Moving Forward ~1

بواسطة Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... المزيد

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
Towel Girl
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Life Turning Upside Down
Decade Dance
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Eligible Bachelor's
Double Date
Another Funeral
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
Doppelgänger Blood
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Aftermath of the Attack

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بواسطة Vampirediaries1996

I will just say it. Damon is my favorite right next to Klaus. Can't wait for him to show up and cause drama. Enjoy this update.

The attack on Vickie Donovan left the whole town puzzled. Nothing ever happens in Mystic Falls and on the night, we have our annual back to school party someone is attacked. It's hard for most of us to wrap our heads around. Matt is taking it very hard since he's the only one in his family to care for his sister. His mom isn't around and as far as I know, she still hasn't decided that her children should be a priority in her life. She would rather travel the country with her boyfriend of the week than make sure her children are being taken care of. Matt has taken it upon himself to care for him and Vickie. Being the adult he shouldn't' have to be at seventeen. Vickie's drug problems and rebellious attitude doesn't help things.

"Elena, we need to go!" I shout as I grab my bag. She comes out of her room heading towards the stairs which Jenna is coming up from.

"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" She stops us and I give her look over. The dress fits her nicely. She's not showing too much cleavage and her hair and makeup are natural.

"Depends, where are you going."

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference." We follow Jenna to the bathroom. "Hair up or down?" She shows us the up look.

"Sexy stewardess." I state and she quickly puts it down.

"Boozy housewife." Elena counters and we quickly high five each other from behind so Jenna won't see.

"Up it is." She smiles at us. "You two are feisty today. I look to my sister and I notice she has a genuine smile on her face. Nothing is forced.

"I feel good, which is rare. So, I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on sunshine, and all that stuff."

"And I'm just feisty because it's Monday." I say and Jenna chuckles.


"Where is Jeremy?" Elena asks looking into his empty open room. Jenna is fixing the last-minute fitting of her dress trying to make herself look the best possible.

"He left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse." Jenna notices our faces and stops fixing her hair. "There is no wood shop, is there?"

"I doubt that is an actual class in most high schools." I state as I wrap my head around that Jenna believed such a blatant lie from Jeremy.

"I'm confused are you psychic or clairvoyant?" Bonnie is trying to catch Caroline up on what her Grams have been telling her.

"Technically, Grams says I'm a witch. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something."

"And do you believe her on being a witch?" I ask curiously. I think being a witch would be interesting.

"I mean, Grams tried to explain it all, but she was looped on the liquor. So, I kinda tuned out. Crazy family yes. Witches? I don't' think so." I nod my head.

"Yeah, well, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night."

"What guy?" I ask Caroline. Her eyes light up when I ask her.

"The ever so perfect hot and sexy guy who kept looking at me last night."

"How hot?" I ask. Sometimes Caroline can have the worst taste in guys. She's never had a serious boyfriend and is at the point she will throw herself at anyone who will pay her attention.

"I'm talking there is no scale to grade him on. He has these smoldering blue eyes. They reached into my soul and said we should have sex."

"Oh...Okay, Care. Get his name first before you have sex with him." I can't help but wonder what kind of guy is so hot that you can't even put him on a scale. "What did you think about him, Bonnie?"

"I didn't see him." Bonnie is smiling as Caroline gets this look on her face that says she's thinking about him. "Only Caroline did. And why didn't you just talk to him?" She asks Care.

"I don't know. I was drunk."

"So, drunk that he may not have been there?" I ask quizzically.

"Trust me Sof, he was there and if I was sober we would be naked rolling around..." I cover her mouth.

"That's not appropriate

Jeremy's POV

I'm sick and tired of Tyler thinking he can get away with playing my sister and sleeping with Vickie on the side. He can't keep going around being the world's biggest dick. When I first found out that Vickie was sleeping with me and Tyler I was mad because I love her, but when it dawned on me that Tyler was okay with cheating on Sofia pissed me off even more. I was willing to let it pass since he said he was breaking things off with Vickie and devoting his whole attention to my sister. I foolishly believed him. I come out of the school and see him casually flirting with other girls. I don't know how Sofia is okay with this or doesn't know he does this. I storm towards him ready to give him a piece of my mind.

