For The Cash

By shesopradaaa

595K 18.3K 6K

18 yearsold Kamari is finished her 4 years of highschool and is now looking forward to college but there's no... More

Final Audition•
Fuck Kamari?•
She can't know•
He comforts me•
DNA Test•
I didnt mean to•
Main characters looks...
Moving day•
Pregnancy PAIN•
Back home•
Officially done•
It is what it is•
It aint what it aint•
It aint what it aint#2•
Locked up•
Hoes will be hoes•
To be continued•
To be continued #2•
Back to mommy•
Wanna update?
Stripper shit•
More & Better•
Bossed the fuck up•
Sequel is Published💋

Other niggas•

17.3K 557 175
By shesopradaaa

Two weeks later...

I was at Aces house watching the painter paint Mariah's room a light red. I had school in the morning so I went and then came straight to Aces house. Mariah and Ace had went to go find some furniture for her room. We're not moving in he's just making sure Mariah has her own room when she goes over to his house. I will not be moving in with him anytime soon.

I walked downstairs and took out s pack of chicken from the freezer. I then started peeling mash potatoes and grading cheese. I put the macaroni and potatoes in two different Potts and let them boil out. Well I waited for the chicken to unfreeze.

Ace's POV

"I want this one" Mariah said as she pointed to a white bed frame that had this sparkly see three mesh around it.

"Okay well you sure this your final one?" I asked her

She nodded. I had called the guy over and we talked. I paid him the $1,500 he said it should be delivered some time tomorrow around 1. There was a dresser that came  with the bed frame.

"My feet hurt" Mariah whined as she rubbed her eyes

I picked her up and carried her to the car. Once I buckled her in I got in the drivers seat and pulled off to Sk's crib.

"Wassup Daisha" I said as I seen Daisha coming down the stairs

"Hey how you been?" She asked me

"I'm fine. This my daughter Mariah Mariah that's Uncle Sk's girlfriend" I said as I pointed to Daisha

Mariah waved.

"Hey pretty you wanna come upstairs and mean Laila and Shawn?" She asked Mariah

Mariah nodded. She picked her up and they headed upstairs.

"She mad at you?" I asked Sk

"Ya I didn't even do shit though I ain't cheated in like 2 months" he said as he rolled up his blunt

Daisha has been with Sk since 9th grade. She stuck with him threw everything. Even though he treats her like total shit he's cheated on her like 5 times. But it's hard for her to leave him since she already has two kids for him and pregnant with her third.

"You doing her wrong bruh" I said as I laid my hairs back

"Nigga please let's see how loyal you is" he said as he lit his blunt

"Ima be really loyal. I ain't hurting my girl on some real shit" I said as he passed the blunt to me

"Speaking of Kamari where she at?" Sk asked me

"My crib" I replied

"We got shit to handle today right?" He questioned

I nodded.

Sk's POV

I went upstairs to tell Daisha she gonna go over to Aces house with the kids well me and Ace handle business. I walked in our room and she was on the bed laying down.

"Yo lets go" I said as I shook her

"Where? leave me alone"She replied

"You wanna stay home with the kids or come to Aces house and meet his girl well we handle business?" I asked her

She sat up and totally ignored my question. I guess she's coming.

"You tired?" I asked her

She nodded.

"Come here" I replied

She mugged me. But I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist and brung her downstairs shes only 2 months so her stomach ain't even big.

"You guys lets go!" Ace yelled upstairs to the kids

Kamari's POV

I was currently in the washroom throwing up. The scent of the paint just made me feel sick. I rinsed my mouth out with some toothpaste and water since I ain't have a toothbrush here. I then made my way to the kitchen well holding my stomach.

I mashed up the potatoes and took the macaroni pie out the oven. I then made myself Ace and Mariah a plate of food. Mariah I didn't put a lot cause she don't eat that much. Just as I sat on the couch the front door swung open. I looked at the door so quick and I seen Mariah another little girl and a little boy. I also seen Ace and Sk walk in and a female.

"You good?" Ace asked me as he sat next to me

I nodded. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Can you rub my feet?" I asked him as I put my feet in his lap

"I gotta handle some shit with Sk Ima be back later on" he said as he stood up

"I don't have clothes here" I said as I looked at him

"Go in my closet and get a t-shirt or sum" he said as he kissed my cheek

Sk was just staring at me.

"Can't say hi?" He asked as he mushed my head

"Bye" I said as I stuck my middle finger at him

"Ion like you. Anyways this my girlfriend Daisha. Daisha this is Kamari Aces girlfriend. These my two kids Laila and Shawn and Daisha you already no Mariah now see y'all later" Sk said as he walked out the living room

"Hey" I said as I waved to Daisha

"Nice to meet you" she replied

I nodded.

"There's some food in there if you want some I'll get you some" I said as I stood up

"Yes please me and my baby is hungry" she said as she rubbed her stomach

"Your pregnant?" I asked

She nodded "two months"

"Aww that's cute" I said to her as I walked in the kitchen

"How old were you when you first got pregnant" she asked me

"I was 16 you?" I asked her

"15" she replied

I nodded.

"Mommy I'm hungry to" Mariah said as she tapped my leg

Ivy came running behind her Ivy's been here with me the whole day and she's so annoying.

"Sit at the table. Laila and Shawn do you guys want some to?" I asked as I handed Mariah her plate

They both nodded.

"How old are you guys?" I asked them

"I'm 6 she's 4" Shawn said

Daisha is 21 so she had Shawn when she was 15 and Laila when she was 17. After. I gave them there food we were all now eating.

I heard the front door open for some reason my head was just pounding and I didn't know where the Advil was. I got out Aces bed and walked downstairs.

"Baby I need Advil my head hurts" I said as I followed him into the kitchen

He opened the third drawer and handed me the Advil container. I got a glass of water and took the pill I then sat down on the couch and put my feet in Aces lap.

"Can you rub my feet now" I asked

He shook his head no.

"Please" I whined

He started rubbing my feet. My phone started to go off. Zae was texting me.

What happen to our date shorty?

I have a Man...

Just as friends💯

Okay I'll think about it night💜

Night ma🤩💜.

"Gimme your phone for a minute" Ace said as he put his hand out

"For what?" I asked as I looked at him

"I want a finger print" he said

I handed him my phone and he put his finger print in.

"Put your Instagram on my phone to" he said as he handed me his phone

"Why" I pouted

"That don't matter you hiding something?" He questioned

I shook my head no.

"Exactly so add your account I said" he said as he looked at me

I just added my account. He then took his phone back.

"Why you still talking to this nigga?" He asked me

"Cause he's my friend" I replied in a duh tone

"Well you don't need friends you have me" he said

"Yes I do" I replied

"Fuck it then you have your friends I have mine" he mumbled

He flung my feet off his lap and stood up he then walked upstairs. I followed him he's being extra it ain't even all that serious. He got in the shower and I got in the bed when he got out he put on his boxer briefs lotion and some ball shorts he thee. Got in the bed and cuddled up with Mariah. He didn't acknowledge me at all

"Night" I said to him

There was no response.


Sorry for any errors. Is Ace over reacting or should Kamari not talk to guys? Let me know in the comments 10 votes for update

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