Draco and Luna (druna) veela...

By Jinxwolf

70.6K 1.5K 136

Just a little book I made Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin his also an Veela couning and devilish Luna Lovegood... More

part 2- draco'mate
part3- fate
part 4-Back to Hogwarts and Luna's Little Crush
part 5- she is mine
part 6- why him?
part 7- Tension
part 8-the letter
part 9-The Marking
part 10-Realisation
part 11-Selfish
part 12-In The Kitchen
part 13-Happy Ending
part 14- A Veela's love

part 1 - you're a veela

10.5K 205 51
By Jinxwolf

Today is Draco Malfoy's 17 birthday. Usually, he would wake up with excitement and ran downstairs and found luxury gifts from his family and friends, and usually his parents would hold a big party for him, usually. But this morning he woke up with a terrible pain in his chest. Clenched his fists on his chest, he pressing his chest, hoping the pain would disappeared. He screamed in pain. He had never felt this before. He scream hysterically when the pain is getting worse. He may be dead, he thought.

Lucius and Narcissa rushed into their son room. Narcissa's eyes widened in horror at the sight of her son. She knelt beside the bed and reached for Draco's hand. "Lucius, what should we do?" She asked her husband, sounding panicked. He grimaced in horror as Draco cries increasingly out of control, it was like a demon trying to suck his soul.

Lucius thought for a moment. He tried to think of a way so that the pain is reduced or even better, disappear. Then he remember something, how could he forget something important, it was obvious he was getting old. Several years ago he told one of his closest friend and also a potion professor at Hogwarts, Severus Snape, about Draco's condition as a half-Veela. Kindly, Severus brewing a powerful potion that the pain felt by Draco when he turned into a Veela disappeared. "The Potion, Cissy. Bring the potion here." He command, sound a little panic.

Without needing to be told twice, Narcissa quickly got up and ran toward their room where Lucius save the potion. Within a minute or two, she returned with a vial with purple liquid inside. With a quick movement she uncapped the vial and poured into Draco's mouth. Within a few minutes, he stopped screaming and panting heavily. Lucius and Narcissa breathed with relief.

Draco sat on the bed and stared at his parents dumbfounded. "What was that?" He asked.

"Get ready, and meet us in my study." Lucius ignored his question. Then he left Draco's room. Narcissa smiled softly before leaving the room and followed her husband.

Obeying his father's orders. Draco got up from bed and go to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later he came out and stood facing the mirror. He almost fell backward when he saw himself in the mirror. He looks taller than the last time he remembers, maybe 5" to 6", his chest and shoulders broader, and the muscles in his body toned, he looks so damn hot! Then he idly checking something between his hips, may be its size will grow. He smirked when he saw the size of his manhood grow as well.

Ten minutes later, Draco sitting on a leather armchair in his father's study, looked at his parents with a puzzled look, he asked impatiently. "What exactly was that?"

Narcissa sighed softly, "Draco, what do you know about Veela?"

He raised an eyebrow "Veela are mostly female, there are also the male, but they are rare. The female Veela are beautiful creatures and often tempt human males. The male Veela they are very possessive and jealous creatures just imagine their mates around other males only make them disgusted. Every Veela has a mate, who was chosen by fate. They must claim their mates before they turn 18 or they will die because of loneliness and heartbreak. It was awful, though." He explained calmly. Lucius nodded proudly at his son. "Would you tell me what happened?"

Lucius sipped his tea. "How do you feel now?" He asked dismissively.

Draco sighed annoyed. "Much better." He almost snapped. "Would you tell me what happened? Or I just sit here all day like a goddamn moron? "

Lucius smirked at him. "You're a Veela." He said quickly.

He chocked. "A what?" He wasn't sure what he had just heard.

"You're a Veela, dear." Narcissa answered softly. Draco narrowed his eyes, he almost laughed, but saw serious faces of his parents, he was holding his breath. He couldn't believe that he was a Veela.

"I am a full Veela and your mother is my mate. Your mother let me claim her right away after I told her that she was my mate, I'm very lucky that time. Now, you must find your mate and claim her as soon as possible before you turned 18. " Lucius told him loudly and firmly. He didn't like to repeat his sentence over and over again.

"We will accept her whoever she is. No matter if she is a muggleborn or a muggle." Narcissa said sincerely.

"Or even a guy." Lucius added.

"WHAT?!" Draco one hundred sure that he is not gay. Narcissa laughed softly.

"Just in case." Said Lucius teased.

Draco rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair, he closed his eyes. Then he saw the shadow of the golden-haired woman with blue eyes dancing with a big smile on her innocence face. He could even smell her scent, her scent is very tempting and almost made him drool. He soon opened his eyes when he felt he started to harden. He saw curious faces of his parents.

