Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

By FanficDemon1701

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{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... More

Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Fleeing
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!
Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick

484 7 1
By FanficDemon1701

Warning mature rated Triggers and sexual conduct only for 18+ readers which might disturb some people, you will learn something horrible in Kita's Past she was forced to forget by a bad guy.

And slight short Beastiality not much.

Ray and Nicolas/Nick above


Warmth covers my body, softness engulfs me. Groaning as I shift my body against the warmth and the silky softness I felt a wet feeling stroke my inner thighs making me turn on my back. The wet warm feeling kept stroking my body between my thighs and then travelled to my knees, and arms as if I was having a bath. It felt nice having a warm wet I guess whatever giving me a bath.

I was groggy and not with it when this was going on, until I felt something nudging my thighs apart further and the warm wet feeling was gliding along my sensitive skin between my thighs making me slowly open my pink eyes seeing Sesshomaru's canine head in front of my gaze, his nose was a foot away from my legs and I shiver as his warm hot tongue was licking my core as if cleaning me up from our love making we did. Sesshomaru kept licking my sensitive skin in my core possessively to clean it.

I began to feel my womb spasm to life in arousal and I began to pant from him doing that making his floppy dog ears perk up and he tilts his head to the side and licks my core again making me shake my head. "Stop that!" I glare at him, since I wanted to rest from the last sexual romp we did.

Sesshomaru growled and gave my core one long possessive lick and turned his head to lay on his huge paws, side-glancing his red eyes with blue slits at me.

I look down at my womanly parts noticing Sesshomaru was cleaning my body up, something a dog would do for it's mate I would know when I read about canine behaviour in books Dad bought for me which I left back in my Era.

I reach forward and pet one of his big floppy ears, scratching behind it, and Sesshomaru closed his big eyes enjoying my fingers scratching his ear. "Thanks for cleaning me up, but I can't stay naked, I'm going to get me some clothes to put on okay." I tell Sesshomaru as I stand up and limp over to my purse where A-un was sleeping next to him and reach inside pulling out a yellow and white camisole with names of towns in my Era in Japan are in rainbow letters, and yellow and black cargo shorts with square pockets on the thighs, facing outward, as well as black sneakers. Even black panties, and a strapless black bra that clips in the back.

I tug on each article of clothing and was now fully dressed I felt warm arms encircle my waist and I smile knowing it was Sesshomaru hugging me to his front, and I could feel he was fully clothed too. Sesshomaru licks my neck where the scar of the mark was and I enjoyed him doing that and put my hands on his hands and turn my head more for him to lick it more and he does and scrapes his fangs against my neck. "Kita I love you please have my pups when I am in heat when my heat comes." Sesshomaru rubs his nose along my neck and I sigh enjoying his loving gestures on my neck.

"When is it due?" I ask and Sesshomaru kisses my neck.

"Three months." Sesshomaru replied and I nod, Sesshomaru nuzzles my neck and I put my hand on his right cheek and rub my thumb on his right cheek caressing it. "You will then?"
Sesshomaru asked giving me a warm look in his eyes narrowing his golden eyes down at me.

"Yes, but are you gonna tell any family first? And since we're engaged don't you want to marry me first?" I ask Sesshomaru who merely sighs turning his head away avoiding my gaze.

"Mother will not like it one bit, a fight surely amongst her and I will occur, so no I  will not tell her, she is not worth telling." Sesshomaru replied.

"I bet Inuyasha isn't either." I say sweat dropping at that.

"Actually I will allow that, since Kagome is your sibling she must know your decisions in this." Sesshomaru replied honestly. "Marriage will come soon, preparing it after my heat and we mate will be much better."
Sesshomaru puts his hand on my stomach against my camisole, and rubs my stomach gently. "I want to spoil the pup we have as much as I will spoil you in the future."

I laugh and put my hand on his. "If you spoil our kiddo too much they will be hard to handle in their teen years, and be too spoiled it will annoy you."

Sesshomaru chuckled and I then say. "Ha! Finally you laugh! GOAAAAAAAL! I GOT LORD SESSHOMARU TO CRACK!" I yell fist bumping the air and Sesshomaru chuckled more.

Yes, and I will oy laugh around you, nobody else, you may only have my laughter to yourself. Your jokes is what I fell in love with, your chipper personality, and your smile, all of you I love, everything about you, my mate, my perfect mate. I will cherish you til the end of days.
Sesshomaru mentally tells her, even though she cannot read his mind. Sesshomaru chuckled more watching her do her victory dance in front of him he admits is amusing and worth him chuckling a little. My how he loves her, she brightens his life entirely.

