part 6- why him?

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Walking in the empty corridor toward the Great Hall, Luna yawned lightly. Last night she couldn't sleep. Her mind kept wondering, what Draco and Harry do? Are they hurt each other? They were both very good with their wands, especially Dark Magic. They will be a dynamic duo if only they would be civil to each other.

She sighed heavily, hugging the books closer to her chest. She had Potion first. She hoped that Ginny has been in the Great Hall. She knows that it's too early, but it's better come too early rather than late. Snape won't tolerate it if there are students who come late in his class even if only one second.

Entering the Great Hall, her blue eyes landed directly at the Gryffindor table. There is only Neville and Harry there and some Gryffindors she didn't know.

"Good morning," she greeted as she approached the Gryffindor table.

"Morning, Luna," they said in unison. Harry looked up and smiled at her. She took a seat next to Harry.

"Are you alright?" She asked spontaneously.

Harry raised an eyebrow, "Yes, of course. Why you asked? "

She sighed softly, "No, I'm only worried when I left you last night."

"You don't have to worry, we just exchanged words, as I promised," he told her.

"It was a relief, then," she murmured softly.

"Um ... Luna," he hesitated.

Luna turned her head to him, "Yes, Harry?"

"Um ..." He still hesitated. He miserably wanted to ask her something. "Never mind," he grinned stupidly.

Luna narrowed her eyes, "What is it, Harry? You make me curious."

He shrugged, "It's nothing," he denied.

"There is something," Luna said solemnly. Harry sighed heavily, it's useless. He has stuck. Luna could read people very well. Sometimes her ability scared him. "Tell me," she added when Harry didn't respond.

"Well ..." he began. That question has haunted him all night. Draco's statement had made him curious to death. He couldn't sleep. It was a horrible way to start the first day at school. Damn you, Draco Malfoy! he thought. "Are you and Malfoy were dating?" Those words slipped out from his mouth. Neville, who was busy reading his Herbology book, lowered his book when he heard Harry's question. He glanced over at Luna, who looked down uneasily.

"Is it true, Luna?" Neville asked in disbelief. Luna just looked down; she didn't have an answer for it. She didn't know whether she and Draco were dating. Draco has proclaimed his ownership toward her. But Draco never said that they were dating. So, she just shrugged lightly. But Harry and Neville took that as a 'yes'.

Neville snorted, "Among all of men, why Draco Malfoy?" He asked in disgust. While Harry on the other hand, he wasn't disgusted, but he was disappointed. He asks the same thing as Neville. Among all of men, why Draco Malfoy? Surely, that ferret boy can't treat her properly.

"Why him?" Harry asked.

Luna shrugged, "Circumstances," she replied simply. Yes, she was with Draco because of the circumstances.

"What circumstances?" Neville demanded.

"It's not my story to tell," she said quietly. It wasn't her right to tell everyone that Draco is a Veela. It was his decision, whether he wants to tell it or not, it all comes back to him. Well, she told about it to Hermione and Ginny. But she believes in them that they would keep their mouths shut. They had promised her.

"Well, I don't find any reason why you should date him," Harry said, disappointed.

"He's very nice, you know," she told them.

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