Come Back

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  Seth P.O.V

I race to my hotel room to see a note neatly placed on my bed, I picked it up without hesitation and began to read.

Dear Seth,

I'm so sorry, I have to do this. I liked you so much, you were my knight and shining armor.          You helped me through so much if it weren't for you I wouldn't be alive today. I dearly appreciate all that you've done for me, but I've come to the realization that I can not be here anymore. Tell Brie I love her and that I couldn't have asked for a better sister, friend, and supporter. Please tell my mom thank you for taking 30 years of her life to help me grow as a person and loving me every second. Lastly please tell Roman, Dean, Nattie, Paige, Eva, Sasha, Alexa, Alicia, etc that they were amazing friends and I loved them so much. I love you all.             You All Cared So Much but None Of You Cared Enough. Goodbye Seth, Thank You.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I read those words, I slide my back down the wall as I covered my mouth in shock. Roman and Dean stood at the door and watched as my emotions slowly took over. Dean slowly walked over and grabbed the note from my hand and read it as Roman read from over Deans' shoulder.

Dean: Dude you can't just let her do it we need to find her!

Seth: She's gone... she's really gone 

I let another tear fall from my eye. 

Roman: We can find her, spread the word, do something

Seth: We can't ... she's gone

Dean: Well you may have given up but as her friend, I'm not giving up

After that Dean pulls out his phone and starts doing something as I start to pray for Nicole, I pray that she comes to her senses and doesn't do it.

Dean: I got it! I got it!

Roman: What is it, Dean?

Dean: Nicole has find my iPhone on I know where she is!

Seth: Is she alive?

Dean: Well her phone is moving so yeah probably

Seth: We need to go, Now!

We get into Romans car and start to drive, Nikki I love you, I will find you and I will save you.


Sorry this is short this is just a filler chapter, Highschool is making me really busy I will try to wite more love yall!!!!

Do you think they will find Nikki?

Will she be alive?




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