University of Manchester

By Cattt123

6.3K 175 24

Graduation has come and Sabrina is ready to get out of her small town of Palm Springs and into England. But w... More

Girls Make Our Judgment Cloudy
Delicious Tea
So Much For Thinking
Ice Cream Nose
Misconception of Words
A Girls Day Out
So Much For Looking Attractive
Where's His Number?
A Player?
Plans Changed
Sleep Over
Under the Bridge
First Day Of School
6 months later
Concert Night

The Day to Myself?

179 4 0
By Cattt123

    I'm awoken to my phone blaring on the bedside table. I reach my arm over, fiddling it around the table till I grab ahold of the phone. I slowly open my eyes to dimly see "Mom<3" across the top of the screen. 

  "Baby! How are you? Iv'e missed you so much! How is everything?" The words sped up with excitement. I felt guilty, realizing that I hadn't called her to tell her how my life was, and I knew she had been waiting by the phone the whole time expecting that familiar ring. 

   "Mommy! I'm wonderful! I missed you! Sorry I didn't call, iv'e been so buisy! But everything is great! I have so much to tell you!" I say, realizing how homesick I was. A few tears streamed down my face as I told my mom all about how my life has been and Eleanor, and the boys, and the dates. She replied with "ooooo", "Awwww!", "How cute!", "Aww baby!" , and other cute dramatic expressions. 

    "I'm so happy for you baby. Especially with that Harry boy! Iv'e seen a few photos but was baffled that the girl resembled you so well!" My moms words put me in shock. She's seen the photos of me and Harry? Oh my, what if people got photos of last night? She'll kill me!

  "Well I have to go baby! But I love you, and you better stay in touch!" I didn't want her to hang up. i wanted to talk to her for hours. "Love you too mommy! Sweet dreams!" I say, and then hang up the phone viewing the time I had talked to her. 3hours and 45minutes; Wow, I thought it had only been about a half an hour!

     I sat up in my bed, and felt my stomach growl. I looked over to the bed across from me to see Eleanors bed perfectly made. I wonder where she is. Oh well, today would be a good day to spend alone, I could use some time to think and get ready for the upcoming semester. 

   Coffee sounds delicious right now. I grab my wallet and throw some clothes on. I look in the mirror, to see that my face didn't look that bad this morning. I throw my hair up in a pony tail and slid some aviators on, and made my way out the door.

    I walk out of my dorm and down the street to see papparazzi everywhere. All of them casually standing around, clearly bored. Who are they around for? The boys aren't here. I see one womens head turn to me, and she began to yell. "It's her!" What? What's going on? I watch as they all turn and begin rushing towards me. My whole body froze up and I tried to run away, but my legs locked. 

     "Sabrina! Sabrina! What's this news about you and Harry?" "Sabrina! Can you clear up the rumors?" "Are you really a player?" "Sabrina what are you doing right now?" "Are you meeting up with Harry?" "Sabrina! Since when have you and Harry been together?" Words coming from every where. Paparrazzi sucking me into a tiny circle with no where to turn. What do I do? How do I get out of here? Lights flash in my face, causing me to lift my arm to cover myself. What is going on!?

    I reach for my phone and call the first person that comes to mind. Paparrazzi goes wild as to who i'm calling. A tear streams down my face do the pressure and nerves building up inside me. 

    "Hello beaut- whys it so loud? Where are you?" He asks, clearly hearing the paparrazzi yelling my name. 

   "Where are you at the moment?" I try to steady my voice and push my way through the paparrazzi. They wouldn't budge. I turned my body trying to push my way, but it was useless. 

   "I'm headed to the studio. Why what's going on love?" His voice sounded so sincere and questioning. Making another tear fall down my cheek. I can't make him leave the studio. 

   "It's um, nothing. Hope you have a good time." I knew my voice cracked during it, and I wish I couldv'e taken it back. I was steal fighting through the paparrazzi, and not making it very far. They still kept flashing cameras in my face and yelling out absurd questions, especially about who I was on the phone with. 

   "Where are you? I'm coming." His voice was a bit angry. I guess he heard the crack in mine.

   "It's fine honestly. I-I'm sorry I called." I was such a bad liar. Anyone could tell when i lied. 

  "Sabrina, where are you? I'm on my way to your dorm right now." 

  "I'm in front of the College." Were my last words before a paparrazzi accidently hit my phone out of my hand while swinging out their note pads.

  "Whose coming? Is it Harry?" "Sabrina, why won't you answer us?" "Are you hiding something?" Consistent questions evaded my mind, and I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. This is not actually happening. How do the guys deal with this everyday of their lives? How am i supposed to deal with this if me and Harry get serious? 

   I continue to push into people trying to slip through the crowd. Why can't you just let me be!? How does Eleanor do this? I hear someone yell out, and Instantly everyone turns. "It's Harry Styles!" Everyone runs towards him, as he makes his way towards me. What do we do now? Why'd you call him Sabrina? He's just going to get stuck. 