Sesshomaru smelled in the air bloodlust suddenly appear hundreds of miles away, bloodlust, jealousy, envy, vengence, and an aura that made him look upon the sky that had golds, blues, violets, and burgandies littering the sky the rising redish-orange sun was coming up into the world. Sesshomaru has a horrible feeling whatever made these emotions in the air he scented out bodes a foreboding future for all things among many in the world, chaos will ensnare the world. Sesshomaru will if it effects Kita his mate, he vows to protect her with his life!

In Kita Higurashi's Era....Evil soon blooms to threaten to come to The Feudal Era....


An enemy of Kita's Maiden In Black Street gang the rival to Kita in school and on the streets, Ray Piper, also known as The Deadly Piper in his gang.

Ray smirked as he looked upon the beat up members of Maiden In Black Gang, the good gang on the street Kita runs with Spankey Mankey, who  keep the street safe from the real thugs like Ray.

Ray kicked Spankey Mankey in the gut making the commander of Kita's gang cough blood. "Tell me where Kita is, we have a score to settle for her making me lose my right eye." 

"Fuck you I'd rather die then tell you!" Spankey Mankey coughed blood.

Ray kneels down smirking and sliced Spankey's throat with a hunting knife and blood gushed onto the cement. "Master, we found info where she went, back to her homeland of Japan, here's a letter." Nick his commander throws a letter and Ray caught it, Ray opens it reading it smirking.

"To Higurashi Shrine then." Ray says walking off. "Book us a ticket for Japan pronto, I will have my revenge for her taking my right eye and cutting off my left nutsack."

"Yes master." Nick says and ordered the tickets online on his cellphone. "It is done."

Ray cracked his knuckles smirking evilly. "I will beat her family up to tell me where she is."

Ray and Nick boarded the plane, and it took a day to arrive, the two took a taxi to go to the Higurashi Shrine, and Ray and Nick walk up the steps and see and old man in a kimono and Ray pulled out his golden pistol and walked up cocking it and pointing it to the old fart's head. "Where is that bitch Kita Higurashi old fuck?!" Ray snarled.

The old man trembled and gulped. Ray is a good shot with his pistol, this pistol was custom made with bullets that can pierce any armor, and he never missed a shot with his pistol until he met Kita Higurashi. Something about that girl was off, he felt it in his gut, and he had her beat up years ago, to the point she was supposed to be brain dead, yet she survived by a damn miracle when they predicted she would die! Something was not right, and Ray will find out why she survived, he beat her up to punish her for making him unable to conceive children, and his Mafia Family sees him a disgrace that a woman made him unable to have baby makers that cannot make children at all.

When he first met her he wanted to have her as his to make his bride for his family and have his kin, he had it planned out, but she refused and she beat him up and made him lose one nutsack, and she crushed the other so bad it no longer produces sperm at all that are fertile.

Yet he didn't give up, spying on her for a year, her gang on a holiday went out to get shitfaced drunk, when they got her drunk enough and he was in the bar she was in he paid the bartender to spike her drink.

She drank the drink and he approached her in a desquise, she didn't know who he was because of the disguise. The drug in her drink he put in it was working and he took her to his home and he fucked her so raw she was screaming to the ceiling, but she never screamed his name but a name of another man called Sesshomaru.

He kept her drugged up for one week, fucking her in every possible way and positions, and she kept screaming this other man's name unconsciously in her drugged state. Ray shot his sperm inside her that was no longer fertile hundreds of times over in one week, when he grew tired of fucking her raw he had a gifted medium wipe her memories of him keeping her captive and fucking her raw in many ways, but only kept she had a one nightstand then he had his minions whilst she was passed out they delivered her home secretly to her sick father with a note saying Ray defiled her, and not to say anything or Ray will kill her and her father.

The father said nothing, Kita fucked up a drug deal months later with her gang and again Ray beat her minions up and drugged her, and again he repeatingly fucking her raw for a week then erased her memories with the medium using his powers, Nick was the medium able to erase memories with his powers. Ray enjoyed fucking her so much for years after she turned 19, if she ruined many of his deals with criminals, he  would capture her again and drug her and fuck her raw for a week and erase her memories then left a note for her father the threatening note. He made copies of them he keeps with him wherever he goes for Nick to carry.

She pissed him off with a big deal again once more and that time he beat her up that time too angry, he made her be in a coma he didn't want her dead, he only wanted to punish her, but she was brain dead until she recovered with no memories of who he was completely.

Now he was furious and he wanted answers so he will get them from her family here in Japan.

"Tell me where she is or I blow your head off!" Ray snarled.

Ray had long flowing hair, like Naraku's, red eyes, and wore a suit that was black, a suit like in the movies Men In Black, he had his long ass length hair tied up in a red ribbon.
"P...please don't hurt my daughter or grandson!" The old fuck begged and Ray followed the old fuck to sliding wooden doors opening them and points to a well.
"She is in there to another timeline, but it sealed up you cannot get through!" The old fuck says and Ray slugged the old man and the old man fell on his back yelling out in pain. "My back!"

