I'm An Assassin, Not Your Mat...

By lassicot

573K 19K 1.8K

I'm usually sent to kill someone, but now I'm being sent to protect someone instead. Not just anyone, my mate... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

chapter 24

12.1K 477 55
By lassicot

It was a week before Tristan finally let me out of the house. I'm not even kidding. The first two days after we got back from where Antonio had been keeping me, Tristan stayed in wolf form the entire time. I stayed the night the first night and he huddled next to me, and when I woke in the morning he was in the same place still glancing around to make sure no one was coming to take me. Then when I tried to leave to go home he darted in front of the door and growled at me. Growled at me!

No one left and no one entered. Not me, not him, not his parents, not his sister. If someone needed something they called. Well the first two days he couldn't really answer because well you know, he refused to shift back to human form. If we needed something it was dropped off and the person ran away. Not joking.

The second day I had groceries dropped off because I was starving and when the door rang Tristan was in front of it in an instant and was growling up a storm. The person freaked, dropped the groceries and ran. I scolded him and the next time someone came to drop something off they left it quickly before Tristan could reach the door.

The third day he finally shifted back but he still refused to leave my side. He even made me go pee with the bathroom door cracked. That way if someone busted through the window he could get to me in time. He was paranoid to the max.

After a week I couldn't take being cooped up inside anymore. I told Tristan that I had to go home. I wanted my clothes, my weapons, and I needed to call the agency to tell them what happened. He was hesitant but finally decided I could leave. And by that I mean, we could leave.

He led me down the street to my house after I insisted on walking. He glared at anyone who got too close. But no one in this town was going to hurt me. All I received were happy and relieved smiles. But they knew not to get too close. If I was on one side of the street, they quickly crossed to the other. It was all due to the big, suspicious guy next to me, who even though he was in human form, he was relying heavy on his wolf instincts. He was getting quite the frightened looks.

When we got to my door he insisted on going first to make sure no one was inside, but as soon as he took a step in I followed behind him and shut the door. I received a very nasty glare.

I walked into the kitchen to make some coffee and noticed a plate of cookies and a handmade card from Hannah on the counter saying "Welcome Home!"

"She dropped those off a couple of days ago." He informed me.

"And you didn't want to tell me? Cookies go stale you know."

"I was more preoccupied with making sure you were safe." He retorted. I rolled my eyes and headed up the office.

I sat at my desk and Tristan sat in the chair across from me. I dialed the phone and waited, watching Tristan the whole time. It didn't take long for the receiver to pick up.

"Emma is that you?!" The director asked panicked.

"Yeah bossman, it's me." I replied and I heard the whoosh of air he let out.

"Where have you been! I haven't heard from you in weeks!"

"Antonio, he was behind everything. He held me captive for the past few weeks."

"Are you alr-"

"I'm fine and he's taken care of." I assured him.

"You've been through a lot on this assignment, perhaps you've been compromised and would benefit from some time off?" He trailed off and I knew this was it. He was giving me a way out. And even though I sat here staring at Tristan, the person who makes me the happiest I've ever been, I still couldn't imagine a life without the agency. 

"I'm fine, thank you for the concern." I gulped.

"Are you sure sweetheart? This is your chance to live a normal life, the life your parents had wanted for you." He wasn't asking me as the director, he was asking me as the best friend to my parents, and as the man who raised me after they were gone.

"I'm sure. I'm fine." And that was it. I sealed my fate.

"Alright. I expect to see you in the coming days." And with that he hung up.

"Who was that?" Tristan's gazed narrowed in on the phone.

"I had to call the director and let him know I was alive. I have to make some other calls so if you want you can shower and get something to eat." It was my polite way of saying I needed a few minutes of privacy. 

"I'll wait outside the door." He said and got up. Well I guess that's the best offer I would get from him.

I called the girls and made it quite obvious they were on thin ice. They had screwed up. And that screw up had partially been the reason why Tristan and I had been kidnapped and why Tristan's life was threatened. They were aware that one more screw up, no matter how small, would be their last.

After that I only had one more call to make. I dialed the number I knew by heart and waited for them to pick up. I knew it would be a long shot at this hour, it was the middle of the night for them.

"Hello?" A voice whispered, and I heard shuffling.

"Soph, it's time."

"Are you sure? I mean you can just stay and be happy." I got up from the desk and walked near the door, making sure to keep out of sight. I could see Tristan through the small crack. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, glaring at the floor. Even when he was overprotective and angry, I was still in love with him. And that's why I couldn't stay. He deserves so much better than me. If I love him, truly love him, I'll let him go.

"Expect me soon. Sorry I woke you."

"It's gonna be alright Em." The concern and heartbreak held in her voice made it hard to swallow.

"Goodnight." I hung up before more feelings could bubble to the surface.

I set the phone back on the desk and opened the door. His gaze lifted to meet mine.

"So." I said.

"So." He replied.

"Now what?" I asked.

"My family wants to see you." He offered up. Although it was very obvious he wasn't quite ready to share me again. He looked grumpy about the suggestion and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Something I noted he only did when he was uncomfortable or grouchy.

"Come on, you can share for a few hours." I laughed and pulled him down to the garage. He insisted on driving, even after I argued that it was my car. We pulled up to his parents house. He got out and opened my door. He gripped my hand tightly, leading me up to the door.