 I run up to the mob, and look over a few people to see Harry answering questions and making his way through the people. How was it so easy for him? "No problem."  I hear his perfect Cheshire voice say as he slips through the crowd, grabbing my hand and pullling me down the road.

   "I-I'm so sorry I called you." I try to say, but stutter through it.

   "No, don't be sorry. It's my fault. Look, are you okay?" He said while looking down at me.

    "I'm fine. I was just so scared, I didn't know who to call." Another tear streamed down my face. We were practically running down the road.

    "I'm so sorry Sabrina. Look, let's get you some food, and i'll bring you up to your room. We can spend the day at the dorm." I looked up to him with confusion.

  "You have to go to the studio though." I say, while grabbing my phone to look at the time.

   "I told the lads I had to go, we decided we'd just go overtime tomorrow." He looked down with a smile. He dropped all of his plans to save me? 

   "Okay, well the paparrazzi are getting closer, so we should hurry." I watch as paparrazzi run and take photos of our interlocked hands. It made me a bit nervous, knowing that the world is going to see this moment. Millions of people are going to be looking at photos of me, crying and freaking out. 

   We grabbed our starbucks, and snuck out of the back entrance for the employees, and began to speed walk out of the building. We both constantly looked around making sure there was no paparazzi lurking around. Finally, we were in the clear. I took a deep breath, pleased with the sounds of birds chirping, and not yelling paparrazzi. 

   "I'm really sorry love." He stopped and turned in front of me, leaving me with no choice but to melt in his perfection. I look up to see his green eyes, which express how apologetic he was.

   "It's okay. I'm sorry I made you drop everything you were doing to save me." I showed the same emotions through my eyes, hoping he'd see. His huge hands cup my face and send little tingles along my jawline. 

   "No. I'm happy you called me. It's my fault this is happening to you. And to be quite honest, it makes me really happy that you thought of me first when you were in a scary situation." He blushed a little, and I couldn't help but blush too. Harry made me feel safe; like no one could hurt me when i'm with him. Maybe that's why I instantly thought of him to call.

   "Shit. Run!" He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me through the grass. I turned my head to see about three flashes coming from the direction behind me. I'm no track star, i'm probably the farthest from. 

  "Ha- ha- harry! I- I can't- Ru-run." I say while panting continously. He looked back and saw my bright red face. 

  "Hop on! Quick!" He was turned around to give me another piggy back ride. I leaped onto his back using the last bit of my energy, and began bouncing up and down on his back. Well this is a bit awkward. Thankfully the dorm was only a few more feet away, so it wasn't too exhausting for him. 

   We made it up to the room, still on his back, and fiddled with the door to unlock while leaning over his shoulder. We enterted and he slid me down onto the bed. 

   "Thank you Harry!" I said, while hugging his torso. 

   "Of course love." His voice was weak, clearly out of breath. He was so heroic, how can someone be that perfect?

   "Here, you can lay down. I'll go search for a movie." I say while getting up and motioning to the vacant bed. He did as told and layed down in bed, sliding off his huge converse and slipping under the covers. 

    "Okay, do you want to watch a comedy, a chick flick, a kids movie, or horror?" i say while flipping through the hundreds of DVD's.     

   "Let's watch all of the above! One of each!" His cheerful voice sent shivers down my spine. 

  "Okay, let's watch Anchorman first! Yeah?" I look up to see his expression. His smirk transformed into a huge smile, showing off his dimples. 

   "Do you have popcorn?" He asked with a hopefull tone. 

  "No, but we could go get some. Theres a store like five minutes away." 

   "How about I go get it, and you can set up the movie." His perfect Cheshire voice sounded so sweet. 

   "Are you sure? i can go with." Of course I have to refuse his sweet gesture. He did enough excersize for the day.

   "I don't want paparrazzi around you. Youv'e had enough. I be back in a couple minutes." His soft lips gently touching my forhead before him exiting the door. 

  Oh crap! I need to get attractive! I rush to the mirror, and start applying cover-up and mascara. I can't over-do it or he'll notice! Wait, I should change into something more comfortable! I run to my closet pushing away random things. I decided on going casual and comfy. I grabbed my black tanktop, showing of a bit of my boobs, but not too much, and my pink sweats. I slid my pony tail off and let my long curly hair lay loose along my shoulder. I don't look to bad, stop freaking out Sabrina! I started the movie, and patiently waited in bed for him to come back. 

   The door opens slightly making my heartbeat speed up. "Delivery for a beautiful girl?" His sweet smile peaked through the door and a smile spread across my face without my control. He walked in with a box of popcorn and chocolate. 

   After he popped the popcorn, he handed the bag to me, and awkwardly stood there not knowing where to sit. Do it, cuddle up to him! I motioned for him to come join me in my tiny twin bed. A smirk grew on his face as he moved towards me. A rush of nerves built up, making my heart race. Play it cool. 