"I'm going to Blaise's." With that he left his father's study and apparated to the Zabini's residence. He didn't give his parents a chance to ask.

After arriving at Blaise's, Draco told him that he was a Veela. Instead listen to every word that comes out of his mouth, Blaise just laughed out loud. He said that Draco has been insane from the heat. But he stopped laughing instantly when he realized that Draco looks different. He looks taller and his chest and his shoulders are broader, and at that time he believed that Draco is a Veela.

"She looks like Luna Lovegood." Said Draco. Now he tells about the mysterious girl who danced around when he closes his eyes to Blaise.

"That's probably her. Maybe she is your mate." Blaise responded. "Besides, you have a crush on her for two years, aren't you?" He teased. Draco has a crush on Luna for 2 years. At that time he had always found Luna sat near the Black Lake while reading a book. He always watched from afar. Her golden hair flew in the wind, every smile that she made everytime reading interesting page, her calm gestures, and her soft voice always managed to make him melt. And right after that, he found himself had a crush on Luna Lovegood. He has tried various ways to get her attention, but all failed. He even called her 'loony' to get her attention. Instead try to approach her, he only made her life at Hogwarts like hell. He didn't mean to do that, he's just confused, because he doesn't know how to get her attention.

"Well, I am." He snapped irritably.

"Then go claim her"

Draco sneered at him. "You think it's that easy? I have made her life at Hogwarts like hell after all. She must hate me."

"Then go and make things right." Blaise snapped.

"Oh you want me suddenly appeared in front of her door and said," Hey, Luna would you forgive me? I have made your life at Hogwarts miserable. By the way I was a Veela and you are my mate. So I'm going to claim you and we will get married" Is that what you mean?" Draco said annoyed.

"Well, I don't know, do as you please. But you have to claim her as soon as possible or you'll go insane and destroying everything around you." Blaise warned.

Draco snorted in disgust. "I won't. It was very unMalfoylike. "

Blaise shrugged. "Whatever you say"

At 3 am, Draco suddenly woke up and looking for his mate. When he couldn't find his mate he screamed and destroy everything around him. He needed her. He want her. Right now!

Lucius and Narcissa who understand their son condition, try as much as possible to calm him. But Draco continued to wriggle and destroy the entire room like a lunatic. With the power of Veela it's impossible for Lucius and Narcissa to calm him.

"Who, Draco? Who do you want?" Narcissa asked softly.

"Luna! I want Luna now!" He yelled at her.

Lucius narrowed his eyes. "Luna? Luna Lovegood?"

Draco glared at him. "Of course Luna Lovegood. She was the only Luna that I want "

He didn't understand why after knowing his son's mate, Lucius sighed with relief. He was relieved that his son mate is not the Parkinson girl or one Greengrass sisters, they were awful to Lucius, their behavior is very big NO for a Malfoy woman. A Malfoy woman, should someone beautiful not pretty but beautiful, graceful, wise, has a great personality, and of course has a commendable behavior; which in this case the Lovegood girl has it all, she is the complete package. Besides, she was also blond and blue-eyed; the Lovegood's famous for their breathtaking beautiful blue eyes. He was one hundred percent sure that his grandchild would look so damn gorgeous if Draco has child with the Lovegood girl.

"Draco, you can't see her now, you will scare her. Just wait a little longer." Narcissa's voice disturb his thoughts. He came back to reality and see his son about to apparated to the Lovegood's residence. "Lucius, do something?" Narcissa pleaded.

Lucius sighed softly. "You can't go now-"

Draco cut him off, "I WANT HER NOW!" He snapped.

"You'll scare her to death. Are you going to scare her, would you do that?" He snapped back.

"I don't want to scare her." He defended himself.

"Then, wait until the morning"

"It's morning already." Draco said annoyed. He couldn't wait any longer.

"I mean until sunrise. I'm sure she's still asleep right now. She would not have liked it if you suddenly arrive at 3 in the morning and began to put your hands all over her. She'll kick you out just in a few seconds. " Lucius warned. "Just wait a little longer. I know how it feels. But you can't lose her. Play your cards right, then you can claim her as soon as possible." Lucius give advice. He aware of the relationship between his son with Luna Lovegood. Knowing that Luna is close friends with Harry Potter, they're certainly not good friends.

Draco nodded in agreement. If he shows up unexpectedly on her doorstep, it would only make her scared or annoyed her. With that Luna would likely reject him. He must be patient now. Patience is not his nature, but he will try, as long as he didn't lose her. "Alright, I'll wait"

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