"Hey, Tyler. Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt. I was just wondering how Vickie's doing since you guys are so close." He smirks at me as I continue to grill him on his relationships. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine. Now get out of here."

'How bad is she? Do they know what attacked her? Is she going to make a full recovery? Was she happy to see you? What room number was she in?"

"I'm going to kick your ass." I take a threatening step forward getting in his space.

"Yeah, you keep saying that. But when are you actually going to do it?" I lean in closer so no one else can hear us. "And how would my sister feel knowing that you were forcing yourself on Vickie not too long before meeting up with her at the party? She wouldn't want to keep dating your cheating ass." I step back and I can see his face tensing up.

"You keep Sofia out of this!"

"Oh, she's in it. She's my sister and you aren't going to hurt her like you've hurt Vickie. So, I vote here and now." I shove him back and prepare myself for him to react but he does nothing just like he did when Vickie needed him most.

"Walk away Gilbert. It's your final warning."

"No, this is your final warning, dick. I'm sick of watching you play Vickie and hurt my sister. If you hurt either of them one more time, I swear to god, I will kill you." I got all the anger off my chest and storm away from him. Sofia deserves better than him and I wish I had told her the moment I found out. I believed him and I should have gone with my gut. Now Sofia is going to be crushed when she finds out if she hasn't already.

Sofia's POV

Elena finally joined us at the Grill. She still has the biggest smile on her face as we wait for our food. All of us have to meet to discuss the Comet gathering we're in charge of.

"Well, I was talking to Grams, and she said the Comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage. It created a bed of paranormal activity."

"Yeah and then you poured your Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens."

"Caroline, that's insensitive." I scold her. She shrugs her shoulders before turning her attention to Elena.

"So, then what?" She has been dying to know more about Elena and Stefan after he came over last night to check on her. She even invited him up to talk all night. I thought it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy-feely of any kind?" Caroline seems disappointed that it wasn't her.

"Nope. We didn't go there.' Elena goes back to working on the flyers.

"I mean, Elena. We are your friends and sister. You are supposed to share the smut."

"Care they honestly talked for hours. Trust me I ease dropped plenty of times last night." I stand up for my sister. Elena smiles and appreciates what I did.

"Okay, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Okay, it's easy. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. Sex."

"Profound." I say giving her my judgment look.

"Oh, please don't' talk to me about anything Sofia. You and Tyler were the talk of the school for making out heavily in public. People even said there was an ass grab."

"Well, you can tell your gossip sources they are exaggerating. Tyler and I showed a little PDA but it was nothing more than a kiss."

"With tongue." I kick her telling her to stop.

"Oww! Sofia!"

"Clam, down with your questions." I say and she just rolls her eyes at me.

"It's okay Sof." Elena places her hand on mine before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie asks her.

"Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it. Instead of doing what I started the day saying I was going to do."

"Okay, let me know what how it goes." I raise my glass to her as she heads out. "Get some action." She just turns her head not wanting to make eye contact. Elena deserves to be happy and if she sees something with Stefan she should go for it.

I headed to the hospital to bring Matt some food. I know from experience that the hospital food is less than edible and he could use a friendly face. I knock on the door and he looks up shocked and relieved at the same time.

"Hey, Mattie." I set the food down and give him some flowers for Vickie when she wakes up.

"Sof, I don't...I didn't know you were coming." He hugs me before he dives into the bacon cheeseburger I got him.

"Well, I was able to get away from Caroline's comet planning. And I had to see how you were handling everything. How is she?" I ask placing the flowers near her table.

"She's uh...she's getting as much rest as possible. She did say something weird though."

"Like what?"

"She said she was attacked by a vampire." I was taken back by this.

"I'm sorry...did she really say vampire? Like Barham Strokers Dracula?"

"I know it's insane but it's what she said. And also did to happen to see Stefan Salvatore when you came in?" I raise my eyebrow at Matt.

