A nerd and their bully

By Luke_Powers

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These are true stories about my bullying experiences as a kid. (wedgies , swirlies , getting beat up etc.) I... More

1. New school new problems
2. Gym class bully vs the nerd
3. 2nd day troubles
4. Nerd revenge on bullies
5. Nerds can get girls
6. End of a long week
7. All good things
8. Bullies, natural nerd repellent
9. Another day another wedgie
10. Nerds obey their bullies
11. Wedgie bonding
12. Brothers are the worst
13. Birthday bullies
14. Back to school... again
15. Overcoming your bullies
Character descriptions
17. Nerd's first school dance
18. Nerd goes to a birthday party
19. Mess with a bully and you get the horns
21. Nerd loses his diary
22. Tighty whities trouble
23. You poked the bear...
24. The line you can't cross
25. Nerd gets high...?
26. What did I walk into?
27. Who would have thought
28. Last day strife
29. The worst is yet to come
Thank you!
31. A new and embarrassing chapter
32. Bad idea...
33. Life was too normal anyway
34. That could've gone either way
35. New grade same s***
36. Too far
37. Repercussions
38. Repercussions Pt. 2
39. New development
40. Mini-golf mishap
41. Celebrating your bully
42. Good Nerd turned bad
43. Celebrating your bully pt.2
44. New friend
45. Settling the score

20. More than just a bully

2.3K 8 9
By Luke_Powers

After two days in the hospital my elbow was reduced and in a cast with a sling. The doctor and my dad made sure I knew to not move my arm but other than that they said I could go back to school. Luckily Mike got suspended for the rest of the year so I didn't need to worry about him. It was my first day back so I got on the bus but was surprised to see Jason leaving Lee alone. I'm assuming Jason still felt guilty about beating him up so bad because Lee told me Jason had also been nice to him the two days prior. He didn't bother me during the bus ride either which was a pleasant surprise. When were at school was a different story. Adam and I were walking together between 1st & 2nd period when Jason came up behind me and slapped my right shoulder really hard. The shoulder of the arm that had a dislocated elbow a little over 48 hours earlier "Ow!" I yipped as pain shot through my injured arm, "Come on, please just leave me alone I'm already miserable enough as is." I complained. But in true Jason fashion he asked, "Jeez when are you going to grow a pair?" While pushing me. Now maybe it was just all the anger I had pent-up but I snapped, "Screw you!" I said punching him in the stomach.He immediately put his hand on my forearm then grabbed my bicep with his other hand. He kept my bicep still and my forced my forearm backwards, "Do you want me to dislocate your other elbow?" Jason snarled. He was putting so much pressure on my it felt like he was about to snap my arm right in half, "Stop I-ow agh ow I'm sorry please don't break my good arm!" I pleaded. Jason let go and and I pulled away,

"I'm sorry, I guess almost breaking your arm was too far but you shouldn't have punched me." Jason said offering a half-assed apology, "Hey Adam when was the last time I gave you a wedgie?" He asked changing topics and stepping toward a scared looking Adam, "Uh, I-I don't know, um not in a while." Adam nervously stammered backing away, "Well let's fix that." Jason chuckled lunging toward him. Adam screamed and tried to dodge Jason but he couldn't. Jason grabbed him then shot a hand down his jeans and yanked up on his white briefs, "No, Jason don't do it pl-YOW!" Adam yelled as Jason lifted his feet of the floor. Jason then started bouncing him up and down making him let out a series of ear piercing shrieks, "You sound like a little girl!" Jason hollered before cracking up. I felt really bad not doing anything to help Adam but what could I do? I can barely hold my own against Jason when I'm at 100% so when I can only use one arm I would get the **** beat out of me. Jason continued to bounce Adam by his briefs until he started to cry while grabbing his privates, "Let him go!" I demanded no longer able to just stand there and do nothing. Jason dropped Adam, turned and started to grab me by the shirt but the bell went off so he let me go and walked to class.After 1st period I went to 2nd then after second I went to third.

I was walking with Lee to lunch when Jason came up and pulled my shorts down to my ankles. A couple people that saw pointed and laughed but I wasn't amused. I bent down to try and pick them up but Jason put his foot down on my pants keeping them pinned to the floor. He then grabbed my bright vibrant red briefs and yanked me into the air leaving my pants behind on the ground still under his foot. I yelped and clutched my balls making Jason snicker, "Please just cut him a break Jason, you said you would try to be better. He just got his arm forcebly broken 2 days ago." Jason sighed and put me down then Lee helped me get my shorts back on. After my shorts were back on I started picking my wedgie, "Um...thanks for letting me go Jason." I said not sure what you say for somebody still bullying you just not taking it as far as they usually do; letting you off easy so to speak, "You're welcome nerd." He said looking amused by my awkwardness, "Hey Lee, do you want me to take you to see that new Star Wars movie after school today?" Jason offered, "Yeah, you would really take me?!" Lee asked getting extremely excited, "Of course I would take you, you're my favorite little baby brother." He said giving him a noogie.

