room no one could hear them or see them.

"What is it john?"

"Its about Dante before Marco died, He wanted me to train Dante to become a hero to save scarlet city.  He wanted me to teach him everything but I don't want to because Your his mother."

Marie looked shocked but smiled she remembered telling Dante whatever he becomes his parents would support him no matter what.  Her husband knew what he was doing if Marco wanted John to train there son it was a reasson for it.

"Then train him teach him everything you know,  I know what he will become I see it. Marco doesn't do something without reason,  just please take care of my son."

"Don't worry I will after The funeral I will take him and from there he will be trained in everything."

"Thank you for doing this let him come see me once in awhile ok."

"Don't worry he will Marie I know your going to be worried.  don't worry ok"

"Ok we should get back to The funeral."

Dante was Looking around trying to find his mother.  then he saw her and john he was curious about john he was told he was a friend of his father. and he was helping out him and his mom they both sat down Dante looked at his mother to see if she was ok. she looked at him and smiled and held him kissing his head lovingly.  the funeral carried on then finally they were going to burrie Marco putting him in his final resting place. 

"The location for The burial will be at scarlet cemetery.  near skillet road,"

some of the men working at The funeral home and some of the men in The family picked up The casket to put in The hearse as Dante and Marie made there way towards The hearse. Dante felt uncomfortable because he was riding in a car with his fathers dead body. John put a comforting hand on Dante shoulder and looked at him,

"It's hard but we sometimes have to face our fears. Don't be afraid of anything don't worry,"

Dante took a deep breath and went in The car with his mother john followed the hearse.  as he was driving his phone went off he looked at it and looked alittle confused.

"Hello? who is this?"

"sad how poor Marco died isn't it. I mean he was such a good person why did he Have to die?"

John tighted his grip on The phone he recognised the voice.

"You son of a bitch when I find you, I'm going to kill you.  you snake in a grass"

The man laughed

"ooh really now your going to kill me? I don't think so you see john. You have other thing's to worry about such as the boy and his mother."

"If you touch them or go near them I will not stop to kill you."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on going after them they have nothing for me. I have other plans to deal with but yes Everything is gone I destroyed everything the assassins worked for, and now I will control everything bye john I have things to do today Sorry goodbye."

With that Dimitri hung up and John put his phone down and kept driving.  the hearse made it to The cemetery he looked as Dante was walking next to his mother and he realized that the assassins had a chance,  Dante could help and save the assassins.  he stepped out but decided that he was going to look he wanted to give the family space so he just leaned against the car.

"Now we burrie our beloved friend who was everything to everybody.  may he rest may he never be forgotten,"

Dante remembered what Bethany taught him. he closed his eye's and pictured his father and he smiled and was happy.

"may we always remember who he was and what he has done for us all. let us pray."

The priest bowed his head and soon everyone was praying.  and then they started to lower the casket and soon the casket was in The ground.

"we say bye to our beloved friend who will rest In peace. may we never forget about him And his love for us all."

everyone throw in a rose Dante held the rose and looked at his fathers resting place. as he looked down he felt rain. drop on his head And he looked up and it started to pour more very hard,  but Dante wasn't affected by the rain. he threw in The rose and he looked up and as he looked up he saw a eagle it flew over The cemetery Dante remembered watching about eagle's,  he was amazed by it and as The eagle was flying it looked down on him looking at him. Dante was starring back and was in a trance he couldn't stop looking at The eagle the eagle spread out it's wings and screeched loud, Dante was just in awe of The eagle as it flew higher and higher.  the rain still pouring down and still hitting him his mother gently grabbed his hand.

"come on Dante we have to go, don't want to get caught in The rain and get sick."

They made it back to The car and they drove off. Dante sat looking out The window holding his necklace and gripping it tightly,  He looked at it and held it very close to him. soon they were home they stepped out john followed them inside.

"Dante I want to speak to you. in private Their is something you must know."