"Why would asks that?"

"I swear I saw him coming out of Vickie's room and when I thought I caught up with him he was gone. I know Elena wants to move on with him but she needs to be careful."

"Matte, she is a smart girl and can take care of herself."

"I'm not kidding Sof. Something isn't right about him and she and you need to be careful." I look at Vickie who's still out from all of the medication.

"We'll be careful Matt. Let me know if anything changes with her." I hug him once more.

"Thank you for the food Sof. I uh..." He seems like he wants to say something but decides against it. "Thank you."

"Of course, Matt. You're family."

"So, have you and Tyler talked?" Jenna asked me as we prep for dinner.

"About what?"

"Sofia, you know exactly what." I place the knife down. I know that there's something happening between Tyler and I. He's been lying about where he's been and billing on our plans more and more. I'm not as stupid as people may think, I'm just not able to handle getting my heart broken just yet.

"I don't want to ask." Jenna rests her hand on mine.

"Take it from someone who has been cheated on before. It doesn't get easier just because you ignore it."

"But what if I don't want to lose him." I feel my eyes tearing up. "I fear the moment I confront him I will have to end things with him and I don't want to give up on us...."

"Sofia, you have been suspecting him of cheating on you for months. You said two months after your parents died you felt something change between him and you."

"I just thought it was me being too emotional about everything I've been going through and..."

"What about when you found her phone in his car." I lower my head. Jenna brings me into a hug. "I don't' want it to be true either sweetie, but you deserve better than to have him keep lying to you. You deserve happiness." I nod my head as I cling to her even more.

"I know I shouldn't be okay if he cheated on me, but I love him so much and there's a part of me that says I should forgive and..."

"Sofia, he's still cheating while telling you he loves you. There's something wrong with you. And you have to ask yourself if it was reversed would he be okay with you having a relationship with another guy while loving him." I shake my head knowing that she's right. Tyler is very territorial and would kill another guy for even looking at me. This isn't how a relationship should be and I have to know I deserve better.

Elena walks in with a skeptical look on her face. "How did your meeting with Stefan go?" I ask and Jenna turns around interested too.

"He's on the rebound and has raging family issues."

"I'm not surprised."

"Why?" Elena asks worriedly.

"Lenny, when we asked if he has any siblings he said none that he talks to. I don't know about you but no matter how much you and Jeremy get on my nerves I could never stop talking to you. I may bitch at you but I'll still talk to you." I state and she nods her head in agreement.

"Well, at least it's an ex-girlfriend. Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues."

"Or cheating issues." I throw out and Elena turns to me with her eyes bugged out.


"Oh, I didn't tell you? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tyler is cheating on me and I just have to find out which bitch it is."

"Are you going to confront him about it?" She is concerned for me.

"I want to say something to him, but I'm afraid of losing him. No matter how wrong it was and is for him to cheat he's still been there for me all the way since mom and dad."

"I had no idea Sof. I want to kill him for hurting you like this."

"I love that you would kill him. I will let you know if I need to take you up on that offer." Elena brings me into a hug.

"See you girls need to always be there for each other. No guy getting in the way or stopping you from realizing that family is the most important thing."

"Trust us, Jenna, nothing can break Lenny and I apart except if she steals my boots again?" I point my finger at her.

"Your boots? Uh..."

"Okay, fine they may have been yours but you said you didn't like them because they made your ankles fat."

"I did not. I said they went missing and somehow the next day you found them and wore them and have refused to give them back!"

"Never mind about the boots. Jenna, nothing can break Elena and my bond." I declare.

"Good girls. Also, watch out for amphetamine issues." The front door opens and Jenna is marching towards Jeremy who is trying to ignore her. "Jeremy! Jeremy, where were you?" Elena and I are helpless as Jenna tries to get through to Jeremy. He's not wanting to listen to anything anyone has to say and it's putting a huge strain on this family dynamic. He has to get it through is thick skull his family will always be here for him rather he like is it or not.

Do you think Sofia will stay human or will she become something supernatural?

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