The order has crumpled, and shaky foundations.

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[Recape Marco had went and found out info on Dimitri. Now he's a little more step close ]

The Next day.

Dimitri felt happy with himself,  His plan was Coming together perfectly If He had To admit.  He was taking down old connections and Getting more and more powerful,  Now He just has to further his

Plan's.  He sat In his office Thinking Shadow Was a perfect Human weapon.

But He couldn't rely on Him for everything So He's been figuring out If He should, Get another deadly trainned Killer like shadow.

"Hm I wonder,  Should I Or shouldn't I might just think about it."

abstergo lab's

Abstergo was Still trying to Create project x. But was unsuccessful They didn't have enough data, and With No test subjects they were out of luck. They needed something anything But at last they couldn't find anything.   If They didn't find something project x would be closed.

Sebastian was In his office going over paperwork thinking and wondering, How He Can improve Project x But he had No idea how to.

"I need To improve The drug, But How Can I We don't have enough data or test subjects........thats it Test subjects."

The blotti household

Marco Was in The basement writing down In his journal.  His mind still playing from last night It would seem Dimitri is killing off people he doesn't want,  Now marco was on full alert Signing and rubbing his forehead He stopped writing.

And put his journal away going upstairs to see His family,  As He Looked he saw Dante In his playpen playing happily as Can be Dante was getting bigger.  And was getting smarter as well Marco went to pickup his son,

"Hey there son How are you Your growing up So fast. Wow son You're going to be strong to, Just Like dad Well see how big you Get son."

In response Dante simply giggled In return.  He pated his fathers checks Marco laughed at his son he carried him to The kitchen to see his wife cooking,  She turned around And smiled at her boys.

"What are My men up to?"

"Hm well, I was thinking we take Dante out To The park You know That really nice park. Old scarlet park That be Nice for us all."

"Yeah Dante would Lo-"

Marie Never got to finish The tv was on and it was important.

"We're sorry to interrupt Your regular program.  But a Murder had taken place at old scarlet park, Not much is known of The assault But The victim was a Young woman.  Sources say she was jogging At night The victim met her end and was stabbed and slashed to death,  But No arrest have be  made. Thank you very much well have more later tonight."

Macro Looked at The tv And was staring in shock. thinking who could have done this he will look into it more Dante had buried Himself Inside his fathers chest.

"Don't worrie son, Nothing is Going to happen to you or your mom I promise okay. Guess we won't be going to The park after all"

"No But we Can go food shopping, I been meaning to buy more food This is perfect we Can do it as a family."

With that Marco went to Get Dante ready,

Then he would get himself ready They would be doing something together as a family.  Marco was in Dantes room he opened his drawer to see what he was going to put on him, He found something

life of danteWhere stories live. Discover now