Gingerbread House

By Scarletred1990

959 65 153

Going to explore a forest behind your house, sounds fun! Specially if you're a child who loves the outdoors! ... More

Chapter One: New Neighborhood
Chapter Two: Exploring
Chapter Three: The House
Chapter Four: Movies
Chapter Five: Bath
Chapter Six: Worrying
Chapter Seven: Nightmares
Chapter Eight: Kidnapping
Chapter Nine: The Promises
Chapter Eleven: Witch Practice
Chapter Twelve: Training Field
Chapter Thirteen: Exhaustion
Chapter Fourteen: Cold Sweat
Chapter Fifteen: Horror
Chapter Sixteen: Twelve
Chapter Seventeen: Snowy Day
Chapter Eighteen: A Little Winter
Chapter Nineteen: A Little Thought
Chapter Twenty: Birthday
Chapter Twenty-One: Sex Ed
Chapter Twenty-Two: Little Things
Chapter Twenty-Three: Ashamed
Chapter Twenty-Four: Fire
Chapter Twenty-Five: Hand of Death

Chapter Ten: The Puppy

40 2 6
By Scarletred1990

Paperjam relaxed in the bathtub, trying to stall. He didn't want to be near that monster... He killed two people for no good reason! All because he was assuming that they'd kill him!

Still, he was scared... He wanted to run away... T-To try and leave! But, the fear of what would happen if he broke his promise...

"Jammy?" A soft knock came from the bathroom door. "Are you okay in there? It's nearly been two hours." The parasite called softly, waiting for an answer. 

"I-I'm fine... J-Just t-trying t-to relax..." The skeleton child responded, pulling his knees to his chest. "I-I'll b-be out i-in a minute..." He whispered the last part. He didn't want to get out of the tub.

"Okay, Jammy. I'll come back in half an hour..." With that, the footsteps faded into nothing.

Paper sighed softly, draining the cool water. Once the tub was completely empty, did the inky skeleton move to get up. 

He dried himself and got changed in a soft, blue, silk shirt with comfortable cotton pants. He liked the clothes, but it just... It just didn't feel right...

Sighing, he left the room and went to his bed. The bed was big and round. It being big enough to fit ten adults, shoulder to shoulder. So that made it a little okay when the other was down there, there'd be enough room between them...

The bed sheets were also warm, soft, and silky... They just made him want to sleep and never wake up again! Though, that might not go so well with his captor, who seems almost hell bent on keeping him there... Alive that is...

" Finally, you're out, Jamster!" The witch chuckled, smiling some as they walking toward the bed with the tiny child.

The killer looked down into the petrified monster's eyes as he caressed their cheek with love shining in his eyes. Jam winced at the touch, shaking some. Carefully, the older creature brought the child upstairs to the large kitchen.

"Why don't you go and get the ingredients that I call out and I'll show you how to make it?" Fresh held a peaceful tone as the child gave a shy nod. "Good." Fresh chuckled again, petting the young one's head. It was then that the witch noticed that something was wrong. "I'm being too pushy, aren't I?" He whispered, acting the way he used to.

Jam just shrugged softly, not sure how to answer. He also wasn't sure what the other meant by 'being too pushy'.

"Do you just want to relax on the couch and pick out a movie or do you want to help me make the trifle cake?" He whispered, his smile soft and gentle as he once was thought of.

"I-I'll p-pick out a-a movie..." The child mumbled, pulling away.

Fresh nodded, his soft smile still there. He gave a gentle push, going back to making the cake. He wanted to make sure that his little prize won't want to leave. Yes, he could just put a spell on the small one, but he wanted them to stay willingly. Whether it be out of fear or love, his little fairy was staying with him, no matter what.

He put the brownie mix in the oven and instantly started on the pudding, when he felt it... Someone was out of his little wall of thorns.

Sighing, he sat the bowl down and went outside. Maybe the child wanted some clean air o-or wanted to see the stars.

His mind raced with different possibilities, none of them daring to say he ran away... If that thought crossed through his mind... Even if just for a second...

At once the white skeleton monster saw the inky skeleton. As if he used light to travel, he was next to the young one. However, when he got there, he kept quiet watching the small thing in their arms.

"Hehe..." Paperjam giggled as the pup squirmed to get closer to him. 

The small wolf had deep, dark fur with the tip of their tail, ears and paws being an almost snow white color. The pup had yet to open their eyes, but the child presumed they would most likely be a gorgeous frost color. 

"Come on, puppy... You can open your eyes..." The child whispered, still unaware of the witch standing near him.

The puppy slowly open their eyes. One was a scarlet red while the other was a gorgeous cobalt blue. Jam gasped and instantly started cooing at him, nuzzling his head against the puppy. The little pup whined loudly as its odd eyes instantly found a threat near the small monster. 

Seeing as the puppy had found him, the witch placed his hand on the little one's skull. 

The child jumped, squeaking as he held the tiny thing closer to him. His eyes were wide with both fear and surprise, though mostly fear.

"Why are you outside the walls, Paperjam?" His voice held anger as well as something else.

"I-I heard b-barking... I-I went t-to s-see what i-it was..." Jam stuttered out, holding the little puppy a bit tighter as he refused to meet the older monster's eyes.

"Hm... Do you want to keep him?" Fresh asked, kneeling down to the child's height. 

"W-What?" The star eyed monster stared at the taller monster in disbelief! He could keep the little creature?!

"Do you want to keep him?" He repeated a small smile forming on his lips. 

"C-Can I?" There was hope in his words, in his eyes, in his entire being! He wasn't going to be alone here with this beast!

"Of course... I'll just have to make a collar for him so he won't wonder out of the forest and get hurt." The enchanter told, smiling at his prize. 

Paperjam smiled happily up at the other, giggling with joy! The puppy yipped, licking the child's chin. 

"Hehe. I'm going to call you Incobux!" The child proclaimed, getting up off the ground. 

"Such a sweet name." Purred the mage as he picked the child up. "Now let's get back inside, we don't want you to get a cold, now do we?" 

The child frowned softly, it wasn't even dark yet... It was still lunch time...

Reluctantly, the child nodded, nuzzling the pup's head. He hoped that things would get better... He didn't want to know what the older monster would do if things got worse... He really didn't...

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