    "You look comfy." He said, while viewing my wardrobe. I grew self consious knowing he was looking at my body. 

   "Yeah, I got a bit comfortable. You can take off your coat if you want. I have a big t-shirt you can wear, it looks like that ones a bit uncomfortable." I say viewing his black coat and tight blue button up shirt. 

    "Sure!" He said, with a wide grin. I moved over to my closet searching for my huge shirts. I pulled one out and layed it against me advertising it. 

   "Haha, that looks good on you." He said with a cheeky grin, sending goosebumps along my arms. I threw it too him and turned around. I could hear him laugh from my action. 

   "You know, you can look." I could tell by his voice that he was smiling. My face flushed red from embarrassment. Really, that's my first action? I turn around to see him shirtless, his abs perfect. I just wanted to run over and touch them. 

   "Do you mind if I take my pants off? I hate wearing those things." His words were so casual about it. Pantless Harry Styles!? I think I might faint. 

   "I don't mind, uh whatever makes you comfortable." I was so nervous, I knew he could hear it through my voice. He laughed to himself and began to take his pants off, advertising his black Jack Wills boxers. I'm practically getting naked with Harry!

   He climbed into bed and slid to the wall, leaving a tiny amount of space for me. I slid next to him, and clicked the play button on the tv. We sat in silence for a few seconds, while the movie advertisements flashed across the screen. Then I felt his arm reach around my shoulder. My body tensed up in nerves. Relax Sabrina, just go with it. I relaxed my shoulders and cuddled my head onto his chest. 

   The movie was of course hilarious. We constantly laughed and shoved popcorn in our mouths. I could see Harry look at me constantly throughout the movie, from the corner of my eye. I'd look at him a few times too admitidly. I turned my head a bit to see his face and noticed that he was dozing off. His perfect curls falling all over his face. 

     I began to get a bit tired aswell, so I decided to snuggle up to him, lying my head on his chest and reaching my arm across his stomach. I could tell he woke up because his fingers ran along in my hair giving me butterflies. I didn't really realize just how tired I was till I layed there, and fell fast asleep.


    The heard the door fly open and hit the wall, and my eyes flew open. I lifted my head to see Harry still fast asleep, and realized how we were intertwined. My arm was across his stomach and our legs were intertwined. His head was turned to my view with curls fallen all over his forehead and eyes. His face was so adorable when he slept. I looked over to see his arm around my shoulders holding me. A smile grew on my face realizing how cute we slept. Then I remembered that the door was open. 

   I turn over to see all the boys and Eleanor staring at us. All of them with huge smiles on their faces. I turned red from embarrasment. 

   "Good afternoon sleepy! How was your nap?" Niall asked and I could tell her was being sarcastic. 

    "What time is it?" I asked looking around for a clock. 

   "7:30! We've been trying to get ahold of you two for hours! We thought you guys died or somethin'" Liam said in a worried tone. 

  "Well there was bit of a problem this morning, and then we decided to watch movies and I guess just dozed off." I said looking to Harry who was still fast asleep. 

  "Yeah, sure! That's why his clothes are on the floor?" Zayn said in smirk and everyone looked to Harrys shirt and pants on the floor. I totally forgot he was clothesless.

   "Um, well he just wanted to take his pants off..." I trailed off, not knowing how to explain. 

  "It's okay, we are just giving you a hard time Bri! We know Harry likes to get naked all the time!" Louis said and everyone laughed. 

   "He's a really deep sleeper!" I said while turning to him still holding me, and fast asleep. I wish the boys did'nt come, and we could just lay there for hours. 

   "Yeah, here. Get up. We'll jump on him!" Louis said and all the boys got up energetically to go attack the inocent sleeping Harry. 

   They all transformed into little children as they began to jump on top of the bed and Harry screaming "HARREH! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" We all were very humored by it and everyone laughed. 

   "I'm up, I'm up." Harry's raspy voice sounded irritated. He's probably had that happen thousands of times. He opens his eyes and looks confused with the guys presence.

   "What are you guys doing here?" "Well, we tried to reach you like a thousand times and both of you wouldn't answer so we came to investigate." Louis spoke with entertainment, clearly enjoying messing around with Harry. 

    "What time is it?" He said while stretching and sitting up. 

   "It's like 8 o'clock! Get up! We have a photoshoot tonight. it's last minute." Zayn said while looking into his pocket mirror and fixing his perfectly volumized quiff. I laughed realizing that he really was consedid. This fandom really knows their facts! 

    He got up slid his pants on and grabbed his coat. He lifted me from the ground and embraced me in a long hug. 

  "See you Wednesday." He whispered into my ear creating goosebumps. I pulled away and gave him my best attempt at a cheeky smile. 

   "Bye guys! See you soon!" I say while hugging all of them.

       Now it's time to tell Eleanor!

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