Marie looked at john and her son john nooded his head and she went upstairs. john pulled out a seat for Dante.

"please sit ok."

Dante sat down wondering what john had to tell him. he looked at john waiting for him to speak.

"As you know your father was always in the basement. you probably wonder why he was in there, well your father was a Assassin,"

Dante looked at john with shock, He couldn't believe it his father was a Assassin. 

"I know you don't believe me, but let's go in The basement and let me show you then."

with that john went towards The basement Dante was right behind him. john entered the codes The door opened and john walked in going downstairs Dante going down when he looked his eye's widen in shock. he saw everything from everything his father had. such as weapons and armor and he also saw on The wall a list of enemies.  curiously Dante looked at The wall he saw some minor name's but The one that stood above everyone else was a man named Dimitri.

"Your father has a list of Templars who are dangerous in there own way. but none more then Dimitri He is by far the most dangerous of them all.  He has broken our order because of him were the only one's alive. but In time he will grow far more powerful then before,"

Dante looked alittle unsure of Dimitri he felt scared and wasn't sure if he could handle him. john saw this and decided to tell him.

"He killled your father,  he was The one who wanted him dead. because of him you don't have a father."

Little Dantes eye's widen in shock his little hands balled up tightly.  he glared at The picture of Dimitri,  his eyes showing hate and killer intent he looked at john and john flinched alittle Dante has never shown hate before.  but when he looked into his eyes he saw it.

"What can I do to get him for what he did?"

"I can train you teach you everything I know, and what your father knew I can give you what you need to become what you must become. but are you ready because I won't hold back on you."

Dante looked up at john with a firm convection.

"I'm ready to take on The training,  whatever I have to do I will do."

"then your training starts now."

15 year's later 2109

Time has passed since I started my training. 15 year's have gone by I have learned so much I have done physical training,  I pushed my body past it's max which helps when I'm fighting. I learned every move there is to know And I learned to also create my own weapons and.  I was taught  different languages to, and also in order to survive I had to learn to pickpocket people off The street's.  then I had to learn  scarlet city's landscape and landmarks.  I also learned to cook In case,  and I read books from history to greek to art, to social and literature.  but most important I learned about my enemies Templars and The assassins have been fighting a long war since the beginning of time.  I have come to hate Templars and have to rebuild the order from The ground up. The Templars have grown out of control they have gained to much power over The years,  now it was time to deliver the blow, I was in my room thinking to myself of everything I have to do. I have gotten taller I stood at about 6"0 , my hair has gotten longer and I grew out my facial hair. My thoughts were interrupted by my mentor calling me . I went to The training room where he was my mentor taught me everything I needed to know And thanks to him I could handle myself.

"Dante I called you here because I have something to tell you. Over the last 15 year's I seen you grow into a man and fighter,  you have come a long way since you were 3 you have improved since your training It's why I called you here I have a gift for you. I have friends in scarlet tech who helps me out. they have given me something very very valuable,  come follow me."

With that I followed my mentor into a room and it was a nice size room. not to big or to small, there was a closet he looked at me with a straight face.

"what lies in here will be what you will use to defend scarlet city,  are you ready?"

"yes I'm ready to use the tools before me."

he looked at me one more time then turned to The closet and put in a code and then it opened up what Dante saw made his jaw drop and he smirked. Inside was a state of The art armored suit it was costumed made it was red/black and it fit perfectly to Dantes body,

"this is from scarlet tech, it's their best suit ever it can withstand Heavy gun fire and it's resistant to elements fire, ice, and cold.  it comes with a helmet which also has a built in headset and The suit comes with it's own pockets and it also can filter out toxic air you might run into."

"I think I like this suit very much,  it seems I can use this well and will do much better with it."