"Who knows when we'll get to leave." He grumbled and opened the door.

I was ripped from Tristan's grasp immediately, which made me snarl, and was pulled into a tight hug by Stacey, and before I could pull away we were joined by his mother, followed by his father, and eventually Jace. It turned into one giant group hug. The only one not joining in was Tristan, who stood in the corner brooding. Either at the fact that I made him leave the house which he thought opened me up to threats, or the fact that he now had to share me. Either way he looked cute all mopey and annoyed.

When everyone finally pulled away, Tristan was right there, arm around me, pulling me to the living room with everyone following.

"We missed you dear." His mother said and I smiled at her warmly.

"I missed you all as well."

"I missed you more." Stacey stuck her tongue out at me, making me laugh. I noticed she wore the amulet I got her for her birthday a few months ago. She noticed me looking at it and touched it self consciously. I smiled.

"How are you? You didn't look good last time we were together." I was referring to when I had to literally carry her from the battle because she was hurt so badly.

"Better." She beamed, but the fresh scar on her collarbone didn't escape my attention. It would hopefully fade in a few more weeks but for it was still a reminder. 

"I'm better, I promise." She said and I nodded.

"Well now that you're back you two can start making me some-" but a growl from Tristan cut her off.

"Some cookies?" She finished.

I laughed, "Yeah, you don't want my cookies, you'll get food poisoning." And we all laughed at that.

"Well lets order some food, I'm starving!" Jace said and I snorted. When wasn't he hungry.

After the early dinner, we stayed for a few hours just talking and laughing and catching up. I really did miss them.

Before we headed home I asked Tristan if we could stop by Hannah's house, I missed the little girl dearly.

We stood on the porch and waited. After what felt like a lifetime her mother finally answered the door and the relief on her face was evident.

"Oh my goddess! Hannah! Come here!" She shouted up the stairs and ushered us in the house.

"What?" She asked walking down the stairs and stopped when she saw me. Then she sprinted down the steps and ran full force at me. The impact knocked me back into Tristan who steadied me.

Hannah was clutching on to me tight and was crying hysterically. I led her over to the couch and when I sat down she crawled into my lap, sobbing into my shoulder. It broke my heart. This little girl, eleven years old. Crying uncontrollably. Over me. I rubbed her back trying to sooth her. Tristan came over and sat next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder and brushing away Hannah's tears with his other.  She eventually fell asleep.

"She looks so thin." I told her mother who was sitting across from us, a few tears in her eyes as well.

"She barely eats. When no one heard from you in weeks, she thought you were..well dead. It was hard on her. She barely eats and sleeps. I was about to send her to therapy to see if it would help."

"I'm gonna take her up to her room and put her in bed." I said and carried her up the stairs.

I set her down on the bed and unwrapped her arms from around my neck. She shifted and woke up but was still slightly groggy.

"Shh go back to sleep." I said softly.

"Are you gonna come back tomorrow?" She asked and a pang shot through my heart.

"Hannah.." I trailed off and she started to cry again. It wasn't like the sobs that wracked her body before, but a finalized cry. She knew.

"Don't go." She begged.

"I have to. There are people who need my help. Do you remember what that awful girl Jules did to you?" She nodded so I continued, "Well there are people out there who do that to others. I have to save them like I saved you. Do you understand?"

She sniffled, "When will you be back?"

"I'm..I'm not coming back Hannah. I can't. This..this isn't where I belong."

"But alpha Tristan is you're mate and you love him and he loves you?" She was young and didn't understand.

"Yes, but he needs someone who can give him what he deserves in life, and that someone isn't me."

"But he makes you happy." She pointed out.

"He makes me the happiest I've ever been, but I have to go."

"So I won't ever see you again?"

"I'll always be around, watching out for you."


"I promise. Now if anyone asks, we didn't have this conversation, okay?"

"Okay. Bye Emma."

"Bye Hannah." I tucked her in and walked downstairs.

"Ready?" He asked standing up.

"Yep." I said bye to her parents and headed out to the car.

It was a quiet ride back home, Tristan noticed. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Just fine. I'm just tired." I smiled over at him and he didn't believe me but let it go. He pulled up to his house and we got out.

I brushed my teeth and changed into pajamas, which consisted of underwear and one of Tristan's t-shirts. I walked back into the room to see Tristan already in bed as usual.

I turned off the lights and got in. His arms came around me instantly, pulling me to him. I was caged in. My first night back, Tristan rearranged his room so that his bed was in the corner against the wall. He slept with me between him and the wall so that his back was to the door. It pulled at my heart that he cared so much. I waited two hours for him to fall asleep. I had pretended to drop off to sleep fifteen minutes after I got in bed, thinking that he would fall asleep quicker but he fought sleep as long as he could. He played with my hair and rubbed his thumb over my cheek, pressing soft kisses here and there. Finally when I heard his breathing even did I open my eyes.

I took this time to memorize every inch of him. The small scar near his hairline, the definition of his arms that were wrapped around me, the furrow of his brows when he's having a dream. I ran my fingers lightly over his face. Memorizing how he feels. I knew I had to go for both our sakes but it was hard. I was in love with him. But I knew in my heart we couldn't be together. The only way to give him a chance at a real life, would be for me to leave his. I gave him a soft kiss. A goodbye kiss. Our last kiss.

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