Fight for me

By ArianaGrandeWWE

1.6K 81 4

Sadness consumes so many. Will it get the better of me or can he save me from myself? Do I love him? Does he... More

About This Story.
Fierce pt 2
Kingslayer pt1
Summer Slam
Oh No!
Thank You
Retreating Home
I'm Sorry
Talk 2 Me
Come Back

Good Morning

96 5 0
By ArianaGrandeWWE

Seth P.O.V

I wake up feeling Nikki's warm body laying on my chest. She looks so peaceful so I decide not to wake her. I turn on my phone to see I have 7 texts from Roman.

Roman: dude where are you?

Roman: Hello?

Roman: Are you coming to work out?

Roman: Dean and I are leaving in 10 minutes!!!

Roman: SETH!!!!!!!!!!!

Roman: Where are you man??

Roman: We are leaving now...

Well, I guess I'm gonna work out alone today, I should probably text them back so they don't worry. Outta the corner of my eye, I see Nikki's eyes start to flutter meaning she is waking up. 

Seth: Good Morning Sunshine

Nikki: Ugh What?

Seth: I said Good Morning

Nikki looks at me with a deadly look in her eyes as if she is gonna bite me.

Seth: Not a morning person I assume

Nikki: Yup!

Nikki rolls throwing the blankets over her head while I get up and make us some coffee. As I'm pouring the coffee I hear Nikki roll over and flop on my side of the bed. 

Nikki: I take 2 milk 1 sugar 

Seth: Who said your getting coffee?

I say sarcastically making her jump up from bed with crazy hair. I quickly finish making the coffee's throw on my shirt and walk over to hand Nikki her coffee,

Nikki: Thanks

Seth: No Thank You, for an amazing night last night 

I say smoldering giving her a wink

A smirk appears on Nikki's face as she says

Nikki:  No problem, I had the most amazing date I've had in a long time

Seth: My pleasure, didn't John take you out?

Nikki: No, and when he did they were awful, he would sit on his phone and never notice me until we got back to the hotel room and beg me for sex

Seth: That scum bag sounds horrible nobody should treat a girl that way, no matter who you are.

Nikki: I know, That's why last night I have never been happier to be on a date

I begin to blush, but hide it by stroking my beard. Damn, she has an impression on me.

Nikki: What Time Is It?

Seth: Time for you to get a watch

Nikki: Shut Up, It's 10:15 am if you cared to know.

Seth: I already missed my morning work out anyways. 

Nikki: you know I could help out with that,

Nikki looks at me putting her hand on my thigh as she gives me a ferocious wink 

Seth: I wouldn't mind some help... 

I say wrapping my arms around her waist, picking her up. I'm about to open my mouth to say something when I feel her lips crash into mine. They feel nice and warm and welcoming. I back her up against the wall as our makeout becomes more and more intense, she lets out a moan as I start taking my kisses down her neck. Right as I'm about to take my shirt off there's a knock at the door. 

Nikki: Seriously, 

I laugh as I put Nikki down and walk towards the door. I open the door expecting to see room service waiting, but I lock eyes with someone neither Nikki nor I was expecting to see. 

Nikki P.O.V

How did he find me?

How does he know I'm here?

What is he gonna do?

What does he want?




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