"but I'm not done yet, you will need to get around scarlet city and you need something fast and in style.  here look at this."

john went out of The room and went to The garage. Dante followed close by as they entered the garage john turned on The light and there was a sheet covering what appeared to be a bike,

"well they made you a customized bike, This will help you get from one place to another."

as he took the sheet off Dante looked and was very impressed with The design.  and The color to it was black and red. it was slick and smooth it had two exhaust in The back and what appeared to be a gun torrent on The front. Dante touched it and was in love with it he looked and it had many buttons on it.

"It has many modes and it can do a lot. it's also voice recognition, It will only recognize your voice.  and it does this to."

John pushed a button and it The bike transformed The wheels disappeared and The bike was floating in mid air, and john pushed another button and wing's came out of The side of The bike.  Dante was very impressed he looked at The bike and was in love.

"but to blend in pushing this button at The bottom of The right side. will turn it into a regular bike. so that way no one suspects anything,  and here put in a code and your voice and your set."

as Dante thought he put in his numbers and spoke the bike spoke.

"recognize Dante"

"I shall call you fire bird."

"Recognized fire bird."

"man this is sweet,  I can't wait to go out and test it out. hopefully it's soon. say Uh don't I have weapons to??"

"I'm actually glad you asked that, come here and follow me."

John lead them back upstairs and back to the armory room.  as they went in they came across a table,  and on The table was weapons it was a wide range of weapons from throwing knives to daggers,  and swords and bombs and what appeared to be a tommahawk.  and rope darts and a few poison darts.  and two pistols were found but they look very different.  they were black/sliver and were slick and smooth and they were not to big but not to small, Dante picked up the pistols and held them they felt heavy but not to bulky he aimed them and felt comfortable with them.

"Those are twin pistols actually and they fire rapidly and can deal great damage. They also have a sniper shot as well. You have all your weapons your skills and you learned everything you needed to know. were not in The past or have much of us left. so I'm just going to say welcome to The brotherhood and The fight,  oh before I go I have another thing a hood come."

As john pulled out a hood it was long and the hood part was a sharp it was red and black and white,  it had a pockets for everything and a pouch and at The bottom of The hood it was a little tail. john was about to say something when a alarm went off john checked it out on The computer,  and it was The national scarlet first bank being held up.

"I think it's time you suit up."

Dante smiled and got suited up

suiting up

Dante put on his suit on and it did fit perfectly to his body. then he put on his helmet and then his hood, he strapped himself by putting all of his weapons where they needed to be he put his twin pistols in the back where The two holsters were then he put on his hood and he was ready he jumped on his bike and revved up The engine.  and as The garage opened up he was out. he was going very fast down The street he remembered that the bank was at least 20 minutes away but he knew a short cut,

10 minutes later

I had made it to scarlet bank as I parked fire bird. I used my eagle vision and eagle hearing, My eagle vision had become very strong to The point I could detect a person's heartbeat and see there path,  my eagle hearing was quiet different because I could hear far and hear a conversion even if The people are talking low, as I used my eagle vision I could see 5 men and here them.

"Yeah were going to be rich man, The boss will be happy very happy."

"Yeah man let's just hope the boss doesn't get angry with us.  because you know what he did to Frankie? when Frankie didn't come with The money now Frankie is dead so let's not share the same faith."

"Yeah I let's hurry up before the cops show up."

I was already In The bank I had climbed up The building I came through The roof and now I was waiting in The shadows.

"Yeah ok we have everything let's move out."

as they were getting ready to move out I decided to make my move as they were leaving I took out my rope dart and swung it and as they were leaving unaware of me I threw the rope dart and caught one of them it caught his leg And I pulled him into The dark.



the man I grabbed was still screaming but I punched him hard in his face knocking him out. The other men stood there looking terrified and shocked.

"for far to long, criminals have run a muck and Have done whatever they pleased.  but no more now This city will be watched and protected."

"what wha- What ar- yo-?"

"I serve in The night to protect the light of The city, I am a protector I watch over everything.  I am eagle and you will face justice."

with that The men started running I threw two rope darts and caught both men. the rest ran out and drove off, I walked out of The shadows and looked at The men

"Who is your boss talk or else,"

"our boss will kill us if we spoke out, he's a terrifying man. you don't know our boss."

