My Wife: A Hamilton x Maria R...

By Chromatica_Schuyler

65.4K 925 1.6K

After James Reynolds dies his wife, Maria is struck by grief. She has no way to support herself. When an old... More

An Old Friend
Jefferson the Idiot
I love you... Maria Reynolds
The Next Morning
A Flame
Heart Break
The Funeral Pt. 1
The Funeral Pt. 2
Jefferson's Party
A Winter's Ball PT. 1
A Winter's Ball PT. 2
Walk Around the Lake
The Wrath of Angelica
Maria Parent's
Noble Women
Story of Tonight
Wedding Dress
The Letter Arives
Come Back To Bed That Would Be Enough
Angelica's Nightmare
Dear Theodosia
Maria's Birthday
Wedding Part One
Wedding Part Two
What the Hell? Wedding Part Three
Baby on the Doorstep
Lil Susan
Beautiful Babies Part One
Beautiful Babies Part Two
One Last Time

Peggy and Laf

778 10 26
By Chromatica_Schuyler

~Peggy's POV~

It was May 1st, about 3 weeks since Maria and Alexander's wedding. I was so excited to be an auntie, I love kids. Lafayette and I were taking a walk through the park. It was a quiet evening. The street lamps were lit, flowers were in bloom, the birds were singing, it was beautiful. Lafayette held my arm. We slowly walked down the road.

"Mon amour, you're quiet," he said, "is something wrong?"

"No Laf, I'm fine," I said, "Just thinking."

"About what?" He asked.

"Maria and the baby," I replied.

"Are you nervous?"

"No, just excited," I said cheerfully. We reached the big willow tree Laf loved because "In Paris they don't have, how you say, willow trees." I loved him so much.

"Tu sais combein je t'amine? (You know how much I love you?)" He said. God I loved when he spoke French.

"Oui, (yes)" I responded. He got down on one knee.

"Margarita Schuyler, I love you so much and have for the longest time, and I'm so happy to call you mine. You make me so happy and there is no one in the rest of the world who can make me this happy. You are so perfect and no woman will ever make me this happy. You are mine, and I want to make you forever mine. So Margarita Peggy Schuyler, daughter to Philip Schuyler, will you marry me, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette and become the humble Mrs. Peggy Schuyler Marquis de Lafayette?" I was jumping up and down, but before I could answear he also said it in French.

"Margarita Schuyler, je t'aime tellement et je l'ai depuis longtemps, et je suis si heureuse de t'appeler mienne. Tu me rends si heureux et il n'y a personne dans le reste du monde qui puisse me rendre aussi heureux. Tu es si parfaite et aucune femme ne me rendra si heureuse. Tu es à moi et je veux que tu sois à moi pour toujours. Alors Margarita Peggy Schuyler, fille de Philip Schuyler, veux-tu m'épouser, Marie-Joseph Paul Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette et devenir l'humble Mme Peggy Schuyler Marquis de Lafayette?"

"YES!" I yelled. He picked me up and kissed me with such passion it almost shocked me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

~Maria's POV~

It was early in the morning on March 2nd. I had barely gotten any sleep. I was 3 months pregnant and I already wanted this baby to come out. I just love kids and want to hold it. I thought it was going to be a girl, Alex thought it was going to be a boy. (Place your beats in the comments, also give me names, perferably historical ones.) I was making breakfast, eggs and toast to be exact. I finished cooking and began to eat. I heard Alexander come down the stairs, he was exahusted.

"There's food on the table," I said, looking at the newspaper.

"How are you my dear?" He asked, sitting down.

"Tired," I responded. He looked at me, grabbing my hand.

"You know how much I love you right?" He asked, I looked up and him. I nodded. "And you know I'm not going to leave you and the baby, right?" I nodded.

"Alex, why are you asking me this stuff?" I asked him.

"Because we both have father issues, and I want you to know that this baby, whatever gender, whatever they look like, I am going to raise like the proud father I am. I was a tad absent from Philip and Angie's infant-hood, but I promise this baby, I will be around as much as I can. I won't drown in work, I promise," he replied with a smile, taking another bite of egg. I smiled, not letting go of his hand for a while. We finished eating and I heard the mail come. I went out to get it. The only thing there was in the mailbox was a letter from Peggy. I opened it once I stepped inside. I quickly read it and then jumped up and down in excitment.

"What is it?" Alexander asked, running over. I began to read the letter.

Dear Maria,

My dear it feels so long I have forgotten the elequence that is your face, mind, and body. My darling, I hope all is well, for this child will be born into a loving family. Even though I love hearing about your life and the baby, who will be beautiful and smart, I have some life changing news for you and Alexander. You see my dearest, Maria, Lafayette proposed to me last night. It was so magical and I am proud to call myself his bride. We just got engaged so we haven't even started wedding planning, but we are aiming for September. Please tell Alexander that Lafayette would love for him to be his best man, and I my dear, Maria I would love for you to be my maid of honor.

Au revoir et bonne chance ma chère Maria, (goodbye and good luck my dearest Maria.)

Peggy soon to be Marquis Lafayette.

Alexander jumped up and down as well.

"I'm so happy for them," he exclaimed.

A/N Hello fellow humans, I hope you like this chapter. I kinda wanna have a bit of Meggy in the story, but not a lot, so anyways yes please give name suggestions for the baby.

---Elegant Panda Ninja

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