"Nick we go in the well, I don't care I want her as mine for good! I will not let her go this time am I clear!" Ray snarled.

"Yes, master." Nick bowed.

"What do you want with Kita?!" The old man asked.

"Make her my sex slave and my wife as punishment for making me unable to have children, she will pay with her body, for making my family shame me in the mafia in America that my baby makers no longer work since she caused them to not work!" Ray turned to the old man and laughed maniacally.

"No! Please I beg you don't do that to her!" The old man shrieked in horror.

"I will she must pay for making  me this way, my family shaming me!" Ray turns around and barked out. "Nicolas we go now!"

Ray walked down the steps of the shrine and jumped into the well, Nick follows and into the well, blue and purple swirling energy flowed around them and soon they floated to land on the dirt of the well.

Both of them climbed out of the well, looking around and Ray and Nick then knew the old fart did not lie, they were not in their timeline anymore.

Ray looked to Nick. "We find the nearest civilization and force them to tell us where Kita Higurashi is am I clear?!" Ray smirked.

Nick, or his full first name Nicolas bows saying. "Yes, my master I will follow you to the ends of the earth." Nicolas owed Ray for saving his life long ago, from being sold off to be killed and his organs sold on the black market, so Nicolas owed Ray a debt to serve him for the rest of his human life.

Ray walked down a long hill with Nicolas to a dirt covered area with old shack of homes, they  were made of wood with bamboo as the roofs. "N....Naraku?!" Ray heard a child's voice shriek in fear, and Ray turned his head pointing his gold plated pistol to a child wearing a blue kimono with brown fur in it, he had light brown long hair in a ponytail, a fluffy brown tail and had weird doggy legs he looked scared of Ray as if he saw a ghost!
"B..but we killed you!" The boy shakes in fear.

"I'm not this Naraku I am Ray Piper! What are you?! Where am I?!" Ray shot a bullet into the ground to scare the child and he scampered off yelling that this Naraku returned.

Soon a white haired man in a red kimono ran up drawing a sword that was a skinny rusted old thing,  but it transformed into a big sword the shape of a fog with fur at the hilt. "Naraku, you dare to resurrect yourself and come after us again when Kagome is with child I will you now!"
The man runs at Ray and Ray cocked his gun and shot the guy in both his legs making the bullets pierce through his legs and dig into the ground and the guy fell on his face his sword transforming back and he yelled in pain from the gun shots he recieved, blood gushing from the man's legs.

"As I said my name is Ray Piper eldest son of the Romanian American Mafia, I order you to tell me where I am, and where Kita Higurashi resides!" Ray cocked his gun, the gun expelling the bullets onto the ground.

Another man wearing a purple and black kimono, holding a golden staff, and a woman wearing ninja getup with a giant boomerang ran up and a girl in a red and white kimono slightly showing her pregnant belly in her kimono walked up with an old hag.

"Why do you seek Lady Kita?!" The guy in the monk outfit yelled.

Ray chuckled. "She will be my bitch, for making my family shame me! Tell me where she is, or the dog eared man gets a bullet to the head and trust me it will kill him!" Ray points the gun at the guy in red putting the tip of the barrel of the gun to the guy in red's head.

"Please don't shoot him! I'll tell you!" The pregnant girl screamed in horror.

"Lady Kagome you must not tell him!" The monk scolds the girl in red and white.

"Shut up Miroku, I can't let him kill Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled.

"Why does he look like Naraku exactly?!" The girl in pink and black ninja outfit asked.

"He maybe Naraku's reincarnation as was Kagome to Kikyo." The old hag says.

"Reincarnation figures, and why do you want my cousin?!" Kagome sobs as tears fell down her cheeks.

"That's my business. Tell me or I blow his brains out!" Ray roared.

"She's with a friend of ours, Lord Sesshomaru, but we don't know where! I swear! Please don't shoot my husband!" Kagome begged and Ray pistol whipped this woman's husband making him pass out cold.

"I thank you for the information, have yourself a good day you filthy swine." Ray mockingly bows and walks away with Nicolas following behind him.

"Master, how should we find this Lord Sesshomaru?" Nicolas asked.

"We beat up, kill, and maim anyone we find and ask where this Lord Sesshomaru is, and I shall steal that bitch of mine away from him she was mine first, I don't care if we got to hire some new members here to help us, I want her back and punish her once more and make her mine forever over and over underneath me for making my family shame me, and for them kicking me out of the family business!" Ray snarled as they were now travelling to go find this Lord Sesshomaru and kill him and take Kita Higurashi from the bastard who stole Ray's property which is Kita Higurashi!


Guys these two are the official villains in the story! Also there is a little sneak peak chapter ahead.

For about future characters!

To be continued.

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