I looked unimpressed by what he told me I knew he wouldn't talk easy.  so I extended both my hidden blades from my wrists that came from my suit they were long blades and thick to. I put both blades to there necks and spoke.

"you shouldn't have to fear him,  you should fear me Because I can kill you with no problem.  I can leave you both here dead now speak or else."

To make sure They knew I was serious I pushed the hidden blades further into there necks to kill but to cause them to bleed alittle.

"Ok ok our boss is Baron he's a big time drug lord he's a ruthless,  he's known to kill."

"where does he reside at."

"He's located at scar city, Please don't kill me I don't want to die."

"your lucky,"


he didn't get a chance to speak I had punched him out cold and I knocked out his friend to. as I looked around the bank not much seemed out of place I could hear s.c.p.d. coming I left the bank and rode off as I pulled in my mentor was there to greet me, I turned off The bike.

"So how was it? Did you catch anything?"

I smirked.

"Yes I did, I found out about a man named baron He is from scar city. it seems he is a drug Lord he pushes his drug's,  hm I should probably look him up. But other then that nothing else."

"I see You have done a good job, tonight was just your first night. but soon you will have many more busy nights but you can handle it because you were trained by me. now I'm going to rest up now goodnight."

as my mentor went to sleep I stayed up And I looked up baron.  as his picture popped up he was a white burly man he stood as 6"5 350 pound's of muscle and fat He is know in scar city and scarlet city. The man is at least the leader of two gang's, but it seems he has a daughter named Ashley who lives in scarlet city and goes to scarlet university.  he is a ruthless man who has killed before he was a mayor for only 8 months but turned bad, he has hand to hand combat skills he has a big sword at his side and has had military training. The man is a problem but I know all my enemies will be. a problem I was ready to face everyone and anything.  as I was about to turn in for The night I turned on the tv and as I did something caught my eye's.

"coming live from scarlet national bank,  where cops found three men knocked out And layed out. but The bank security tape caught a glimpse of The fight. we have footage"

They went to the tape and it showed Dante pulling one of The men into The shadows.  then it shows Dante pulling both men down but two other men getting away. and it shows him knocking both men out,

"as we can see here we don't know this mysterious figure.  but it appears he stopped this men and it appears he has a name one of The men said he called himself eagle. whoever eagle is we will see what developments."

I turned off The tv I smiled alittle bit, I was happy that I got noticed. I decided to turn in for The night.

Location scar city

as The men returned to The hideout they walked into a run down building. they went to there boss who was in his chair his back turned.

"Where is The rest of The guy's I sent?"

He spoke in a harsh voice The guy's froze alittle because they knew their boss had a foul temper. one of the men spoke

"Uh baron sir, We ran into some problem some guy named eagle. He proved to be a big problem. H-"

The man was cut off as The baron spoke

"You mean to tell me 5 armed men couldn't handle one guy?......"


The baron shot the man who just spoke.  The man was shot in The head, as he layed dead with blood pouring out of his head.  The other guy stood there shocked and sweating the baron spoke

"I asked you to do a simple fuckin job, Grab the damn money and get back here.  you assholes couldn't do it?? You are The fucking worse aren't you"

"I'm sorry baron sir please don't kill me I didn't mean it please I don't want to die."

The man was on The floor crying his eye's out the baron looked unmoved but he felt alittle pitty but very little pitty.

"Fine get up I will give you one more chance.  but if you screw up thats it you will be dead got it."

"Yes baron sir I understand thank you very much."

The man left quickly not wanting to stay longer the baron grunted and looked out of The city.  his city and he smiled evilly.

"Eagle hm, Oh you will be Just like everyone else who has fallen to me. Don't worry I will make sure you will be dealt with."

