Third Mate #Wattys2018 (Compl...

By khiala77

144K 5.6K 326

Highest Ranks: #1 in Original Story 10/8/18 #5 in Second Chance Mate 30/7/18 #1 in Hurting 24/7/18 In the w... More

1: Past Love
3: Saving the day
4: The Morning After
5: Party Time!
6: Saving & A Sleepover
7: Going Separate Ways
8: Reading Up
9: Breakthrough!
10: Visiting The Answers
11: Dark Side & Dreams
12: New Info
13: Changes
14: Different Side
15: Interrogating
Dedications (1)
16: Flashback
17: The 3 M's
18: Marking Aftermath
19: Announcement
21: Tired & Anxious
22: Issues
23: The Boss
25: Torture
26: Plan
27: Recruit
28: Escape (Part 1)
29: Escape (Part 2)
30: Traitor
31: Returning
32: War is Coming
33: Fight
34: Attack
35: Continues
36: Breaking Down
37: Virus?
Dedications (2)
39:Big Day
Dedications (3)

2: The Wedding

9.9K 363 21
By khiala77

I take in my surroundings, this hotel is fancy! I sign in with the reception, and head to my room. Before I get there I here excited squealing and turn around to see Liana and Bell hugging, Zack sees me and waves me over.Darn it! I walk up to them slowly and give Zack a quick man hug, Zack and I aren't exactly friends. Bella turns to me next and smiles broadly, embracing me.

"Hey Liam, I'm so glad you could come. I can't wait for your surprise!" Bella says bouncing

"Come on, Bell let's let them settle in, then they can meet us in the dining room for dinner," Zack suggests guiding Bell away

"I'm so happy! Sir where are you sleeping?" Liana asks, waiting with her mate; Matt.

"In room 44," I reply looking at my key

"Oh good, my room is across from yours" Liana says

"Okay, I'm gonna hit the sack now," I reply

I unlock my door, and breath a sigh of relief. This weekend is going to be exhausting. I unpack my stuff, 3 casual outfits and 2 suits, one for back up. And obviously the toiletries, pjs, shoes, and spare clothes. Then I flop onto the bed and fall into a sleep full of memories about my past just like every other sleep. 

I am woken up by knocking on my door. 

"Beta Liam, dinner is in 10 minutes!" Liana calls through the door

"Thank you Liana, and please don't call me beta here, I don't want people to start running away or fighting me," I say tiredly, opening the door

"Oh, yes. Sorry sir....Anyways dinner is in 10 minutes," Liana reminds me, curtsying politely. 

"Yes, thank you. I will be there," I conclude our conversation

I jump in the shower and have a quick 2 minute shower, after waiting for it to heat up. Then I get changed into a dark grey button up shirt with jeans, I comb back my dirty blonde hair and head out. I find my way to the dining room and see a table with Bella, Zack, Liana, and Matt already there. 

"Hey Liam," Bella greets me

"Hello," I say shortly, not wanting to chat at the moment.

"Hey mate," Zack says in a friendly manner.

"Hey Zack" I reply

"Come sit next to Matt and I," Zack offers

"Thanks" I say siting down 

"So what do you guys want to eat?" Bella asks


After the dinner I say my goodbyes and head up to the room, the wedding is in 2 days time and I am half excited and half regretting my decision to come. Zack and Matt are really nice, and we get along but Bella is getting married and she was my second chance mate, so in my brain things are slightly awkward. I take off my shoes and get changed into my pj's then fall back into slumber.

~~~2 days later~~~

I wake up, and head down for breakfast.All of the guests should be here now and if not they will be arriving later this afternoon. I have been more comfortable now that I've spent  time with Bella and Zack, we went to the beach and we all hung out together. We had the wedding rehearsal yesterday, and it went smoothly. 

After having a delicious breakfast of eggs and bacon, I head out to the beach with Matt and Liana. Bella and Zack are busy preparing. At around 12 we head back to the hotel so that Liana can help Bell get ready and Matt and I can help Zack get ready. At 4 o'clock we start heading to the venue. Soon it's time to pair up.

"Liam, this is my bestie Layla King," Bella grins broadly

"Layla this is Liam Roberts my second chance mate," Bella introduces us

"Hey," I smile at Layla

"Oh, um....Hey," she giggles nervously

"Bridesmaids, groomsmen partner up," The planner says formally.

"It's showtime," Layla whispers to herself.

After the ceremony, we all head back to the hotel for the reception. Layla is very attractive and charming, I wonder if she has a boyfriend? I feel a connection with her, but that would be silly. It must be because I'm so lonely the first charming young woman I see I feel like I have a connection with them. Oh well, I might as well get to know her.

I squish between people, trying to catch a glimpse of her light brown wavy hair, she is also quite tall, roughly 5'9 or 175 cm. I soon find myself in the dining room, when I smell a faint trail of her scent; lavender and roses. I follow it to a room and open the door quietly, there I see a sight that angers myself and my wolf......


Hey guys! 😃 Cliffhanger.....

What did Liam see?



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