The bell rang so Lee and I hurried to the cafeteria while Jason walked to class. After lunch was over we headed to 5th period, then met back up at study hall. Lee Adam were all playing cards when Jason sat down at our table, "Look it's my favorite group of nerds." He teased, "Why are you here instead of in class?" Adam questioned, "I skipped class, you got a problem with that?" Jason asked standing up and towering over Adam, "N-no, I-I-I don't have a problem." Adam stammered obviously terrified, "Good, now I was coming to ask if you two nerds wanted to come with me and Lee to the movies. I'll pay for your tickets since I know Lee really wants you guys to see the movie with him." He offered being uncharacteristically nice, "I can't go, I'm grounded." Adam said making Lee look to me. I was torn because I knew Lee really wanted me to come with but I didn't want to spend more time with Jason than I had to, "Sure, I'll go." I answered hoping Jason's niceness wouldn't wear off throughout the night. After school I went home and my parents said I could go to the movies. I made it to the Edwards house and knocked on the door. Their parents opened up and greeted me before promptly leaving for a night out, "Goodbye boys, have fun at the movies. Jason look out for your brother and his friend okay?" They said on their way out, "I have to go get my wallet then we'll go." Jason said heading upstairs. When he came back down though he didn't just have his wallet he also had a stuffed bear. The bear had pajamas on and a night cap on and Jason was smiling from ear to ear.

When Lee saw the bear he jumped up and ran at Jason, "Hey, why do you have him?" Lee asked frantically, "Oh I was just walking past your room when I saw snuggle bear laying on your bed. I can't believe you still sleep with this thing!" He teased holding the bear high over Lee's head. Lee kept jumping trying to reach his stuffed toy but just couldn't get it, "Stop Jason, I don't even sleep with it anymore!" Lee said defensively, "Lee slept with this thing every night until he was 10. I finally teased him enough that he gave it to me and stopped sleeping with it, at least until last Tuesday." Jason said grinning like a madman. "No Jason stop talking, please!" Lee begged with his face as red as a fire hydrant, "Last Tuesday our parents were out late so it was only me and Lee. I was asleep when Lee came in my room and woke me up. I could immediately tell he had been crying and he says I had a really scary dream and I want snuggle bear!" Jason hollered cracking up, "He slept with me and cuddled that bear all night then in the morning he said he wanted to start keeping snuggle bear in his room again!" Jason was still laughing when Lee punched him in the nose then grabbed his bear when Jason was bent over, "Agh, ****!" Jason yelled grabbing his now bleeding nose, "Oh my god Jason I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Jason please forgive me!" Lee pleaded starting to cry. Jason walked off to get tissues and Lee started freaking out.

"Oh my god, I'm such an idiot! He's finally been being a good brother and I punched him! Oh god what did I do? What did I do he's going to kill me!" Lee panicked still crying, "He's not going to kill you Lee, he loves you. I gotta give him credit he's been way better with you and even been a little less awful to me." I told Lee trying to calm him down, "I know he's been better but I hit him! All I want is for him to like me but now he's going to hate me and start being mean to me again." He choked out through tears, "I'll never hate you Lee." Jason said making Lee jump and let out a startled gasp. "I heard everything you said and I'll always love you. I had always wanted you to be intimidated by me but I never wanted you to think I don't love you because I do. I think you're an awesome person and having you as my little brother is more than I deserve." Jason admitted hugging his brother, "Really?" Lee asked, "Yeah. Now let's get to the movie theater, it's only 3 blocks away but the movie starts in 4 minutes and we have to walk." We got to the theater in time and watched the movie. Lee and I thought it was awesome but but I could tell Jason didn't. After the movie was over Jason and I went to the bathroom while Lee waited in the lobby. I was walking into a stall when Jason grabbed me and forced me to my knees. I was face to face with a dingy and dirty toilet that smelled absolutely putrid, "Stop please I'm gonna puke." I pleaded gagging on the smell that was so strong I could almost taste it.

I had my good hand gripping the toilet seat and my bad arm was useless. I was fighting against the force on the back of my head. When I wouldn't give in he let go and grabbed my red briefs with both hands. He yanked up and I yelped as my manhood was getting violently crushed. I instinctively grabbed my groin in pain and when I did he let me go then shoved my head into the toilet. My head plunged into the disgusting water and it started swirling violently around my head. Toilet water rushed into my mouth and nose making me choke. He pulled my head back out but I was gagging and choking on the water. Every time I tried to breathe in I would start coughing and gagging. Jason bent me over and started roughly patting my back then rubbing it, "Just breath." He said patting my back, rubbing it, and repeating over and over until I could breathe right again. I then immediately proceeded to run and puke my guts out into the trash can. While I was puking two kids who looked to be around Jason's age that had come in during my swirlie started pointing/laughing at me. My hair was soaking wet and my underwear was bunched up out of my pants which they thought was hilarious, "Hey why are you dumb-asses laughing at him? Leave him alone, if you keep laughing at him I'll do the same but worse to you, got it? Scram!" He snapped, "Are you good nerd?" Jason asked, "I'm not that great." I said turning and puking again, "God I can still taste that revolting water." I complained digging my briefs out of my butt, "Dry yourself off with some paper towels, I'll buy you a soda on the way back to our house for the bad taste." Jason said "Thanks." I replied drying myself off. We walked out and Lee shot me a knowing glance before we started to head back to their house. I had a good time and I was happy to see Jason being so great with Lee but I was ready to go to bed. All in all it was a good day.

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