3 week's later

Dante has only been eagle for 3 weeks and already is getting attention.  people are Really pulling for him, The city feels alittle safe. Dante has been stepping into his New role as this hero but he soon realizes it takes a toll on you. but hes manged to find a job working as at a groceries store, it helps in many ways one he can support himself.  two people won't think twice about him being a vigilant it draws less attention on him.

currently Dante was In the eagle's nest which he called John came down and saw Dante looking up looking up more about The baron and other criminals,  Dante has been pushing himself and doing more for The city then john could imagine.

"Dante you should go out and have fun, you been in here looking up The baron and criminals alike go have fun. and enjoy the night ok."

Dante signed and stood up John was right he has been doing a lot and he has been training more then usual

"Yeah I guess your right, Hm I should go out to a club and have fun at least."

Dante went to go get ready John smiled Dante has been doing a lot for The city.  so tonight going out isn't so bad, minutes later Dante was dressed he was wearing a black shirt and black fitted jeans and black shoes he put on his black leather jacket.  and he put on his helmet

"Don't wait up John I will probably be out late see you man."

With that Dante revved up The engine and was out he knew he couldnt get in a club because of his age but he knew how to get in as he was cruising down The street he revved up the engine more and did a pop a wheele 10 minutes later he was at The club know as black rose as The people on The line looked to see who was on The motorcycle.  Dante stopped the motorcycle and parked it on The side. he put The kick stand down and he took off his helmet he got a few stares from everyone the ladies mostly as he walked he stood in line people still stared at him. The bouncer looked and started pointing at people to go in and finally got to him

"Go ahead man have fun, enjoy The club."

dancing music and women and midnight fighting.

as I entered the club I noticed how alot of people were dancing and The lights were dim but thanks to my vision I could see better then anyone else here, I looked and as I looked around people were dancing to The beat of The music that was playing. I decided to get a drink so I went to get a drink. Sophia had made it to The black rose she needed this so bad she had become a beautiful shapely woman.  she was now 30 year's old and had wide hips and a nice sizeable bust and beautiful eye's she was very attractive,  she wore red dress that clung to her body which showed her curves and defined legs.  the men couldn't stop looking at her but honestly she never liked men looking at her she decided she needed a drink she made her way to The bar. she saw another person sitting

"I would like a corona light please."

"You got it bro no problem."

Sophia sat down and looked around her and saw the guy next to her. she saw him and thought he was very good looking, she was staring at him he was tall and had a nice deep voice his shirt showed off his muscles.

"what will you have beautiful."

The bartender tried flirting with Sophia but she wasn't having that at all.

"I will just have vodka, on The rocks please. thank you."

She turned around to look at everyone when she heard someone laughing.

"I'm sorry it's funny how that bartender try flirting with you,  it's just really funny is all I mean your very beautiful and very attractive."

Dante said taking a sip of his beer he liked the taste of it. Sophia smiled and was Shocked no man could make her smile or has tried before,  she felt something in her heart the bartender came back with her drink she took a huge swig of it and it was gone. she signed and loved the taste of The drink Dante smiled she looked cute and he had to admit she was very beautiful

"So I noticed, You work The look on your face means your job stresses you out alittle."

Sophia was Shocked how can this man tell. now she was curious about him very much so

"what is your name by the way?"

"My name?  it's Dante and what's your name?"

"I don't want to tell you my name,  so there I'm not telling you."

Dante looked shocked and was about to ssy something when she started laughing.

"Ahhh haaa ahhh omg your face is so priceless omg that is funny."

Dante laughed to and thought her laugh was cute they both were laughing pretty hard. dante was going to say something when a song came on it was from a group called lorde team.

"Omg I Love this song come on dance with me Dante."

She grabbed his hand tryin to bring him to The dance floor.

"I uhh I can't dance at all I'm sorry,  I just can't dance."

