Spectacular Spidergirl


18K 206 31

About a 16 year old girl named Petrina Parker who goes to Midtown High in New York when her life changes for... More

Characters of this story
Time for my origin story
How did I deal with this new life change
New abilities
The story behind my parents
Testing out
Found him
Found him Pt 2
Guess who Doc Oc
Takedown Doc Oc
Your her
Venom Rising
Venom has arrived
Alternate dimension


707 5 0

Everyday I would see on the news a person that looks like me causing havoc throughout Manhatten. Well not me me but someone wearing a black spidey suit around the city causing crimes and J. Jasmine Jameson has been calling me a criminal ever since it ever started that week..whoo flashback time who doesn't love flashback time.

It all started one or two months ago when I first discovered it before it became venom. When it was just some alien symbiote stuff days before i even realized it was living on me. When it first came into contact with me was probably when I was sleeping. I must've been fast asleep not to feel anything. It must've crawled in my open window, and climbed up my bed frame and latched onto me without even realising it.

In the morning as i was about to put my suit on something just covered me up from the neck down, it looked exactly like my spidey suit excpet it was black instead. So i just thought cool don't have to change then.

For an outfit today i felt like putting on all black coloured clothes for some reason. So i found some black knee high boots, black skinny jeans, black long sleeve top and a black cardigan. (Shown below) something like this 👇👇

Once I'm done i head downstairs for some coffee, since when did i have coffee in the morning oh well.

"Morning Pete, wow whats with the outfit today. Thats not like you to wear that" Uncle questions me

"Morning and eh felt like wearing it today" i shrugh my shoulders at him as i drink my coffee. Mmm good coffee. Looking at the clock on the kitchen wall i look to see im late to school. Well i should head off then.

"See ya later Uncle" i wave to him as i make my way down to school.

Walking to school listening to music on the way there zoning out the world. Making it to school later then usual, wandering over to my locker just as the bell rings. Dammit oh well better get to class then. What do i have...AP Biology, im going to skip it i cant be stuffed listening to the teacher blabber on about bio things today.

Standing at my locker glancing to theedt and right to make sure no one is coming which no one is. It turn on my heel and make my way back out of school into the streets of Manhattan. Im just going to be Spidergirl today and not go to school. Its not like one day is going to bring down my grades anyway im on all high A's and B's.

On the lookout for a nearby alley to dump my bag in. I find one pretty quick so i dimp my bag behind a dumpster. As ive done that the alien symbiote stuff climbs up me covering me from head to toe. It looks like my suit except its all black its a nice touch.

Webbing my bag to the back of the dumpster. It then makr my way to the alley wall and start to crawl along it to the top getting to the roof of probably an apartment building. Now..where to sit on this thing, eh I'll just sit on the edge with my legs dangling off from up above.

Sitting there for a while just enjoying the view. Oh by the way i forgot to tell you i got a job at the Daily Bugle. Yes the one where J. Jasmine. Jameson works but Uncle Mason needs some more money since he now has to stay at home since my aunt passed away. Anyway i work there as a photographer to get pictures for the newspaper main ones being of Spidergirl.

Theres this other girl there too Ella Brock i think. She seems like she has this grudge against me i don't know why oh well who cares...not me.

And back to the present moment where i will soon stop a guy from robbing a store.

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