"Don't worry with me you will learn to dance Don't be. afraid just let the music guide you and move you,"

Dante let himself be guided by the music and he let Sophia guide him to The floor and soon everyone was dancing Sophia started to grind on Dante and move her hips Dante wasn't sure what to do so he just moved his hips and did what she did she was suprised but loved it especially coming from him. she turned around her back facing him she grabbed his hands and she placed his hands on her waist she could feel his strong hands on her. she moved more as The song picked up Dante moved closer to her making there body very close to eachother. Sophia leaned back looking up at him smiling she just felt so happy with him for some strange reason.  then the song ended and another one song came on it was a catchy song and upbeat. she turned to face him his hands was still on her waist.

"Dante I'm having so much fun, I'm enjoying myself very much."

"me to Sophia I have to admit going out was really fun tonight."

They held eachother And looked at eachother.  they both felt a spark Sophia wanted to kiss him and she found herself leaning into kiss him, Dante was doing The same thing they were both close when.

"Ring ring!!!"

Sophia phone went off they both looked at eachother alittle embarrassed they turned red,  she looked at her phone it was Dimitri calling her probably with a mission again

"I'm sorry Dante it's a friend of mine calling me, I guess well take a rain check. goodbye."

She left dante was kinda hurt but soon his phone went off to he looked at it, and it was John he was walking out and he answered it.

"Yes what's happening?"

"Sorry I know you were having fun but it seems we have problems at The scarlet docks,  it's time to suit up."

"I', will be there."

Dante put his helmet on and got on his motorcycle and was off Sophia had gotten back to The building and Dimitri was waiting for her.

"I need you at The scarlet docks,  I have a shipment coming in and something very important is on the cargo.  Your job is to make sure everything is secured and no one stops it got it?"

"Yes I will suit up now,"

Sophia was putting on her suit she wore a black suit it fitted her body very well clinging onto her body she made sure het weapons were on her,  she had many weapons she had a few knives and a curved dagger And,  she had two swords on her back that formed an x on her back. she put on a helmet her suit had silver and black on it. she got on her bike and was off,  Dante arrived to The eagle's nest and looked at The computer john was Looking at.

"There Is a cargo coming in, we don't know if Its legal. you have to check it out and don't do anything unless you know what it is. go suit up"

down town scarlet docks.

as I made it to The docks I parked fire bird, I hid it from site I tapped my head piece.

"Ok I'm here. I'm going to spy it out."

"Good don't engage unless you have to. remember stay hidden from site. keep me in The loop"

"Got it over and out."

I ended the conversation and looked around. I quickly climbed the fence and hide myself from site. 15 year's have done a lot to this place this used to be a place of business,  but Now illegal things happen.  I peaked from my hiding spot and used my eagle hearing

"Yeah so what's in This cargo? I mean why must it be handled with care?"

"The boss says it contains artifacts from a different country. so He wants us to make sure nothing happens to it, it doesn't matter to as long I get paid who cares."

The two men stop talking when they heard the sound of a motorcycle coming. it stopped in front of them. the person looked at them.

"Is the shipment in yet?"

"Not yet, should be coming in soon maybe another 10 minutes or so."

as I was watching everything I could hear a female voice,  funny she seemed familiar to me but I shook it off I was about to go closer when john was calling me from my helmet. I tapped it

"Yes what is? do you have info on what it's in The cargo john."

"Yes you need to get whatever is in that ship and make sure they don't get it. that cargo ship contains a piece of Apple,  in The wrong hands it can destroy everything Don't let them get it engage."

"Got I will."

I ended the transmission and got closer but before I engaged I stealthy placed,  5 bombs around the docks I checked my weapons and I looked I used my eagle vision I spotted at least 10 armed men and that female.  this mission required me to be silent. as I got to higher point I could see everything I looked down and I saw a huge pile of trash and I jumped I could feel my body jump and feel The wind push my hood I landed in softly not hurting myself as I used my eagle vision I saw two men just standing there perfect.  I came out and quietly took them both out and hid there body's As I walked quietly I hid behind a corner as I could see, still using eagle vision.  I saw a guy coming and as soon as he turned I grabbed him and killed him

"3 down 7 to go."

again still in eagle vision and still using my eagle hearing. I spotted 3 guy's this was going to be tricky. I climbed up and perched myself up high and looked and jumped my arm's extended my hidden blades out I took out The two guy's. The guy looked shocked and was about to yell but I quickly slit his throat ending him.

"6 down 2 left to go."

I got closer to The last two position and saw the 3 of them I could hear them talking.

"The shipment should be coming in soon. get ready. watch everything we don't want a certain person stealing it,"

as The shipment came in I saw it being unloaded it was in a box. I saw the girl nod and she was about to leave but I had other plans I throw two knives at The men killing them.

"I know your there show yourself now."

I came out of my hiding spot I looked at my enemy. still using my eagle vision, she was in yellow which means she could be a enemy or friend but I couldn't be sure.

"I knew you were coming eagle.  I heard a lot about you but I don't think you can handle me, should we test it out bird boy?"

Without a word I attacked her and she Was caught off guard.  I started throwing punches and kicks she was dodging them but she didn't see my leg and I caught her in The side of The head she staggered back.

"not bad, I guess I should be more serious then."

"By all means be serious. but It won't help you."

she put The box down and got into a fighting stance I knew she ment business so I got into my stance. we circle eachother seeing what The other would do. she attacked by kicking me I blocked her kick but missed her fist she caught me and punched me in my face hard I staggered back alittle she followed up by kicking me in my stomach I grunted and held my stomach,  she went to punch me again but I blocked her And I caught her fist and threw her over my shoulder.  she landed with grunt but I wasn't done I grabbed her arm and put my knee on her head and had her in a painful hold.

"Now I have you, so tell me what's in that box?"

"like I tell you anything Assassin. I don't give out information like that you would have to do better then that."

so I decided to use my hidden blades I flicked my wrist and out came my hidden blade.  I put it to her throat but not enough to kill but enough to prick her skin.

"Now talk whats in The box. if You don't speak I will kill you with out a moment's .

hesitation,  now speak"

"I rather die then give up info, to bad your going to kill me."

"Fine have it your way then."

I was about kill her when I heard a gun bein shot off I ducked out of The way.and rolled out of The way, I hid myself using my eagle vision I looked at a distance I saw a man using a sniper rifle he was wearing black and had a templar chain on. the girl got up and was about to grab the box but I used my throwing knife and it hit her on The hand. she backed off but I wasn't done I set the bombs off they all went off The guy stopped shooting and the girl threw down a smoke bomb. when The smoke cleared they were both gone, but they left the box behind.

"This is eagle I have the package, I'm coming in."

with that I picked up The package and was gone before scpd could get there.

I pulled into The eagle's nest john greeted me I got off and handed him the box. I took my helmet off

"what's in that box anyway?"

"This is a piece of Eden, it's from The middle east. I don't know why Dimitri needs it."

john took out The artifact as he took it out it was glowing Dante and john had to cover there eye's.  it was in a sphere shape it had what appeared to be writings on it.

"We just tip the scales in our favor dante, good work get some sleep you have work Tomorrow."

"Right then,  good night see you in The morning."

Sophia was at The building Dimitri wasn't to happy about her losing the package.

"You lost the package to eagle?  You have any idea what that means It means we will lose this fight,  because of you and you not doing your job you just cost us a huge gain. leave my site just go and don't show yourself here."

Sophia left not really caring Dimitri turned in his chair he signed and massaged his head in The last 15 year's he has gotten older he had a full beard and his hair was shorter,  he had maybe a few gray hairs. he has also gain much more power. but because of eagle he was pushed back,  suddenly a idea came to him he smiled and decide to call a friend.


"Hey it's me, I need you for a favor."

"Sure stop by tomorrow."

With that Dimitri hang up And he smiled smugly.

"Lets see scarlets own handle,  something stronger then him."


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